# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Edgewall Software # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://genshi.edgewall.org/wiki/License. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://genshi.edgewall.org/log/. """Core classes for markup processing.""" try: reduce # builtin in Python < 3 except NameError: from functools import reduce from itertools import chain import operator from genshi.util import plaintext, stripentities, striptags, stringrepr __all__ = ['Stream', 'Markup', 'escape', 'unescape', 'Attrs', 'Namespace', 'QName'] __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' class StreamEventKind(str): """A kind of event on a markup stream.""" __slots__ = [] _instances = {} def __new__(cls, val): return cls._instances.setdefault(val, str.__new__(cls, val)) class Stream(object): """Represents a stream of markup events. This class is basically an iterator over the events. Stream events are tuples of the form:: (kind, data, position) where ``kind`` is the event kind (such as `START`, `END`, `TEXT`, etc), ``data`` depends on the kind of event, and ``position`` is a ``(filename, line, offset)`` tuple that contains the location of the original element or text in the input. If the original location is unknown, ``position`` is ``(None, -1, -1)``. Also provided are ways to serialize the stream to text. The `serialize()` method will return an iterator over generated strings, while `render()` returns the complete generated text at once. Both accept various parameters that impact the way the stream is serialized. """ __slots__ = ['events', 'serializer'] START = StreamEventKind('START') #: a start tag END = StreamEventKind('END') #: an end tag TEXT = StreamEventKind('TEXT') #: literal text XML_DECL = StreamEventKind('XML_DECL') #: XML declaration DOCTYPE = StreamEventKind('DOCTYPE') #: doctype declaration START_NS = StreamEventKind('START_NS') #: start namespace mapping END_NS = StreamEventKind('END_NS') #: end namespace mapping START_CDATA = StreamEventKind('START_CDATA') #: start CDATA section END_CDATA = StreamEventKind('END_CDATA') #: end CDATA section PI = StreamEventKind('PI') #: processing instruction COMMENT = StreamEventKind('COMMENT') #: comment def __init__(self, events, serializer=None): """Initialize the stream with a sequence of markup events. :param events: a sequence or iterable providing the events :param serializer: the default serialization method to use for this stream :note: Changed in 0.5: added the `serializer` argument """ self.events = events #: The underlying iterable producing the events self.serializer = serializer #: The default serializion method def __iter__(self): return iter(self.events) def __or__(self, function): """Override the "bitwise or" operator to apply filters or serializers to the stream, providing a syntax similar to pipes on Unix shells. Assume the following stream produced by the `HTML` function: >>> from genshi.input import HTML >>> html = HTML('''

Hello, world!

''') >>> print(html)

Hello, world!

A filter such as the HTML sanitizer can be applied to that stream using the pipe notation as follows: >>> from genshi.filters import HTMLSanitizer >>> sanitizer = HTMLSanitizer() >>> print(html | sanitizer)

Hello, world!

Filters can be any function that accepts and produces a stream (where a stream is anything that iterates over events): >>> def uppercase(stream): ... for kind, data, pos in stream: ... if kind is TEXT: ... data = data.upper() ... yield kind, data, pos >>> print(html | sanitizer | uppercase)


