import logging from Numeric import * from gettext import gettext as _ import gtk from dbus import Interface from dbus.service import method, signal from dbus.gobject_service import ExportedGObject # XXX: I'm not convinced this is in the right namespace SERVICE = "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Tube.Connect" IFACE = SERVICE PATH = "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Tube/Connect" _logger = logging.getLogger('') def redraw(grid): """Utility function to force a redraw of a Gtk widget.""" grid.queue_draw() def dump_grid(seq): grid = '' for row in seq: row_str = '' for col in row: if col == -1: row_str += ' |' else: row_str += '%d|' % col grid = '%s%s\n' % (grid, row_str) _logger.debug('Grid state is now:\n%s', grid) ## This abstractBoard is part of Kombilo, a go database program ## It contains a class implementing an abstract go board ## Copyright (C) 2001-3 Ulrich Goertz ( class abstractBoard: """ This class administrates a go board. It keeps track of the stones currently on the board in the dictionary self.status, and of the moves played so far in self.undostack It has methods to clear the board, play a stone, undo a move. """ def __init__(self, boardSize = 19): self.size = boardSize #TODO: get rid of this self.status = {} self.undostack = [] self.boardSize = boardSize def neighbors(self,x): """ Returns the coordinates of the 4 (resp. 3 resp. 2 at the side / in the corner) intersections adjacent to the given one. """ if x[0]== 1 : l0 = [2] elif x[0]== self.boardSize : l0 = [self.boardSize-1] else: l0 = [x[0]-1, x[0]+1] if x[1]== 1 : l1 = [2] elif x[1]== self.boardSize : l1 = [self.boardSize-1] else: l1 = [x[1]-1, x[1]+1] l = [] for i in l0: l.append((i,x[1])) for j in l1: l.append((x[0],j)) return l def clear(self): """ Clear the board """ self.status = {} self.undostack=[] def play(self,pos,color): """ This plays a color=black/white stone at pos, if that is a legal move (disregarding ko), and deletes stones captured by that move. It returns 1 if the move has been played, 0 if not. """ if self.status.has_key(pos): # check if empty return 0 l =,color) if l: # legal move? captures = l[1] for x in captures: del self.status[x] # remove captured stones, if any self.undostack.append((pos,color,captures)) # remember move + captured stones for easy undo return 1 else: return 0 def legal(self, pos, color): """ Check if a play by color at pos would be a legal move. """ c = [] # captured stones for x in self.neighbors(pos): if self.status.has_key(x) and self.status[x]==self.invert(color): c = c + self.hasNoLibExcP(x, pos) self.status[pos]=color if c: captures = [] for x in c: if not x in captures: captures.append(x) return (1, captures) if self.hasNoLibExcP(pos): del self.status[pos] return 0 else: return (1, []) def hasNoLibExcP(self, pos, exc = None): """ This function checks if the string (=solidly connected) of stones containing the stone at pos has a liberty (resp. has a liberty besides that at exc). If no liberties are found, a list of all stones in the string is returned. The algorithm is a non-recursive implementation of a simple flood-filling: starting from the stone at pos, the main while-loop looks at the intersections directly adjacent to the stones found so far, for liberties or other stones that belong to the string. Then it looks at the neighbors of those newly found stones, and so on, until it finds a liberty, or until it doesn't find any new stones belonging to the string, which means that there are no liberties. Once a liberty is found, the function returns immediately. """ st = [] # in the end, this list will contain all stones solidly connected to the # one at pos, if this string has no liberties newlyFound = [pos] # in the while loop, we will look at the neighbors of stones in newlyFound foundNew = 1 while foundNew: foundNew = 0 n = [] # this will contain the stones found in this iteration of the loop for x in newlyFound: for y in self.neighbors(x): if not self.status.has_key(y) and y != exc: # found a liberty return [] elif self.status.has_key(y) and self.status[y]==self.status[x] \ and not y in st and not y in newlyFound: # found another stone of same color n.append(y) foundNew = 1 st[:0] = newlyFound newlyFound = n return st # no liberties found, return list of all stones connected to the original one def undo(self, no=1): """ Undo the last no moves. """ for i in range(no): if self.undostack: pos, color, captures = self.undostack.pop() del self.status[pos] for p in captures: self.status[p] = self.invert(color) def remove(self, pos): """ Remove a stone form the board, and store this action in undostack. """ self.undostack.append(((-1,-1), self.invert(self.status[pos]), [pos])) del self.status[pos] def invert(self,color): if color == 'B': return 'W' else: return 'B' def setPointi( self, x, y, value ): color = 'W' if value == 1 : color = 'B' return (x,y), color ) class GoGame(ExportedGObject): def __init__(self, tube, boardwidget, is_initiator, buddies_panel, info_panel, owner, get_buddy, activity): super(GoGame, self).