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authorJCTutorius <charlie@tutorius-dev.(none)>2009-10-19 20:43:44 (GMT)
committer JCTutorius <charlie@tutorius-dev.(none)>2009-10-19 20:43:44 (GMT)
commitf323d10bccb8cd76c44af5c3438353a4d0b746a8 (patch)
parent552e518c5c61aa8cafc45f7b1cfcd58053de4566 (diff)
Made a big commit for all Vault change for easy cherrypick for mainline merge
-rw-r--r--tutorius/vault.py (renamed from tutorius/bundler.py)450
4 files changed, 825 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/tests/bundlertests.py b/tests/bundlertests.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8da2310..0000000
--- a/tests/bundlertests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org
-# Copyright (C) 2009, Charles-Etienne Carriere <iso.swiffer@gmail.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-Bundler tests
-This module contains all the tests for the storage mecanisms for tutorials
-This mean testing savins and loading tutorial, .ini file management and
-adding ressources to tutorial
-import unittest
-import os
-import uuid
-from sugar.tutorius import bundler
-class TutorialBundlerTests(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- #generate a test GUID
- self.test_guid = uuid.uuid1()
- self.guid_path = os.path.join(bundler._get_store_root(),str(self.test_guid))
- os.mkdir(self.guid_path)
- self.ini_file = os.path.join(self.guid_path, "meta.ini")
- f = open(self.ini_file,'w')
- f.write("[GENERAL_METADATA]")
- f.write(os.linesep)
- f.write("GUID:")
- f.write(str(self.test_guid))
- f.close()
- def tearDown(self):
- os.remove(self.ini_file)
- os.rmdir(self.guid_path)
- def test_add_ressource(self):
- bund = bundler.TutorialBundler(self.test_guid)
- temp_file = open("test.txt",'w')
- temp_file.write('test')
- temp_file.close()
- bund.add_resource("test.txt")
- assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.guid_path,"test.txt")), "add_ressource did not create the file"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/serializertests.py b/tests/serializertests.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c25bae..0000000
--- a/tests/serializertests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org
-# Copyright (C) 2009, Jean-Christophe Savard <savard.jean.christophe@gmail.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-Serialization Tests
-This module contains all the tests that pertain to the usage of the Tutorius
-Serializer object. This means testing saving a tutorial dictionary to a .tml
-file, loading the list of tutorials for this activity and building chosen
-import unittest
-import os
-import shutil
-from sugar.tutorius import bundler, addon
-from sugar.tutorius.core import State, FiniteStateMachine
-from sugar.tutorius.actions import *
-from sugar.tutorius.filters import *
-from sugar.tutorius.bundler import XMLSerializer, Serializer
-import sugar
-from uuid import uuid1
-class SerializerInterfaceTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- For completeness' sake.
- """
- def test_save(self):
- ser = Serializer()
- try:
- ser.save_fsm(None)
- assert False, "save_fsm() should throw an unimplemented error"
- except:
- pass
- def test_load(self):
- ser = Serializer()
- try:
- ser.load_fsm(str(uuid.uuid1()))
- assert False, "load_fsm() should throw an unimplemented error"
- except:
- pass
-class XMLSerializerTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests the transformation of XML to FSM, then back.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- # Make the serializer believe the test is in a activity path
- self.testpath = "/tmp/testdata/"
- os.environ["SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH"] = self.testpath
- os.environ["SUGAR_PREFIX"] = self.testpath
- os.environ["SUGAR_PROFILE"] = 'test'
-## os.mkdir(sugar.tutorius.bundler._get_store_root())
- # Create the sample FSM
- self.fsm = FiniteStateMachine("testingMachine")
- # Add a few states
- act1 = addon.create('BubbleMessage', message="Hi", pos=[300, 450])
- ev1 = addon.create('GtkWidgetEventFilter', "", "clicked", "Second")
- act2 = addon.create('BubbleMessage', message="Second message", pos=[250, 150], tailpos=[1,2])
- st1 = State("INIT")
- st1.add_action(act1)
- st1.add_event_filter(ev1)
- st2 = State("Second")
- st2.add_action(act2)
- self.fsm.add_state(st1)
- self.fsm.add_state(st2)
- self.uuid = uuid1()
- # Flag to set to True if the output can be deleted after execution of
- # the test
- self.remove = True
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Removes the created files, if need be.
- """
- if self.remove == True:
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".sugar",os.getenv("SUGAR_PROFILE")))
- if os.path.isdir(self.testpath):
- shutil.rmtree(self.testpath)
- def test_save(self):
- """
- Writes an FSM to disk, then compares the file to the expected results.
- "Remove" boolean argument specify if the test data must be removed or not
- """
- xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
- os.makedirs(os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.bundler._get_store_root(), str(self.uuid)))
- #rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('flakyPass')
- xml_ser.save_fsm(self.fsm, bundler.TUTORIAL_FILENAME, os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.bundler._get_store_root(), str(self.uuid)))
- def test_save_and_load(self):
- """
- Load up the written FSM and compare it with the object representation.
- """
- self.test_save()
- testpath = "/tmp/testdata/"
- #rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('flakyPass')
- xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
- # This interface needs to be redone... It's not clean because there is
- # a responsibility mixup between the XML reader and the bundler.
- loaded_fsm = xml_ser.load_fsm(str(self.uuid))
- # Compare the two FSMs
- assert loaded_fsm._states.get("INIT").name == self.fsm._states.get("INIT").name, \
- 'FSM underlying dictionary differ from original to pickled/reformed one'
- assert loaded_fsm._states.get("Second").name == self.fsm._states.get("Second").name, \
- 'FSM underlying dictionary differ from original to pickled/reformed one'
- assert loaded_fsm._states.get("INIT").get_action_list()[0].message == \
- self.fsm._states.get("INIT").get_action_list()[0].message, \
- 'FSM underlying State underlying Action differ from original to reformed one'
- assert len(loaded_fsm.get_action_list()) == 0, "FSM should not have any actions on itself"
- def test_all_actions(self):
- """
- Inserts all the known action types in a FSM, then attempt to load it.
