#ifdef _plan9_ #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "xmenu.h" #define HASHBITS 8 #define HASHSIZE (1<type != MENU_SEPARATOR) { len = strlen(item->shortname); hashpos = HASH(item->shortname, len); list->nextname = namehash[hashpos]; #ifdef DEBUG { struct entry *e = list->nextname; while (e != NULL) { if (e->item->type != MENU_SUBMENU && e->item->type != MENU_SEPARATOR && item->type != MENU_SEPARATOR); if (!strcmp(e->item->shortname, item->shortname) /*&& e->item->type != MENU_SUBMENU && item->type != MENU_SUBMENU */ ) { x_error ("Menu error:Name collision %s:'%s'(%s) and '%s'(%s)", item->shortname, item->name, item->menuname, e->item->name, e->item->menuname); } e = e->nextname; } } #endif namehash[hashpos] = list; } list->item = item; if (iitem == NULL) { /*printf("ahoj\n"); */ list->previous = lastitem; list->next = NULL; if (lastitem != NULL) lastitem->next = list; else firstitem = list; lastitem = list; } else { list->next = iitem; list->previous = iitem->previous; if (iitem->previous) iitem->previous->next = list; else firstitem = list; iitem->previous = list; } item++; } } void menu_add(CONST menuitem * item, int n) { x_menu_insert(item, NULL, n); } void menu_insert(CONST menuitem * item, CONST char *before, int n) { struct entry *e = firstitem; while (e != NULL) { if (!strcmp(e->item->shortname, before)) break; e = e->next; } x_menu_insert(item, e, n); } void menu_delete(CONST menuitem * items, int n) { int d = 0, i; struct entry *item = firstitem; struct entry *pe; int hashpos; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (items[i].type == MENU_SEPARATOR) { struct entry *item = firstitem; while (item && item->item != items + i) item = item->next; if (!item) abort(); if (item->previous != NULL) item->previous->next = item->next; else firstitem = item->next; if (item->next != NULL) item->next->previous = item->previous; else lastitem = item->previous; free(item); } else { int len = strlen(items[i].shortname); hashpos = HASH(items[i].shortname, len); pe = NULL; item = namehash[hashpos]; while (item != NULL) { if (items + i == item->item) { d++; if (pe == NULL) namehash[hashpos] = item->nextname; else pe->nextname = item->nextname; if (item->previous != NULL) item->previous->next = item->next; else firstitem = item->next; if (item->next != NULL) item->next->previous = item->previous; else lastitem = item->previous; free(item); break; } /*if */ pe = item; item = item->nextname; } /*while */ } #ifdef DEBUG if (item == NULL) x_error("Item %s not found!", items[i].shortname); #endif } /*for */ } void menu_addqueue(CONST menuitem * item, dialogparam * d) { struct queuelist *list; list = (struct queuelist *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct queuelist)); if (list == NULL) { x_error("Warning:out of memory!"); return; } list->previous = lastqueue; list->next = NULL; list->item = item; list->d = d; if (lastqueue != NULL) lastqueue->next = list; else firstqueue = list; lastqueue = list; } CONST menuitem *menu_delqueue(dialogparam ** d) { CONST struct menuitem *item; struct queuelist *list = firstqueue; if (firstqueue == NULL) return NULL; item = firstqueue->item; *d = firstqueue->d; firstqueue = list->next; if (list->next != NULL) list->next->previous = NULL; else lastqueue = NULL; free(list); return (item); } CONST static void *menu_rfind(CONST void *(*function) (struct entry * item), CONST char *root) { struct entry *item = firstitem; CONST void *r; while (item != NULL) { if (!strcmp(root, item->item->menuname)) { if ((r = function(item)) != NULL) return r; if (item->item->type == MENU_SUBMENU && (r = menu_rfind(function, item->item->shortname)) != NULL) return r; } item = item->next; } return NULL; } CONST static char *findkey; CONST static void *cmpfunction(struct entry *item) { if (item->item->key == NULL) return NULL; if (!strcmp(findkey, item->item->key)) return item->item; return NULL; } CONST menuitem *menu_findkey(CONST char *key, CONST