#! /usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2006 Simon Schampijer # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import gobject import gtk, pygtk import os import socket import logging import random import copy import time import errno import gc from sugar.activity import activity from osc.oscapi import OscApi from csound.csoundserver import CsoundServer class Server: def __init__(self, _MEMO, port): isserver = 0 while isserver == 0: self.port = port self.oscapi = OscApi(self.port) isserver = self.oscapi.isserver port+=1 logging.debug(" Memosono-Server has port "+str(self.port) ) gobject.io_add_watch(self.oscapi.iosock, gobject.IO_IN, self._handle_query) self.oscapi.addmethod('/MEMO/tile', 'is', self._tile) self.oscapi.addmethod('/MEMO/connect', 'i', self._connect) self.compkey = '' self.key = '' self.tile = 0 self.comtile = 0 self.match = 0 self.addresses = {} self.addresses['eva'] = [] self.addresses['simon'] = [] self.players = ['eva', 'simon'] self.currentplayer = 0 self.lastplayer = 0 self.numplayers = _MEMO['_NUM_PLAYERS'] self.count = 0 self.numpairs = _MEMO['_NUM_GRIDPOINTS']/2 def _handle_query(self, source, condition): data, address = source.recvfrom(1024) self.oscapi.handlemsg(data, address) return True # OSC-METHODS: def _connect(self, *msg): self.addresses['eva'] = [msg[1][0], int(msg[1][1])] self.addresses['simon'] = [msg[1][0], int(msg[1][1])+1] def _tile(self, *msg): self.tile = msg[0][2] self.key = msg[0][3] # send to other machines for i in self.addresses: if msg[1][0] == self.addresses[i][0]: if msg[1][1] != self.addresses[i][1]: self.oscapi.send((self.addresses[i][0], self.addresses[i][1]), "/MEMO/tile", [self.tile, self.key]) else: ## logging.debug(" Send the stuff ") self.oscapi.send((self.addresses[i][0], self.addresses[i][1]), "/MEMO/tile", [self.tile, self.key]) # match if self.compkey != '': if self.compkey == self.key: ## logging.debug(" Key matches ") self.match = 1 self.count += 1 else: ## logging.debug(" Key does NOT match ") self.match = 0 self.lastplayer = self.currentplayer if self.match == 0: if self.currentplayer == self.numplayers-1 : self.currentplayer = 0 else: self.currentplayer+=1 i = 0 for i in self.addresses: self.oscapi.send((self.addresses[i][0], self.addresses[i][1]),"/MEMO/game/next", [self.players[self.currentplayer], self.players[self.lastplayer]]) i = 0 for i in self.addresses: self.oscapi.send((self.addresses[i][0], self.addresses[i][1]), "/MEMO/game/match", [self.match, self.players[self.lastplayer], self.comtile, self.tile, self.count/self.numpairs]) self.compkey = '' self.comptile = 0 else: self.compkey = self.key self.comtile = self.tile class Controler(gobject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { 'fliptile': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'game': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'updatepointsc': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'nextc': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'addplayer': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'gameinit': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'tileflippedc': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), } def __init__(self, _MEMO, port): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self._MEMO = _MEMO self.sound = 1 self.replyaddr = (('', port)) self.serveraddr = (('', port)) port+=1 # OSC-communication isserver = 0 while isserver == 0: self.port = port self.oscapi = OscApi(self.port) isserver = self.oscapi.isserver port+=1 logging.debug(" Memosono-Client has port "+str(self.port) ) self.oscapi.send((self.serveraddr[0], self.serveraddr[1]), "/MEMO/connect", [self.port]) gobject.io_add_watch(self.oscapi.iosock, gobject.IO_IN, self._handle_query) self.oscapi.addmethod('/MEMO/addplayer', '', self._addplayer) self.oscapi.addmethod('/MEMO/init', 