repo --name=sugar --baseurl= %packages # sugar! @sugar-desktop # additional packages espeak etoys numpy pygame squeak-vm # e-mail client alpine # multimedia implementations gnash-plugin totem-mozplugin # sound pulseaudio alsa-plugins-pulseaudio alsa-utils %end %post cat >> /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF # add Sugar repository to yum cat >> /etc/yum.repos.d/sugar.repo << FOE [sugar] name=Sugar failovermethod=priority baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 FOE # fix permissions on home directory chown liveuser /home/liveuser chgrp liveuser /home/liveuser # setup Xclients cat >> /home/liveuser/.Xclients << FOE xsetroot -def eval \\\$(dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session) RESOLUTION=\\\$(xdpyinfo | grep resolution | sed "s/.* \\([0-9][0-9]*\\)x.*/\\1/") if [ "\\\$RESOLUTION" -gt 150 ]; then SUGAR_SCALING=100 else SUGAR_SCALING=72 fi SUGAR_SCALING=\\\$SUGAR_SCALING sugar FOE # fix issues with dbus and ck rm /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ chmod a+x /home/liveuser/.Xclients chown liveuser:liveuser /home/liveuser/.Xclients # setup activity directory mkdir -p /home/liveuser/Activities chown liveuser:liveuser /home/liveuser/Activities chown liveuser:liveuser /usr/share/sugar/honey for bundle in \`find /usr/share/sugar/honey -maxdepth 1\` ; do ln -s \$bundle /home/liveuser/Activities done EOF %end %post --nochroot ASLO="$ASLO 4042" # InfoSlicer ASLO="$ASLO 4034" # Moon ASLO="$ASLO 4046" # JigsawPuzzle ASLO="$ASLO 4047" # SliderPuzzle ASLO="$ASLO 4063" # Memorize ASLO="$ASLO 4038" # Speak ASLO="$ASLO 4026" # Typing Turtle ASLO="$ASLO 4040" # Finance ASLO="$ASLO 4037" # CartoonBuilder ASLO="$ASLO 4044" # FlipSticks ASLO="$ASLO 4064" # JokeMachine ASLO="$ASLO 4029" # IRC ASLO="$ASLO 4054" # FreeCell ASLO="$ASLO 4039" # ViewSlides ASLO="$ASLO 4055" # Bounce ASLO="$ASLO 4050" # Colors ASLO="$ASLO 4071" # Maze WD=$PWD BUNDLES_DIR=$INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/sugar/honey mkdir -p $BUNDLES_DIR cd $BUNDLES_DIR for id in $ASLO ; do curl -L$id > $id.xo done for file in *.xo ; do unzip $file rm $file done cd $WD %end