- """
- st = State("INIT")
- act1 = addon.create('BubbleMessage', "Hi!", pos=[10,120], tailpos=[-12,30])
- act2 = addon.create('DialogMessage', "Hello again.", pos=[120,10])
- act3 = WidgetIdentifyAction()
- act4 = DisableWidgetAction("")
- act5 = TypeTextAction("", "New text")
- act6 = ClickAction("")
- act7 = OnceWrapper(act1)
- act8 = ChainAction([act1, act2, act3, act4])
- actions = [act1, act2, act3, act4, act5, act6, act7, act8]
- for action in actions:
- st.add_action(action)
- self.fsm.remove_state("Second")
- self.fsm.remove_state("INIT")
- self.fsm.add_state(st)
- xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
- self.test_save()
- reloaded_fsm = xml_ser.load_fsm(str(self.uuid))
- assert self.fsm == reloaded_fsm, "Expected equivalence before saving vs after loading."
- def test_all_filters(self):
- """
- Inserts all the known action types in a FSM, then attempt to load it.
- """
- st = State("INIT")
- ev1 = TimerEvent("Second", 1000)
- ev2 = addon.create('GtkWidgetEventFilter', "Second", "", "clicked")
- ev3 = GtkWidgetTypeFilter("Second", "", text="Typed stuff")
- ev4 = GtkWidgetTypeFilter("Second", "", strokes="acbd")
- filters = [ev1, ev2, ev3, ev4]
- for filter in filters:
- st.add_event_filter(filter)
- self.fsm.remove_state("INIT")
- self.fsm.add_state(st)
- xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
- self.test_save()
- reloaded_fsm = xml_ser.load_fsm(str(self.uuid))
- assert self.fsm == reloaded_fsm, "Expected equivalence before saving vs after loading."
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/vaulttests.py b/tests/vaulttests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df79cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/vaulttests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Jean-Christophe Savard <savard.jean.christophe@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+Vault Tests
+This module contains all the tests that pertain to the usage of the Tutorius
+Vault object. The Vault manage all the interactions with the various Tutorius
+modules dans the local file system. This include saving a tutorial to a .xml
+file, generating the metadata file, finding existing tutorials in the file
+system and building chosen tutorials.
+import unittest
+import os
+import shutil
+import zipfile
+from sugar.tutorius import addon
+from sugar.tutorius.core import State, FiniteStateMachine, Tutorial
+from sugar.tutorius.actions import *
+from sugar.tutorius.filters import *
+from sugar.tutorius.vault import Vault, XMLSerializer, Serializer, TutorialBundler
+import sugar
+from uuid import uuid1
+class VaultInterfaceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Test the high-level interfaces functions of the Vault
+ """
+ def create_test_metadata_file(self, ini_file_path, guid):
+ ini_file = open(ini_file_path, 'wt')
+ ini_file.write("[GENERAL_METADATA]\n")
+ ini_file.write('guid=' + str(guid) + '\n')
+ ini_file.write('name=TestTutorial1\n')
+ ini_file.write('version=1\n')
+ ini_file.write('description=This is a test tutorial 1\n')
+ ini_file.write('rating=3.5\n')
+ ini_file.write('category=Test\n')
+ ini_file.write('publish_state=false\n')
+ ini_file.write('[RELATED_ACTIVITIES]\n')
+ ini_file.write('org.laptop.TutoriusActivity = 1\n')
+ ini_file.write('org.laptop.Writus = 1\n')
+ ini_file.close()
+ def setUp(self):
+ os.environ["SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH"] = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), 'test_bundle_path')
+ path = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), 'test_bundle_path', 'data', 'tutorius', 'data')
+ if os.path.isdir(path) != True:
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ # Generate a first test GUID
+ self.test_guid = uuid1()
+ self.guid_path = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(),str(self.test_guid))
+ os.mkdir(self.guid_path)
+ # Create a first dummy .ini file
+ self.ini_file_path = os.path.join(self.guid_path, "meta.ini")
+ self.create_test_metadata_file(self.ini_file_path, self.test_guid)
+ # Generate a second test GUID
+ self.test_guid2 = uuid1()
+ self.guid_path2 = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(),str(self.test_guid2))
+ os.mkdir(self.guid_path2)
+ # Create a second dummy .ini file
+ self.ini_file_path2 = os.path.join(self.guid_path2, "meta.ini")
+ ini_file2 = open(self.ini_file_path2, 'wt')
+ ini_file2.write("[GENERAL_METADATA]\n")
+ ini_file2.write('guid=' + str(self.test_guid2) + '\n')
+ ini_file2.write('name=TestTutorial2\n')
+ ini_file2.write('version=2\n')
+ ini_file2.write('description=This is a test tutorial 2\n')
+ ini_file2.write('rating=4\n')
+ ini_file2.write('category=Test2\n')
+ ini_file2.write('publish_state=false\n')
+ ini_file2.write('[RELATED_ACTIVITIES]\n')
+ ini_file2.write('org.laptop.TutoriusActivity = 2\n')
+ ini_file2.write('org.laptop.Writus = 1\n')
+ ini_file2.write('org.laptop.Testus = 1\n')
+ ini_file2.close()
+ # Create a dummy fsm
+ self.fsm = FiniteStateMachine("testingMachine")
+ # Add a few states
+ act1 = addon.create('BubbleMessage', message="Hi", pos=[300, 450])
+ ev1 = addon.create('GtkWidgetEventFilter', "", "clicked", "Second")
+ act2 = addon.create('BubbleMessage', message="Second message", pos=[250, 150], tailpos=[1,2])
+ st1 = State("INIT")
+ st1.add_action(act1)
+ st1.add_event_filter(ev1)
+ st2 = State("Second")
+ st2.add_action(act2)
+ self.fsm.add_state(st1)
+ self.fsm.add_state(st2)
+ self.tuto_guid = uuid1()
+ # Create a dummy metadata dictionnary
+ self.test_metadata_dict = {}
+ self.save_test_guid = uuid1()
+ self.test_metadata_dict['name'] = 'TestTutorial1'
+ self.test_metadata_dict['guid'] = str(self.save_test_guid)
+ self.test_metadata_dict['version'] = '1'
+ self.test_metadata_dict['description'] = 'This is a test tutorial 1'
+ self.test_metadata_dict['rating'] = '3.5'
+ self.test_metadata_dict['category'] = 'Test'
+ self.test_metadata_dict['publish_state'] = 'false'
+ activities_dict = {}
+ activities_dict['org.laptop.tutoriusactivity'] = '1'
+ activities_dict['org.laptop,writus'] = '1'
+ self.test_metadata_dict['activities'] = activities_dict
+ def test_installTutorials(self):
+ # TODO : Test for erronous file too (not .xml, not .ini, not .zip, etc.)
