""" This file is based on simpleOSC 0.2 by Daniel Holth. This file has been modified by Simon Schampijer. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ import socket import errno import logging import sys import osccore class OscApi(object): def __init__(self, port=None, host=None): """create the send/receive socket and the callback manager bind the socket to a name (host and port) Keyword arguments: port -- the port if no port is specified the socket will not be bound to an address and will only be used for sending host -- the host address, can be a dotted decimal address (e.g. '') or a hostname (e.g. 'machine', 'localhost') if you do not specify a hostname the socket will listen on all the devices for incoming messages """ self.manager = 0 self.iosock = 0 self.iosock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.manager = osccore.CallbackManager() self.isserver = 0 if port is not None: if host is None: host = "" try: self.iosock.bind((host, port)) self.isserver = 1 except socket.error: if errno.EADDRINUSE: logging.error("Port " +str(port)+ " in use." + " Maybe another oscapi is still or already running?" + " oscapi can only be used for sending.") self.iosock.close() self.iosock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.iosock.setblocking(0) def addmethod(self, path, types, func): '''adds an osc method to the listener Keyword arguments: func -- the callback function which gets called when the appropriate osc message is received path -- the path (identifier) of the osc message ''' self.manager.add(func, path, types) def handlemsg(self, data, addr): '''give the information read from the socket to the osc message dispatcher Keyword arguments: data -- the data read from the socket addr -- address the message is received from ''' self.manager.handle(data, addr) def _create_binarymsg(self, path, data): """create an OSC message in binary format Keyword arguments: path -- the path (identifier) of the osc message data -- the data of the message return: the osc message in binary format """ m = osccore.OSCMessage() m.setAddress(path) if len(data) != 0: for x in data: m.append(x) return m.getBinary() def send(self, to, path, data): """send an osc message to the address specified Keyword arguments: to -- address of receiver in the form (ipaddr, bundle) path -- the path of the osc message data -- the data of the message """ ### resolve host? [a,b,host] = socket.gethostbyaddr(to[0]) msg = self._create_binarymsg(path, data) try: self.iosock.sendto(msg, (to[0],to[1])) except socket.error: cla, exc, trbk = sys.exc_info() try: excArgs = exc.__dict__["args"] except KeyError: excArgs = "" logging.error('error '+str(excArgs)) def createbundle(self): """create the header of a bundle of OSC messages""" b = osccore.OSCMessage() b.setAddress("") b.append("#bundle") b.append(0) b.append(0) return b def appendbundle(self, bundle, path, data): """append osc message to the bundle Keyword arguments: bundle -- the bundle to which you want to append a message path -- the path of the OSC message data -- the data of the message """ msg = self._create_binarymsg(path, data) bundle.append(msg, 'b') def sendbundle(self, to, bundle): """send bundle to the address specified Keyword arguments: to -- address of receiver in the form (ipaddr, bundle) bundle -- the bundle to send """ try: self.iosock.sendto(bundle.message, to) except socket.error: cla, exc, trbk = sys.exc_info() try: excArgs = exc.__dict__["args"] except KeyError: excArgs = "" logging.error('error '+str(excArgs))