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path: root/websdk/werkzeug/contrib/wrappers.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'websdk/werkzeug/contrib/wrappers.py')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/websdk/werkzeug/contrib/wrappers.py b/websdk/werkzeug/contrib/wrappers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd6a2d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/websdk/werkzeug/contrib/wrappers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ werkzeug.contrib.wrappers
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Extra wrappers or mixins contributed by the community. These wrappers can
+ be mixed in into request objects to add extra functionality.
+ Example::
+ from werkzeug.wrappers import Request as RequestBase
+ from werkzeug.contrib.wrappers import JSONRequestMixin
+ class Request(RequestBase, JSONRequestMixin):
+ pass
+ Afterwards this request object provides the extra functionality of the
+ :class:`JSONRequestMixin`.
+ :copyright: (c) 2011 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
+import codecs
+from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest
+from werkzeug.utils import cached_property
+from werkzeug.http import dump_options_header, parse_options_header
+from werkzeug._internal import _decode_unicode
+ from simplejson import loads
+except ImportError:
+ from json import loads
+def is_known_charset(charset):
+ """Checks if the given charset is known to Python."""
+ try:
+ codecs.lookup(charset)
+ except LookupError:
+ return False
+ return True
+class JSONRequestMixin(object):
+ """Add json method to a request object. This will parse the input data
+ through simplejson if possible.
+ :exc:`~werkzeug.exceptions.BadRequest` will be raised if the content-type
+ is not json or if the data itself cannot be parsed as json.
+ """
+ @cached_property
+ def json(self):
+ """Get the result of simplejson.loads if possible."""
+ if 'json' not in self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', ''):
+ raise BadRequest('Not a JSON request')
+ try:
+ return loads(self.data)
+ except Exception:
+ raise BadRequest('Unable to read JSON request')
+class ProtobufRequestMixin(object):
+ """Add protobuf parsing method to a request object. This will parse the
+ input data through `protobuf`_ if possible.
+ :exc:`~werkzeug.exceptions.BadRequest` will be raised if the content-type
+ is not protobuf or if the data itself cannot be parsed property.
+ .. _protobuf: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
+ """
+ #: by default the :class:`ProtobufRequestMixin` will raise a
+ #: :exc:`~werkzeug.exceptions.BadRequest` if the object is not
+ #: initialized. You can bypass that check by setting this
+ #: attribute to `False`.
+ protobuf_check_initialization = True
+ def parse_protobuf(self, proto_type):
+ """Parse the data into an instance of proto_type."""
+ if 'protobuf' not in self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', ''):
+ raise BadRequest('Not a Protobuf request')
+ obj = proto_type()
+ try:
+ obj.ParseFromString(self.data)
+ except Exception:
+ raise BadRequest("Unable to parse Protobuf request")
+ # Fail if not all required fields are set
+ if self.protobuf_check_initialization and not obj.IsInitialized():
+ raise BadRequest("Partial Protobuf request")
+ return obj
+class RoutingArgsRequestMixin(object):
+ """This request mixin adds support for the wsgiorg routing args
+ `specification`_.
+ .. _specification: http://www.wsgi.org/wsgi/Specifications/routing_args
+ """
+ def _get_routing_args(self):
+ return self.environ.get('wsgiorg.routing_args', (()))[0]
+ def _set_routing_args(self, value):
+ if self.shallow:
+ raise RuntimeError('A shallow request tried to modify the WSGI '
+ 'environment. If you really want to do that, '
+ 'set `shallow` to False.')
+ self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = (value, self.routing_vars)
+ routing_args = property(_get_routing_args, _set_routing_args, doc='''
+ The positional URL arguments as `tuple`.''')
+ del _get_routing_args, _set_routing_args
+ def _get_routing_vars(self):
+ rv = self.environ.get('wsgiorg.routing_args')
+ if rv is not None:
+ return rv[1]
+ rv = {}
+ if not self.shallow:
+ self.routing_vars = rv
+ return rv
+ def _set_routing_vars(self, value):
+ if self.shallow:
+ raise RuntimeError('A shallow request tried to modify the WSGI '
+ 'environment. If you really want to do that, '
+ 'set `shallow` to False.')
+ self.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = (self.routing_args, value)
+ routing_vars = property(_get_routing_vars, _set_routing_vars, doc='''
+ The keyword URL arguments as `dict`.''')
+ del _get_routing_vars, _set_routing_vars
+class ReverseSlashBehaviorRequestMixin(object):
+ """This mixin reverses the trailing slash behavior of :attr:`script_root`
+ and :attr:`path`. This makes it possible to use :func:`~urlparse.urljoin`
+ directly on the paths.
