# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Edgewall Software # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://genshi.edgewall.org/wiki/License. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://genshi.edgewall.org/log/. """Template loading and caching.""" import os try: import threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as threading from genshi.template.base import TemplateError from genshi.util import LRUCache __all__ = ['TemplateLoader', 'TemplateNotFound', 'directory', 'package', 'prefixed'] __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' class TemplateNotFound(TemplateError): """Exception raised when a specific template file could not be found.""" def __init__(self, name, search_path): """Create the exception. :param name: the filename of the template :param search_path: the search path used to lookup the template """ TemplateError.__init__(self, 'Template "%s" not found' % name) self.search_path = search_path class TemplateLoader(object): """Responsible for loading templates from files on the specified search path. >>> import tempfile >>> fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.html', prefix='template') >>> os.write(fd, '


') 11 >>> os.close(fd) The template loader accepts a list of directory paths that are then used when searching for template files, in the given order: >>> loader = TemplateLoader([os.path.dirname(path)]) The `load()` method first checks the template cache whether the requested template has already been loaded. If not, it attempts to locate the template file, and returns the corresponding `Template` object: >>> from genshi.template import MarkupTemplate >>> template = loader.load(os.path.basename(path)) >>> isinstance(template, MarkupTemplate) True Template instances are cached: requesting a template with the same name results in the same instance being returned: >>> loader.load(os.path.basename(path)) is template True The `auto_reload` option can be used to control whether a template should be automatically reloaded when the file it was loaded from has been changed. Disable this automatic reloading to improve performance. >>> os.remove(path) """ def __init__(self, search_path=None, auto_reload=False, default_encoding=None, max_cache_size=25, default_class=None, variable_lookup='strict', allow_exec=True, callback=None): """Create the template laoder. :param search_path: a list of absolute path names that should be searched for template files, or a string containing a single absolute path; alternatively, any item on the list may be a ''load function'' that is passed a filename and returns a file-like object and some metadata :param auto_reload: whether to check the last modification time of template files, and reload them if they have changed :param default_encoding: the default encoding to assume when loading templates; defaults to UTF-8 :param max_cache_size: the maximum number of templates to keep in the cache :param default_class: the default `Template` subclass to use when instantiating templates :param variable_lookup: the variable lookup mechanism; either "strict" (the default), "lenient", or a custom lookup class :param allow_exec: whether to allow Python code blocks in templates :param callback: (optional) a callback function that is invoked after a template was initialized by this loader; the function is passed the template object as only argument. This callback can be used for example to add any desired filters to the template :see: `LenientLookup`, `StrictLookup` :note: Changed in 0.5: Added the `allow_exec` argument """ from genshi.template.markup import MarkupTemplate self.search_path = search_path if self.search_path is None: self.search_path = [] elif not isinstance(self.search_path, (list, tuple)): self.search_path = [self.search_path] self.auto_reload = auto_reload """Whether templates should be reloaded when the underlying file is changed""" self.default_encoding = default_encoding self.default_class = default_class or MarkupTemplate self.variable_lookup = variable_lookup self.allow_exec = allow_exec if callback is not None and not hasattr(callback, '__call__'): raise TypeError('The "callback" parameter needs to be callable') self.callback = callback self._cache = LRUCache(max_cache_size) self._uptodate = {} self._lock = threading.RLock() def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state['_lock'] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self._lock = threading.RLock() def load(self, filename, relative_to=None, cls=None, encoding=None): """Load the template with the given name. If the `filename` parameter is relative, this method searches the search path trying to locate a template matching the given name. If the file name is an absolute path, the search path is ignored. If the requested template is not found, a `TemplateNotFound` exception is raised. Otherwise, a `Template` object is returned that represents the parsed template. Template instances are cached to avoid having to parse the same template file more than once. Thus, subsequent calls of this method with the same template file name will return the same `Template` object (unless the ``auto_reload`` option is enabled and the file was changed since the last parse.) If the `relative_to` parameter is provided, the `filename` is interpreted as being relative to that path. :param filename: the relative path of the template file to load :param relative_to: the filename of the template from which the new template is being loaded, or ``None`` if the template is being loaded directly :param cls: the class