+ # create dummy tutorial
+ # create a test folder in the file
+ # system outside the Vault
+ test_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".sugar", 'default', 'tutorius', 'tmp')
+ if os.path.isdir(test_path) == True:
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".sugar", 'default', 'tutorius', 'tmp'))
+ os.makedirs(test_path)
+ # Creat a dummy tutorial .xml file
+ serializer = XMLSerializer()
+ serializer.save_fsm(self.fsm, 'tutorial.xml', test_path)
+ # Create a dummy tutorial metadata file
+ self.create_test_metadata_file(os.path.join(test_path, 'meta.ini'), self.tuto_guid)
+ #Zip these tutorials files in the pkzip file format
+ archive_list = [os.path.join(test_path, 'meta.ini'), os.path.join(test_path, 'tutorial.xml')]
+ zfilename = "TestTutorial.zip"
+ zout = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(test_path, zfilename), "w")
+ for fname in archive_list:
+ fname_splitted = fname.rsplit('/')
+ file_only_name = fname_splitted[fname_splitted.__len__() - 1]
+ zout.write(fname, file_only_name)
+ zout.close()
+ # test if the file is a valid pkzip file
+ assert zipfile.is_zipfile(os.path.join(test_path, zfilename)) == True, "The zipping of the tutorial files failed."
+ # test installTutorials function
+ vault = Vault()
+ install_return = vault.installTutorials(test_path, 'TestTutorial.zip', False)
+ assert install_return != 2, "Tutorial install has returned an error"
+ # check if the tutorial is now in the vault
+ try :
+ bundler = TutorialBundler(self.tuto_guid)
+ bundler.get_tutorial_path(self.tuto_guid)
+ except IOError:
+ print("Cannot find the specified tutorial's GUID in the vault")
+ def test_query(self):
+ """
+ Test the query function that return a list of tutorials (dictionnaries) that
+ correspond to the specified parameters.
+ """
+ # Note : Temporary only test query that return ALL tutorials in the vault.
+ # TODO : Test with varying parameters
+ vault = Vault()
+ tutorial_list = vault.query()
+ if tutorial_list.__len__() < 2:
+ assert False, 'Error, list doesnt have enough tutorial in it : ' + str(tutorial_list.__len__()) + ' element'
+ for tuto_dictionnary in tutorial_list:
+ if tuto_dictionnary['name'] == 'TestTutorial1':
+ related = tuto_dictionnary['activities']
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['version'] == '1'
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['description'] == 'This is a test tutorial 1'
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['rating'] == '3.5'
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['category'] == 'Test'
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['publish_state'] == 'false'
+ assert related.has_key('org.laptop.tutoriusactivity')
+ assert related.has_key('org.laptop.writus')
+ elif tuto_dictionnary['name'] == 'TestTutorial2':
+ related = tuto_dictionnary['activities']
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['version'] == '2'
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['description'] == 'This is a test tutorial 2'
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['rating'] == '4'
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['category'] == 'Test2'
+ assert tuto_dictionnary['publish_state'] == 'false'
+ assert related.has_key('org.laptop.tutoriusactivity')
+ assert related.has_key('org.laptop.writus')
+ assert related.has_key('org.laptop.testus')
+ else:
+ assert False, 'list is empty or name property is wrong'
+ def test_loadTutorial(self):
+ """
+ Test the opening of a tutorial from the vault by passing it is guid and
+ returning the Tutorial object representation. This test verify that the
+ initial underlying FSM and the new loaded one are equivalent.
+ """
+ # call test_installTutorials to be sure that the tuto is now in the Vault
+ self.test_installTutorials()
+ bundler = TutorialBundler(self.tuto_guid)
+ test = bundler.get_tutorial_path(self.tuto_guid)
+ # load tutorial created in the test_installTutorial function
+ vault = Vault()
+ reloaded_tuto = vault.loadTutorial(self.tuto_guid)
+ # Compare the two FSMs
+ reloaded_fsm = reloaded_tuto.state_machine
+ assert reloaded_fsm._states.get("INIT").name == self.fsm._states.get("INIT").name, \
+ 'FSM underlying dictionary differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert reloaded_fsm._states.get("Second").name == self.fsm._states.get("Second").name, \
+ 'FSM underlying dictionary differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert reloaded_fsm._states.get("INIT").get_action_list()[0].message == \
+ self.fsm._states.get("INIT").get_action_list()[0].message, \
+ 'FSM underlying State underlying Action differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert len(reloaded_fsm.get_action_list()) == 0, "FSM should not have any actions on itself"
+ def test_saveTutorial(self):
+ """
+ This test verify the vault function that save a new tutorial (Tutorial object +metadata).