'sis', self._game_init) self.oscapi.addmethod('/MEMO/tile', 'i', self._tile) self.oscapi.addmethod('/MEMO/game/match', 'isiii', self._game_match) self.oscapi.addmethod('/MEMO/game/next', 'ss', self._game_next) self.oscapi.addmethod('/CSOUND/ping', '', self._ping) self.block = 0 self.count = 0 # CSOUND-communication self.id = 0 ##FIXME give a significant number def csconnect(self): self.oscapi.send(('', 6783), "/CSOUND/connect", []) def init_game(self, playername, numplayers, gamename): self.emit('gameinit', playername, numplayers, gamename) def _handle_query(self, source, condition): data, self.replyaddr = source.recvfrom(1024) self.oscapi.handlemsg(data, self.replyaddr) return True # SLOTS: def _user_input(self, widget, tile_number): #if not self.block: # self.count+=1 self.emit('fliptile', tile_number, 0, self.block) #if self.count == 2: # self.block = 1 # self.count = 0 return False def _tile_flipped(self, model, tile_number, pic, sound, requesttype, chosen_flag): if chosen_flag == 1: self.emit('game', 'Chosen already!') else: logging.debug("tile_number: "+str(tile_number)+" pic: "+pic+" sound: "+sound) logging.debug("count: "+str(self.count)+" self.block: "+str(self.block)) if not self.block: if requesttype is not 2: self.count+=1 if sound is not '-1': self.emit('tileflippedc', tile_number, pic, sound) if self.sound is 1: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._MEMO['_DIR_GSOUNDS'],sound)): file = os.path.join(self._MEMO['_DIR_GSOUNDS'],sound) self.oscapi.send(('', 6783), '/CSOUND/perform', ['i 108 0.0 3.0 "%s" 1 0.7 0.5 0'%file]) logging.debug(" Read file: "+os.path.join(self._MEMO['_DIR_GSOUNDS'],sound)) else: logging.error(" Can not read file: "+os.path.join(self._MEMO['_DIR_GSOUNDS'],sound)) if requesttype == 0: logging.debug(" send to server ") self.oscapi.send((self.serveraddr[0], self.serveraddr[1]), "/MEMO/tile", [tile_number, pic]) if self.count == 2: self.block = 1 self.count = 0 return False # OSC-METHODS: def _addplayer(self, *msg): logging.debug(" Addplayer ") def _game_init(self, *msg): self.init_game(msg[0][2], msg[0][3], msg[0][4]) def _tile(self, *msg): self.emit('fliptile', msg[0][2], 1, self.block) def _game_next(self, *msg): logging.debug("next please --- self.block: "+str(self.block)) gobject.timeout_add(3000, self._game_next_delayed, msg[0][2], msg[0][3]) def _game_next_delayed(self, player, lastplayer): self.block = 0 logging.debug("next-delayed please --- self.block: "+str(self.block)) self.emit('nextc', player, lastplayer) return False def _game_match(self, *msg): # flag_match, playername, tile1, tile2 logging.debug(msg) if msg[0][2] == 1: # update points self.block = 0 self.emit('updatepointsc', msg[0][3]) if msg[0][6] != 1: self.emit('game', 'Match!') else: logging.debug("end") self.block = 1 self.emit('game', 'The end') else: requesttype = 2 # 0:normal, 1:setback self.emit('game', 'Pairs do not match!') self.emit('fliptile', int(msg[0][4]), requesttype, self.block) self.emit('fliptile', int(msg[0][5]), requesttype, self.block) def _ping(self, *msg): self.oscapi.send(msg[1], '/CSOUND/pong', []) class Model(gobject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { 'tileflipped': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'nextm': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'updatepointsm': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), } def __init__(self, grid): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) # tile - key=id, pic, sound, flag_flipped self.tileg = [] i = 0 for elem in grid: self.tileg.append(elem) i+=1 # player - key=name, picture, tiles_won, scores self.player = {} self.player['eva'] = [0, ['player1_0.jpg', 'player1_0b.jpg'],['player1_1.jpg', 