34 ENHANCEMENTS: * New translations BUG FIX: * Fixed problem with animated cards missing destinations 33 ENHANCEMENTS: * New translations * New end-of-game graphics 32 ENHANCEMENT: * Using Cairo graphics * Animate loading of new cards BUG FIX: * Set robot time during "attract mode" 31 ENHANCEMENT: * Animate matches when moving to discard pile BUG FIX: * FIx GPLv3 license address 30 ENHANCEMENTS: * Switching buttons to radio buttons * More button icon refactoring 29 ENHANCEMENT: * "Standardized" icons 28 ENHANCEMENT: * Added "attract mode" on first launch 27 ENHANCEMENTS: * Smiley-face "reward" for finishing a game * Improved workflow for importing custom cards BUG FIXES: * Work around datastore.find issue on 0.84 builds * Work around chooser issues with old Sugar builds (#2398) 26 ENHANCEMENT: * Import custom cards from Journal 25 ENHANCEMENTS: * Quipu number game * Optimization of sprite refresh 24 ENHANCEMENTS: * Added beginner level * Detect unsolvable game-play situations 23 BUG FIXES: * Byron Corrales fixed the robot/word-edit conflict (#2057) * General code cleanup 22 BUG FIX: * Fixed SVG bug in old Sugar builds 21 BUG FIXES: * general clean up of sprite library * updated licenses 20 ENHANCEMENT: * Added more combinations to the dice game, e.g., 5=4+1, 5=3+2 BUG FIXES: * Fixed bug in sprite library * Using refactored card generator 19 BUG FIXES: * Fixed bug with Mayan 33 * Cleaned up some icons that had SVG problems on old Sugar builds 18 ENHANCEMENTS: * Word-game lists can be edited * Mayan number game * "Fileless" SVG generation BUG FIX: * Fixed SVG problem on old Sugar builds 17 BUG FIXES: * Fixed Class problem with command-line version * Cleaned up license language (GPL v3) 16 ENHANCEMENTS: * Simple sharing/collaborating * Save/resume from Journal * New (improved?) toolbar layout * Match-history animation at end game BUG FIX: * Fixed bug preventing play on old Sugar instances 15 ENHANCEMENTS: * Added low/high levels for game play * New activity icon 14 ENHANCEMENT: * Computer assistant 13 ENHANCEMENT: * More number games 12 ENHANCEMENTS: * Reverting to three colors to simplify game play * Experimenting with different number-game card styles * Adding bold and italic to word cards * Consolidate grid after dealing extra cards * Refactoring of sprites library 11 BUG FIXES: * Add check for match on first deal * Fixed bug in extra card positions 10 ENHANCEMENTS: * es, fr translation * Rotated cards to enable larger/longer text strings BUG FIX: * Cleaned up match logic for word games 9 ENHANCEMENTS: * Auto-deal of extra cards when needed * Added glue for launching outside of Sugar * Save "low score" to Journal * Added numbers and words games * Autogenerate cards on the fly * Minutes:seconds display for total time * General code cleanup 8 ENHANCEMENT: * Added unselect BUG FIX: * Fixed bug in new game labels 7 ENHANCEMENTS: * More distinct colors on cards * Count seconds between matches * Detect game over * Automatically deals extra cards when necessary 6 BUG FIX: * Fixed card selection bug 5 ENHANCEMENT: * Added search function 4 ENHANCEMENT: * Add 3 cards when you get stuck 3 ENHANCEMENTS: * Eliminate naming alert from pre-0.86 toolbar * New .pot file 2 ENHANCEMENT: * New icon BUG FIX: * Fixed problem with the New Game button 1 * Version 1 of a visual matching game. The object is to find sets of three cards where each attribute—color, shape, number of elements, and shading—either match on all three cards or are different on all three cards. Version 1 doesn't yet support sharing with multiple players or saving to the Journal, but it can be played by a single player.