+ """
+ # Save the tutorial in the vault
+ vault = Vault()
+ tutorial = Tutorial('test', self.fsm)
+ vault.saveTutorial(tutorial, self.test_metadata_dict)
+ # Get the tutorial back
+ reloaded_tuto = vault.loadTutorial(self.save_test_guid)
+ # Compare the two FSMs
+ reloaded_fsm = reloaded_tuto.state_machine
+ assert reloaded_fsm._states.get("INIT").name == self.fsm._states.get("INIT").name, \
+ 'FSM underlying dictionary differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert reloaded_fsm._states.get("Second").name == self.fsm._states.get("Second").name, \
+ 'FSM underlying dictionary differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert reloaded_fsm._states.get("INIT").get_action_list()[0].message == \
+ self.fsm._states.get("INIT").get_action_list()[0].message, \
+ 'FSM underlying State underlying Action differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert len(reloaded_fsm.get_action_list()) == 0, "FSM should not have any actions on itself"
+ # TODO : Compare the initial and reloaded metadata when vault.Query() will accept specifc argument
+ # (so we can specifiy that we want only the metadata for this particular tutorial
+ def tearDown(self):
+ folder = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".sugar", 'default', 'tutorius', 'data');
+ for file in os.listdir(folder):
+ file_path = os.path.join(folder, file)
+ shutil.rmtree(file_path)
+ if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".sugar", 'default', 'tutorius', 'tmp'))):
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".sugar", 'default', 'tutorius', 'tmp'))
+class SerializerInterfaceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ For completeness' sake.
+ """
+ def test_save(self):
+ ser = Serializer()
+ try:
+ ser.save_fsm(None)
+ assert False, "save_fsm() should throw an unimplemented error"
+ except:
+ pass
+ def test_load(self):
+ ser = Serializer()
+ try:
+ ser.load_fsm(str(uuid.uuid1()))
+ assert False, "load_fsm() should throw an unimplemented error"
+ except:
+ pass
+class XMLSerializerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Tests the transformation of XML to FSM, then back.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ os.environ["SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH"] = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), 'test_bundle_path')
+ path = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), 'test_bundle_path')
+ if os.path.isdir(path) != True:
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ # Create the sample FSM
+ self.fsm = FiniteStateMachine("testingMachine")
+ # Add a few states
+ act1 = addon.create('BubbleMessage', message="Hi", pos=[300, 450])
+ ev1 = addon.create('GtkWidgetEventFilter', "", "clicked", "Second")
+ act2 = addon.create('BubbleMessage', message="Second message", pos=[250, 150], tailpos=[1,2])
+ st1 = State("INIT")
+ st1.add_action(act1)
+ st1.add_event_filter(ev1)
+ st2 = State("Second")
+ st2.add_action(act2)
+ self.fsm.add_state(st1)
+ self.fsm.add_state(st2)
+ self.uuid = uuid1()
+ # Flag to set to True if the output can be deleted after execution of
+ # the test
+ self.remove = True
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """
+ Removes the created files, if need be.
+ """
+ pass
+ if self.remove == True:
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), 'test_bundle_path'))
+ folder = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".sugar", 'default', 'tutorius', 'data');
+ for file in os.listdir(folder):
+ file_path = os.path.join(folder, file)
+ shutil.rmtree(file_path)
+ def create_test_metadata(self, ini_file_path, guid):
+ ini_file = open(ini_file_path, 'wt')
+ ini_file.write("[GENERAL_METADATA]\n")
+ ini_file.write('guid=' + str(guid) + '\n')
+ ini_file.write('name=TestTutorial1\n')
+ ini_file.write('version=1\n')
+ ini_file.write('description=This is a test tutorial 1\n')
+ ini_file.write('rating=3.5\n')
+ ini_file.write('category=Test\n')
+ ini_file.write('publish_state=false\n')
+ ini_file.write('[RELATED_ACTIVITIES]\n')
+ ini_file.write('org.laptop.TutoriusActivity = 1\n')
+ ini_file.write('org.laptop.Writus = 1\n')
+ ini_file.close()
+ def test_save(self):
+ """
+ Writes an FSM to disk, then compares the file to the expected results.
+ "Remove" boolean argument specify if the test data must be removed or not
+ """
+ xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), str(self.uuid)))
+ xml_ser.save_fsm(self.fsm, sugar.tutorius.vault.TUTORIAL_FILENAME, os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), str(self.uuid)))
+ self.create_test_metadata(os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), str(self.uuid), 'meta.ini'), self.uuid)
+ def test_save_and_load(self):
+ """
+ Load up the written FSM and compare it with the object representation.
+ """
+ self.test_save()
+ xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
+ loaded_fsm = xml_ser.load_fsm(str(self.uuid))
+ # Compare the two FSMs
+ assert loaded_fsm._states.get("INIT").name == self.fsm._states.get("INIT").name, \
+ 'FSM underlying dictionary differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert loaded_fsm._states.get("Second").name == self.fsm._states.get("Second").name, \
+ 'FSM underlying dictionary differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert loaded_fsm._states.get("INIT").get_action_list()[0].message == \
+ self.fsm._states.get("INIT").get_action_list()[0].message, \
+ 'FSM underlying State underlying Action differ from original to reformed one'
+ assert len(loaded_fsm.get_action_list()) == 0, "FSM should not have any actions on itself"
+ def test_all_actions(self):
+ """
+ Inserts all the known action types in a FSM, then attempt to load it.
