# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2009 Aleksey Lim # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import logging import gconf import gobject import gio import simplejson from sugar.bundle.activitybundle import ActivityBundle from sugar.bundle.contentbundle import ContentBundle from sugar.bundle.bundleversion import NormalizedVersion from jarabe.journal.journalentrybundle import JournalEntryBundle from sugar.bundle.bundle import MalformedBundleException, \ AlreadyInstalledException, RegistrationException from sugar import env from jarabe import config from jarabe.model import mimeregistry _instance = None class BundleRegistry(gobject.GObject): """Tracks the available activity bundles""" __gsignals__ = { 'bundle-added': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'bundle-removed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'bundle-changed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), } def __init__(self): logging.debug('STARTUP: Loading the bundle registry') gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self._mime_defaults = self._load_mime_defaults() self._bundles = [] # hold a reference to the monitors so they don't get disposed self._gio_monitors = [] user_path = env.get_user_activities_path() for activity_dir in [user_path, config.activities_path]: self._scan_directory(activity_dir) directory = gio.File(activity_dir) monitor = directory.monitor_directory() monitor.connect('changed', self.__file_monitor_changed_cb) self._gio_monitors.append(monitor) self._last_defaults_mtime = -1 self._favorite_bundles = {} client = gconf.client_get_default() self._protected_activities = client.get_list( '/desktop/sugar/protected_activities', gconf.VALUE_STRING) if self._protected_activities is None: self._protected_activities = [] try: self._load_favorites() except Exception: logging.exception('Error while loading favorite_activities.') self._merge_default_favorites() def __file_monitor_changed_cb(self, monitor, one_file, other_file, event_type): if not one_file.get_path().endswith('.activity'): return if event_type == gio.FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED: self.add_bundle(one_file.get_path(), install_mime_type=True) elif event_type == gio.FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_DELETED: self.remove_bundle(one_file.get_path()) def _load_mime_defaults(self): defaults = {} f = open(os.path.join(config.data_path, 'mime.defaults'), 'r') for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): mime = line[:line.find(' ')] handler = line[line.rfind(' ') + 1:] defaults[mime] = handler f.close() return defaults def _get_favorite_key(self, bundle_id, version): """We use a string as a composite key for the favorites dictionary because JSON doesn't support tuples and python won't accept a list as a dictionary key. """ if ' ' in bundle_id: raise ValueError('bundle_id cannot contain spaces') return '%s %s' % (bundle_id, version) def _load_favorites(self): favorites_path = env.get_profile_path('favorite_activities') if os.path.exists(favorites_path): favorites_data = simplejson.load(open(favorites_path)) favorite_bundles = favorites_data['favorites'] if not isinstance(favorite_bundles, dict): raise ValueError('Invalid format in %s.' % favorites_path) if favorite_bundles: first_key = favorite_bundles.keys()[0] if not isinstance(first_key, basestring): raise ValueError('Invalid format in %s.' % favorites_path) first_value = favorite_bundles.values()[0] if first_value is not None and \ not isinstance(first_value, dict): raise ValueError('Invalid format in %s.' % favorites_path) self._last_defaults_mtime = float(favorites_data['defaults-mtime']) self._favorite_bundles = favorite_bundles def _merge_default_favorites(self): default_activities = [] defaults_path = os.path.join(config.data_path, 'activities.defaults') if os.path.exists(defaults_path): file_mtime = os.stat(defaults_path).st_mtime if file_mtime > self._last_defaults_mtime: f = open(defaults_path, 'r') for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): default_activities.append(line) f.close() self._last_defaults_mtime = file_mtime if not default_activities: return for bundle_id in default_activities: max_version = '0' for bundle in