import logging import os import time import gtk from abiword import Canvas from toolbar import Toolbar from sugar.activity.Activity import Activity class AbiWordActivity (Activity): def __init__ (self): Activity.__init__ (self) self.set_title ("AbiWord") vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.add(vbox) # create the main abiword canvas self.abiword_canvas = Canvas() # add a toolbar to our window, which listens to our canvas toolbar = Toolbar(self.abiword_canvas) vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) # add the canvas to the window, and have it open a blank file self.abiword_canvas.load_file("") vbox.add(self.abiword_canvas) def execute(self, command, args): if(command == 'open_document'): self.abiword_canvas.load_file('file://' + args[0]) return True else: return False