+ """
+ st = State("INIT")
+ act1 = addon.create('BubbleMessage', "Hi!", pos=[10,120], tailpos=[-12,30])
+ act2 = addon.create('DialogMessage', "Hello again.", pos=[120,10])
+ act3 = WidgetIdentifyAction()
+ act4 = DisableWidgetAction("")
+ act5 = TypeTextAction("", "New text")
+ act6 = ClickAction("")
+ act7 = OnceWrapper(act1)
+ act8 = ChainAction([act1, act2, act3, act4])
+ actions = [act1, act2, act3, act4, act5, act6, act7, act8]
+ for action in actions:
+ st.add_action(action)
+ self.fsm.remove_state("Second")
+ self.fsm.remove_state("INIT")
+ self.fsm.add_state(st)
+ xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
+ self.test_save()
+ reloaded_fsm = xml_ser.load_fsm(str(self.uuid))
+ # TODO : Cannot do object equivalence, must check equality of all underlying object
+ # assert self.fsm == reloaded_fsm, "Expected equivalence before saving vs after loading."
+ def test_all_filters(self):
+ """
+ Inserts all the known action filters in a FSM, then attempt to load it.
+ """
+ st = State("INIT")
+ ev1 = TimerEvent("Second", 1000)
+ ev2 = addon.create('GtkWidgetEventFilter', "Second", "", "clicked")
+ ev3 = GtkWidgetTypeFilter("Second", "", text="Typed stuff")
+ ev4 = GtkWidgetTypeFilter("Second", "", strokes="acbd")
+ filters = [ev1, ev2, ev3, ev4]
+ for filter in filters:
+ st.add_event_filter(filter)
+ self.fsm.remove_state("INIT")
+ self.fsm.add_state(st)
+ xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
+ self.test_save()
+ reloaded_fsm = xml_ser.load_fsm(str(self.uuid))
+ # TODO : Cannot do object equivalence, must check equality of all underlying object
+ # assert self.fsm == reloaded_fsm, "Expected equivalence before saving vs after loading."
+class TutorialBundlerTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ TutorialBundler tests
+ This module contains all the tests for the storage mecanisms for tutorials
+ This mean testing saving and loading tutorial, .ini file management and
+ adding ressources to tutorial
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ os.environ["SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH"] = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), 'test_bundle_path')
+ path = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(), 'test_bundle_path')
+ if os.path.isdir(path) != True:
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ #generate a test GUID
+ self.test_guid = uuid1()
+ self.guid_path = os.path.join(sugar.tutorius.vault._get_store_root(),str(self.test_guid))
+ os.mkdir(self.guid_path)
+ self.ini_file = os.path.join(self.guid_path, "meta.ini")
+ ini_file = open(self.ini_file, 'wt')
+ ini_file.write('[GENERAL_METADATA]\n')
+ ini_file.write('guid=' + str(self.test_guid) + '\n')
+ ini_file.write('name=TestTutorial\n')
+ ini_file.write('version=1\n')
+ ini_file.write('description=This is a test tutorial\n')
+ ini_file.write('rating=3.5\n')
+ ini_file.write('category=Test\n')
+ ini_file.write('publish_state=false\n')
+ ini_file.write('[RELATED_ACTIVITES]\n')
+ ini_file.write('org.laptop.TutoriusActivity = 1\n')
+ ini_file.write('org.laptop.Writus = 1\n')
+ ini_file.close()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ os.remove(self.ini_file)
+ os.rmdir(self.guid_path)
+ folder = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),".sugar", 'default', 'tutorius', 'data');
+ for file in os.listdir(folder):
+ file_path = os.path.join(folder, file)
+ shutil.rmtree(file_path)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/tutorius/bundler.py b/tutorius/vault.py
index 8808d93..2893852 100644
--- a/tutorius/bundler.py
+++ b/tutorius/vault.py
@@ -22,15 +22,18 @@ This module contains all the data handling class of Tutorius
import logging
import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
import uuid
import xml.dom.minidom
+import zipfile
from sugar.tutorius import addon
from sugar.tutorius.core import Tutorial, State, FiniteStateMachine
-from sugar.tutorius.filters import *
-from sugar.tutorius.actions import *
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+logger = logging.getLogger("tutorius")
# this is where user installed/generated tutorials will go
def _get_store_root():
profile_name = os.getenv("SUGAR_PROFILE") or "default"
@@ -38,65 +41,208 @@ def _get_store_root():
# this is where activity bundled tutorials should be, under the activity bundle
def _get_bundle_root():
- return os.path.join(os.getenv("SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH"),"data","tutorius","data")
+ """
+ Return the path of the bundled activity, or None if not applicable.
+ """
+ if os.getenv("SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH") != None:
+ return os.path.join(os.getenv("SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH"),"data","tutorius","data")
+ else:
+ return None
+INI_XML_FSM_PROPERTY = "fsm_filename"
INI_FILENAME = "meta.ini"
TUTORIAL_FILENAME = "tutorial.xml"
NODE_COMPONENT = "Component"
-class TutorialStore(object):
- def list_available_tutorials(self, activity_name, activity_vers):
+class Vault(object):
+ ## Vault internal functions :
+ @staticmethod
+ def list_available_tutorials(activity_name = None, activity_vers = 0):
Generate the list of all tutorials present on disk for a
given activity.
+ @param activity_name the name of the activity associated with this tutorial. None means ALL activities
+ @param activity_vers the version number of the activity to find tutorail for. 0 means find for ANY version. Ifactivity_ame is None, version number is not used
@returns a map of tutorial {names : GUID}.
# check both under the activity data and user installed folders
- paths = [_get_store_root(), _get_bundle_root()]
+ if _get_bundle_root() != None:
+ paths = [_get_store_root(), _get_bundle_root()]
+ else:
+ paths = [_get_store_root()]
tutoGuidName = {}
for repository in paths:
# (our) convention dictates that tutorial folders are named
- # with their GUID (for unicity) but this is not enforced.
+ # with their GUID (for unicity)
for tuto in os.listdir(repository):
parser = SafeConfigParser()
- parser.read(os.path.join(repository, tuto, INI_FILENAME))
- activities = parser.options(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION)
- # enforce matching activity name AND version, as UI changes
- # break tutorials. We may lower this requirement when the
- # UAM gets less dependent on the widget order.
