# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2009,10 Walter Bender #Copyright (c) 2009 Michele Pratusevich #Copyright (c) 2009 Vincent Le # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gobject from gettext import gettext as _ import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('visualmatch-activity') try: from sugar.graphics import style GRID_CELL_SIZE = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE except ImportError: GRID_CELL_SIZE = 0 from constants import LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, SELECTMASK, MATCHMASK, ROW, COL,\ WORD_CARD_INDICIES, MATCH_POSITION, DEAD_DICTS, DEAD_KEYS, WHITE_SPACE,\ NOISE_KEYS, WORD_CARD_MAP, KEYMAP, CARD_HEIGHT, CARD_WIDTH, DEAL from grid import Grid from deck import Deck from card import Card from sprites import Sprites, Sprite from gencards import generate_selected_card, generate_match_card difficulty_level = [MEDIUM, HIGH, LOW] class Game(): """ The game play -- called from within Sugar or GNOME """ def __init__(self, canvas, path, parent=None): """ Initialize the playing surface """ self.path = path self.activity = parent if parent is None: # Starting from command line self.sugar = False self.canvas = canvas else: # Starting from Sugar self.sugar = True self.canvas = canvas parent.show_all() self.canvas.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) self.canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self.canvas.connect("expose-event", self._expose_cb) self.canvas.connect("button-press-event", self._button_press_cb) self.canvas.connect("button-release-event", self._button_release_cb) self.canvas.connect("key_press_event", self._keypress_cb) self.width = gtk.gdk.screen_width() self.height = gtk.gdk.screen_height() - GRID_CELL_SIZE self.scale = 0.8 * self.height / (CARD_HEIGHT * 5.5) self.card_width = CARD_WIDTH * self.scale self.card_height = CARD_HEIGHT * self.scale self.sprites = Sprites(self.canvas) self.selected = [] self.match_display_area = [] self.clicked = [None, None, None] self.editing_word_list = False self.edit_card = None self.dead_key = None def new_game(self, saved_state=None, deck_index=0): """ Start a new game """ # If we were editing the word list, time to stop self.editing_word_list = False self.edit_card = None # If there is already a deck, hide it. if hasattr(self, 'deck'): self.deck.hide() # The first time through, initialize the grid, and overlays. if not hasattr(self, 'grid'): self.grid = Grid(self.width, self.height, self.card_width, self.card_height) for i in range(0, 3): self.selected.append(Card(self.sprites, generate_selected_card(self.scale), [SELECTMASK, 0, 0, 0])) self.match_display_area.append(Card(self.sprites, generate_match_card(self.scale), [MATCHMASK, 0, 0, 0])) self.grid.display_match(self.match_display_area[i].spr, i) self._unselect() # Restore saved state on resume or share. if saved_state is not None: _logger.debug("Restoring state: %s" % (str(saved_state))) self.deck = Deck(self.sprites, self.card_type, [self.numberO, self.numberC], self.word_lists, self.scale, difficulty_level[self.level]) self.deck.hide() self.deck.index = deck_index _deck_start = ROW * COL + 3 _deck_stop = _deck_start + self.deck.count() self._restore_word_list( saved_state[_deck_stop + 3 * self.matches:]) self.deck.restore(saved_state[_deck_start: _deck_stop]) self.grid.restore(self.deck, saved_state[0: ROW * COL]) self._restore_selected(saved_state[ROW * COL: ROW * COL + 3]) self._restore_matches( saved_state[_deck_stop: _deck_stop + 3\ * self.matches]) elif not self.joiner(): _logger.debug("Starting new game.") self.deck = Deck(self.sprites, self.card_type, [self.numberO, self.numberC], self.word_lists, self.scale, difficulty_level[self.level]) self.deck.hide() self.deck.shuffle() self.grid.deal(self.deck) if not self._find_a_match(): self.grid.deal_extra_cards(self.deck) self.matches = 0 self.robot_matches = 0 self.match_list = [] self.total_time = 0 # When sharer starts a new game, joiners should be notified. if self.sharer(): self.activity._send_event("J") self._update_labels() if self._game_over(): if hasattr(self, 'timeout_id') and self.timeout_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id) else: if hasattr(self, 'match_timeout_id') and \ self.match_timeout_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self.match_timeout_id) self._timer_reset() def _sharing(self): """ Are we sharing? """ if self.sugar and hasattr(self.activity, 'chattube') and \ self.activity.chattube is not None: return True return False def joiner(self): """ Are you the one joining? """ if self._sharing() and not self.activity.initiating: return True return False def sharer(self): """ Are you the one sharing? """ if self._sharing() and self.activity.initiating: return True return False def edit_word_list(self): """ Update the word cards """ if not self.editing_word_list: return # Set the card type to words, and generate a new deck. self.deck.hide() self.card_type = 'word' self.deck = Deck(self.sprites, self.card_type, [self.numberO, self.numberC], self.word_lists, self.scale, difficulty_level[1]) self.deck.hide() self._unselect() self.matches = 0 self.robot_matches = 0 self.match_list = [] self.total_time = 0 self.edit_card = None self.dead_key = None if hasattr(self, 'timeout_id') and self.timeout_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id) # Fill the grid with word cards. self.grid.restore(self.deck, WORD_CARD_INDICIES) self.set_label("deck", "") self.set_label("match", "") self.set_label("clock", "") self.set_label("status", _('Edit the word cards.')) def _button_press_cb(self, win, event): """ Just grab focus on press. """ win.grab_focus() return True def _button_release_cb(self, win, event): """ Select the sprite under the mouse and process the selection. """ win.grab_focus() x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) spr = self.sprites.find_sprite((x, y)) if spr is None: return True if self._sharing(): if self.deck.spr_to_card(spr) is not None: self.activity._send_event( "B:" + str(self.deck.spr_to_card(spr).index)) i = self._selected(spr) if i is not -1: self.activity._send_event("S:" + str(i)) return self._process_selection(spr) def _selected(self, spr): """ Mark the selected card """ for i in range(3): if self.selected[i].spr == spr: return i return -1 def _process_selection(self, spr): """ Check for matches """ # Make sure a card in the matched pile isn't selected. x, y = spr.get_xy() if x == MATCH_POSITION: return True # Make sure that the current card isn't already selected. i = self._selected(spr) if i is not -1: # On a second click, unselect it. self.clicked[i] = None self.selected[i].hide_card() return True # Otherwise highlight the card with a selection mask. for a in self.clicked: if a is None: i = self.clicked.index(a) self.clicked[i] = spr x, y = spr.get_xy() self.selected[i].spr.move((x, y)) self.selected[i].show_card() break if self.editing_word_list == True: # Only edit one card at a time, so unselect other cards for a in self.clicked: if a is not None and a is not spr: i = self.clicked.index(a) self.clicked[i] = None self.selected[i].hide_card() # Edit card label self.edit_card = self.deck.spr_to_card(spr) elif None not in self.clicked: # If we have three cards selected, test for a match. self._test_for_a_match() return True def _game_over(self): """ Game is over when the deck is empty and no more matches. """ if self.deck.empty() and not self._find_a_match(): self.set_label("deck", "") self.set_label("clock", "") self.set_label("status", "%s (%d:%02d)" % (_("Game over"), int(self.total_time / 60), int(self.total_time % 60))) self.match_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(2000, self._show_matches, 0) return True elif self.grid.cards_in_grid() == DEAL + 3 and not self._find_a_match(): self.set_label("deck", "") self.set_label("clock", "") self.set_label("status", _("unsolvable")) return True return False def _test_for_a_match(self): """ If we have a match, then we have work to do. """ if self._match_check([self.deck.spr_to_card(self.clicked[0]), self.deck.spr_to_card(self.clicked[1]), self.deck.spr_to_card(self.clicked[2])], self.card_type): # Stop the timer. if self.timeout_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id) self.total_time += gobject.get_current_time() - self.start_time # Increment the match counter and add the match to the match list. self.matches += 1 for i in self.clicked: self.match_list.append(i) # Remove the match and deal three new cards. self.grid.remove_and_replace(self.clicked, self.deck) self.set_label("deck", "%d %s" % (self.deck.cards_remaining(), _('cards'))) # Test to see if the game is over. if self._game_over(): gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id) self._unselect() if self.low_score[self.level] == -1: self.low_score[self.level] = self.total_time elif self.total_time < self.low_score[self.level]: self.low_score[self.level] = self.total_time self.set_label("status", "%s (%d:%02d)" % (_('New record'), int(self.total_time / 60), int(self.total_time % 60))) if not self.sugar: self.activity.save_score() return True # Consolidate the grid. self.grid.consolidate() # Test to see if we need to deal extra cards. if not self._find_a_match(): self.grid.deal_extra_cards(self.deck) # Keep playing. self._update_labels() self._timer_reset() # Whether or not there was a match, unselect all cards. self._unselect() def _unselect(self): """ Unselect the cards """ self.clicked = [None, None, None] for a in self.selected: a.hide_card() def _keypress_cb(self, area, event): """ Keypress: editing word cards or selecting cards to play """ k = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) u = gtk.gdk.keyval_to_unicode(event.keyval) if self.editing_word_list and self.edit_card is not None: if k in NOISE_KEYS: self.dead_key = None return True if k[0:5] == 'dead_': self.dead_key = k return True if k == 'BackSpace': self.edit_card.spr.labels[0] =\ self.edit_card.spr.labels[0]\ [:len(self.edit_card.spr.labels[0]) - 1] else: if self.dead_key is not None: u = DEAD_DICTS[DEAD_KEYS.index(self.dead_key[5:])][k] if k in WHITE_SPACE: u = 32 if unichr(u) is not '\x00': self.edit_card.spr.labels[0] += unichr(u) self.edit_card.spr.draw() (i, j) = WORD_CARD_MAP[self.edit_card.index] self.word_lists[i][j] = self.edit_card.spr.labels[0] self.dead_key = None else: if k in KEYMAP: return self._process_selection( self.grid.grid_to_spr(KEYMAP.index(k))) return True def _expose_cb(self, win, event): """ Time to refresh all of the sprites """ self.sprites.redraw_sprites() return True def _destroy_cb(self, win, event): """ This is the end """ gtk.main_quit() def _update_labels(self): """ Write strings to a label in the toolbar. """ self.set_label("deck", "%d %s" % (self.deck.cards_remaining(), _('cards'))) self.set_label("status", "") if self.matches == 1: if self.robot_matches > 0: self.set_label("match", "%d (%d) %s" % ( self.matches - self.robot_matches, self.robot_matches, _('match'))) else: self.set_label("match", "%d %s" % (self.matches, _('match'))) else: if self.robot_matches > 0: self.set_label("match", "%d (%d) %s" % ( self.matches - self.robot_matches, self.robot_matches, _("matches"))) else: self.set_label("match", "%d %s" % (self.matches, _('matches'))) def set_label(self, label, s): """ Update the toolbar labels """ if self.sugar: if label == "deck": self.activity.deck_label.set_text(s) elif label == "status": self.activity.status_label.set_text(s) elif label == "clock": self.activity.clock_label.set_text(s) elif label == "match": self.activity.match_label.set_text(s) else: if hasattr(self, "win") and label is not "clock": self.win.set_title("%s: %s" % (_('Visual Match'), s)) def _restore_selected(self, saved_selected_indices): """ Restore the selected cards upon resume or share. """ j = 0 for i in saved_selected_indices: if i is None: self.clicked[j] = None else: self.clicked[j] = self.deck.index_to_card(i).spr k = self.grid.spr_to_grid(self.clicked[j]) self.selected[j].spr.move((self.grid.grid_to_xy(k)[0], self.grid.grid_to_xy(k)[1])) self.selected[j].show_card() j += 1 def _restore_matches(self, saved_match_list_indices): """ Restore the match list upon resume or share. """ j = 0 self.match_list = [] for i in saved_match_list_indices: if i is not None: self.match_list.append(self.deck.index_to_card(i).spr) if self.matches > 0: l = len(self.match_list) for j in range(3): self.grid.display_match(self.match_list[l - 3 + j], j) def _restore_word_list(self, saved_word_list): """ Restore the word list upon resume or share. """ if len(saved_word_list) == 9: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): self.word_lists[i][j] = saved_word_list[i * 3 + j] def _counter(self): """ Display of seconds since start_time. """ seconds = int(gobject.get_current_time() - self.start_time) self.set_label("clock", str(seconds)) if self.robot and self.robot_time < seconds: self._find_a_match(True) else: self.timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._counter) def _timer_reset(self): """ Reset the timer for the robot """ self.start_time = gobject.get_current_time() self.timeout_id = None self._counter() def _show_matches(self, i): """ Show all the matches as a simple animation. """ if i < self.matches: for j in range(3): self.grid.display_match(self.match_list[i * 3 + j], j) self.match_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(2000, self._show_matches, i + 1) def _find_a_match(self, robot_match=False): """ Check to see whether there are any matches on the board. """ a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] for i in Permutation(a): # TODO: really should be combination cardarray = [self.grid.grid[i[0]], self.grid.grid[i[1]], self.grid.grid[i[2]]] if self._match_check(cardarray, self.card_type): if robot_match: for j in range(3): self.clicked[j] = self.grid.grid[i[j]].spr self.robot_matches += 1 self._test_for_a_match() return True return False def _match_check(self, cardarray, card_type): """ For each attribute, either it is the same or different. """ for a in cardarray: if a is None: return False if (cardarray[0].shape + cardarray[1].shape + cardarray[2].shape) % 3\ != 0: return False if (cardarray[0].color + cardarray[1].color + cardarray[2].color) % 3\ != 0: return False if (cardarray[0].fill + cardarray[1].fill + cardarray[2].fill) % 3\ != 0: return False # Special case: only check number when shapes are the same if card_type == 'word': if cardarray[0].shape == cardarray[1].shape and \ cardarray[0].shape == cardarray[2].shape and \ (cardarray[0].num + cardarray[1].num + cardarray[2].num) % 3\ != 0: return False else: if (cardarray[0].num + cardarray[1].num + cardarray[2].num) % 3\ != 0: return False return True class Permutation: """Permutaion class for checking for all possible matches on the grid """ def __init__(self, elist): self._data = elist[:] self._sofar = [] def __iter__(self): return self.next() def next(self): for e in self._data: if e not in self._sofar: self._sofar.append(e) if len(self._sofar) == 3: yield self._sofar[:] else: for v in self.next(): yield v self._sofar.pop()