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path: root/websdk/genshi/builder.py
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1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/websdk/genshi/builder.py b/websdk/genshi/builder.py
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+++ b/websdk/genshi/builder.py
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Edgewall Software
+# All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at http://genshi.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at http://genshi.edgewall.org/log/.
+"""Support for programmatically generating markup streams from Python code using
+a very simple syntax. The main entry point to this module is the `tag` object
+(which is actually an instance of the ``ElementFactory`` class). You should
+rarely (if ever) need to directly import and use any of the other classes in
+this module.
+Elements can be created using the `tag` object using attribute access. For
+>>> doc = tag.p('Some text and ', tag.a('a link', href='http://example.org/'), '.')
+>>> doc
+<Element "p">
+This produces an `Element` instance which can be further modified to add child
+nodes and attributes. This is done by "calling" the element: positional
+arguments are added as child nodes (alternatively, the `Element.append` method
+can be used for that purpose), whereas keywords arguments are added as
+>>> doc(tag.br)
+<Element "p">
+>>> print(doc)
+<p>Some text and <a href="http://example.org/">a link</a>.<br/></p>
+If an attribute name collides with a Python keyword, simply append an underscore
+to the name:
+>>> doc(class_='intro')
+<Element "p">
+>>> print(doc)
+<p class="intro">Some text and <a href="http://example.org/">a link</a>.<br/></p>
+As shown above, an `Element` can easily be directly rendered to XML text by
+printing it or using the Python ``str()`` function. This is basically a
+shortcut for converting the `Element` to a stream and serializing that
+>>> stream = doc.generate()
+>>> stream #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+<genshi.core.Stream object at ...>
+>>> print(stream)
+<p class="intro">Some text and <a href="http://example.org/">a link</a>.<br/></p>
+The `tag` object also allows creating "fragments", which are basically lists
+of nodes (elements or text) that don't have a parent element. This can be useful
+for creating snippets of markup that are attached to a parent element later (for
+example in a template). Fragments are created by calling the `tag` object, which
+returns an object of type `Fragment`:
+>>> fragment = tag('Hello, ', tag.em('world'), '!')
+>>> fragment
+>>> print(fragment)
+Hello, <em>world</em>!
+from genshi.core import Attrs, Markup, Namespace, QName, Stream, \
+__all__ = ['Fragment', 'Element', 'ElementFactory', 'tag']
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
+class Fragment(object):
+ """Represents a markup fragment, which is basically just a list of element
+ or text nodes.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ['children']
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Create a new fragment."""
+ self.children = []
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ return Fragment()(self, other)
+ def __call__(self, *args):
+ """Append any positional arguments as child nodes.
+ :see: `append`
+ """
+ for arg in args:
+ self.append(arg)
+ return self
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self._generate()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<%s>' % type(self).__name__
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.generate())
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return unicode(self.generate())
+ def __html__(self):
+ return Markup(self.generate())
+ def append(self, node):
+ """Append an element or string as child node.
+ :param node: the node to append; can be an `Element`, `Fragment`, or a
+ `Stream`, or a Python string or number
+ """
+ if isinstance(node, (Stream, Element, basestring, int, float, long)):
+ # For objects of a known/primitive type, we avoid the check for
+ # whether it is iterable for better performance
+ self.children.append(node)
+ elif isinstance(node, Fragment):
+ self.children.extend(node.children)
+ elif node is not None:
+ try:
+ for child in node:
+ self.append(child)
+ except TypeError:
+ self.children.append(node)
+ def _generate(self):
+ for child in self.children:
+ if isinstance(child, Fragment):
+ for event in child._generate():
+ yield event
+ elif isinstance(child, Stream):
+ for event in child:
+ yield event
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(child, basestring):
+ child = unicode(child)
+ yield TEXT, child, (None, -1, -1)
+ def generate(self):
+ """Return a markup event stream for the fragment.
+ :rtype: `Stream`
+ """
+ return Stream(self._generate())
+def _kwargs_to_attrs(kwargs):
+ attrs = []
+ names = set()
+ for name, value in kwargs.items():
+ name = name.rstrip('_').replace('_', '-')
+ if value is not None and name not in names:
+ attrs.append((QName(name), unicode(value)))
+ names.add(name)
+ return Attrs(attrs)
+class Element(Fragment):
+ """Simple XML output generator based on the builder pattern.
+ Construct XML elements by passing the tag name to the constructor:
+ >>> print(Element('strong'))
+ <strong/>
+ Attributes can be specified using keyword arguments. The values of the
+ arguments will be converted to strings and any special XML characters
+ escaped:
+ >>> print(Element('textarea', rows=10, cols=60))
+ <textarea rows="10" cols="60"/>
+ >>> print(Element('span', title='1 < 2'))
+ <span title="1 &lt; 2"/>
+ >>> print(Element('span', title='"baz"'))
+ <span title="&#34;baz&#34;"/>
+ The " character is escaped using a numerical entity.
+ The order in which attributes are rendered is undefined.
