.. _sffe: .. _usrform: .. _usrformInit: .. index:: pair: menu item; User formula pair: menu item; User initialization pair: command; usrform pair: command line option; usrform pair: command; usrformInit pair: command line option; usrformInit single: sffe User Formulas ============= XaoS supports entering your own custom formulas. Select User formula from the Fractal menu to define a custom fractal formula. Select User initialization to change the sequence starting point **z0**. By default **z0** is set to 0. User formulas should be interpreted as functions in the form **Z(n+1) = formula (Z(n), Z(n-1), C)**. Variables --------- In user formulas, as shown above, three variables are available: z current sequance point Z(n) c current plane 'point' p previous sequence point Z(n-1) Constants --------- Format for complex numbers is **{re;im}** eg. {3;2} is complex number 3+2i. Functions --------- Available functions are listed below: basic operations +, -, \*, / basic trigonometry sin, cos, tan, cot asin, acos, atan, acot sinh, cosh, tanh, coth Exponential and logarithmic functions exp log - natural logarithm log2, log10 logN (base, z) - logarithm of base N (where N is integer) logCN (base, z) - logarithm of base CN (where CN is complex) power functions powi - power with integer exponent (fastest) powd - power with real exponent powdc - power with complex exponent pow - same as powd sqr - square square functions sqrt - square root of a complex number rtni (z, n, i) - i-th root of n-th orgder other functions rand (max) - random real number in range [0, max) inv - inverse abs - absolute value re - real part im - imaginary part