${ import math def my_floor(num): return int(math.floor(num)) def my_ceil(num): return int(math.ceil(num)) # Should we set the line width in the engine to 2.25, and draw non pixel aligned lines? # Are these already the correct sizes for the XO? # These sizes need to be sanity checked ... if scaling == "100": xo = True line_width = 2.0 # 2.25px, rounded down thick_line_width = 3.5 # 3.5 subcell_size = 15 icon_base = 11 bullet_size = 9.5 font_height = 24 default_padding = 6 toolbutton_padding = 9 else: # About 72% of the XO size, adjusted so that eg. toolbuttons work xo = False line_width = 2.0 # 1.62 rounded up thick_line_width = 3.0 # 2.52 subcell_size = 11 # 10.8 icon_base = 8 # 7.92 bullet_size = 6.5 # 6.84 # This is a guess on the font size (Sans 10 at 96 DPI) font_height = 17 default_padding = 4 # 4.32 toolbutton_padding = 6 # 7.68 radio_size = my_floor(subcell_size + bullet_size + line_width) scale_slider_width = my_floor(2 * subcell_size + line_width) thickness = my_ceil(line_width) # Colors: black = '"#000000"' toolbar_grey = '"#282828"' button_grey = '"#808080"' selection_grey = '"#A6A6A6"' panel_grey = '"#C0C0C0"' text_field_grey = '"#E5E5E5"' white = '"#FFFFFF"' } ${ icon_small = icon_base * 3 icon_large = icon_base * 5 small_icons = [ "gtk-menu", "gtk-dnd", "gtk-small-toolbar", "gtk-button" ] large_icons = [ "gtk-large-toolbar" ] icon_sizes = [] for icon in small_icons: icon_sizes += [icon + "=" + str(icon_small) + ',' + str(icon_small)] for icon in large_icons: icon_sizes += [icon + "=" + str(icon_large) + ',' + str(icon_large)] icon_sizes = ":".join(icon_sizes) } gtk-icon-sizes="$icon_sizes" style "default" { # Will be overriden in some widgets color["focus_line"] = $white bg[NORMAL] = $button_grey bg[PRELIGHT] = $button_grey bg[ACTIVE] = $white bg[SELECTED] = $text_field_grey fg[NORMAL] = $black fg[ACTIVE] = $black fg[SELECTED] = $white fg[PRELIGHT] = $white text[NORMAL] = $black # button_grey? 1. need to patch GTK+ to use ACTIVE when focused, 2. what color should this really be? text[ACTIVE] = $black text[SELECTED] = $black text[PRELIGHT] = $black base[NORMAL] = $text_field_grey base[ACTIVE] = $white base[SELECTED] = $selection_grey base[PRELIGHT] = $white fg[INSENSITIVE] = $button_grey text[INSENSITIVE] = $button_grey xthickness = $thickness ythickness = $thickness # A lot of these will probably need to be changed, but this has to # be done when the exact sizes are known GtkWidget::interior-focus = 0 GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 1 # Prevents some drawing glitches GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0 # 0.05 works good for both the sugar and sugar-xo themes GtkWidget::cursor-aspect-ratio = 0.05 GtkWidget::wide-separators = 0 GtkWidget::separator-height = $thickness GtkWidget::separator-width = $thickness GtkWidget::scroll-arrow-hlength = $subcell_size GtkWidget::scroll-arrow-vlength = $subcell_size GtkRange::activate-slider = 1 # We fake the default border in the theme GtkButton::default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton::default-outside-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton::image-spacing = $subcell_size GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 0 GtkExpander::expander-size = 24 GtkExpander::expander-spacing = 2 # XXX GtkTreeView::expander-size = 24 GtkArrow::arrow-size = 1.0 GtkToolbar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE GtkToolbar::space-size = $(2*subcell_size) GtkProgressBar::min-horizontal-bar-height = $subcell_size GtkProgressBar::min-vertical-bar-width = $subcell_size GtkButtonBox::child-min-height = $(3*subcell_size) GtkButtonBox::child-min-width = $(3*subcell_size) GtkButtonBox::child-internal-pad-x = 0 GtkButtonBox::child-internal-pad-y = 0 engine "sugar" { line_width = $line_width thick_line_width = $thick_line_width subcell_size = $subcell_size