+ If an attribute value evaluates to `None`, that attribute is not included
+ in the output:
+ >>> print(Element('a', name=None))
+ <a/>
+ Attribute names that conflict with Python keywords can be specified by
+ appending an underscore:
+ >>> print(Element('div', class_='warning'))
+ <div class="warning"/>
+ Nested elements can be added to an element using item access notation.
+ The call notation can also be used for this and for adding attributes
+ using keyword arguments, as one would do in the constructor.
+ >>> print(Element('ul')(Element('li'), Element('li')))
+ <ul><li/><li/></ul>
+ >>> print(Element('a')('Label'))
+ <a>Label</a>
+ >>> print(Element('a')('Label', href="target"))
+ <a href="target">Label</a>
+ Text nodes can be nested in an element by adding strings instead of
+ elements. Any special characters in the strings are escaped automatically:
+ >>> print(Element('em')('Hello world'))
+ <em>Hello world</em>
+ >>> print(Element('em')(42))
+ <em>42</em>
+ >>> print(Element('em')('1 < 2'))
+ <em>1 &lt; 2</em>
+ This technique also allows mixed content:
+ >>> print(Element('p')('Hello ', Element('b')('world')))
+ <p>Hello <b>world</b></p>
+ Quotes are not escaped inside text nodes:
+ >>> print(Element('p')('"Hello"'))
+ <p>"Hello"</p>
+ Elements can also be combined with other elements or strings using the
+ addition operator, which results in a `Fragment` object that contains the
+ operands:
+ >>> print(Element('br') + 'some text' + Element('br'))
+ <br/>some text<br/>
+ Elements with a namespace can be generated using the `Namespace` and/or
+ `QName` classes:
+ >>> from genshi.core import Namespace
+ >>> xhtml = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')
+ >>> print(Element(xhtml.html, lang='en'))
+ <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"/>
+ """
+ __slots__ = ['tag', 'attrib']
+ def __init__(self, tag_, **attrib):
+ Fragment.__init__(self)
+ self.tag = QName(tag_)
+ self.attrib = _kwargs_to_attrs(attrib)
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Append any positional arguments as child nodes, and keyword arguments
+ as attributes.
+ :return: the element itself so that calls can be chained
+ :rtype: `Element`
+ :see: `Fragment.append`
+ """
+ self.attrib |= _kwargs_to_attrs(kwargs)
+ Fragment.__call__(self, *args)
+ return self
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<%s "%s">' % (type(self).__name__, self.tag)
+ def _generate(self):
+ yield START, (self.tag, self.attrib), (None, -1, -1)
+ for kind, data, pos in Fragment._generate(self):
+ yield kind, data, pos
+ yield END, self.tag, (None, -1, -1)
+ def generate(self):
+ """Return a markup event stream for the fragment.
+ :rtype: `Stream`
+ """
+ return Stream(self._generate())
+class ElementFactory(object):
+ """Factory for `Element` objects.
+ A new element is created simply by accessing a correspondingly named
+ attribute of the factory object:
+ >>> factory = ElementFactory()
+ >>> print(factory.foo)
+ <foo/>
+ >>> print(factory.foo(id=2))
+ <foo id="2"/>
+ Markup fragments (lists of nodes without a parent element) can be created
+ by calling the factory:
+ >>> print(factory('Hello, ', factory.em('world'), '!'))
+ Hello, <em>world</em>!
+ A factory can also be bound to a specific namespace:
+ >>> factory = ElementFactory('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')
+ >>> print(factory.html(lang="en"))
+ <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"/>
+ The namespace for a specific element can be altered on an existing factory
+ by specifying the new namespace using item access:
+ >>> factory = ElementFactory()
+ >>> print(factory.html(factory['http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'].g(id=3)))
+ <html><g xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="3"/></html>
+ Usually, the `ElementFactory` class is not be used directly. Rather, the
+ `tag` instance should be used to create elements.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, namespace=None):
+ """Create the factory, optionally bound to the given namespace.
+ :param namespace: the namespace URI for any created elements, or `None`
+ for no namespace
+ """
+ if namespace and not isinstance(namespace, Namespace):
+ namespace = Namespace(namespace)
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ def __call__(self, *args):
+ """Create a fragment that has the given positional arguments as child
+ nodes.
+ :return: the created `Fragment`
+ :rtype: `Fragment`
+ """
+ return Fragment()(*args)
+ def __getitem__(self, namespace):
+ """Return a new factory that is bound to the specified namespace.
+ :param namespace: the namespace URI or `Namespace` object
+ :return: an `ElementFactory` that produces elements bound to the given
+ namespace
+ :rtype: `ElementFactory`
+ """
+ return ElementFactory(namespace)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ """Create an `Element` with the given name.
+ :param name: the tag name of the element to create
+ :return: an `Element` with the specified name
+ :rtype: `Element`
+ """
+ return Element(self.namespace and self.namespace[name] or name)
+tag = ElementFactory()
+"""Global `ElementFactory` bound to the default namespace.
+:type: `ElementFactory`