self._bundles: if bundle.get_bundle_id() == bundle_id and \ NormalizedVersion(max_version) < \ NormalizedVersion(bundle.get_activity_version()): max_version = bundle.get_activity_version() key = self._get_favorite_key(bundle_id, max_version) if NormalizedVersion(max_version) > NormalizedVersion('0') and \ key not in self._favorite_bundles: self._favorite_bundles[key] = None logging.debug('After merging: %r', self._favorite_bundles) self._write_favorites_file() def get_bundle(self, bundle_id): """Returns an bundle given his service name""" for bundle in self._bundles: if bundle.get_bundle_id() == bundle_id: return bundle return None def __iter__(self): return self._bundles.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._bundles) def _scan_directory(self, path): if not os.path.isdir(path): return # Sort by mtime to ensure a stable activity order bundles = {} for f in os.listdir(path): if not f.endswith('.activity'): continue try: bundle_dir = os.path.join(path, f) if os.path.isdir(bundle_dir): bundles[bundle_dir] = os.stat(bundle_dir).st_mtime except Exception: logging.exception('Error while processing installed activity' ' bundle %s:', bundle_dir) bundle_dirs = bundles.keys() bundle_dirs.sort(lambda d1, d2: cmp(bundles[d1], bundles[d2])) for folder in bundle_dirs: try: self._add_bundle(folder) except: # pylint: disable=W0702 logging.exception('Error while processing installed activity' ' bundle %s:', folder) def add_bundle(self, bundle_path, install_mime_type=False): bundle = self._add_bundle(bundle_path, install_mime_type) if bundle is not None: self._set_bundle_favorite(bundle.get_bundle_id(), bundle.get_activity_version(), True) self.emit('bundle-added', bundle) return True else: return False def _add_bundle(self, bundle_path, install_mime_type=False): logging.debug('STARTUP: Adding bundle %r', bundle_path) try: bundle = ActivityBundle(bundle_path) if install_mime_type: bundle.install_mime_type(bundle_path) except MalformedBundleException: logging.exception('Error loading bundle %r', bundle_path) return None bundle_id = bundle.get_bundle_id() installed = self.get_bundle(bundle_id) if installed is not None: if NormalizedVersion(installed.get_activity_version()) >= \ NormalizedVersion(bundle.get_activity_version()): logging.debug('Skip old version for %s', bundle_id) return None else: logging.debug('Upgrade %s', bundle_id) self.remove_bundle(installed.get_path()) self._bundles.append(bundle) return bundle def remove_bundle(self, bundle_path): for bundle in self._bundles: if bundle.get_path() == bundle_path: self._bundles.remove(bundle) self.emit('bundle-removed', bundle) return True return False def get_activities_for_type(self, mime_type): result = [] mime = mimeregistry.get_registry() default_bundle_id = mime.get_default_activity(mime_type) default_bundle = None for bundle in self._bundles: if mime_type in (bundle.get_mime_types() or []): if bundle.get_bundle_id() == default_bundle_id: default_bundle = bundle elif self.get_default_for_type(mime_type) == \ bundle.get_bundle_id(): result.insert(0, bundle) else: result.append(bundle) if default_bundle is not None: result.insert(0, default_bundle) return result def get_default_for_type(self, mime_type): return self._mime_defaults.get(mime_type) def _find_bundle(self, bundle_id, version): for bundle in self._bundles: if bundle.get_bundle_id() == bundle_id and \ bundle.get_activity_version() == version: return bundle raise ValueError('No bundle %r with version %r exists.' % \ (bundle_id, version)) def set_bundle_favorite(self, bundle_id, version, favorite): changed = self._set_bundle_favorite(bundle_id, version, favorite) if changed: bundle = self._find_bundle(bundle_id, version) self.emit('bundle-changed', bundle) def _set_bundle_favorite(self, bundle_id, version, favorite): key = self._get_favorite_key(bundle_id, version) if favorite and not key in self._favorite_bundles: self._favorite_bundles[key] = None elif not favorite and key in self._favorite_bundles: del self._favorite_bundles[key] else: return False self._write_favorites_file() return True def is_bundle_favorite(self, bundle_id, version): key = self._get_favorite_key(bundle_id, version) return key in self._favorite_bundles def is_activity_protected(self, bundle_id): return