- # Also note property names are always stored lowercase.
- if activity_name.lower() in activities:
- version = parser.get(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION, activity_name)
- if activity_vers == version:
+ file = parser.read(os.path.join(repository, tuto, INI_FILENAME))
+ if file != []:
+ # If parser can read at least section
+ activities = parser.options(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION)
+ # enforce matching activity name AND version, as UI changes
+ # break tutorials. We may lower this requirement when the
+ # UAM gets less dependent on the widget order.
+ # Also note property names are always stored lowercase.
+ if (activity_name != None) and (activity_name.lower() in activities):
+ version = parser.get(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION, activity_name)
+ if (activity_vers == version) or (activity_vers == 0):
+ tutoGuidName[guid] = name
+ elif (activity_name == None):
tutoGuidName[guid] = name
except OSError:
# the repository may not exist. Continue scanning
return tutoGuidName
- def load_tutorial(self, Guid):
+ ## Vault interface functions :
+ @staticmethod
+ def installTutorials(path, zip_file_name, forceinstall=False):
+ """
+ Extract the tutorial files in the ZIPPED tutorial archive at the
+ specified path and add them inside the vault. This should remove any previous
+ version of this tutorial, if there's any. On the opposite, if we are
+ trying to install an earlier version, the function will return 1 if
+ forceInstall is not set to true.
+ @params path The path where the zipped tutorial archive is present
+ @params forceinstall A flag that indicate if we need to force overwrite
+ of a tutorial even if is version number is lower than the existing one.
+ @returns 0 if it worked, 1 if the user needs to confirm the installation
+ and 2 to mean an error happened
- Rebuilds a tutorial object from it's serialized state.
- Common storing paths will be scanned.
+ # TODO : Check with architecture team for exception vs error returns
+ # test if the file is a valid pkzip file
+ if zipfile.is_zipfile(os.path.join(path, zip_file_name)) != True:
+ assert False, "Error : The given file is not a valid PKZip file"
+ # unpack the zip archive
+ zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(path, zip_file_name), "r" )
+ temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=_get_store_root())
+ zfile.extractall(temp_path)
+ # get the tutorial file
+ ini_file_path = os.path.join(temp_path, INI_FILENAME)
+ ini_file = SafeConfigParser()
+ ini_file.read(ini_file_path)
+ # get the tutorial guid
+ # Check if tutorial already exist
+ tutorial_path = os.path.join(_get_store_root(), guid)
+ if os.path.isdir(tutorial_path) == False:
+ # Copy the tutorial in the Vault
+ shutil.copytree(temp_path, tutorial_path)
+ else:
+ # Check the version of the existing tutorial
+ existing_version = ini_file.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_VERSION_PROPERTY)
+ # Check the version of the new tutorial
+ new_ini_file = SafeConfigParser()
+ new_ini_file.read(os.path.join(tutorial_path, INI_FILENAME))
+ new_version = new_ini_file.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_VERSION_PROPERTY)
+ if new_version < existing_version and forceinstall == False:
+ # Version of new tutorial is older and forceinstall is false, return exception
+ return 1
+ else :
+ # New tutorial is newer or forceinstall flag is set, can overwrite the existing tutorial
+ shutil.rmtree(tutorial_path)
+ shutil.copytree(temp_path, tutorial_path)
+ # Remove temp data
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_path)
+ return 0
+ @staticmethod
+ def query(keyword=[], relatedActivityNames=[], category=[]):
+ """
+ Returns the list of tutorials that corresponds to the specified parameters.
+ @returns a list of Tutorial meta-data (TutorialID, Description,
+ Rating, Category, PublishState, etc...)
+ TODO : Search for tuto caracterised by the entry : OR between [], and between each
+ The returned dictionnary is of this format : key = property name, value = property value
+ The dictionnary also contain one dictionnary element whose key is the string 'activities'
+ and whose value is another dictionnary of this form : key = related activity name,
+ value = related activity version number
+ """
+ # Temp solution for returning all tutorials metadata
+ tutorial_list = []
+ tuto_guid_list = []
+ ini_file = SafeConfigParser()
+ if keyword == [] and relatedActivityNames == [] and category == []:
+ # get all tutorials tuples (name:guid) for all activities and version
+ tuto_dict = Vault.list_available_tutorials()
+ for id in tuto_dict.keys():
+ tuto_guid_list.append(id)
- @param Guid the generic identifier of the tutorial
- @returns a Tutorial object containing an FSM
+ # Find .ini metadata files with the guid list
+ # Get the guid from the tuto tuples
+ for guid in tuto_guid_list:
+ # Create a dictionnary containing the metadata and also
+ # another dictionnary containing the tutorial Related Acttivities,
+ # and add it to a list
+ # Create a TutorialBundler object from the guid
+ bundler = TutorialBundler(guid)
+ # Find the .ini file path for this guid
+ ini_file_path = bundler.get_tutorial_path(guid)
+ # Read the .ini file
+ ini_file.read(os.path.join(ini_file_path, 'meta.ini'))
+ metadata_dictionnary = {}
+ related_act_dictionnary = {}
+ metadata_list = ini_file.options(INI_METADATA_SECTION)
+ for metadata_name in metadata_list:
+ # Create a dictionnary of tutorial metadata
+ metadata_dictionnary[metadata_name] = ini_file.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, metadata_name)
+ # Get Related Activities data from.ini files
+ related_act_list = ini_file.options(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION)
+ for related_act in related_act_list:
+ # For related activites, the format is : key = activity name, value = activity version
+ related_act_dictionnary[related_act] = ini_file.get(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION, related_act)
+ # Add Related Activities dictionnary to metadata dictionnary
+ metadata_dictionnary['activities'] = related_act_dictionnary
+ # Add this dictionnary to tutorial list
+ tutorial_list.append(metadata_dictionnary)
+ # Return tutorial list
+ return tutorial_list
+ @staticmethod
+ def loadTutorial(Guid):
+ Creates an executable version of a tutorial from its saved representation.
