#Copyright (c) 2009,10 Walter Bender # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import random from constants import ROW, COL, MATCH_POSITION, DEAL import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('visualmatch-activity') class Grid: """ Class for managing ROWxCOL matrix of cards """ def __init__(self, width, height, card_width, card_height): """ Initialize the playing surface """ self.grid = [] for i in range(ROW * COL): self.grid.append(None) # Card spacing self.left = int((width - (card_width * 2)) / 2) self.xinc = int(card_width * 1.2) self.top = 10 self.yinc = int(card_height * 1.33) def deal(self, deck): """ Deal an initial set of cards. """ for i in range(ROW * COL): self.grid[i] = None if i < (ROW - 1) * COL: if not deck.empty(): self.grid[i] = deck.deal_next_card() self.place_a_card(self.grid[i], self.grid_to_xy(i)[0], self.grid_to_xy(i)[1]) def deal_extra_cards(self, deck): """ Add cards to the bottom row when there is no match. But only if there are still cards in the deck and only 12 cards in the grid """ if not deck.empty() and self.cards_in_grid() == DEAL: for c in range(0, COL): i = self.grid.index(None) self.grid[i] = deck.deal_next_card() self.place_a_card(self.grid[i], self.grid_to_xy(i)[0], self.grid_to_xy(i)[1]) def cards_in_grid(self): """ How many cards are on the grid? """ return ROW * COL - self.grid.count(None) def restore(self, deck, saved_card_index): """ Restore cards to grid upon resume or share. """ self.hide() j = 0 for i in saved_card_index: if i is None: self.grid[j] = None else: self.grid[j] = deck.index_to_card(i) j += 1 self.show() def remove_and_replace(self, clicked_set, deck): """ Remove a match from the grid and replace with new cards. """ for a in clicked_set: # Move the match to the match display area self.display_match(a, clicked_set.index(a)) # Find the index into the grid of the match card i = self.spr_to_grid(a) # Don't add new cards if bottom row is occupied if self.cards_in_grid() == DEAL: if deck.empty(): self.grid[i] = None else: # Put new card in grid position of card we are replacing. self.grid[i] = deck.deal_next_card() self.place_a_card(self.grid[i], self.grid_to_xy(i)[0], self.grid_to_xy(i)[1]) else: # Mark as empty the grid positions we are not refilling self.grid[i] = None def display_match(self, spr, i): """ Move card to the match area. """ spr.move((MATCH_POSITION, self.top + i * self.yinc)) spr.set_layer(2000) def consolidate(self): """ If we have removed cards from an expanded grid, we have to consolidate. """ for j in range((ROW - 1) * COL, ROW * COL): i = 0 while(self.grid[j] is not None): if self.grid[i] is None: self.grid[i] = self.grid[j] self.grid[i].spr.move(self.grid_to_xy(i)) self.grid[i].spr.set_layer(2000) self.grid[j] = None else: i += 1 def place_a_card(self, c, x, y): """ Place a card at position x,y and display it. """ if c is not None: c.spr.move((x, y)) c.show_card() def xy_to_grid(self, x, y): """ Convert from sprite x,y to grid index. """ return int(COL * (y - self.top) / self.yinc)\ + int((x - self.left) / self.xinc) def grid_to_xy(self, i): """ Convert from grid index to sprite x,y. """ return ((self.left + i % COL * self.xinc), (self.top + (i / COL) * self.yinc)) def grid_to_spr(self, i): """ Return the sprite in grid-position i. """ return self.grid[i].spr def spr_to_grid(self, spr): """ Return the index of a sprite in grid. """ for i in range(ROW * COL): if self.grid[i] is not None and self.grid[i].spr == spr: return(i) return None def hide(self): """ Hide all of the cards on the grid. """ for i in range(ROW * COL): if self.grid[i] is not None: self.grid[i].hide_card() def show(self): """ Restore all card on the grid to their x,y positions. """ for i in range(ROW * COL): self.place_a_card(self.grid[i], self.grid_to_xy(i)[0], self.grid_to_xy(i)[1])