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path: root/gogame.py
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1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gogame.py b/gogame.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01390ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gogame.py
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2007-2008 One Laptop Per Child
+# Copyright 2007 Gerard J. Cerchio <www.circlesoft.com>
+# Copyright 2008 Andrés Ambrois <andresambrois@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import logging
+_logger = logging.getLogger('PlayGo')
+from gettext import gettext as _
+class GoGame:
+ """ This class administrates a go board.
+ It keeps track of the stones currently on the board in the dictionary self.status,
+ and of the moves played so far in self.undostack
+ It has methods to clear the board, play a stone, undo a move. """
+ def __init__(self, boardSize = 19):
+ self.size = boardSize
+ self.status = {}
+ self.undostack = []
+ self.score = {'B' : 0, 'W' : 0}
+ _logger.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
+ def get_score(self):
+ return self.score
+ def increase_score(self, color):
+ self.score[color] = self.score[color] + 1
+ def neighbors(self,x):
+ """ Returns the coordinates of the 4 (resp. 3 resp. 2 at the side 1 in the corner) intersections
+ adjacent to the given one. """
+ if x[0]== 0 : l0 = [1]
+ elif x[0]== self.size-1 : l0 = [self.size-2]
+ else: l0 = [x[0]-1, x[0]+1]
+ if x[1]== 0 : l1 = [1]
+ elif x[1]== self.size-1 : l1 = [self.size-2]
+ else: l1 = [x[1]-1, x[1]+1]
+ l = []
+ for i in l0: l.append((i,x[1]))
+ for j in l1: l.append((x[0],j))
+ return l
+ def is_occupied(self, x, y):
+ return self.status.has_key((x, y))
+ def clear(self):
+ """ Clear the board """
+ self.status = {}
+ self.undostack=[]
+ self.score = {'B' : 0, 'W' : 0}
+ def play(self,pos,color):
+ """ This plays a color=black/white stone at pos, if that is a legal move
+ and deletes stones captured by that move.
+ It returns 1 if the move has been played, 0 if not. """
+ if self.status.has_key(pos): # check if empty
+ return 0
+ if self.legal(pos,color): # legal move?
+ self.status[pos] = color
+ captures = self.get_captures(pos, color)
+ if captures:
+ for x in captures:
+ del self.status[x] # remove captured stones, if any
+ self.increase_score(color)
+ self.undostack.append((pos,color,captures)) # remember move + captured stones for easy undo
+ return captures
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def get_captures(self, pos, color):
+ """Returns a list of captured stones resulting from placing a color stone at pos """
+ c = [] # captured stones
+ for x in self.neighbors(pos):
+ if self.status.has_key(x) and self.status[x]==self.invert(color):
+ c = c + self.hasNoLibExcP(x, self.invert(color), pos)
+ if c:
+ captures = []
+ for x in c:
+ if not x in captures: captures.append(x)
+ return captures
+ return 0
+ def checkKo(self, pos, color):
+ ''' Check if a move by color at pos would be a basic Ko infraction '''
+ # Basically what we need to check, is if the current play would undo
+ # all that was done by the last entry in undostack (capture what was placed
+ # and place what was captured).
+ if self.undostack:
+ lastpos, lastcolor, lastcaptures = self.undostack[-1]
+ currentcaptures = self.get_captures(pos, color)
+ if lastcaptures != 0 and currentcaptures != 0:
+ if lastcolor != color and lastcaptures[0] == pos and lastpos == currentcaptures[0]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def legal(self, pos, color):
+ """ Check if a play by color at pos would be a legal move. """
+ if self.status.has_key(pos):
+ return 0
+ # If the play at pos would leave that stone without liberties, we have two possibilities:
+ # 1- It's a capturing move
+ # 2- It's an illegal move
+ if self.hasNoLibExcP(pos, color):
+ # Check if it would capture any stones
+ if self.get_captures(pos, color):
+ return 1
+ # It didnt, so I guess it's illegal
+ return 0
+ else: return not self.checkKo(pos, color)
+ def illegal(self, x, y, color):
+ """ Check if a play by color at pos would be an illigal move, and return pretty errors"""
+ if self.status.has_key((x, y)):
+ return _('There already is a stone there!')
+ if self.checkKo((x, y), color):
+ return _('Ko violation!')
+ # If the play at pos would leave that stone without liberties, we have two possibilities:
+ # 1- It's a capturing move
+ # 2- It's an illegal move
+ if self.hasNoLibExcP((x, y), color):
+ # Check if it would capture any stones
+ if self.get_captures((x, y), color):
+ return False
+ # It didnt, so I guess it's illegal
+ return _('Illegal move.')
+ else: return False
+ def hasNoLibExcP(self, pos, color, exc = None):
+ """ This function checks if the string (=solidly connected) of stones containing
+ the stone at pos has a liberty (resp. has a liberty besides that at exc).
+ If no liberties are found, a list of all stones in the string is returned.
+ The algorithm is a non-recursive implementation of a simple flood-filling:
+ starting from the stone at pos, the main while-loop looks at the intersections
+ directly adjacent to the stones found so far, for liberties or other stones that belong
+ to the string. Then it looks at the neighbors of those newly found stones, and so
+ on, until it finds a liberty, or until it doesn't find any new stones belonging
+ to the string, which means that there are no liberties.
+ Once a liberty is found, the function returns immediately. """
+ st = [] # in the end, this list will contain all stones solidly connected to the
+ # one at pos, if this string has no liberties
+ newlyFound = [pos] # in the while loop, we will look at the neighbors of stones in newlyFound
+ foundNew = 1
+ while foundNew:
+ foundNew = 0
+ n = [] # this will contain the stones found in this iteration of the loop
+ for x in newlyFound:
+ for y in self.neighbors(x):
+ if not self.status.has_key(y) and y != exc and y != pos: # found a liberty
+ return []
+ elif self.status.has_key(y) and self.status[y]==color \
+ and not y in newlyFound and not y in st: # found another stone of same color
+ n.append(y)
+ foundNew = 1
+ st[:0] = newlyFound
+ newlyFound = n
+ return st # no liberties found, return list of all stones connected to the original one
+ def undo(self, no=1):
+ """ Undo the last no moves. """
+ for i in range(no):
+ if self.undostack:
+ pos, color, captures = self.undostack.pop()
+ del self.status[pos]
+ if captures:
+ for p in captures: self.status[p] = self.invert(color)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def invert(self,color):
+ if color == 'B': return 'W'
+ else: return 'B'
+ def get_status(self):
+ return self.status