max_radius = $( 2*subcell_size ) } } ############################################################# # Styles that set default background/foreground colors # # We almost always need two styles because of the X windows. # For example bg[NORMAL] of a window (or eventbox) needs to # be set to be the correct window color so that X fills the # window correctly from the beginning, and it does not # flash in the wrong color. ############################################################# style "window" { bg[NORMAL] = $panel_grey } style "window-child" { bg[INSENSITIVE] = $panel_grey base[INSENSITIVE] = $panel_grey fg[NORMAL] = $black engine "sugar" { parent_fg_color = $black parent_bg_color = $panel_grey } } style "white-bg" { bg[NORMAL] = $white } style "white-bg-child" { bg[INSENSITIVE] = $white base[INSENSITIVE] = $white fg[NORMAL] = $black engine "sugar" { parent_fg_color = $black parent_bg_color = $white } } style "black-bg" { bg[NORMAL] = $black } style "black-bg-child" { bg[INSENSITIVE] = $black base[INSENSITIVE] = $black fg[NORMAL] = $white engine "sugar" { parent_fg_color = $white parent_bg_color = $black } } style "groupbox-panel" { bg[NORMAL] = $selection_grey } style "groupbox-panel-child" { bg[INSENSITIVE] = $selection_grey base[INSENSITIVE] = $selection_grey fg[NORMAL] = $black engine "sugar" { parent_fg_color = $black parent_bg_color = $selection_grey } } style "groupbox-palette" { bg[NORMAL] = $toolbar_grey } style "groupbox-palette-child" { bg[INSENSITIVE] = $toolbar_grey base[INSENSITIVE] = $toolbar_grey fg[NORMAL] = $white engine "sugar" { parent_fg_color = $white parent_bg_color = $toolbar_grey } } style "menu" { bg[NORMAL] = $black # Used for the arrow colour fg[NORMAL] = $white fg[PRELIGHT] = $white bg[ACTIVE] = $button_grey ${# This is just the exact reverse of what is going on inside GTK+ ...} GtkMenu::scroll-arrow-vlength = $(my_floor(subcell_size/0.7 + 2*thickness)) GtkMenu::horizontal-padding = 0 GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 0 # This means the outline of the submenu overlaps with a palette. # However in the case of two normal menus, they are next to each other. # It is not possible to be smarter about this, because the style comes from # the submenu. GtkMenu::horizontal-offset = 0 GtkMenu::vertical-offset = 0 xthickness = $thickness ythickness = $thickness } style "palette-menu" = "menu" { xthickness = 0 ythickness = $subcell_size } # Can this all be moved in the menuitem style? style "menu-child" { color["bg_color"] = $black fg[NORMAL] = $white fg[PRELIGHT] = $white bg[NORMAL] = $button_grey bg[INSENSITIVE] = $black base[INSENSITIVE] = $black engine "sugar" { parent_fg_color = $white parent_bg_color = $black } } ######################################################### ######################################################### style "textview" { # We always use white here base[NORMAL] = $white GtkTextView::interior-focus = 1 } style "scrollbar" { GtkScrollbar::slider-width = $subcell_size GtkScrollbar::trough-border = 0 GtkScrollbar::stepper-spacing = 0 GtkScrollbar::min-slider-length = $(3*subcell_size) GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 0 GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 0 GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-forward-stepper = 0 GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-backward-stepper = 0 # Hack for mozilla as it does not obey the above style properties ... # Really, mozilla should be fixed ... GtkScrollbar::stepper-size = 1 } # hints for the trough padding hacks # We cannot go trough GTK+, as we don't want a padding on all sides, but only one # If we wanted padding on all sides, trough-border would work great. style "hscrollbar" = "scrollbar" { engine "sugar" { hint = "hscrollbar" scrollbar_border = $thickness } } style "vscrollbar" = "scrollbar" { engine "sugar" { hint = "vscrollbar" scrollbar_border = $thickness } } style "hscrollbar-scrolled-window" { GtkScrollbar::slider-width = $(subcell_size - thickness) GtkScrollbar::stepper-spacing = $thickness GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 1 GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 1 GtkScrollbar::stepper-size = 0 engine "sugar" { hint = "hscrollbar-scrolled-window" } } style "vscrollbar-scrolled-window" { GtkScrollbar::slider-width = $(subcell_size - thickness) GtkScrollbar::stepper-spacing = $thickness GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 1 GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 1 GtkScrollbar::stepper-size = 0 engine "sugar" { hint = "vscrollbar-scrolled-window" } } style "scale" { GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 bg[NORMAL] = $button_grey # "square" slider (really round of course) # Same as indicator-size? GtkRange::slider-width = $scale_slider_width GtkScale::slider-length = $scale_slider_width GtkRange::trough-border = 0 GtkRange::stepper-spacing = 0 GtkRange::trough-side-details = 1 } # hints for the trough sizing hacks style "hscale" = "scale" { engine "sugar" { hint = "hscale" } } style "vscale" = "scale" { engine "sugar" { hint = "vscale" } } style "spinbutton" { bg[NORMAL] = $button_grey bg[ACTIVE] = $white fg[NORMAL] = $white fg[ACTIVE] = $black ${ spin_ythickness = my_ceil(0.2 * (subcell_size*3.0/2.0 - thickness) + thickness) } ${ spin_xthickness = subcell_size } # small inner border and a large x/ythickness for entries # to reduce the number of hacks needed :-) xthickness = $spin_xthickness ythickness = $spin_ythickness GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 # This tries to get a height of exactly 45 pixel for the entry. GtkEntry::inner-border = { $(max(subcell_size - spin_xthickness, 0)), $(max(subcell_size - spin_xthickness, 0)), $(max(my_ceil((3*subcell_size - font_height - spin_ythickness*2)/2.0),0)), $(max(my_floor((3*subcell_size - font_height - spin_ythickness*2)/2.0), 0)) } engine "sugar" { hint = "spinbutton" } } style "frame" { bg[NORMAL] = $toolbar_grey engine "sugar" { parent_bg_color = $toolbar_grey parent_fg_color = $white } } style "notebook-tab" { bg[ACTIVE] = $button_grey fg[ACTIVE] = $white } style "notebook-panel" { GtkNotebook::tab-overlap = -2 GtkNotebook::tab-curvature = $default_padding xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 bg[NORMAL] = $selection_grey } style "toolbox-notebook" { GtkNotebook::tab-overlap = -2 xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 } style "toolbutton" { xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 GtkButton::inner-border = { $toolbutton_padding, $toolbutton_padding, $toolbutton_padding, $toolbutton_padding } GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0 bg[PRELIGHT] = $black bg[ACTIVE] = $button_grey bg[NORMAL] = $black fg[NORMAL] = $white fg[ACTIVE] = $white fg[PRELIGHT] = $white engine "sugar" { max_radius = 5.0 fake_padding = $default_padding } } style "separatortoolbutton" { # The sizing is handled in the engine. bg[NORMAL] = $button_grey } style "toolbar" { xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 bg[NORMAL] = $toolbar_grey bg[INSENSITIVE] = $toolbar_grey base[INSENSITIVE] = $toolbar_grey engine "sugar" { parent_fg_color = $white parent_bg_color = $toolbar_grey } } style "toolbox" { fg[NORMAL] = $white fg[ACTIVE] = $white bg[NORMAL] = $toolbar_grey bg[INSENSITIVE] = $toolbar_grey base[INSENSITIVE] = $toolbar_grey engine "sugar" { parent_fg_color = $white parent_bg_color = $toolbar_grey } } style "panel" { bg[NORMAL] = $panel_grey fg[NORMAL] = $black } style "entry" { color["focus_line"] = $text_field_grey ${ entry_ythickness = my_ceil(0.2 * (subcell_size*3.0/2.0 - thickness) + thickness) } ${ entry_xthickness = my_ceil(0.32 * (subcell_size*3.0/2.0 - thickness) + thickness) } # small