# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Copyright 2007-2008 One Laptop Per Child # Copyright 2007 Gerard J. Cerchio # Copyright 2008 Andrés Ambrois # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import logging import sugar.logger from gettext import gettext as _ import cPickle import gtk from sugar.activity.activity import Activity, ActivityToolbox from gametoolbar import GameToolbar from gogame import GoGame import boardwidget import infopanel from collaboration import CollaborationWrapper from gtp import gnugo logger = logging.getLogger('PlayGo') DEFAULT_SIZE = 19 DEFAULT_KOMI = 5.5 class PlayGo(Activity): def __init__(self, handle): # Initialize the parent Activity.__init__(self, handle) logger.debug('Initiating PlayGo') self.size = DEFAULT_SIZE self.komi = DEFAULT_KOMI # Set the activity toolbox toolbox = ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(toolbox) self.gameToolbar = GameToolbar(self) toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Game'), self.gameToolbar) self.gameToolbar.connect('game-restart', self.restart_game) self.gameToolbar.connect('game-board-size', self.board_size_change) self.gameToolbar.connect('ai-activated', self.ai_activated_cb) self.gameToolbar.connect('ai-deactivated', self.ai_deactivated_cb) self.gameToolbar.show() # Initialize the game self.game = GoGame(self.size) self.CurrentColor = 'B' self.PlayerColor = 'B' self.pass_count = 0 self.ai_activated = False self.set_up_ui() if not handle.object_id: self.infopanel.show(_('Welcome to PlayGo!')) else: self.show_score() self.lastX = -1 self.lastY = -1 #Set up collaboration self.collaboration = CollaborationWrapper(self, self.buddy_joined, self.buddy_left, self.Play, self.game.undostack, self.bootstrap) self.connect('shared', self.collaboration._shared_cb) if self._shared_activity: # We are joining the activity self.connect('joined', self.collaboration._joined_cb) if self.get_shared(): # We've already joined self.collaboration._joined_cb() def set_up_ui(self): self.board = boardwidget.GoBoardWidget(self.game.get_status(), self.size) self.board.connect('motion-notify-event', self.board_motion_cb) self.board.connect('insert-requested', self.insert_cb) self.main_view = gtk.VBox() self.board_aspect = gtk.AspectFrame(None, .5, .5, 1, False) self.board_aspect.add(self.board) self.main_view.pack_start(self.board_aspect) self.buttons_box = gtk.HBox() self.buttons_alignment = gtk.Alignment(0.5, 1, 0.5, 1) #Pass button self.pass_button = gtk.Button(_('Pass')) self.pass_button.connect("clicked", self.pass_cb) self.buttons_box.pack_start(self.pass_button, True, True, 10) #Undo button self.undo_button = gtk.Button(_('Undo')) self.undo_button.connect("clicked", self.undo_cb) self.buttons_box.pack_start(self.undo_button, True, True, 10) self.buttons_alignment.add(self.buttons_box) self.main_view.pack_start(self.buttons_alignment, False, padding=10) self.infopanel = infopanel.InfoPanel() self.main_view.pack_start(self.infopanel, False) self.set_canvas(self.main_view) self.show_all() def insert_cb(self, widget, x, y, announce=True, ai_play=False): ''' The insert function. It makes the play and manages turn changing stone drawing, etc. Parameters x and y are the coordinates of the play ((0,0) is top left), widget points to the widget that emitted the signal connected to this function, announce is True when we need to announce this play to other people collaborating, and ai_play is True when this is called by the AI, so we know not to ask for an AI play again ''' # Check if it's our turn only if it's a local play (announce is True) # Calls by other players will always be out of turn for us. if announce and self.get_currentcolor() != self.get_playercolor(): logger.debug('Play at %s x %s was out-of-turn!', x, y) self.infopanel.show(_('It\'s not your turn!')) return False # Make the play only if it wasn't a pass move. if x != -1: self.pass_count = 0 error = self.game.illegal(x, y, self.get_currentcolor()) if error: self.infopanel.show(error) return False # Make the play captures = self.game.play((x, y), self.get_currentcolor()) if self.ai_activated and not ai_play: self.notify_ai(x, y, self.get_currentcolor()) self.gameToolbar.grey_out_size_change() if captures: self.redraw_captures(captures) self.show_score() self.board.draw_stone(x, y, self.get_currentcolor(), widget) # Player passed else: self.pass_count += 1 # Announce the local play if self.get_shared() and announce: self.collaboration.Play(x, y) self.change_turn() if x == -1: self.infopanel.show(_('Opponent passed')) # If this is the second consecutive pass, the game ends if self.pass_count == 2: self.game_end() return # If we are playing a local game with AI turned off, change the color if not self.get_shared() and not self.ai_activated: self.change_player_color() # Else, if the AI is on, and this wasn't played by it, request a play by it. elif self.ai_activated: self.change_player_color() if not ai_play: self.play_ai() def undo_cb(self, widget, data=None): if self.game.undo(): self.board.queue_draw() # If playing against AI undo twice if self.ai_activated: self.ai.undo() self.game.undo() self.ai.undo() else: self.change_turn() if not self.get_shared() and not self.ai_activated: self.change_player_color() self.show_score() def pass_cb(self, widget, data=None): if self.get_shared(): if self.get_currentcolor() == self.get_playercolor(): self.pass_count += 1 self.collaboration.Play(-1, -1) else: self.infopanel.show(_('It\'s not your turn!')) return else: self.pass_count += 1 self.change_player_color() self.change_turn() if self.pass_count == 2: self.game_end() if self.ai_activated: self.ai.pass_move(self.get_currentcolor()) self.play_ai() def