Serializers can also be used with this notation: >>> from genshi.output import TextSerializer >>> output = TextSerializer() >>> print(html | sanitizer | uppercase | output) HELLO, WORLD! Commonly, serializers should be used at the end of the "pipeline"; using them somewhere in the middle may produce unexpected results. :param function: the callable object that should be applied as a filter :return: the filtered stream :rtype: `Stream` """ return Stream(_ensure(function(self)), serializer=self.serializer) def filter(self, *filters): """Apply filters to the stream. This method returns a new stream with the given filters applied. The filters must be callables that accept the stream object as parameter, and return the filtered stream. The call:: stream.filter(filter1, filter2) is equivalent to:: stream | filter1 | filter2 :param filters: one or more callable objects that should be applied as filters :return: the filtered stream :rtype: `Stream` """ return reduce(operator.or_, (self,) + filters) def render(self, method=None, encoding='utf-8', out=None, **kwargs): """Return a string representation of the stream. Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the serializer, and thus depend on the `method` parameter value. :param method: determines how the stream is serialized; can be either "xml", "xhtml", "html", "text", or a custom serializer class; if `None`, the default serialization method of the stream is used :param encoding: how the output string should be encoded; if set to `None`, this method returns a `unicode` object :param out: a file-like object that the output should be written to instead of being returned as one big string; note that if this is a file or socket (or similar), the `encoding` must not be `None` (that is, the output must be encoded) :return: a `str` or `unicode` object (depending on the `encoding` parameter), or `None` if the `out` parameter is provided :rtype: `basestring` :see: XMLSerializer, XHTMLSerializer, HTMLSerializer, TextSerializer :note: Changed in 0.5: added the `out` parameter """ from genshi.output import encode if method is None: method = self.serializer or 'xml' generator = self.serialize(method=method, **kwargs) return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out=out) def select(self, path, namespaces=None, variables=None): """Return a new stream that contains the events matching the given XPath expression. >>> from genshi import HTML >>> stream = HTML('foobar') >>> print(stream.select('elem')) foobar >>> print(stream.select('elem/text()')) foobar Note that the outermost element of the stream becomes the *context node* for the XPath test. That means that the expression "doc" would not match anything in the example above, because it only tests against child elements of the outermost element: >>> print(stream.select('doc')) You can use the "." expression to match the context node itself (although that usually makes little sense): >>> print(stream.select('.')) foobar :param path: a string containing the XPath expression :param namespaces: mapping of namespace prefixes used in the path :param variables: mapping of variable names to values :return: the selected substream :rtype: `Stream` :raises PathSyntaxError: if the given path expression is invalid or not supported """ from genshi.path import Path return Path(path).select(self, namespaces, variables) def serialize(self, method='xml', **kwargs): """Generate strings corresponding to a specific serialization of the stream. Unlike the `render()` method, this method is a generator that returns the serialized output incrementally, as opposed to returning a single string. Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the serializer, and thus depend on the `method` parameter value. :param method: determines how the stream is serialized; can be either "xml", "xhtml", "html", "text", or a custom serializer class; if `None`, the default serialization method of the stream is used :return: an iterator over the serialization results (`Markup` or `unicode` objects, depending on the serialization method) :rtype: ``iterator`` :see: XMLSerializer, XHTMLSerializer, HTMLSerializer, TextSerializer """ from genshi.output import get_serializer if method is None: method = self.serializer or 'xml' return get_serializer(method, **kwargs)(_ensure(self)) def __str__(self): return self.render() def __unicode__(self): return self.render(encoding=None) def __html__(self): return self START = Stream.START END = Stream.END TEXT = Stream.TEXT XML_DECL = Stream.XML_DECL DOCTYPE = Stream.DOCTYPE START_NS = Stream.START_NS END_NS = Stream.END_NS START_CDATA = Stream.START_CDATA END_CDATA = Stream.END_CDATA PI = Stream.PI COMMENT = Stream.COMMENT def _ensure(stream): """Ensure that every item on the stream is actually a markup event.""" stream = iter(stream) event = stream.next() # Check whether the iterable is a real markup event stream by examining the # first item it yields; if it's not we'll need to do some conversion if type(event) is not tuple or len(event) != 3: for event in chain([event], stream): if hasattr(event, 'totuple'): event = event.totuple() else: event = TEXT, unicode(event), (None, -1, -1) yield event return # This looks like a markup event stream, so we'll just pass it through # unchanged yield event for event in stream: yield event class Attrs(tuple): """Immutable sequence type that stores the attributes of an element. Ordering of the attributes is preserved, while access by name