inner border and a large x/ythickness for entries # to reduce the number of hacks needed :-) xthickness = $entry_xthickness ythickness = $entry_ythickness GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 # This tries to get a height of exactly 45 pixel for the entry. GtkEntry::inner-border = { $(max(subcell_size - entry_xthickness, 0)), $(max(subcell_size - entry_xthickness, 0)), $(max(my_ceil((3*subcell_size - font_height - entry_ythickness*2)/2.0),0)), $(max(my_floor((3*subcell_size - font_height - entry_ythickness*2)/2.0), 0)) } } style "button" { ${ border = max(0, my_ceil((3*subcell_size/2.0 - icon_small / 2.0))) } # It would be nicer to just set the inner-border, but that does not work # for combo boxes ... The combobox ignores it, so set it to 0px # See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485762 GtkButton::inner-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } # So set the x/ythickness; y-padding is $subcell_size overall xthickness = $(border) ythickness = $(border) fg[NORMAL] = $white fg[ACTIVE] = $black bg[NORMAL] = $button_grey } style "combobox" { # "Disable" the ACTIVE state of the button, it only creates problems :-( bg[ACTIVE] = $button_grey fg[ACTIVE] = $white # Work around GTK+ bug #382646 text[NORMAL] = $white text[ACTIVE] = $white text[PRELIGHT] = $white } style "comboboxentry" { # Copied from the "default" style. Part of the workaround for bug #382646. text[NORMAL] = $black text[ACTIVE] = $black text[SELECTED] = $black text[PRELIGHT] = $black # It just happens that the entry xthickness works good for the button, # which simplefies matters a bit. xthickness = $entry_xthickness engine "sugar" { hint = "comboboxentry" } } style "checkbutton" { base[NORMAL] = $white base[PRELIGHT] = $white base[ACTIVE] = $text_field_grey text[PRELIGHT] = $toolbar_grey text[NORMAL] = $toolbar_grey text[ACTIVE] = $toolbar_grey # I won't get the exact sizing, but this should be pretty close GtkCheckButton::indicator-size = $radio_size GtkCheckButton::indicator-spacing = 3 GtkWidget::focus-padding = 3 engine "sugar" { # Reset the colors to the normal color again # as they were overriden by the button style fg[NORMAL] = parent_fg_color fg[PRELIGHT] = parent_fg_color fg[ACTIVE] = parent_fg_color } } style "progressbar" { # text[PRELIGHT] is used for the bar in the sugar engine text[PRELIGHT] = $white # Text on top of the bar fg[PRELIGHT] = $black xthickness = $thickness ythickness = $thickness engine "sugar" { # Someone seems to have decided, that the background fill of a progress # bar should be done with bg[ACTIVE]. bg[ACTIVE] = parent_bg_color # Color to fill the progress bar ("transparent" usually, except for the # white background case) bg[NORMAL] = parent_bg_color fg[NORMAL] = parent_fg_color } } style "progressbar-on-white" { bg[NORMAL] = $panel_grey fg[NORMAL] = $black } style "menuitem" { GtkMenuItem::horizontal-padding = 0 GtkMenuItem::arrow-spacing = $subcell_size GtkMenuItem::toggle-spacing = $subcell_size bg[PRELIGHT] = $button_grey # Work around bug #382646 text[PRELIGHT] = $white text[NORMAL] = $white text[ACTIVE] = $white xthickness = $subcell_size ythickness = $((subcell_size * 3 - font_height) / 2) } style "checkmenuitem" { GtkCheckMenuItem::indicator-size = $radio_size GtkMenuItem::toggle-spacing = $(subcell_size * 2 / 3) ythickness = $((subcell_size * 3 - max(font_height, subcell_size * 2 / 3)) / 2) # This is only there because of bug #382646 ... base[NORMAL] = $white base[PRELIGHT] = $white base[ACTIVE] = $text_field_grey text[PRELIGHT] = $toolbar_grey text[NORMAL] = $toolbar_grey text[ACTIVE] = $toolbar_grey } style "imagemenuitem" { # Assume a $(icon_small)px image and height of $(4*subcell_size) ythickness = $(max(0, (3*subcell_size - icon_small) / 2)) } style "separatormenuitem" { GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1 