of the template object to instantiate :param encoding: the encoding of the template to load; defaults to the ``default_encoding`` of the loader instance :return: the loaded `Template` instance :raises TemplateNotFound: if a template with the given name could not be found """ if cls is None: cls = self.default_class search_path = self.search_path # Make the filename relative to the template file its being loaded # from, but only if that file is specified as a relative path, or no # search path has been set up if relative_to and (not search_path or not os.path.isabs(relative_to)): filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(relative_to), filename) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) cachekey = filename self._lock.acquire() try: # First check the cache to avoid reparsing the same file try: tmpl = self._cache[cachekey] if not self.auto_reload: return tmpl uptodate = self._uptodate[cachekey] if uptodate is not None and uptodate(): return tmpl except (KeyError, OSError): pass isabs = False if os.path.isabs(filename): # Bypass the search path if the requested filename is absolute search_path = [os.path.dirname(filename)] isabs = True elif relative_to and os.path.isabs(relative_to): # Make sure that the directory containing the including # template is on the search path dirname = os.path.dirname(relative_to) if dirname not in search_path: search_path = list(search_path) + [dirname] isabs = True elif not search_path: # Uh oh, don't know where to look for the template raise TemplateError('Search path for templates not configured') for loadfunc in search_path: if isinstance(loadfunc, basestring): loadfunc = directory(loadfunc) try: filepath, filename, fileobj, uptodate = loadfunc(filename) except IOError: continue else: try: if isabs: # If the filename of either the included or the # including template is absolute, make sure the # included template gets an absolute path, too, # so that nested includes work properly without a # search path filename = filepath tmpl = self._instantiate(cls, fileobj, filepath, filename, encoding=encoding) if self.callback: self.callback(tmpl) self._cache[cachekey] = tmpl self._uptodate[cachekey] = uptodate finally: if hasattr(fileobj, 'close'): fileobj.close() return tmpl raise TemplateNotFound(filename, search_path) finally: self._lock.release() def _instantiate(self, cls, fileobj, filepath, filename, encoding=None): """Instantiate and return the `Template` object based on the given class and parameters. This function is intended for subclasses to override if they need to implement special template instantiation logic. Code that just uses the `TemplateLoader` should use the `load` method instead. :param cls: the class of the template object to instantiate :param fileobj: a readable file-like object containing the template source :param filepath: the absolute path to the template file :param filename: the path to the template file relative to the search path :param encoding: the encoding of the template to load; defaults to the ``default_encoding`` of the loader instance :return: the loaded `Template` instance :rtype: `Template` """ if encoding is None: encoding = self.default_encoding return cls(fileobj, filepath=filepath, filename=filename, loader=self, encoding=encoding, lookup=self.variable_lookup, allow_exec=self.allow_exec) @staticmethod def directory(path): """Loader factory for loading templates from a local directory. :param path: the path to the local directory containing the templates :return: the loader function to load templates from the given directory :rtype: ``function`` """ def _load_from_directory(filename): filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) fileobj = open(filepath, 'U') mtime = os.path.getmtime(filepath) def _uptodate(): return mtime == os.path.getmtime(filepath) return filepath, filename, fileobj, _uptodate return _load_from_directory @staticmethod def package(name, path): """Loader factory for loading templates from egg package data. :param name: the name of the package containing the resources :param path: the path inside the package data :return: the loader function to load templates from the given package :rtype: ``function`` """ from pkg_resources import resource_stream def _load_from_package(filename): filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) return filepath, filename, resource_stream(name, filepath), None return _load_from_package @staticmethod def prefixed(**delegates): """Factory for a load function that delegates to other loaders depending on the prefix of the requested template path. The prefix is stripped from the filename when passing on the load request to the delegate. >>> load = prefixed( ... app1 = lambda filename: ('app1', filename, None, None), ... app2 = lambda filename: ('app2', filename, None, None) ... ) >>> print(load('app1/foo.html')) ('app1', 'app1/foo.html', None, None) >>> print(load('app2/bar.html')) ('app2', 'app2/bar.html', None, None) :param delegates: mapping of path prefixes to loader functions :return: the loader function :rtype: ``function`` """ def _dispatch_by_prefix(filename): for prefix, delegate in delegates.items(): if filename.startswith(prefix): if isinstance(delegate, basestring): delegate = directory(delegate) filepath, _, fileobj, uptodate = delegate( filename[len(prefix):].lstrip('/\\') ) return filepath, filename, fileobj, uptodate raise TemplateNotFound(filename, list(delegates.keys())) return _dispatch_by_prefix directory = TemplateLoader.directory package = TemplateLoader.package prefixed = TemplateLoader.prefixed