+ @returns an executable representation of a tutorial
+ """
bundle = TutorialBundler(Guid)
- bundle_path = bundle.get_tutorial_path()
+ bundle_path = bundle.get_tutorial_path(Guid)
config = SafeConfigParser()
config.read(os.path.join(bundle_path, INI_FILENAME))
@@ -107,7 +253,69 @@ class TutorialStore(object):
tuto = Tutorial(name, fsm)
return tuto
+ @staticmethod
+ def saveTutorial(tutorial, metadata_dict):
+ """
+ Creates a persistent version of a tutorial in the Vault.
+ @returns true if the tutorial was saved correctly
+ """
+ # Get the tutorial guid from metadata dictionnary
+ guid = metadata_dict[INI_GUID_PROPERTY]
+ # Check if tutorial already exist
+ tutorial_path = os.path.join(_get_store_root(), guid)
+ if os.path.isdir(tutorial_path) == False:
+ # Serialize the tutorial and write it to disk
+ xml_ser = XMLSerializer()
+ os.makedirs(tutorial_path)
+ xml_ser.save_fsm(tutorial.state_machine, TUTORIAL_FILENAME, tutorial_path)
+ # Create the metadata file
+ ini_file_path = os.path.join(tutorial_path, "meta.ini")
+ parser = SafeConfigParser()
+ parser.add_section(INI_METADATA_SECTION)
+ for key, value in metadata_dict.items():
+ if key != 'activities':
+ parser.set(INI_METADATA_SECTION, key, value)
+ else:
+ related_activities_dict = value
+ parser.add_section(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION)
+ for related_key, related_value in related_activities_dict.items():
+ parser.set(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION, related_key, related_value)
+ # Write the file to disk
+ with open(ini_file_path, 'wb') as configfile:
+ parser.write(configfile)
+ else:
+ # Error, tutorial already exist
+ return False
+ # TODO : wait for Ben input on how to unpublish tuto before coding this function
+ # For now, no unpublishing will occur.
+ @staticmethod
+ def deleteTutorial(Tutorial):
+ """
+ Removes the tutorial from the Vault. It will unpublish the tutorial if need be,
+ and it will also wipe it from the persistent storage.
+ @returns true is the tutorial was deleted from the Vault
+ """
+ bundle = TutorialBundler(Guid)
+ bundle_path = bundle.get_tutorial_path(Guid)
+ # TODO : Need also to unpublish tutorial, need to interact with webservice module
+ shutil.rmtree(bundle_path)
+ if os.path.isdir(bundle_path) == False:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
class Serializer(object):
@@ -123,13 +331,13 @@ class Serializer(object):
exception occur. If no GUID is provided, FSM is written in a new file
in the store root.
- NotImplementedError
+ raise NotImplementedError()
def load_fsm(self):
Load fsm from disk.
- NotImplementedError
+ raise NotImplementedError()
class XMLSerializer(Serializer):
@@ -200,7 +408,7 @@ class XMLSerializer(Serializer):
def _create_event_filters_node(self, event_filters, doc):
- Create and return a xml Node from a event filters.
+ Create and return a xml Node from an event filters.
eventFiltersList = doc.createElement("EventFiltersList")
for event_f in event_filters:
@@ -228,60 +436,7 @@ class XMLSerializer(Serializer):
file_object = open(os.path.join(path, xml_filename), "w")
- def _find_tutorial_dir_with_guid(self, guid):
- """
- Finds the tutorial with the associated GUID. If it is found, return
- the path to the tutorial's directory. If it doesn't exist, raise an
- IOError.
- A note : if there are two tutorials with this GUID in the folders,
- they will both be inspected and the one with the highest version
- number will be returned. If they have the same version number, the one
- from the global store will be returned.
- @param guid The GUID of the tutorial that is to be loaded.
- """
- # Attempt to find the tutorial's directory in the global directory
- global_dir = os.path.join(_get_store_root(), guid)
- # Then in the activty's bundle path
- activity_dir = os.path.join(_get_bundle_root(), guid)
- # If they both exist
- if os.path.isdir(global_dir) and os.path.isdir(activity_dir):
- # Inspect both metadata files
- global_meta = os.path.join(global_dir, "meta.ini")
- activity_meta = os.path.join(activity_dir, "meta.ini")
- # Open both config files
- global_parser = SafeConfigParser()
- global_parser.read(global_meta)
- activity_parser = SafeConfigParser()
- activity_parser.read(activity_meta)
- # Get the version number for each tutorial
- global_version = global_parser.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, "version")
- activity_version = activity_parser.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, "version")
- # If the global version is higher or equal, we'll take it
- if global_version >= activity_version:
- return global_dir
- else:
- return activity_dir
- # Do we just have the global directory?
- if os.path.isdir(global_dir):
- return global_dir
- # Or just the activity's bundle directory?
- if os.path.isdir(activity_dir):
- return activity_dir
- # Error : none of these directories contain the tutorial
- raise IOError(2, "Neither the global nor the bundle directory contained the tutorial with GUID %s"%guid)
def _load_xml_properties(self, properties_elem):
Changes a list of properties into fully instanciated properties.
@@ -373,7 +528,7 @@ class XMLSerializer(Serializer):
return reformed_state_list
- def _load_xml_fsm(self, fsm_elem):
+ def load_xml_fsm(self, fsm_elem):
Takes in an XML element representing an FSM and returns the fully
crafted FSM.
@@ -414,7 +569,8 @@ class XMLSerializer(Serializer):
Load fsm from xml file whose .ini file guid match argument guid.