char *root) { findkey = key; return ((CONST menuitem *) menu_rfind(cmpfunction, root)); } static CONST menuitem *finditem; CONST static void *cmpfunction2(struct entry *item) { if (item->item == finditem) return item; return NULL; } int menu_available(CONST menuitem * item, CONST char *root) { finditem = item; return (menu_rfind(cmpfunction2, root) != NULL); } CONST char *menu_fullname(CONST char *menu) { struct entry *item = firstitem; while (item != NULL) { if (item->item->type == MENU_SUBMENU && !strcmp(menu, item->item->shortname)) { return (item->item->name); } item = item->next; } return NULL; } CONST menuitem *menu_item(CONST char *menu, int n) { struct entry *item = firstitem; while (item != NULL) { if (!strcmp(menu, item->item->menuname)) { if (!(item->item->flags & MENUFLAG_NOMENU)) n--; if (n < 0) return (item->item); } item = item->next; } return NULL; } static CONST menuitem *menu_item2(CONST char *menu, int n) { struct entry *item = firstitem; while (item != NULL) { if (!strcmp(menu, item->item->menuname)) { n--; if (n < 0) return (item->item); } item = item->next; } return NULL; } int menu_havedialog(CONST menuitem * item, struct uih_context *c) { if (item->type != MENU_DIALOG && item->type != MENU_CUSTOMDIALOG) return 0; if (!(item->type & MENUFLAG_RADIO) || c == NULL) return 1; if (item->flags & MENUFLAG_DIALOGATDISABLE) return (menu_enabled(item, c)); return (!menu_enabled(item, c)); } static void menu_freeparam(dialogparam * d, CONST struct dialog *di) { switch (di->type) { case DIALOG_STRING: case DIALOG_KEYSTRING: case DIALOG_IFILE: case DIALOG_OFILE: free(d->dstring); } } void menu_destroydialog(CONST menuitem * item, dialogparam * d, struct uih_context *uih) { int i; CONST struct dialog *di = menu_getdialog(uih, item); for (i = 0; di[i].question; i++) { menu_freeparam(d + i, di + i); } free(d); } void menu_activate(CONST menuitem * item, struct uih_context *c, dialogparam * d) { if (c == NULL && (!(item->flags & MENUFLAG_ATSTARTUP) || firstqueue != NULL)) { menu_addqueue(item, d); return; } else { if (c != NULL && c->incalculation && !(item->flags & MENUFLAG_INCALC)) { if (c->flags & MENUFLAG_INTERRUPT) c->interrupt = 1; menu_addqueue(item, d); return; } } switch (item->type) { case MENU_SEPARATOR: x_error("separator activated!"); break; case MENU_SUBMENU: x_error("submenu activated!"); break; case MENU_NOPARAM: ((void (*)(struct uih_context *)) item->function) (c); break; case MENU_INT: ((void (*)(struct uih_context *, int)) item->function) (c, item-> iparam); break; case MENU_STRING: ((void (*)(struct uih_context *, CONST char *)) item->function) (c, (CONST char *) item->pparam); break; case MENU_DIALOG: case MENU_CUSTOMDIALOG: if (!menu_havedialog(item, c)) { ((void (*)(struct uih_context * c, dialogparam *)) item-> function) (c, (dialogparam *) NULL); } else { CONST menudialog *di = menu_getdialog(c, item); if (di[0].question == NULL) { ((void (*)(struct uih_context * c, dialogparam *)) item->function) (c, (dialogparam *) NULL); break; } else if (di[1].question == NULL) { /*call function with right *parameter. This avoids need to write wrappers*/ switch (di[0].type) { case DIALOG_INT: case DIALOG_CHOICE: case DIALOG_ONOFF: ((void (*)(struct uih_context * c, int)) item-> function) (c, d[0].dint); break; case DIALOG_FLOAT: ((void (*)(struct uih_context * c, number_t)) item->function) (c, d[0].number); break; case DIALOG_COORD: ((void (*)(struct uih_context * c, number_t, number_t)) item->function) (c, d[0].dcoord[0], d[0].dcoord[1]); break; case DIALOG_STRING: case DIALOG_KEYSTRING: ((void (*)(struct uih_context * c, char *)) item-> function) (c, d[0].dstring); break; case DIALOG_IFILE: case DIALOG_OFILE: ((void (*)(struct uih_context * c, xio_path)) item->function) (c, d[0].dpath); break; default: x_error("dialog:unknown type!"); break; } } else ((void (*)(struct uih_context * c, dialogparam *)) item-> function) (c, d); } break; default: x_error("Menu_activate: unknown type %i!", item->type); break; } } int menu_enabled(CONST menuitem * item, struct uih_context *c) { if (item->flags & (MENUFLAG_RADIO | MENUFLAG_CHECKBOX)) switch (item->type) { case MENU_SEPARATOR: return 0; case MENU_SUBMENU: case MENU_DIALOG: case MENU_NOPARAM: case MENU_CUSTOMDIALOG: return (((int (*)(struct uih_context *)) item->control) (c)); case MENU_INT: return (((int (*)(struct uih_context *, int)) item-> control) (c, item->iparam)); case MENU_STRING: return (((int (*)(struct uih_context *, CONST char *)) item-> control) (c, (CONST char *) item->pparam)); default: x_error("Menu_enabled: unknown type!"); break; } return 0; } void menu_delnumbered(int n, CONST char *name) { menuitem *items; int i; char s[256]; sprintf(s, "%s%i", name, 0); items = (menuitem *) menu_findcommand(s); menu_delete(items, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (items[i].key) free((char *) items[i].key); free((char *) items[i].shortname); } free(items); } CONST menuitem *menu_genernumbered(int n, CONST char *menuname, CONST char *CONST * CONST names, CONST char *keys, int type, int flags, void (*function) (struct uih_context * context, int), int (*control) (struct uih_context * context, int), CONST char *prefix) { int l = keys != NULL ? (int) strlen(keys) : -1; int i; menuitem *item = (menuitem *) malloc(sizeof(menuitem) * n); if (item == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { item[i].menuname = menuname; if (i < l) { char *key = malloc(2); item[i].key = key; key[0] = keys[i]; key[1] = 0; } else item[i].key = 0; item[i].type = type; item[i].flags = flags; item[i].iparam = i; item[i].name = names[i]; item[i].shortname = names[i]; if (prefix != NULL) { char *shortname = (char *) malloc(strlen(prefix) + 4); item[i].shortname = shortname; sprintf(shortname, "%s%i", prefix, i); } item[i].function = (void (*)(void)) function; item[i].control = (int (*)(void)) control; } menu_add(item, n); return (item); } number_t menu_getfloat(CONST char *s, CONST char **error) { #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE long double param = 0; #else double param = 0; #endif #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE #ifndef USE_ATOLD #ifdef USE_XLDIO param = x_strtold(s, NULL); if (0) #else if (sscanf(s, "%LG", ¶m) == 0) #endif #else param = _atold(s); if (0) #endif { #else if (sscanf(s, "%lG", ¶m) == 0) { #endif *error = "Floating point number expected"; return 0; } return (param); } int menuparse_scheme = 0; CONST char *menu_fillparam(struct uih_context *uih, tokenfunc f, CONST menudialog * d, dialogparam * p) { char *c = f(uih); CONST char *error = NULL; if (c == NULL) return "Parameter expected"; switch (d->type) { case DIALOG_INT: if (sscanf(c, "%i", &p->dint) != 1) { return "Integer parameter expected"; } break; case DIALOG_FLOAT: p->number = menu_getfloat(c, &error); if (error != NULL) return (error); break; case DIALOG_COORD: p->dcoord[0] = menu_getfloat(c, &error); if (error != NULL) return (error); c = f(uih); if (c == NULL) return "Imaginary part expected"; p->dcoord[1] = menu_getfloat(c, &error); if (error != NULL) return (error); break; case DIALOG_KEYSTRING: if (menuparse_scheme) { if (c[0] != '\'') return "Key string parameter expected"; p->dstring = mystrdup(c + 1); } else p->dstring = mystrdup(c); break; case DIALOG_STRING: if (menuparse_scheme) { int l = strlen(c); if (l < 2 || c[0] != '"' || c[l - 1] != '"') return "String parameter expected"; p->dstring = mystrdup(c + 1); p->dstring[l - 2] = 0; } else p->dstring = mystrdup(c); break; case DIALOG_IFILE: case DIALOG_OFILE: if (menuparse_scheme) { int l = strlen(c); if (l < 2 || c[0] != '"' || c[l - 1] != '"') return "String parameter expected"; p->dstring = mystrdup(c + 1); p->dstring[l - 2] = 0; } else p->dstring = mystrdup(c); break; case DIALOG_CHOICE: if (menuparse_scheme) { if (c[0] != '\'') return "Key string parameter expected"; c++; } { int i; CONST char **keys = (CONST char **) d->defstr; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (keys[i] == NULL) return "Unknown parameter"; if (!strcmp(c, keys[i])) { p->dint = i; return NULL; } } } case DIALOG_ONOFF: if (menuparse_scheme) { if (!strcmp("#t", c)) { p->dint = 1; return NULL; } if (!strcmp("#f", c)) { p->dint = 0; return NULL; } } else { if (!strcmp("on", c)) { p->dint = 1; return NULL; } if (!strcmp("off", c)) { p->dint = 0; return NULL; } } default: x_error("Unknown dialog parameter type!"); } /*switch */ return NULL; } static char errorstr[256]; CONST menuitem *menu_findcommand(CONST char *name) { struct entry *entry; CONST menuitem *item; int len; len = strlen(name); if (len > 100) return NULL; entry = namehash[HASH(name, len)]; while (entry != NULL) { if (!strcmp(entry->item->shortname, name)) break; entry = entry->nextname; } if (entry == NULL) { return NULL; } item = entry->item; return (item); } CONST char *menu_processcommand(struct uih_context *uih, tokenfunc f, int scheme, int mask, CONST char *root) { char *c = f(uih); CONST menuitem *item; menuparse_scheme = scheme; if (c == NULL) { if (!menuparse_scheme) return "Command name expected"; return NULL; } item = menu_findcommand(c); if (item == NULL) { sprintf(errorstr, "%s:unknown function", c); return errorstr; } if (item->flags & mask) { sprintf(errorstr, "function '%s' not available in this context (%i, %i)", c, mask, item->flags); return errorstr; } if ((item->flags & MENUFLAG_NOPLAY) && uih != NULL) { if (root != NULL && !menu_available(item, root)) { sprintf(errorstr, "function '%s' is disabled", c); return errorstr; } } if ((item->flags & MENUFLAG_CHECKBOX) && scheme) { int w; c = f(uih); if (c == NULL) { return ("Boolean parameter expected"); } if (!strcmp("#t", c)) { w = 1; } else if (!strcmp("#f", c)) { w = 0; } else return "Boolean parameter expected"; if (w == menu_enabled(item, uih)) { if (((w != 0) ^ ((item->flags & MENUFLAG_DIALOGATDISABLE) != 0)) || (item->type != MENU_DIALOG && item->type != MENU_CUSTOMDIALOG)) { return NULL; } else menu_activate(item, uih, NULL); /*disable it... */ } } if (item->type != MENU_DIALOG && item->type != MENU_CUSTOMDIALOG) { menu_activate(item, uih, NULL); return NULL; } /*So we have some parameters */ { dialogparam *param; CONST menudialog *d = menu_getdialog(uih, item); int i, n; for (n = 0; d[n].question != NULL; n++); param = (dialogparam *) malloc(n * sizeof(dialogparam)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CONST char *error; error = menu_fillparam(uih, f, d + i, param + i); if (error != NULL) { sprintf(errorstr, "Function '%s' parameter %i:%s", item->shortname, i, error); for (n = 0; n < i; n++) { menu_freeparam(param + i, d + i); } free(param); return errorstr; } } menu_activate(item, uih, param); if (uih != NULL) menu_destroydialog(item, param, uih); } return NULL; } static int argpos, margc; static char **margv; static int argposs; static char *gettoken(struct uih_context *c) { if (argpos == margc) return NULL; if (argpos == argposs) { if (!margv[argpos]) return NULL; return (margv[argpos++] + 1); } else return (margv[argpos++]); } int menu_processargs(int n, int argc, char **argv) { CONST char *error; argpos = n; argposs = n; margc = argc; margv = argv; error = menu_processcommand(NULL, gettoken, 0, MENUFLAG_NOOPTION, "root"); if (error) { x_error("%s", error); return -1; } return (argpos - 2); } void menu_printhelp(void) { struct entry *e = firstitem; while (e) { if (e->item->type == MENU_SEPARATOR) { e = e->next; continue; } if (e->item->type == MENU_SUBMENU && !(e->item->flags & MENUFLAG_NOOPTION)) { struct entry *e1 = firstitem; int n = 1; while (e1) { /*if (e->item->type == MENU_SEPARATOR) {printf ("\n"); e1=e1->next;continue;} */ if (e1->item->type != MENU_SUBMENU && e1->item->type != MENU_SEPARATOR && !