# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import dbus import time from gettext import gettext as _ import logging from sugar.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton from sugar.graphics.combobox import ComboBox from sugar.graphics.palette import Palette from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem from sugar.datastore import datastore logger = logging.getLogger('write-activity') """ # The FontCombo is not used anymore, keep the code here for reference # for a few versions class FontCombo(ComboBox): def __init__(self, abi): ComboBox.__init__(self) self._has_custom_fonts = False self._fonts = sorted(abi.get_font_names()) self._fonts_changed_id = self.connect('changed', self._font_changed_cb, abi) for i, f in enumerate(self._fonts): self.append_item(i, f, None) if f == 'Times New Roman': self.set_active(i) self._abi_handler = abi.connect('font-family', self._font_family_cb) def _font_changed_cb(self, combobox, abi): if self.get_active() != -1: logger.debug('Setting font: %s', self._fonts[self.get_active()]) try: abi.handler_block(self._abi_handler) abi.set_font_name(self._fonts[self.get_active()]) finally: abi.handler_unblock(self._abi_handler) def _font_family_cb(self, abi, font_family): font_index = -1 # search for the font name in our font list for i, f in enumerate(self._fonts): if f == font_family: font_index = i break # if we don't know this font yet, then add it (temporary) to the list if font_index == -1: logger.debug('Font not found in font list: %s', font_family) if not self._has_custom_fonts: # add a separator to seperate the non-available fonts from # the available ones self._fonts.append('') # ugly self.append_separator() self._has_custom_fonts = True # add the new font self._fonts.append(font_family) self.append_item(0, font_family, None) # see how many fonts we have now, so we can select the last one model = self.get_model() num_children = model.iter_n_children(None) logger.debug('Number of fonts in the list: %d', num_children) font_index = num_children - 1 # activate the found font if (font_index > -1): self.handler_block(self._fonts_changed_id) self.set_active(font_index) self.handler_unblock(self._fonts_changed_id) """ class FontSizeCombo(ComboBox): def __init__(self, abi): ComboBox.__init__(self) self._abi_handler = abi.connect('font-size', self._font_size_cb) self._font_sizes = ['8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '14', '16', '20', \ '22', '24', '26', '28', '36', '48', '72'] self._changed_id = self.connect('changed', self._font_size_changed_cb, abi) for i, s in enumerate(self._font_sizes): self.append_item(i, s, None) if s == '12': self.set_active(i) def _font_size_changed_cb(self, combobox, abi): if self.get_active() != -1: logger.debug('Setting font size: %d', int(self._font_sizes[self.get_active()])) abi.handler_block(self._abi_handler) try: abi.set_font_size(self._font_sizes[self.get_active()]) finally: abi.handler_unblock(self._abi_handler) def _font_size_cb(self, abi, size): for i, s in enumerate(self._font_sizes): if int(s) == int(size): self.handler_block(self._changed_id) self.set_active(i) self.handler_unblock(self._changed_id) break class AbiButton(RadioToolButton): def __init__(self, abi, abi_signal, do_abi_cb, on_abi_cb=None, **kwargs): RadioToolButton.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._abi_handler = abi.connect(abi_signal, self.__abi_cb, abi_signal, on_abi_cb) self._toggled_handler = self.connect('toggled', self.__toggled_cb, abi, do_abi_cb) def __toggled_cb(self, button, abi, do_abi_cb): if not button.props.active: return abi.handler_block(self._abi_handler) try: logging.debug('Do abi %s' % do_abi_cb) do_abi_cb() finally: abi.handler_unblock(self._abi_handler) def __abi_cb(self, abi, prop, abi_signal, on_abi_cb): if (on_abi_cb is None and not prop) or \ (on_abi_cb is not None and not on_abi_cb(abi, prop)): return self.handler_block(self._toggled_handler) try: logging.debug('On abi %s prop=%r' % (abi_signal, prop)) self.set_active(True) finally: self.handler_unblock(self._toggled_handler) class ExportButtonFactory(): _EXPORT_FORMATS = [{'mime_type': 'application/rtf', 'title': _('Rich Text (RTF)'), 'icon':'save-as-rtf', 'jpostfix': _('RTF'), 'exp_props': ''}, {'mime_type': 'text/html', 'title': _('Hypertext (HTML)'), 'icon':'save-as-html', 'jpostfix': _('HTML'), 'exp_props': 'html4:yes; declare-xml:no; ' \ 'embed-css:yes; embed-images:yes;'}, {'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'title': _('Plain Text (TXT)'), 'icon':'save-as-txt', 'jpostfix': _('TXT'), 'exp_props': ''}, {'mime_type': 'application/pdf', 'title': _('Portable Document Format (PDF)'), 'icon':'save-as-pdf', 'jpostfix': _('PDF'), 'exp_props': ''}] def __init__(self, activity, abi): toolbar = activity.activity_button.props.page for i in self._EXPORT_FORMATS: button = ToolButton(i['icon']) button.set_tooltip(i['title']) button.connect('clicked', self.__clicked_cb, activity, abi, i) toolbar.insert(button, -1) button.show() def __clicked_cb(self, menu_item, activity, abi, format): logger.debug('exporting file: %r' % format) exp_props = format['exp_props'] # special case HTML export to set the activity name as the HTML title if format['mime_type'] == "text/html": exp_props += " title:" + activity.metadata['title'] + ';' # create a new journal item fileObject = datastore.create() act_meta = activity.metadata fileObject.metadata['title'] = \ act_meta['title'] + ' (' + format['jpostfix'] + ')' fileObject.metadata['title_set_by_user'] = \ act_meta['title_set_by_user'] fileObject.metadata['mime_type'] = format['mime_type'] fileObject.metadata['fulltext'] = abi.get_content( extension_or_mimetype=".txt")[:3000] fileObject.metadata['icon-color'] = act_meta['icon-color'] # don't set application if PDF because Write can't open PDF files if format['mime_type'] != 'application/pdf': fileObject.metadata['activity'] = act_meta['activity'] fileObject.metadata['keep'] = act_meta['keep'] preview = activity.get_preview() if preview is not None: fileObject.metadata['preview'] = dbus.ByteArray(preview) fileObject.metadata['share-scope'] = act_meta['share-scope'] # write out the document contents in the requested format fileObject.file_path = os.path.join(activity.get_activity_root(), 'instance', '%i' % time.time()) abi.save('file://' + fileObject.file_path, format['mime_type'], exp_props) # store the journal item datastore.write(fileObject, transfer_ownership=True) fileObject.destroy() del fileObject