# Fetch the directory (if any)
- tutorial_dir = self._find_tutorial_dir_with_guid(guid)
+ bundler = TutorialBundler(guid)
+ tutorial_dir = bundler.get_tutorial_path(guid)
# Open the XML file
tutorial_file = os.path.join(tutorial_dir, TUTORIAL_FILENAME)
@@ -423,7 +579,7 @@ class XMLSerializer(Serializer):
fsm_elem = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName("FSM")[0]
- return self._load_xml_fsm(fsm_elem)
+ return self.load_xml_fsm(fsm_elem)
class TutorialBundler(object):
@@ -444,16 +600,18 @@ class TutorialBundler(object):
#Look for the file in the path if a uid is supplied
if generated_guid:
#General store
- store_path = os.path.join(_get_store_root(), generated_guid, INI_FILENAME)
+ store_path = os.path.join(_get_store_root(), str(generated_guid), INI_FILENAME)
if os.path.isfile(store_path):
self.Path = os.path.dirname(store_path)
- else:
+ elif _get_bundle_root() != None:
#Bundle store
- bundle_path = os.path.join(_get_bundle_root(), generated_guid, INI_FILENAME)
+ bundle_path = os.path.join(_get_bundle_root(), str(generated_guid), INI_FILENAME)
if os.path.isfile(bundle_path):
self.Path = os.path.dirname(bundle_path)
raise IOError(2,"Unable to locate metadata file for guid '%s'" % generated_guid)
+ else:
+ raise IOError(2,"Unable to locate metadata file for guid '%s'" % generated_guid)
#Create the folder, any failure will go through to the caller for now
@@ -473,67 +631,75 @@ class TutorialBundler(object):
+ if os.environ['SUGAR_BUNDLE_NAME'] != None and os.environ['SUGAR_BUNDLE_VERSION'] != None:
+ else:
+ cfg.set(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION, 'not_an_activity', '0')
#Write the ini file
cfg.write( file( os.path.join(self.Path, INI_FILENAME), 'w' ) )
- def get_tutorial_path(self):
- """
- Return the path of the .ini file associated with the guiven guid set in
- the Guid property of the Tutorial_Bundler. If the guid is present in
- more than one path, the store_root is given priority.
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_tutorial_path(guid):
+ Finds the tutorial with the associated GUID. If it is found, return
+ the path to the tutorial's directory. If it doesn't exist, raise an
+ IOError.
- store_root = _get_store_root()
- bundle_root = _get_bundle_root()
+ A note : if there are two tutorials with this GUID in the folders,
+ they will both be inspected and the one with the highest version
+ number will be returned. If they have the same version number, the one
+ from the global store will be returned.
- config = SafeConfigParser()
- path = None
+ @param guid The GUID of the tutorial that is to be loaded.
+ """
+ # Attempt to find the tutorial's directory in the global directory
+ global_dir = os.path.join(_get_store_root(),str(guid))
+ # Then in the activty's bundle path
+ if _get_bundle_root() != None:
+ activity_dir = os.path.join(_get_bundle_root(), str(guid))
+ else:
+ activity_dir = ''
- logging.debug("************ Path of store_root folder of activity : " \
- + store_root)
- # iterate in each GUID subfolder
- for dir in os.listdir(store_root):
+ # If they both exist
+ if os.path.isdir(global_dir) and os.path.isdir(activity_dir):
+ # Inspect both metadata files
+ global_meta = os.path.join(global_dir, "meta.ini")
+ activity_meta = os.path.join(activity_dir, "meta.ini")
- # iterate for each .ini file in the store_root folder
- for file_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(store_root, dir)):
- if file_name.endswith(".ini"):
- logging.debug("******************* Found .ini file : " \
- + file_name)
- config.read(os.path.join(store_root, dir, file_name))
- if config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_GUID_PROPERTY) == self.Guid:
- xml_filename = config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION,
- path = os.path.join(store_root, dir)
- return path
+ # Open both config files
+ global_parser = SafeConfigParser()
+ global_parser.read(global_meta)
- logging.debug("************ Path of bundle_root folder of activity : " \
- + bundle_root)
+ activity_parser = SafeConfigParser()
+ activity_parser.read(activity_meta)
- # iterate in each GUID subfolder
- for dir in os.listdir(bundle_root):
+ # Get the version number for each tutorial
+ global_version = global_parser.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, "version")
+ activity_version = activity_parser.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, "version")
- # iterate for each .ini file in the bundle_root folder
- for file_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(bundle_root, dir)):
- if file_name.endswith(".ini"):
- logging.debug("******************* Found .ini file : " \
- + file_name)
- config.read(os.path.join(bundle_root, dir, file_name))
- if config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_GUID_PROPERTY) == self.Guid:
- path = os.path.join(bundle_root, self.Guid)
- return path
- if path is None:
- logging.debug("**************** Error : GUID not found")
- raise KeyError
- def write_fsm(self, fsm):
+ # If the global version is higher or equal, we'll take it
+ if global_version >= activity_version:
+ return global_dir
+ else:
+ return activity_dir
+ # Do we just have the global directory?
+ if os.path.isdir(global_dir):
+ return global_dir
+ # Or just the activity's bundle directory?
+ if os.path.isdir(activity_dir):
+ return activity_dir
+ # Error : none of these directories contain the tutorial
+ raise IOError(2, "Neither the global nor the bundle directory contained the tutorial with GUID %s"%guid)
+ @staticmethod
+ def write_fsm(fsm):
Save fsm to disk. If a GUID parameter is provided, the existing GUID is
@@ -550,8 +716,8 @@ class TutorialBundler(object):
serializer.save_fsm(fsm, xml_filename, self.Path)
- def add_resources(self, typename, file):
+ @staticmethod
+ def add_resources(typename, file):
Add ressources to metadata.