is also supported. >>> attrs = Attrs([('href', '#'), ('title', 'Foo')]) >>> attrs Attrs([('href', '#'), ('title', 'Foo')]) >>> 'href' in attrs True >>> 'tabindex' in attrs False >>> attrs.get('title') 'Foo' Instances may not be manipulated directly. Instead, the operators ``|`` and ``-`` can be used to produce new instances that have specific attributes added, replaced or removed. To remove an attribute, use the ``-`` operator. The right hand side can be either a string or a set/sequence of strings, identifying the name(s) of the attribute(s) to remove: >>> attrs - 'title' Attrs([('href', '#')]) >>> attrs - ('title', 'href') Attrs() The original instance is not modified, but the operator can of course be used with an assignment: >>> attrs Attrs([('href', '#'), ('title', 'Foo')]) >>> attrs -= 'title' >>> attrs Attrs([('href', '#')]) To add a new attribute, use the ``|`` operator, where the right hand value is a sequence of ``(name, value)`` tuples (which includes `Attrs` instances): >>> attrs | [('title', 'Bar')] Attrs([('href', '#'), ('title', 'Bar')]) If the attributes already contain an attribute with a given name, the value of that attribute is replaced: >>> attrs | [('href', 'http://example.org/')] Attrs([('href', 'http://example.org/')]) """ __slots__ = [] def __contains__(self, name): """Return whether the list includes an attribute with the specified name. :return: `True` if the list includes the attribute :rtype: `bool` """ for attr, _ in self: if attr == name: return True def __getitem__(self, i): """Return an item or slice of the attributes list. >>> attrs = Attrs([('href', '#'), ('title', 'Foo')]) >>> attrs[1] ('title', 'Foo') >>> attrs[1:] Attrs([('title', 'Foo')]) """ items = tuple.__getitem__(self, i) if type(i) is slice: return Attrs(items) return items def __getslice__(self, i, j): """Return a slice of the attributes list. >>> attrs = Attrs([('href', '#'), ('title', 'Foo')]) >>> attrs[1:] Attrs([('title', 'Foo')]) """ return Attrs(tuple.__getslice__(self, i, j)) def __or__(self, attrs): """Return a new instance that contains the attributes in `attrs` in addition to any already existing attributes. :return: a new instance with the merged attributes :rtype: `Attrs` """ repl = dict([(an, av) for an, av in attrs if an in self]) return Attrs([(sn, repl.get(sn, sv)) for sn, sv in self] + [(an, av) for an, av in attrs if an not in self]) def __repr__(self): if not self: return 'Attrs()' return 'Attrs([%s])' % ', '.join([repr(item) for item in self]) def __sub__(self, names): """Return a new instance with all attributes with a name in `names` are removed. :param names: the names of the attributes to remove :return: a new instance with the attribute removed :rtype: `Attrs` """ if isinstance(names, basestring): names = (names,) return Attrs([(name, val) for name, val in self if name not in names]) def get(self, name, default=None): """Return the value of the attribute with the specified name, or the value of the `default` parameter if no such attribute is found. :param name: the name of the attribute :param default: the value to return when the attribute does not exist :return: the attribute value, or the `default` value if that attribute does not exist :rtype: `object` """ for attr, value in self: if attr == name: return value return default def totuple(self): """Return the attributes as a markup event. The returned event is a `TEXT` event, the data is the value of all attributes joined together. >>> Attrs([('href', '#'), ('title', 'Foo')]).totuple() ('TEXT', '#Foo', (None, -1, -1)) :return: a `TEXT` event :rtype: `tuple` """ return TEXT, ''.join([x[1] for x in self]), (None, -1, -1) class Markup(unicode): """Marks a string as being safe for inclusion in HTML/XML output without needing to be escaped. """ __slots__ = [] def __add__(self, other): return Markup(unicode.__add__(self, escape(other))) def __radd__(self, other): return Markup(unicode.__add__(escape(other), self)) def __mod__(self, args): if isinstance(args, dict): args = dict(zip(args.keys(), map(escape, args.values()))) elif isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): args = tuple(map(escape, args)) else: args = escape(args) return Markup(unicode.__mod__(self, args)) def __mul__(self, num): return Markup(unicode.__mul__(self, num)) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (type(self).__name__, unicode.__repr__(self)) def join(self, seq, escape_quotes=True): """Return a `Markup` object which is the concatenation of the strings in the given sequence, where this `Markup` object is the separator between the joined elements. Any element in the sequence that is not a `Markup` instance is automatically escaped. :param seq: the sequence of strings to join :param escape_quotes: whether double quote characters in the elements should be escaped :return: the joined `Markup` object :rtype: `Markup` :see: `escape` """ return Markup(unicode.join(self, [escape(item, quotes=escape_quotes) for item in seq])) @classmethod def escape(cls, text, quotes=True): """Create a Markup instance from a string and escape special characters it may contain (<, >, & and \"). >>> escape('"1 < 2"') If the `quotes` parameter is set to `False`, the \" character is left as is. Escaping quotes is generally only required for strings that are to be used in attribute values. >>> escape('"1 < 2"', quotes=False) :param text: the text to escape :param quotes: if ``True``, double quote characters are escaped in addition to the other special characters :return: the escaped `Markup` string :rtype: `Markup` """ if not text: return cls() if type(text) is cls: return text if hasattr(text, '__html__'): return Markup(text.