import pymongo from pymongo import Connection, ReplicaSetConnection, uri_parser __all__ = ['ConnectionError', 'connect', 'register_connection', 'DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME'] DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME = 'default' class ConnectionError(Exception): pass _connection_settings = {} _connections = {} _dbs = {} def register_connection(alias, name, host='localhost', port=27017, is_slave=False, read_preference=False, slaves=None, username=None, password=None, **kwargs): """Add a connection. :param alias: the name that will be used to refer to this connection throughout MongoEngine :param name: the name of the specific database to use :param host: the host name of the :program:`mongod` instance to connect to :param port: the port that the :program:`mongod` instance is running on :param is_slave: whether the connection can act as a slave ** Depreciated pymongo 2.0.1+ :param read_preference: The read preference for the collection ** Added pymongo 2.1 :param slaves: a list of aliases of slave connections; each of these must be a registered connection that has :attr:`is_slave` set to ``True`` :param username: username to authenticate with :param password: password to authenticate with :param kwargs: allow ad-hoc parameters to be passed into the pymongo driver """ global _connection_settings conn_settings = { 'name': name, 'host': host, 'port': port, 'is_slave': is_slave, 'slaves': slaves or [], 'username': username, 'password': password, 'read_preference': read_preference } # Handle uri style connections if "://" in host: uri_dict = uri_parser.parse_uri(host) if uri_dict.get('database') is None: raise ConnectionError("If using URI style connection include " "database name in string") conn_settings.update({ 'host': host, 'name': uri_dict.get('database'), 'username': uri_dict.get('username'), 'password': uri_dict.get('password'), 'read_preference': read_preference, }) if "replicaSet" in host: conn_settings['replicaSet'] = True conn_settings.update(kwargs) _connection_settings[alias] = conn_settings def disconnect(alias=DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME): global _connections global _dbs if alias in _connections: get_connection(alias=alias).disconnect() del _connections[alias] if alias in _dbs: del _dbs[alias] def get_connection(alias=DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME, reconnect=False): global _connections # Connect to the database if not already connected if reconnect: disconnect(alias) if alias not in _connections: if alias not in _connection_settings: msg = 'Connection with alias "%s" has not been defined' % alias if alias == DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME: msg = 'You have not defined a default connection' raise ConnectionError(msg) conn_settings = _connection_settings[alias].copy() if hasattr(pymongo, 'version_tuple'): # Support for 2.1+ conn_settings.pop('name', None) conn_settings.pop('slaves', None) conn_settings.pop('is_slave', None) conn_settings.pop('username', None) conn_settings.pop('password', None) else: # Get all the slave connections if 'slaves' in conn_settings: slaves = [] for slave_alias in conn_settings['slaves']: slaves.append(get_connection(slave_alias)) conn_settings['slaves'] = slaves conn_settings.pop('read_preference', None) connection_class = Connection if 'replicaSet' in conn_settings: conn_settings['hosts_or_uri'] = conn_settings.pop('host', None) # Discard port since it can't be used on ReplicaSetConnection conn_settings.pop('port', None) # Discard replicaSet if not base string if not isinstance(conn_settings['replicaSet'], basestring): conn_settings.pop('replicaSet', None) connection_class = ReplicaSetConnection try: _connections[alias] = connection_class(**conn_settings) except Exception, e: raise ConnectionError( "Cannot connect to database %s :\n%s" % (alias, e)) return _connections[alias] def get_db(alias=DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME, reconnect=False): global _dbs if reconnect: disconnect(alias) if alias not in _dbs: conn = get_connection(alias) conn_settings = _connection_settings[alias] _dbs[alias] = conn[conn_settings['name']] # Authenticate if necessary if conn_settings['username'] and conn_settings['password']: _dbs[alias].authenticate(conn_settings['username'], conn_settings['password']) return _dbs[alias] def connect(db, alias=DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME, **kwargs): """Connect to the database specified by the 'db' argument. Connection settings may be provided here as well if the database is not running on the default port on localhost. If authentication is needed, provide username and password arguments as well. Multiple databases are supported by using aliases. Provide a separate `alias` to connect to a different instance of :program:`mongod`. .. versionchanged:: 0.6 - added multiple database support. """ global _connections if alias not in _connections: register_connection(alias, db, **kwargs) return get_connection(alias) # Support old naming convention _get_connection = get_connection _get_db = get_db