write_file(self, file_path): logger.debug('Writing file: %s', file_path) # Strip the undostack undostack = self.game.undostack[:] strippedstack = [] for pos, color, captures in undostack: strippedstack.append(pos) f = open(file_path, 'w') try: cPickle.dump(strippedstack, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) finally: f.close() self.metadata['our-color'] = self.get_playercolor() self.metadata['shared'] = str(self.get_shared()) self.metadata['size'] = str(self.size) def read_file(self, file_path): logger.debug('Reading file: %s', file_path) f = open(file_path, 'r') try: newstack = cPickle.load(f) finally: f.close() if self.get_shared(): logger.debug('The game we are loading is shared!') self.PlayerColor = self.metadata.get('our-color', 'B') if self.size != self.metadata.get('size', DEFAULT_SIZE): self.board_size_change(None, int(self.metadata.get('size', DEFAULT_SIZE))) self.bootstrap(newstack) def board_motion_cb(self, widget, event): x, y = self.board.get_mouse_event_xy(event) if x == self.lastX and y == self.lastY: return self.lastX = x self.lastY = y if not self.game.is_occupied(x, y) and self.game.legal((x, y), self.get_playercolor()): self.board.draw_ghost_stone(x, y, self.get_playercolor()) def invert_color(self, color): if color == 'B': return 'W' return 'B' def get_currentcolor(self): return self.CurrentColor def change_turn(self): # It's the other guy's turn now if self.CurrentColor == 'B': self.infopanel.show(_('White\'s turn')) else: self.infopanel.show(_('Black\'s turn')) self.CurrentColor = self.invert_color(self.get_currentcolor()) def get_playercolor(self): return self.PlayerColor def change_player_color(self): self.PlayerColor = self.invert_color(self.get_playercolor()) def set_player_color(self, color): self.PlayerColor = color def redraw_captures(self, captures): for x in captures: self.board.redraw_area(x[0], x[1]) def bootstrap(self, plays): ''' Take our game to the state it would have if @plays were manually played''' logger.debug('Bootstraping...') self.board.do_expose_event() # HACK: Looks like read_file is called before the board is exposed for pos in plays: logger.debug('Playing at %s with color %s', pos, self.get_currentcolor()) captures = self.game.play((pos[0], pos[1]), self.get_currentcolor()) if captures: self.redraw_captures(captures) self.change_turn() self.change_player_color() logger.debug('Color after bootstraping is %s', self.get_currentcolor()) self.show_score() self.board.do_expose_event() def restart_game(self, widget=None): logger.debug('Received restart signal!') self.CurrentColor = 'B' self.PlayerColor = 'B' self.pass_count = 0 self.game.clear() self.board.status = self.game.status self.board.do_expose_event() self.show_score() self.board.set_sensitive(True) self.buttons_box.set_sensitive(True) if self.ai_activated: self.ai.clear() def game_end(self): # TODO: Mark captured territories with pretty symbols self.board.set_sensitive(False) self.buttons_box.set_sensitive(False) territories = self.game.get_territories() final_score = {'B':(len(territories['B']) - self.game.get_score()['W']), 'W':(len(territories['W']) - self.game.get_score()['B'] + self.komi)} if final_score['B'] > final_score['W']: winner_string = _('Blacks win!') elif final_score['W'] > final_score['B']: winner_string = _('Whites win!') else: winner_string = _('There was a tie!') self.infopanel.show(_('Game ended! %s' % winner_string)) self.infopanel.show_score(_('Final score: Whites %(W)d - Blacks %(B)d' % final_score)) def board_size_change(self, widget, size): if size == self.size: return self.size = size del self.game self.game = GoGame(size) self.board_aspect.remove(self.board) del self.board self.board = boardwidget.GoBoardWidget(self.game.get_status(), int(size)) self.board_aspect.add(self.board) self.board.connect('motion-notify-event', self.board_motion_cb) self.board.connect('insert-requested', self.insert_cb) self.board.show() if self.ai_activated: del self.ai self.ai = gnugo(boardsize=self.size) def ai_activated_cb(self, widget): self.restart_game() self.ai_activated = True self.ai = gnugo(boardsize=self.size) self._alert(_('AI'), _('PlayGo AI Activated')) def ai_deactivated_cb(self, widget): self.ai_activated = False del self.ai self._alert(_('AI'), _('PlayGo AI Deactivated')) def notify_ai(self, x, y, color): if color == self.get_playercolor(): logger.debug('Notifying AI of play by %s at %s x %s', color, x, y) self.ai.make_play(color, x, y) def play_ai(self): if self.get_currentcolor() == self.get_playercolor(): x, y = self.ai.get_move(self.get_currentcolor()) logger.debug('Got play %s x %s from AI', x, y) self.insert_cb(None, x, y, ai_play=True) #logger.debug('Dumping board: %s', self.ai.dump_board()) def show_score(self): self.infopanel.show_score(_("Score is: Whites %(W)d - Blacks %(B)d" % self.game.get_score())) def _alert(self, title, text=None): from sugar.graphics.alert import NotifyAlert alert = NotifyAlert(timeout=5) alert.props.title = title alert.props.msg = text self.add_alert(alert) alert.connect('response', self._alert_cancel_cb) alert.show() def _alert_cancel_cb(self, alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) # ------- Callbacks for Collaboration -------- # def buddy_joined(self, buddy): self._alert(_('Buddy joined'), _('%s joined' % buddy.props.nick)) def buddy_left(self, buddy): self._alert(_('Buddy left'), _('%s left' % buddy.props.nick)) def Play(self, x, y, sender=None): ''' Called when a stone was placed at x,y by sender''' # Discard a pass move received in our turn. Do it here for extra security if x == -1 and self.get_currentcolor() == self.get_playercolor(): return self.insert_cb(None, x, y, False)