__html__()) text = text.replace('&', '&') \ .replace('<', '<') \ .replace('>', '>') if quotes: text = text.replace('"', '"') return cls(text) def unescape(self): """Reverse-escapes &, <, >, and \" and returns a `unicode` object. >>> Markup('1 < 2').unescape() u'1 < 2' :return: the unescaped string :rtype: `unicode` :see: `genshi.core.unescape` """ if not self: return '' return unicode(self).replace('"', '"') \ .replace('>', '>') \ .replace('<', '<') \ .replace('&', '&') def stripentities(self, keepxmlentities=False): """Return a copy of the text with any character or numeric entities replaced by the equivalent UTF-8 characters. If the `keepxmlentities` parameter is provided and evaluates to `True`, the core XML entities (``&``, ``'``, ``>``, ``<`` and ``"``) are not stripped. :return: a `Markup` instance with entities removed :rtype: `Markup` :see: `genshi.util.stripentities` """ return Markup(stripentities(self, keepxmlentities=keepxmlentities)) def striptags(self): """Return a copy of the text with all XML/HTML tags removed. :return: a `Markup` instance with all tags removed :rtype: `Markup` :see: `genshi.util.striptags` """ return Markup(striptags(self)) try: from genshi._speedups import Markup except ImportError: pass # just use the Python implementation escape = Markup.escape def unescape(text): """Reverse-escapes &, <, >, and \" and returns a `unicode` object. >>> unescape(Markup('1 < 2')) u'1 < 2' If the provided `text` object is not a `Markup` instance, it is returned unchanged. >>> unescape('1 < 2') '1 < 2' :param text: the text to unescape :return: the unescsaped string :rtype: `unicode` """ if not isinstance(text, Markup): return text return text.unescape() class Namespace(object): """Utility class creating and testing elements with a namespace. Internally, namespace URIs are encoded in the `QName` of any element or attribute, the namespace URI being enclosed in curly braces. This class helps create and test these strings. A `Namespace` object is instantiated with the namespace URI. >>> html = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') >>> html Namespace('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') >>> html.uri u'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' The `Namespace` object can than be used to generate `QName` objects with that namespace: >>> html.body QName('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}body') >>> html.body.localname u'body' >>> html.body.namespace u'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' The same works using item access notation, which is useful for element or attribute names that are not valid Python identifiers: >>> html['body'] QName('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}body') A `Namespace` object can also be used to test whether a specific `QName` belongs to that namespace using the ``in`` operator: >>> qname = html.body >>> qname in html True >>> qname in Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2') False """ def __new__(cls, uri): if type(uri) is cls: return uri return object.__new__(cls) def __getnewargs__(self): return (self.uri,) def __getstate__(self): return self.uri def __setstate__(self, uri): self.uri = uri def __init__(self, uri): self.uri = unicode(uri) def __contains__(self, qname): return qname.namespace == self.uri def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Namespace): return self.uri == other.uri return self.uri == other def __getitem__(self, name): return QName(self.uri + '}' + name) __getattr__ = __getitem__ def __hash__(self): return hash(self.uri) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, stringrepr(self.uri)) def __str__(self): return self.uri.encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return self.uri # The namespace used by attributes such as xml:lang and xml:space XML_NAMESPACE = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace') class QName(unicode): """A qualified element or attribute name. The unicode value of instances of this class contains the qualified name of the element or attribute, in the form ``{namespace-uri}local-name``. The namespace URI can be obtained through the additional `namespace` attribute, while the local name can be accessed through the `localname` attribute. >>> qname = QName('foo') >>> qname QName('foo') >>> qname.localname u'foo' >>> qname.namespace >>> qname = QName('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}body') >>> qname QName('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}body') >>> qname.localname u'body' >>> qname.namespace u'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' """ __slots__ = ['namespace', 'localname'] def __new__(cls, qname): """Create the `QName` instance. :param qname: the qualified name as a string of the form ``{namespace-uri}local-name``, where the leading curly brace is optional """ if type(qname) is cls: return qname parts = qname.lstrip('{').split('}', 1) if len(parts) > 1: self = unicode.__new__(cls, '{%s' % qname) self.namespace, self.localname = map(unicode, parts) else: self = unicode.__new__(cls, qname) self.namespace, self.localname = None, unicode(qname) return self def __getnewargs__(self): return (self.lstrip('{'),) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, stringrepr(self.lstrip('{')))