import os import sys import errno import time # provide all for python 2.4 try: from __builtin__ import all except ImportError: def all(items): for x in items: if not x: return False return True def fsescape(s): res = [] for x in s: c = ord(x) if c>127: res.append("~%s~" % c) elif c==126: # ord("~")==126 res.append("~~") else: res.append(x) return "".join(res) def start_logging(path): sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() f = open(path, "a") fd = f.fileno() os.dup2(fd, 1) os.dup2(fd, 2)'/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(null, 0) os.close(null) def daemonize(dev_null=False): # See if os.fork(): # launch child and... os._exit(0) # kill off parent os.setsid() if os.fork(): # launch child and... os._exit(0) # kill off parent again. os.umask(077) if dev_null:'/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) for i in range(3): try: os.dup2(null, i) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EBADF: raise os.close(null) def shell_exec(cmd): """Execute cmd in a subshell @param cmd: command to execute with os.system(), if given as unicode its converted to str using sys.getfilesystemencoding() @type cmd: basestring @returns: exit code of command @rtype: int """ if isinstance(cmd, unicode): enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() assert enc is not None, 'no filesystem encoding (set LANG)' cmd = cmd.encode(enc, 'ignore') return os.system(cmd) def get_multipart(filename, data, name): """Build data in format multipart/form-data to be used to POST binary data. @param filename: filename to be used in multipart request @type filenaem: basestring @param data: binary data to include @type data: str @param name: name to be used in multipart request @type name: basestring @returns: tuple containing content-type and body for the request @rtype: (str, str) """ if isinstance(filename, unicode): filename = filename.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') if isinstance(name, unicode): name = name.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') boundary = "-"*20 + ("%f" % time.time()) + "-"*20 items = [] items.append("--" + boundary) items.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%(name)s"; filename="%(filename)s"'\ % {'name': name, 'filename': filename}) items.append('Content-Type: application/octet-stream') items.append('') items.append(data) items.append('--' + boundary + '--') items.append('') body = "\r\n".join(items) content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary return content_type, body