GtkWidget::separator-height = $(2*subcell_size) ythickness = 0 xthickness = 0 } style "trayicon" { bg[PRELIGHT] = $black bg[ACTIVE] = $button_grey } style "parent-bg" { engine "sugar" { bg[NORMAL] = parent_bg_color bg[INSENSITIVE] = parent_bg_color } } #################################################################### # Default style, setting some generic options and style properties #################################################################### class "GtkWidget" style "default" #################################################################### # Styles that apply the different background (and foreground) colors #################################################################### # This one should probably be the default (ie. no window-child style) widget_class "" style "window" widget_class "*" style "window-child" widget_class "*" style "black-bg" widget_class "**" style "black-bg-child" widget_class "*" style "white-bg" widget_class "**" style "white-bg-child" # The notebook is very high, so that everything is overriden # Only the color of the tab labels needs to be modified inside the # notebooks in this style (and the widget itself). # Assume that there is either just a normal label in the notebook tab, or # it is inside a GtkBox (H- or VBox) together with eg. a close button. widget_class "*" style "notebook-tab" widget_class "*." style "notebook-tab" widget_class "*.." style "notebook-tab" # SugarPalette and Menu widget_class "*" style "menu" widget_class "" style "menu" widget_class ".*" style "menu-child" widget_class "*" style "palette-menu" widget_class "*.*" style "menu-child" # SugarFrameWindow widget_class "**" style "frame" # SugarPanel widget_class "**" style "panel" # GroupBoxes (don't set bg[NORMAL] on the widget itself) widget_class "**" style "groupbox-panel-child" widget_class "**" style "groupbox-panel-child" widget_class "*" style "notebook-panel" widget_class "**" style "groupbox-palette-child" # SugarToolbox #widget_class "*" style "toolbox" #widget_class "**" style "toolbox-child" #widget_class "**" style "toolbox" #widget_class "**" style "toolbox" widget_class "**" style "toolbox" widget_class "**" style "toolbox" widget_class "*." style "toolbox-notebook" #################################################################### # Normal widget styles, using the above things #################################################################### # The following only uses widget_class matches to get the priority # right. An alternative would be to lower the priority of the # background matches (which need widget_class) to eg. "application" widget_class "**" style "menuitem" widget_class "*" style "checkmenuitem" widget_class "*" style "imagemenuitem" widget_class "**" style "separatormenuitem" # Buttons and Combos widget_class "**" style "button" widget_class "**" style "checkbutton" widget_class "**" style "combobox" widget_class "**" style "comboboxentry" widget_class "**" style "comboboxentry" # Entries widget_class "*" style "entry" widget_class "*" style "spinbutton" widget_class "*" style "textview" # Misc widgets widget_class "*" style "hscrollbar" widget_class "*" style "vscrollbar" widget_class "*" style "hscale" widget_class "*" style "vscale" widget_class "*" style "progressbar" widget_class "**" style "progressbar-on-white" # Scrolled window scrollbars widget_class "*." style "vscrollbar-scrolled-window" widget_class "*." style "hscrollbar-scrolled-window" # Toolbar widget_class "**" style "toolbutton" widget_class "**" style "separatortoolbutton" widget_class "*" style "toolbar" # Tray widget_class "**" style "trayicon" # Widgets that should get the background color from the parent widget_class "*" style "parent-bg" widget_class "*" style "parent-bg" widget_class "*" style "parent-bg" widget_class "*" style "parent-bg" widget_class "*" style "parent-bg"