# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 PediaPress GmbH # See README.txt for additional licensing information. """main programs - installed via setuptools' entry_points""" import optparse def buildcdb(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog --input XMLDUMP --output OUTPUT") parser.add_option("-i", "--input", help="input file") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", help="write output to OUTPUT") options, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.error("too many arguments.") input = options.input output = options.output if not (input and output): parser.error("missing argument.") import os from mwlib import cdbwiki cdbwiki.BuildWiki(input, output)() open(os.path.join(output, "wikiconf.txt"), "w").write(""" [wiki] type = cdb path = %s [images] type = download url = http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ localpath = ~/images """ % (os.path.abspath(output),)) def show(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [-e|--expand] --conf CONF ARTICLE [...]") parser.add_option("-c", "--conf", help="config file") parser.add_option("-e", "--expand", action="store_true", help="expand templates") parser.add_option("-t", "--template", action="store_true", help="show template") options, args = parser.parse_args() if not args: parser.error("missing ARTICLE argument") articles = [unicode(x, 'utf-8') for x in args] conf = options.conf if not conf: parser.error("missing --conf argument") from mwlib import wiki, expander db = wiki.makewiki(conf)['wiki'] for a in articles: if options.template: raw=db.getTemplate(a) else: raw=db.getRawArticle(a) if raw: if options.expand: te = expander.Expander(raw, pagename=a, wikidb=db) raw = te.expandTemplates() print raw.encode("utf-8") def buildzip(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [OPTIONS] [ARTICLE ...]") parser.add_option("-c", "--conf", help="config file (required unless --baseurl is given)") parser.add_option("-b", "--baseurl", help="base URL for mwapidb backend") parser.add_option("-s", "--shared-baseurl", help="base URL for shared images for mwapidb backend") parser.add_option("-m", "--metabook", help="JSON encoded text file with book structure") parser.add_option('--collectionpage', help='Title of a collection page') parser.add_option("-x", "--noimages", action="store_true", help="exclude images") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", help="write output to OUTPUT") parser.add_option("-p", "--posturl", help="http post to POSTURL") parser.add_option("-i", "--imagesize", help="max. pixel size (width or height) for images (default: 800)") parser.add_option("-d", "--daemonize", action="store_true", help='become daemon after collection articles (before POST request)') parser.add_option("-l", "--logfile", help="log to logfile") parser.add_option("--license", help="Title of article containing full license text") parser.add_option("--template-blacklist", help="Title of article containing blacklisted templates") options, args = parser.parse_args() import tempfile import os import zipfile from mwlib import utils from mwlib.utils import daemonize articles = [unicode(x, 'utf-8') for x in args] baseurl = options.baseurl conf = options.conf if not baseurl and not options.conf: parser.error("neither --conf nor --baseurl specified\nuse --help for all options") posturl = None def post_status(status): print 'status:', status if not posturl: return try: return urllib2.urlopen(posturl, urllib.urlencode({'status': status})).read() except Exception, e: print 'ERROR posting status %r to %r' % (status, posturl) def post_progress(progress): print 'progress', progress if not posturl: return try: return urllib2.urlopen(posturl, urllib.urlencode({'progress': int(progress)})).read() except Exception, e: print 'ERROR posting progress %r to %r' % (progress, posturl) try: if options.logfile: utils.start_logging(options.logfile) output = options.output from mwlib import wiki, recorddb, metabook mb = metabook.MetaBook() if conf: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser w = wiki.makewiki(conf) cp = ConfigParser() cp.read(conf) license = { 'name': cp.get('wiki', 'defaultarticlelicense') } if license['name'] is not None: license['wikitext'] = w['wiki'].getRawArticle(license['name']) mb.source = { 'name': cp.get('wiki', 'name'), 'url': cp.get('wiki', 'url'), 'defaultarticlelicense': license, } else: w = { 'wiki': wiki.wiki_mwapi(baseurl, options.license, options.template_blacklist), 'images': wiki.image_mwapi(baseurl, shared_base_url=options.shared_baseurl) } metadata = w['wiki'].getMetaData() mb.source = { 'name': metadata['name'], 'url': metadata['url'], 'defaultarticlelicense': metadata['license'], } if options.noimages: w['images'] = None else: if options.imagesize: imagesize = int(options.imagesize) else: imagesize = 800 if output: zipfilename = output else: fd, zipfilename = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) if options.collectionpage: mwcollection = w['wiki'].getRawArticle(options.collectionpage) mb.loadCollectionPage(mwcollection) elif options.metabook: mb.readJsonFile(options.metabook) # do not daemonize earlier: Collection extension deletes input metabook file! if options.daemonize: daemonize() posturl = options.posturl if posturl: posturl = posturl.encode('utf-8') from mwlib.utils import get_multipart import urllib import urllib2 zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, 'w') z = recorddb.ZipfileCreator(zf, w['wiki'], w['images']) post_status('parsing') for x in articles: z.addArticle(x) mb.addArticles(articles) z.addObject('metabook.json', mb.dumpJson()) articles = list(mb.getArticles()) if articles: inc = 70/len(articles) else: inc = 0 p = 0 for title, revision in articles: post_progress(p) z.addArticle(title, revision=revision) p += inc post_status('packaging') if not options.noimages: z.writeImages(size=imagesize) post_progress(80) z.writeContent() zf.close() post_progress(90) if posturl: post_status('uploading') zf = open(zipfilename, "rb") ct, data = get_multipart('collection.zip', zf.read(), 'collection') zf.close() req = urllib2.Request(posturl, data=data, headers={"Content-Type": ct}) result = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() if w['images']: w['images'].clear() if not output: os.unlink(zipfilename) post_status('finished') post_progress(100) except Exception, e: post_status('error') raise def parse(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [-a|--all] --conf CONF [ARTICLE1 ...]") parser.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="parse all articles") parser.add_option("--tb", action="store_true", help="show traceback on error") parser.add_option("-c", "--conf", help="config file") options, args = parser.parse_args() if not args and not options.all: parser.error("missing option.") if not options.conf: parser.error("missing --conf argument") articles = [unicode(x, 'utf-8') for x in args] conf = options.conf import traceback from mwlib import wiki, uparser w = wiki.makewiki(conf) db = w['wiki'] if options.all: if not hasattr(db, "articles"): raise RuntimeError("%s does not support iterating over all articles" % (db, )) articles = db.articles() import time for x in articles: try: raw = db.getRawArticle(x) # yes, raw can be None, when we have a redirect to a non-existing article. if raw is None: continue stime=time.time() a=uparser.parseString(x, raw=raw, wikidb=db) except Exception, err: print "F", repr(x), err if options.tb: traceback.print_exc() else: print "G", time.time()-stime, repr(x) def serve(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog --conf CONF ARTICLE [...]") parser.add_option("-c", "--conf", help="config file") options, args = parser.parse_args() conf = options.conf if not options.conf: parser.error("missing --conf argument") from mwlib import wiki, web res = wiki.makewiki(conf) db = res['wiki'] images = res['images'] from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server, WSGIServer from SocketServer import ForkingMixIn class MyServer(ForkingMixIn, WSGIServer): pass iface, port = '', 8080 print "serving on %s:%s" % (iface, port) http = make_server(iface, port, web.Serve(db, res['images']), server_class=MyServer) http.serve_forever() def html(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog --conf CONF ARTICLE [...]") parser.add_option("-c", "--conf", help="config file") options, args = parser.parse_args() if not args: parser.error("missing ARTICLE argument") articles = [unicode(x, 'utf-8') for x in args] conf = options.conf if not options.conf: parser.error("missing --conf argument") import StringIO import tempfile import os import webbrowser from mwlib import wiki, uparser, htmlwriter res = wiki.makewiki(conf) db = res['wiki'] images = res['images'] for a in articles: raw=db.getRawArticle(a) if not raw: continue out=StringIO.StringIO() out.write(""" """) a=uparser.parseString(x, raw=raw, wikidb=db) w=htmlwriter.HTMLWriter(out, images) w.write(a) fd, htmlfile = tempfile.mkstemp(".html") os.close(fd) open(htmlfile, "wb").write(out.getvalue().encode('utf-8')) webbrowser.open("file://"+htmlfile)