bundle_id in self._protected_activities def set_bundle_position(self, bundle_id, version, x, y): key = self._get_favorite_key(bundle_id, version) if key not in self._favorite_bundles: raise ValueError('Bundle %s %s not favorite' % (bundle_id, version)) if self._favorite_bundles[key] is None: self._favorite_bundles[key] = {} if 'position' not in self._favorite_bundles[key] or \ [x, y] != self._favorite_bundles[key]['position']: self._favorite_bundles[key]['position'] = [x, y] else: return self._write_favorites_file() bundle = self._find_bundle(bundle_id, version) self.emit('bundle-changed', bundle) def get_bundle_position(self, bundle_id, version): """Get the coordinates where the user wants the representation of this bundle to be displayed. Coordinates are relative to a 1000x1000 area. """ key = self._get_favorite_key(bundle_id, version) if key not in self._favorite_bundles or \ self._favorite_bundles[key] is None or \ 'position' not in self._favorite_bundles[key]: return (-1, -1) else: return tuple(self._favorite_bundles[key]['position']) def _write_favorites_file(self): path = env.get_profile_path('favorite_activities') favorites_data = {'defaults-mtime': self._last_defaults_mtime, 'favorites': self._favorite_bundles} simplejson.dump(favorites_data, open(path, 'w'), indent=1) def is_installed(self, bundle): # TODO treat ContentBundle in special way # needs rethinking while fixing ContentBundle support if isinstance(bundle, ContentBundle) or \ isinstance(bundle, JournalEntryBundle): return bundle.is_installed() for installed_bundle in self._bundles: if bundle.get_bundle_id() == installed_bundle.get_bundle_id() and \ NormalizedVersion(bundle.get_activity_version()) <= \ NormalizedVersion(installed_bundle.get_activity_version()): return True return False def install(self, bundle, uid=None, force_downgrade=False): activities_path = env.get_user_activities_path() for installed_bundle in self._bundles: if bundle.get_bundle_id() == installed_bundle.get_bundle_id() and \ NormalizedVersion(bundle.get_activity_version()) <= \ NormalizedVersion(installed_bundle.get_activity_version()): if not force_downgrade: raise AlreadyInstalledException else: self.uninstall(installed_bundle, force=True) elif bundle.get_bundle_id() == installed_bundle.get_bundle_id(): self.uninstall(installed_bundle, force=True) install_dir = env.get_user_activities_path() if isinstance(bundle, JournalEntryBundle): install_path = bundle.install(uid) else: install_path = bundle.install(install_dir) # TODO treat ContentBundle in special way # needs rethinking while fixing ContentBundle support if isinstance(bundle, ContentBundle) or \ isinstance(bundle, JournalEntryBundle): pass elif not self.add_bundle(install_path): raise RegistrationException def uninstall(self, bundle, force=False, delete_profile=False): # TODO treat ContentBundle in special way # needs rethinking while fixing ContentBundle support if isinstance(bundle, ContentBundle) or \ isinstance(bundle, JournalEntryBundle): if bundle.is_installed(): bundle.uninstall() else: logging.warning('Not uninstalling, bundle is not installed') return act = self.get_bundle(bundle.get_bundle_id()) if not force and \ act.get_activity_version() != bundle.get_activity_version(): logging.warning('Not uninstalling, different bundle present') return if not act.is_user_activity(): logging.debug('Do not uninstall system activity') return install_path = act.get_path() bundle.uninstall(install_path, force, delete_profile) if not self.remove_bundle(install_path): raise RegistrationException def upgrade(self, bundle): act = self.get_bundle(bundle.get_bundle_id()) if act is None: logging.warning('Activity not installed') elif act.get_activity_version() == bundle.get_activity_version(): logging.debug('No upgrade needed, same version already installed.') return elif act.is_user_activity(): try: self.uninstall(bundle, force=True) except Exception: logging.exception('Uninstall failed, still trying to install' ' newer bundle:') else: logging.warning('Unable to uninstall system activity, ' 'installing upgraded version in user activities') self.install(bundle) def get_registry(): global _instance if not _instance: _instance = BundleRegistry() return _instance