(e1->item->flags & MENUFLAG_NOOPTION) && !strcmp(e1->item->menuname, e->item->shortname)) { if (n) { printf("\n%s\n\n", e->item->name); n = 0; } printf(" -%-15s", e1->item->shortname); if (menu_havedialog(e1->item, NULL)) { CONST menudialog *d = menu_getdialog(NULL, e1->item); while (d->question != NULL) { switch (d->type) { case DIALOG_INT: printf("integer "); break; case DIALOG_FLOAT: printf("real_number "); break; case DIALOG_COORD: printf("real_number real_number "); break; case DIALOG_KEYSTRING: case DIALOG_STRING: printf("string "); break; case DIALOG_IFILE: printf("input_file "); break; case DIALOG_OFILE: printf("output_file "); break; case DIALOG_CHOICE: { int i; CONST char **keys = (CONST char **) d->defstr; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (keys[i] == NULL) break; if (i != 0) putc('|', stdout); printf("%s", keys[i]); } putc(' ', stdout); } break; case DIALOG_ONOFF: printf("on|off "); } d++; } printf("\n%14s ", ""); } printf(" %s\n", e1->item->name); } e1 = e1->next; } } e = e->next; } } void uih_xshlprintmenu(struct uih_context *c, CONST char *name) { int i = 0; int nexti; CONST menuitem *item, *nextitem, *lastitem; int comma; printf("%%%s\n\n", name); printf("%s\n", menu_fullname(name)); printf("
\n"); for (i = 0; (item = menu_item2(name, i)) != NULL; i++) { if (item->type == MENU_SEPARATOR) printf("

\n"); else if (item->type == MENU_SUBMENU) printf("

%s\n", item->shortname, item->name); else printf("

%s\n", item->shortname, item->name); } printf("

\n"); lastitem = NULL; for (i = 0; (item = menu_item2(name, i)) != NULL; i++) { if (item->type == MENU_SEPARATOR) continue; if (item->type != MENU_SUBMENU) { for (nexti = i + 1; (nextitem = menu_item2(name, nexti)) != NULL && nextitem->type == MENU_SUBMENU; nexti++); printf("\n", item->shortname, (lastitem != NULL ? lastitem->shortname : ""), nextitem != NULL ? nextitem->shortname : "", name); printf("%%%s\n", item->shortname); printf("%s\n", item->name); if (!(item->flags & MENUFLAG_NOPLAY)) { printf("

Syntax:(%s", item->shortname); if (item->flags & MENUFLAG_CHECKBOX) printf(" bool"); if (item->type == MENU_DIALOG || item->type == MENU_CUSTOMDIALOG) { int y; CONST menudialog *di; di = menu_getdialog(c, item); if (item->flags & MENUFLAG_CHECKBOX) printf(" ["); for (y = 0; di[y].question != NULL; y++) { switch (di[y].type) { case DIALOG_INT: printf(" integer"); break; case DIALOG_FLOAT: printf(" float"); break; case DIALOG_STRING: printf(" string"); case DIALOG_KEYSTRING: printf(" keyword"); break; case DIALOG_IFILE: printf(" file"); break; case DIALOG_OFILE: printf(" file"); break; case DIALOG_ONOFF: printf(" bool"); break; case DIALOG_COORD: printf(" complex"); break; case DIALOG_CHOICE: printf(" keyword"); break; } } if (item->flags & MENUFLAG_CHECKBOX) printf(" ]"); } printf(")\n"); } printf("

\nAvailable as: "); comma = 0; if (!(item->flags & MENUFLAG_NOMENU)) printf("menu item"), comma = 1; if (!(item->flags & MENUFLAG_NOOPTION)) printf("%scommand line option", comma ? ", " : ""), comma = 1; if (!(item->flags & MENUFLAG_NOPLAY)) printf("%scommand", comma ? ", " : ""), comma = 1; printf("\n"); printf("\n"); lastitem = item; } } } void uih_xshlprintmenus(struct uih_context *c) { struct entry *e = firstitem; struct entry *nexte; struct entry *laste; printf("%%menus\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("
\n"); while (e != NULL) { if (e->item->type == MENU_SUBMENU) printf("

%s\n", e->item->shortname, e->item->name); e = e->next; } printf("

\n"); e = firstitem; laste = NULL; while (e != NULL) { if (e->item->type == MENU_SUBMENU) { nexte = e->next; while (nexte != NULL && nexte->item->type != MENU_SUBMENU) nexte = nexte->next; printf("\n", e->item->shortname, (laste != NULL ? laste->item->shortname : ""), nexte != NULL ? nexte->item->shortname : "", "menus"); uih_xshlprintmenu(c, e->item->shortname); laste = e; } e = e->next; } printf("%%endmenus"); } void menu_forall(struct uih_context *c, void (*callback) (struct uih_context * c, CONST menuitem * item)) { struct entry *e = firstitem; while (e != NULL) { callback(c, e->item); e = e->next; } }