'player1_1b.jpg'], ['player1_2.jpg', 'player1_2b.jpg'],['player2_3.jpg', 'player2_3b.jpg'], ['player1_4.jpg', 'player1_4b.jpg'],['player1_5.jpg', 'player1_5b.jpg'], ['player1_6.jpg', 'player1_6b.jpg'],['player1_7.jpg', 'player1_7b.jpg'], ['player1_8.jpg', 'player1_8b.jpg'],['player1_9.jpg', 'player1_9b.jpg'], ['player1_10.jpg', 'player1_10b.jpg'],['player1_11.jpg', 'player1_11b.jpg'], ['player1_12.jpg', 'player1_12b.jpg'],['player1_13.jpg', 'player1_13b.jpg'], ['player1_14.jpg', 'player1_14b.jpg'],['player1_15.jpg', 'player1_15b.jpg'], ['player1_16.jpg', 'player1_16b.jpg'],['player1_17.jpg', 'player1_17b.jpg'], ['player1_18.jpg', 'player1_18b.jpg']] self.player['simon'] = [0, ['player2_0.jpg', 'player2_0b.jpg'],['player2_1.jpg', 'player2_1b.jpg'], ['player2_2.jpg', 'player2_2b.jpg'],['player2_3.jpg', 'player2_3b.jpg'], ['player2_4.jpg', 'player2_4b.jpg'],['player2_5.jpg', 'player2_5b.jpg'], ['player2_6.jpg', 'player2_6b.jpg'],['player2_7.jpg', 'player2_7b.jpg'], ['player2_8.jpg', 'player2_8b.jpg'],['player2_9.jpg', 'player2_9b.jpg'], ['player2_10.jpg', 'player2_10b.jpg'],['player2_11.jpg', 'player2_11b.jpg'], ['player2_12.jpg', 'player2_12b.jpg'],['player2_13.jpg', 'player2_13b.jpg'], ['player2_14.jpg', 'player2_14b.jpg'],['player2_15.jpg', 'player2_15b.jpg'], ['player2_16.jpg', 'player2_16b.jpg'],['player2_17.jpg', 'player2_17b.jpg'], ['player2_18.jpg', 'player2_18b.jpg']] # game self.numplayers = 2 # SLOTS: def _game_init(self, controler, playername, numplayers, gamename): ## logging.debug(" gameinit ") return False def _add_player(): ## logging.debug(" addplayer ") return False def _flip_tile(self, controler, tile_number, requesttype, blocked): if requesttype == 0 or requesttype == 1: if self.tileg[tile_number][2] == 0: # !!FIX - better switch if not blocked: self.tileg[tile_number][2] = 1 # --->view: number, pic, sound, requesttype, chosen self.emit('tileflipped', tile_number, self.tileg[tile_number][0], self.tileg[tile_number][1], requesttype,0) else: self.emit('tileflipped', tile_number, self.tileg[tile_number][0], self.tileg[tile_number][1], requesttype,1) else: # set tilestate back # self.tileg[tile_number][2] = 0 gobject.timeout_add(3000, self._reset, tile_number, requesttype) return False def _reset(self, tile_number, requesttype): self.tileg[tile_number][2] = 0 self.emit('tileflipped', tile_number, '-1', '-1', requesttype, 0) return False def _next(self, controler, player, lastplayer ): count1 = self.player[player][0] count2 = self.player[lastplayer][0] self.emit('nextm', player, self.player[player][count1+1][1], lastplayer,self.player[lastplayer][count2+1][0]) def _updatepoints(self, controler, player): self.player[player][0] += 1 pic_id = self.player[player][0] self.emit('updatepointsm', player, self.player[player][pic_id+1][1]) class View: def __init__(self, controler, memosonoactivity, _MEMO): self._MEMO = _MEMO self.row1 = gtk.HBox(False, 0) # create the grid self.imageObj = [] self.buttonObj = [] # create the players self.p_imageObj = {} self.p_fixedObj = {} # SLOTS: def _game_init(self, controler, playername, numplayers, gamename): # Create a table for the grid self.num_elem_x = 6 self.num_elem_y = 6 self.table = gtk.Table(self.num_elem_y, self.num_elem_x, True) self.row1.pack_start(self.table) # scale black self.scale_x = 120 self.scale_y = 120 pixbuf_i = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(os.path.join(self._MEMO['_DIR_IMAGES'],"black80.jpg")) self.scaledbuf_i = pixbuf_i.scale_simple(self.scale_x, self.scale_y, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) ### fix to release the memory allocated by the pixbuf call del pixbuf_i gc.collect() self.y = 0 self.x = 0 i = 0 while(self.y < self.num_elem_y): while(self.x < self.num_elem_x): self.imageObj.append(gtk.Image()) self.imageObj[i].set_from_pixbuf(self.scaledbuf_i) self.imageObj[i].show() self.buttonObj.append(gtk.Button()) self.buttonObj[i].add(self.imageObj[i]) self.table.attach(self.buttonObj[i], self.x, self.x+1, self.y, self.y+1) self.x+=1 i+=1 self.x=0 self.y+=1 # Players self.pscale_x = 200 self.pscale_y = 200 self.downbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.playerbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.p1 = 'eva' self.p2 = 'simon' self.p_imageObj[self.p1] = gtk.Image() self.p_imageObj[self.p1].set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf("player1_0b.jpg",0, self.pscale_x, self.pscale_y)) self.p_fixedObj[self.p1] = gtk.Fixed() self.p_fixedObj[self.p1].set_size_request(self.pscale_x, self.pscale_y) self.p_fixedObj[self.p1].add(self.p_imageObj[self.p1]) self.playerbox.pack_start(self.p_fixedObj[self.p1]) self.p_imageObj[self.p2] = gtk.Image() self.p_imageObj[self.p2].set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf("player2_0.jpg",0, self.pscale_x, self.pscale_y)) self.p_fixedObj[self.p2] = gtk.Fixed() self.p_fixedObj[self.p2].set_size_request(self.pscale_x, self.pscale_y) self.p_fixedObj[self.p2].add(self.p_imageObj[self.p2]) self.playerbox.pack_start(self.p_fixedObj[self.p2]) self.downbox.pack_start(self.playerbox) self.row1.pack_start(self.downbox) self.row1.show_all() return False def pixbuf(self, filename, pictype, pscale_x, pscale_y): if pictype is 1: ppixbuf_i = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(os.path.join(self._MEMO['_DIR_GIMAGES'],filename)) if pictype is 0: ppixbuf_i = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(os.path.join(self._MEMO['_DIR_IMAGES'],filename)) pscaledbuf_i = ppixbuf_i.scale_simple(pscale_x, pscale_y, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) ### fix to release the memory allocated by the pixbuf call del ppixbuf_i gc.collect() return pscaledbuf_i def _next(self, controler, playername, filename, lastplayer, lastfilename): self.p_imageObj[playername].set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf(filename, 0, self.pscale_x, self.pscale_y)) self.p_imageObj[lastplayer].set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf(lastfilename, 0, self.pscale_x, self.pscale_y)) return False def _updatepoints(self, controler, playername, pic): self.p_imageObj[playername].set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf(pic, 0, self.pscale_x, self.pscale_y)) return False def _tile_flipped(self, model, tile_number, pic, sound): if pic == "-1": self.imageObj[tile_number].set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf("black80.jpg", 0, self.scale_x, self.scale_y)) else: self.imageObj[tile_number].set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbuf(pic, 1, self.scale_x, self.scale_y)) return False def _game(self, controler, string): return False def read_config(filename, seed, numelems): temp = [] grid = [] # set random seed random.seed(seed) filecheck = filename.split('.') if filecheck[2] != 'mson': logging.error(' File format of %s'%filename) ## sys.exit() else: fd = open(filename, 'r') if fd == None: logging.error(' Reading setup file %s'%filename) ## sys.exit() else: logging.info(' Read setup for memosono from file %s'%filename) line = fd.readline() while line: zw = line.split() zw.append(0) if len(zw) is not 0: temp.append(zw) line = fd.readline() fd.close() # select randomly numelems of the list grid = random.sample(temp, numelems) # make a complete deepcopy of the list # and concatenate it at the end grid.extend() tm = copy.deepcopy(grid) grid.extend(tm) # shuffle th grid elements random.shuffle(grid) return grid def pathes(filename): # read config file path = [] gamename = filename home = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "games") gamepath = os.path.join(home, gamename) logging.debug(gamepath) if not os.path.exists(gamepath): logging.error(" Game path does NOT exist in the home folder ") else: logging.debug(" Game path exist in the home folder ") configpath = os.path.join(gamepath, filename+".mson") if not os.path.exists(configpath): logging.error(" Config file does NOT exist: "+configpath) logging.error(" Did you name it correct, ending with .mson? ") #sys.exit() ##FIXME else: path.append(configpath) logging.debug(" Config file is placed in the folder ") imagespath = os.path.join(gamepath, "images") soundspath = os.path.join(gamepath, "sounds") if os.path.exists(imagespath): logging.debug(" Set path for images: "+imagespath) path.append(imagespath) else: logging.error(" Path to images does NOT exist ") #sys.exit() ##FIXME if os.path.exists(soundspath): logging.debug(" Set path for sounds: "+soundspath) path.append(soundspath) else: logging.error(" Path to images does NOT exist ") #sys.exit() ##FIXME return path class MemosonoActivity(activity.Activity): def __init__(self, handle): activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.connect('destroy', self._cleanup_cb) self.gamename = 'drumgit' self.set_title("Memosono - "+self.gamename) logging.debug(" ---------------------Memosono start-----------------------. ") # set path _MEMO = {} _MEMO['_DIR_CSSERVER'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "csserver") _MEMO['_DIR_IMAGES'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images") logging.error( os.path.dirname('.') ) _MEMO['_DIR_SOUNDS'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "sounds") path = pathes(self.gamename) _MEMO['_DIR_GIMAGES'] = path[1] _MEMO['_DIR_GSOUNDS'] = path[2] # read config seed = random.randint(0, 14567) _MEMO['_NUM_GRIDPOINTS'] = 36 _MEMO['_NUM_ELEMS'] = 18 grid = read_config(path[0], seed, _MEMO['_NUM_ELEMS']) _MEMO['_NUM_PLAYERS'] = 2 name_creator = 'eva' self.server = Server(_MEMO, 7000) self.controler = Controler(_MEMO, self.server.port) self.model = Model(grid) self.view = View(self.controler, self, _MEMO) self.set_canvas(self.view.row1) # SLOTS connections: self.model.connect('tileflipped', self.controler._tile_flipped) self.controler.connect('tileflippedc', self.view._tile_flipped) self.controler.connect('fliptile', self.model._flip_tile) self.controler.connect('addplayer', self.model._add_player) self.controler.connect('gameinit', self.model._game_init) self.controler.connect('gameinit', self.view._game_init) self.controler.connect('game', self.view._game) self.controler.connect('nextc', self.model._next) self.model.connect('nextm', self.view._next) self.controler.connect('updatepointsc', self.model._updatepoints) self.model.connect('updatepointsm', self.view._updatepoints) # connect to the in/out events of the memosono activity self.connect('focus_in_event', self._focus_in) self.connect('focus_out_event', self._focus_out) self.controler.init_game(name_creator, _MEMO['_NUM_PLAYERS'], self.gamename) i = 0 while(i < _MEMO['_NUM_GRIDPOINTS']): self.view.buttonObj[i].connect('clicked', self.controler._user_input, i) i+=1 ### start csound server self.cs = CsoundServer() gtk.gdk.threads_init() self.controler.csconnect() def _cleanup_cb(self, data=None): self.controler.oscapi.send(('', 6783), "/CSOUND/quit", []) self.controler.oscapi.iosock.close() self.server.oscapi.iosock.close() logging.debug(" Closed OSC sockets ") def _focus_in(self, event, data=None): logging.debug(" Memosono is visible: Connect to the Csound-Server. ") self.controler.oscapi.send(('', 6783), "/CSOUND/connect", []) def _focus_out(self, event, data=None): logging.debug(" Memosono is invisible: Close the connection to the Csound-Server. ") self.controler.oscapi.send(('', 6783), "/CSOUND/disconnect", [])