23 * edge prisoners are recognized & removed * allow any board size * info panel reflects whose move * renamed pot file 22 * first test on XO works local no buddy panel * got rid of a stone placement bugs * improved performance of the ghost stone 21 * board graphics and stone graphics complete * can now play using the board just like any physical board, * at connect initiator is always white turn phrases at bottom do not work * remove stones with right click for now 20 * morph Connect into Go most of the boardwidget is complete, * you can click play on a single machine (sortof) 19 * #4663: fix and use _get_buddy again to convert handles into buddies (morgs) 18 * Fixes in usage of sugar.presence API (morgs) 17 * Remove Tubes boilerplate and rely on #4503 having been fixed in sugar.presence (smcv) -- this depends on sugar snapshot 8c89bfaed7 16 * Remove self.set_title() (morgs) * #3492: Don't quit on escape (cassidy) 15 * #3557: Updated spanish translation (morgs) 14 * Updated spanish translation (morgs) * Add spanish translation (xavi) 13 * #2349 Suggests sharing or inviting someone to play (morgs) * #3194 Detect win with more than 4 in a row (morgs) 12 * New activity icon, Fix for #2829 (erikos) 11 * Port to new tubes API (cassidy) 10 * Fix sugar.graphics change to CanvasIcon (morgs) * Add greek translation. (simosx) * Add arabic translation. (khaled) 9 * Fix buddy icon (morgs) * Use tubeconn from sugar.presence (morgs) * Use sugar.graphics.style instead of sugar.graphics.color (danw) * #2579 German translation (morgs) 8 * Add gettext for i18n (morgs) * #1625, #2420: Fix activity icon (danw, cassidy) 7 * 1960, #1624: Show the activity toolbox and sidebar when PS not connected (morgs) 6 * Adapt to sugar API change (marco) 5 * Fix buddy handles for Salut (Link Local) channels (smcv) * UI improvement to show whose turn it is, below grid (morgs)