''' Bonus Tutorial: Using SQLObject This is a silly little contacts manager application intended to demonstrate how to use SQLObject from within a CherryPy2 project. It also shows how to use inline Cheetah templates. SQLObject is an Object/Relational Mapper that allows you to access data stored in an RDBMS in a pythonic fashion. You create data objects as Python classes and let SQLObject take care of all the nasty details. This code depends on the latest development version (0.6+) of SQLObject. You can get it from the SQLObject Subversion server. You can find all necessary information at . This code will NOT work with the 0.5.x version advertised on their website! This code also depends on a recent version of Cheetah. You can find Cheetah at . After starting this application for the first time, you will need to access the /reset URI in order to create the database table and some sample data. Accessing /reset again will drop and re-create the table, so you may want to be careful. :-) This application isn't supposed to be fool-proof, it's not even supposed to be very GOOD. Play around with it some, browse the source code, smile. :) -- Hendrik Mans ''' import cherrypy from Cheetah.Template import Template from sqlobject import * # configure your database connection here __connection__ = 'mysql://root:@localhost/test' # this is our (only) data class. class Contact(SQLObject): lastName = StringCol(length = 50, notNone = True) firstName = StringCol(length = 50, notNone = True) phone = StringCol(length = 30, notNone = True, default = '') email = StringCol(length = 30, notNone = True, default = '') url = StringCol(length = 100, notNone = True, default = '') class ContactManager: def index(self): # Let's display a list of all stored contacts. contacts = Contact.select() template = Template('''

All Contacts

#for $contact in $contacts $contact.lastName, $contact.firstName [Edit] [Delete]
#end for

[Add new contact]

''', [locals(), globals()]) return template.respond() index.exposed = True def edit(self, id = 0): # we really want id as an integer. Since GET/POST parameters # are always passed as strings, let's convert it. id = int(id) if id > 0: # if an id is specified, we're editing an existing contact. contact = Contact.get(id) title = "Edit Contact" else: # if no id is specified, we're entering a new contact. contact = None title = "New Contact" # In the following template code, please note that we use # Cheetah's $getVar() construct for the form values. We have # to do this because contact may be set to None (see above). template = Template('''


Last Name:
First Name:
''', [locals(), globals()]) return template.respond() edit.exposed = True def delete(self, id): # Delete the specified contact contact = Contact.get(int(id)) contact.destroySelf() return 'Deleted. Return to Index' delete.exposed = True def store(self, lastName, firstName, phone, email, url, id = None): if id and int(id) > 0: # If an id was specified, update an existing contact. contact = Contact.get(int(id)) # We could set one field after another, but that would # cause multiple UPDATE clauses. So we'll just do it all # in a single pass through the set() method. contact.set( lastName = lastName, firstName = firstName, phone = phone, email = email, url = url) else: # Otherwise, add a new contact. contact = Contact( lastName = lastName, firstName = firstName, phone = phone, email = email, url = url) return 'Stored. Return to Index' store.exposed = True def reset(self): # Drop existing table Contact.dropTable(True) # Create new table Contact.createTable() # Create some sample data Contact( firstName = 'Hendrik', lastName = 'Mans', email = 'hendrik@mans.de', phone = '++49 89 12345678', url = 'http://www.mornography.de') return "reset completed!" reset.exposed = True print("If you're running this application for the first time, please go to http://localhost:8080/reset once in order to create the database!") cherrypy.quickstart(ContactManager())