+ Because it changes the behavior or :class:`Request` this class has to be
+ mixed in *before* the actual request class::
+ class MyRequest(ReverseSlashBehaviorRequestMixin, Request):
+ pass
+ This example shows the differences (for an application mounted on
+ `/application` and the request going to `/application/foo/bar`):
+ +---------------+-------------------+---------------------+
+ | | normal behavior | reverse behavior |
+ +===============+===================+=====================+
+ | `script_root` | ``/application`` | ``/application/`` |
+ +---------------+-------------------+---------------------+
+ | `path` | ``/foo/bar`` | ``foo/bar`` |
+ +---------------+-------------------+---------------------+
+ """
+ @cached_property
+ def path(self):
+ """Requested path as unicode. This works a bit like the regular path
+ info in the WSGI environment but will not include a leading slash.
+ """
+ path = (self.environ.get('PATH_INFO') or '').lstrip('/')
+ return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)
+ @cached_property
+ def script_root(self):
+ """The root path of the script includling a trailing slash."""
+ path = (self.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') or '').rstrip('/') + '/'
+ return _decode_unicode(path, self.charset, self.encoding_errors)
+class DynamicCharsetRequestMixin(object):
+ """"If this mixin is mixed into a request class it will provide
+ a dynamic `charset` attribute. This means that if the charset is
+ transmitted in the content type headers it's used from there.
+ Because it changes the behavior or :class:`Request` this class has
+ to be mixed in *before* the actual request class::
+ class MyRequest(DynamicCharsetRequestMixin, Request):
+ pass
+ By default the request object assumes that the URL charset is the
+ same as the data charset. If the charset varies on each request
+ based on the transmitted data it's not a good idea to let the URLs
+ change based on that. Most browsers assume either utf-8 or latin1
+ for the URLs if they have troubles figuring out. It's strongly
+ recommended to set the URL charset to utf-8::
+ class MyRequest(DynamicCharsetRequestMixin, Request):
+ url_charset = 'utf-8'
+ .. versionadded:: 0.6
+ """
+ #: the default charset that is assumed if the content type header
+ #: is missing or does not contain a charset parameter. The default
+ #: is latin1 which is what HTTP specifies as default charset.
+ #: You may however want to set this to utf-8 to better support
+ #: browsers that do not transmit a charset for incoming data.
+ default_charset = 'latin1'
+ def unknown_charset(self, charset):
+ """Called if a charset was provided but is not supported by
+ the Python codecs module. By default latin1 is assumed then
+ to not lose any information, you may override this method to
+ change the behavior.
+ :param charset: the charset that was not found.
+ :return: the replacement charset.
+ """
+ return 'latin1'
+ @cached_property
+ def charset(self):
+ """The charset from the content type."""
+ header = self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE')
+ if header:
+ ct, options = parse_options_header(header)
+ charset = options.get('charset')
+ if charset:
+ if is_known_charset(charset):
+ return charset
+ return self.unknown_charset(charset)
+ return self.default_charset
+class DynamicCharsetResponseMixin(object):
+ """If this mixin is mixed into a response class it will provide
+ a dynamic `charset` attribute. This means that if the charset is
+ looked up and stored in the `Content-Type` header and updates
+ itself automatically. This also means a small performance hit but
+ can be useful if you're working with different charsets on
+ responses.
+ Because the charset attribute is no a property at class-level, the
+ default value is stored in `default_charset`.
+ Because it changes the behavior or :class:`Response` this class has
+ to be mixed in *before* the actual response class::
+ class MyResponse(DynamicCharsetResponseMixin, Response):
+ pass
+ .. versionadded:: 0.6
+ """
+ #: the default charset.
+ default_charset = 'utf-8'
+ def _get_charset(self):
+ header = self.headers.get('content-type')
+ if header:
+ charset = parse_options_header(header)[1].get('charset')
+ if charset:
+ return charset
+ return self.default_charset
+ def _set_charset(self, charset):
+ header = self.headers.get('content-type')
+ ct, options = parse_options_header(header)
+ if not ct:
+ raise TypeError('Cannot set charset if Content-Type '
+ 'header is missing.')
+ options['charset'] = charset
+ self.headers['Content-Type'] = dump_options_header(ct, options)
+ charset = property(_get_charset, _set_charset, doc="""
+ The charset for the response. It's stored inside the
+ Content-Type header as a parameter.""")
+ del _get_charset, _set_charset