__init__(tube, PATH) = tube self.boardWidget = boardwidget self.is_initiator = is_initiator self.entered = False self.player_id = None self.buddies_panel = buddies_panel self.info_panel = info_panel self.owner = owner self._get_buddy = get_buddy self.activity = activity boardwidget.myGame = self # list indexed by player ID # 0, 1 are players 0, 1 # 2+ are the spectator queue, 2 is to play next self.ordered_bus_names = [] self.boardWidget.connect('insert-requested', self.insert_requested_cb) def participant_change_cb(self, added, removed): # Initiator is player 0, other player is player 1. _logger.debug('adding participants: %r', added) _logger.debug('removing participants: %r', removed) for handle, bus_name in added: buddy = self._get_buddy(handle) _logger.debug('Buddy %r was added', buddy) if buddy is not None: self.buddies_panel.add_watcher(buddy) for handle in removed: buddy = self._get_buddy(handle) _logger.debug('Buddy %r was removed', buddy) if buddy is not None: self.buddies_panel.remove_watcher(buddy) try: self.ordered_bus_names.remove([handle]) except ValueError: # already absent pass if not self.entered:, 'Insert', IFACE, path=PATH, sender_keyword='sender') if self.is_initiator: _logger.debug('I am the initiator, so making myself player 0') self.add_hello_handler() self.ordered_bus_names = [] self.player_id = 0 self.buddies_panel.add_player(self.owner) else: _logger.debug('Hello, everyone! What did I miss?') self.Hello() self.entered = True @signal(dbus_interface=IFACE, signature='') def Hello(self): """Request that this player's Welcome method is called to bring it up to date with the game state. """ @method(dbus_interface=IFACE, in_signature='aanas', out_signature='') def Welcome(self, aBoard, bus_names): """To be called on the incoming player by the other players to inform them of the game state. FIXME: nominate a "referee" (initially the initiator) responsible for saying Welcome, elect a new referee when the current referee leaves? This could also be used to make the protocol robust against cheating/bugs """ if self.player_id is None: _logger.debug('Welcomed to the game. Player bus names are %r', bus_names) self.boardWidget.myBoard.board = aBoard dump_grid( aBoard ) self.ordered_bus_names = bus_names self.player_id = bus_names.index( # OK, now I'm synched with the game, I can welcome others self.add_hello_handler() buddy = self._get_buddy([bus_names[0]]) self.buddies_panel.add_player(buddy) buddy = self._get_buddy([bus_names[1]]) self.buddies_panel.add_player(buddy) if self.get_active_player() == self.player_id: _logger.debug("It's my turn already!") self.change_turn() redraw( self.boardWidget ) else: _logger.debug("I've already been welcomed, doing nothing") def add_hello_handler(self):, 'Hello', IFACE, path=PATH, sender_keyword='sender') @signal(dbus_interface=IFACE, signature='i') def Insert(self, column): """Signal that the local player has placed a disc.""" #assert column >= self.boardWidget.myBoard.size #assert column < self.boardWidget.myBoard.size def hello_cb(self, sender=None): """Tell the newcomer what's going on.""" _logger.debug('Newcomer %s has joined', sender) self.ordered_bus_names.append(sender) if len(self.ordered_bus_names) == 2: buddy = self._get_buddy([sender]) self.buddies_panel.add_player(buddy) _logger.debug('Bus names are now: %r', self.ordered_bus_names) _logger.debug('Welcoming newcomer and sending them the game state'), PATH).Welcome(self.boardWidget.myBoard.status, self.ordered_bus_names, dbus_interface=IFACE) if (self.player_id == 0 and len(self.ordered_bus_names) == 2): _logger.debug("This is my game and an opponent has joined. I go first") self.change_turn() def insert_cb(self, column, sender=None): # Someone placed a disc handle =[sender] _logger.debug('Insert(%d) from %s', column, sender) if == handle: _logger.debug('Ignoring Insert signal from myself: %d', column) return try: winner = self.boardWidget.insert(column, self.get_active_player()) except ValueError: return dump_grid(self.boardWidget.myBoard.status) if winner is not None: _logger.debug('Player with handle %d wins', handle)'The other player wins!')) redraw(self.boardWidget) return self.change_turn() def change_turn(self): try: bus_name = self.ordered_bus_names[self.get_active_player()] buddy = self._get_buddy([bus_name]) self.buddies_panel.set_is_playing(buddy) except: _logger.error('argh!', exc_info=1) raise if self.get_active_player() == self.player_id: _logger.debug('It\'s my turn now')'Your turn')) self.activity.grab_focus() else: _logger.debug('It\'s not my turn') self.boardWidget.selected_column = None redraw(self.boardWidget) def get_active_player(self): return 1 def key_press_event(self, widget, event): _logger.debug('Keypress: keyval %s', event.keyval) if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Left,): _logger.debug('<--') if self.boardWidget.selected_column > 0: self.boardWidget.selected_column -= 1 redraw(self.boardWidget) elif event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Right,): _logger.debug('-->') if self.boardWidget.selected_column < 6: self.boardWidget.selected_column += 1 redraw(self.boardWidget) elif event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Down, _logger.debug('v') self.insert_requested_cb(self.boardWidget, self.boardWidget.selected_column) def insert_requested_cb(self, grid, col): _logger.debug('Inserting at %d', col) winner = grid.insert(col, self.player_id) if winner == -1: return dump_grid(grid.myBoard.status) redraw(grid) self.Insert(col) self.change_turn() if winner is not None: _logger.debug("I win")'You win!')) else:'Other player\'s turn'))