require 'rubygems' require 'mongrel' require 'inline' READER = "WP, the free offline Wikipedia reader thing" MAXRES = 40 USAGE = %Q[ Supported requests: ] SEARCH_BOX=%Q{
} class String def titleize self[0..0].upcase + self[1..-1] end end class Parser # Parser.php is 5k lines, and has a billion dependencies, transclusion logic, # magic-word support, langauge processing, templating code (a literally # Turing-complete sublanguage), and stuff... so let's just use regexps def parse_infobox(str) str.gsub(/^\|([^=]+)[:space:]*=[:space:]*(.*)$/) { "#{$1} #{$2}
" } end def parse_template(str) str.gsub(/\{\{(([^[:space:]]+) (\w+)$)?([^\}\{]+)\}\}/) { if $2 == "Infobox" %Q[


] else "" end } end def parse(str) # Lists; this barely works in even the simplest cases str = str.gsub(/^\*(.+)$/) { "* #{$1}" } # Bold str = str.gsub(/'''(.+?)'''/) { "#{$1}" } # Italic str = str.gsub(/''(.+?)''/) { "#{$1}" } # Headings str = str.gsub(/(={2,})([^=]+)\1/) {"#{$2}"} # Interwiki links str = str.gsub(/\[\[([^\|\]]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\](\w*)/) { Article.link_to($1, $2 + $3) } str = str.gsub(/\[\[(.*?)\]\](\w*)/) { Article.link_to($1, $1 + $2) } # Strip refs str = str.gsub(/.*?<\/ref>/, '') # Templates, which may be nested, and which we need to parse from innermost first while (new = parse_template(str)) != str str = new end # External links str = str.gsub(/\[([^\][:space:]]+) ([^\]]+)\]/) {"#{$2}"} str = str.gsub(/\[([^\][:space:]]+)\]/) {"#{$1}"} end end class Article attr_accessor :text attr_accessor :block attr_accessor :title def parsed_text end def as_html %Q[#{title} - #{READER} #{SEARCH_BOX}



#{text.size} bytes from block #{block} (raw)

#{parsed_text} ] end def self.link_to(name, text) "#{text}" end end class SearchResult attr_accessor :results attr_accessor :needle def as_html %Q[Search: #{needle} - #{READER} #{SEARCH_BOX}

Search: #{needle}

Searches return up to #{MAXRES} articles containing the search string anywhere in their title. Results are case-insensitive. Exact matches appear first, followed by prefix matches, and, lastly, substring matches. Press ^S to quickly jump to search.

] end end class WPArticleReader inline(:C) do |builder| builder.add_compile_flags "-I../c -I. -lbz2 -DDEBUG" builder.add_compile_flags "../c/bzipreader.c" builder.add_compile_flags "../c/wp.c" builder.add_compile_flags "../c/lsearcher.c" builder.add_compile_flags "../c/safe.c" builder.add_compile_flags "../c/blocks.c" builder.prefix %Q$ #include "wp.h" #define MAXRES #{MAXRES} #define MAXSTR 1024 wp_dump d = {0}; wp_article a = {0}; char results[MAXRES][MAXSTR]; int nresults; bool __handle_result(char *s) { strncpy(results[nresults], s, MAXSTR); results[nresults][MAXSTR - 1] = \'\\0\'; char *end = strrchr(results[nresults], \' \'); if(end) { *(end - 1) = \'\\0\'; nresults++; } return nresults < MAXRES; } $ builder.c 'void __load_dump(char *dump, char *loc, char *ploc, char *blocks) { load_dump(&d, dump, loc, ploc, blocks); init_article(&a); }' builder.c 'char *__load_article(char *name) { a.block = 0; a.text[0] = \'\0\'; load_article(&d, name, &a); return a.text; }' builder.c 'int __article_block() { return a.block; }' builder.c 'int __article_size() { return strlen(a.text); }' builder.c 'int __search(char *needle) { nresults = 0; search(&d.index, needle, __handle_result, NULL, true, true); return nresults; }' builder.c 'char *__result(int n) { return results[n]; }' end def initialize(opts) @locatedb = opts[:locatedb] @prefixdb = opts[:prefixdb] @blockdb = opts[:blockdb] @dump = opts[:dump] __load_dump(@dump, @locatedb, @prefixdb, @blockdb) end def fetch(name) text = __load_article(name) a = a.text = text a.block = __article_block a.title = name a end def find(name) n = __search(name) r = r.needle = name r.results = (0..n - 1).map {|n| __result(n)} r end end class WPHandler < Mongrel::HttpHandler def initialize(base) $stderr.puts "Using base #{base}" @reader = => "#{base}.locate.db", :prefixdb => "#{base}.locate.prefixdb", :blockdb => "#{base}.blocks.db", :dump => "#{base}.processed") @parser = end def path(req) CGI::unescape(req.params["REQUEST_URI"]) end def notfound(resp, str) respond(resp, true, 404) { "Couldn't find #{str}.


" } end def respond(resp, html=true, status=200) resp.start(200) do |h, o| h["Content-type"] = (html ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain') + '; charset=utf-8' o.write yield end end def process(req, resp) if path(req) =~ /^\/(wiki|raw)\/(.+)$/ article = @reader.fetch($2) if article.text.empty? notfound(resp, $2) else if $1 == "wiki" respond(resp) { article.as_html } elsif $1 == "raw" respond(resp, false) { article.text } end end elsif path(req) =~ /^\/search\?s=(.+)$/ respond(resp) { @reader.find($1).as_html } else notfound(resp, path(req)) end end end class WPServer def self.start_on(port) => port).run end def initialize(opts={}) @port = opts[:port] || 9000 @host = opts[:host] || '' end def run $stderr.puts "Binding to #{@host}:#{@port}" conf = => @port, :host => @host) { listener do uri '/', :handler =>, :in_front => true end trap("INT") { stop } run } conf.join end end