/* * WYMeditor : what you see is What You Mean web-based editor * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Jean-Francois Hovinne, http://www.wymeditor.org/ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) * and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses. * * For further information visit: * http://www.wymeditor.org/ * * File Name: * jquery.wymeditor.fullscreen.js * Fullscreen plugin for WYMeditor * * File Authors: * Luis Santos (luis.santos a-t openquest dotpt) * Jonatan Lundin (jonatan.lundin a-t gmail dotcom) * Gerd Riesselmann (gerd a-t gyro-php dot org) : Fixed issue with new skin layout */ //Extend WYMeditor WYMeditor.editor.prototype.fullscreen = function() { var wym = this, $box = jQuery(this._box), $iframe = jQuery(this._iframe), $overlay = null, $window = jQuery(window), editorMargin = 15; // Margin from window (without padding) //construct the button's html var html = "
  • " + "" + "Fullscreen" + "
  • "; //add the button to the tools box $box.find(wym._options.toolsSelector + wym._options.toolsListSelector) .append(html); function resize () { // Calculate margins var uiHeight = $box.outerHeight(true) - $iframe.outerHeight(true), editorPadding = $box.outerWidth() - $box.width(), // Calculate heights screenHeight = $window.height(), iframeHeight = (screenHeight - uiHeight - (editorMargin * 2)) + 'px', // Calculate witdths screenWidth = $window.width(), boxWidth = (screenWidth - editorPadding - (editorMargin * 2)) + 'px'; $box.css('width', boxWidth); $iframe.css('height', iframeHeight); $overlay.css({ 'height': screenHeight + 'px', 'width': screenWidth + 'px' }); }; //handle click event $box.find('li.wym_tools_fullscreen a').click(function() { if ($box.css('position') != 'fixed') { // Store previous inline styles $box.data('wym-inline-css', $box.attr('style')); $iframe.data('wym-inline-css', $iframe.attr('style')); // Create overlay $overlay = jQuery('
    ') .appendTo('body').css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'background-color': 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', 'opacity': '0.75', 'z-index': '98', 'top': '0px', 'left': '0px' }); // Possition the editor $box.css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'z-index': '99', 'top': editorMargin + 'px', 'left': editorMargin + 'px' }); // Bind event listeners $window.bind('resize', resize); $box.find('li.wym_tools_html a').bind('click', resize); // Force resize resize(); } else { // Unbind event listeners $window.unbind('resize', resize); $box.find('li.wym_tools_html a').unbind('click', resize); // Remove inline styles $box.css({ 'position': 'static', 'z-index': '', 'width': '', 'top': '', 'left': '' }); $iframe.css('height', ''); // Remove overlay $overlay.remove(); $overlay = null; // Retore previous inline styles $box.attr('style', $box.data('wym-inline-css')); $iframe.attr('style', $iframe.data('wym-inline-css')); } return false; }); };