# Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2009 Simon Schampijer # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import logging import subprocess import errno import traceback import sys import dbus import gtk from sugar._sugarext import KeyGrabber from jarabe.model import screen from jarabe.model import sound from jarabe.model import shell from jarabe.model import session from jarabe.view.tabbinghandler import TabbingHandler from jarabe.model.shell import ShellModel from jarabe import config from jarabe.journal import journalactivity _BRIGHTNESS_STEP = 2 _VOLUME_STEP = sound.VOLUME_STEP _BRIGHTNESS_MAX = 15 _VOLUME_MAX = 100 _TABBING_MODIFIER = gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK _actions_table = { 'F1' : 'zoom_mesh', 'F2' : 'zoom_group', 'F3' : 'zoom_home', 'F4' : 'zoom_activity', 'F9' : 'brightness_down', 'F10' : 'brightness_up', 'F9' : 'brightness_min', 'F10' : 'brightness_max', 'XF86AudioMute' : 'volume_mute', 'F11' : 'volume_down', 'XF86AudioLowerVolume' : 'volume_down', 'F12' : 'volume_up', 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume' : 'volume_up', 'F11' : 'volume_min', 'F12' : 'volume_max', '0x93' : 'frame', '0xEB' : 'rotate', 'Tab' : 'next_window', 'Tab' : 'previous_window', 'Escape' : 'close_window', '0xDC' : 'open_search', # the following are intended for emulator users 'f' : 'frame', 'q' : 'quit_emulator', 'XF86Search' : 'open_search', 'o' : 'open_search', 'r' : 'rotate', 's' : 'say_text', } SPEECH_DBUS_SERVICE = 'org.laptop.Speech' SPEECH_DBUS_PATH = '/org/laptop/Speech' SPEECH_DBUS_INTERFACE = 'org.laptop.Speech' class KeyHandler(object): def __init__(self, frame): self._frame = frame self._screen_rotation = 0 self._key_pressed = None self._keycode_pressed = 0 self._keystate_pressed = 0 self._speech_proxy = None self._key_grabber = KeyGrabber() self._key_grabber.connect('key-pressed', self._key_pressed_cb) self._key_grabber.connect('key-released', self._key_released_cb) self._tabbing_handler = TabbingHandler(self._frame, _TABBING_MODIFIER) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(config.ext_path, 'globalkey')): if f.endswith('.py') and not f.startswith('__'): module_name = f[:-3] try: logging.debug('Loading module %r' % module_name) module = __import__('globalkey.' + module_name, globals(), locals(), [module_name]) for key in module.BOUND_KEYS: if key in _actions_table: raise ValueError('Key %r is already bound' % key) _actions_table[key] = module except: logging.error('Exception while loading extension:\n' + \ traceback.format_exc()) self._key_grabber.grab_keys(_actions_table.keys()) def _change_volume(self, step=None, value=None): if step is not None: volume = sound.get_volume() + step elif value is not None: volume = value volume = min(max(0, volume), _VOLUME_MAX) sound.set_volume(volume) sound.set_muted(volume == 0) def _change_brightness(self, step=None, value=None): if step is not None: level = screen.get_display_brightness() + step elif value is not None: level = value level = min(max(0, level), _BRIGHTNESS_MAX) screen.set_display_brightness(level) if level == 0: screen.set_display_mode(screen.B_AND_W_MODE) else: screen.set_display_mode(screen.COLOR_MODE) def _get_speech_proxy(self): if self._speech_proxy is None: bus = dbus.SessionBus() speech_obj = bus.get_object(SPEECH_DBUS_SERVICE, SPEECH_DBUS_PATH, follow_name_owner_changes=True) self._speech_proxy = dbus.Interface(speech_obj, SPEECH_DBUS_INTERFACE) return self._speech_proxy def _on_speech_err(self, ex): logging.error("An error occurred with the ESpeak service: %r" % (ex, )) def _primary_selection_cb(self, clipboard, text, user_data): logging.debug('KeyHandler._primary_selection_cb: %r' % text) if text: self._get_speech_proxy().SayText(text, reply_handler=lambda: None, \ error_handler=self._on_speech_err) def handle_say_text(self): clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get(selection="PRIMARY") clipboard.request_text(self._primary_selection_cb) def handle_previous_window(self): self._tabbing_handler.previous_activity() def handle_next_window(self): self._tabbing_handler.next_activity() def handle_close_window(self): active_activity = shell.get_model().get_active_activity() if active_activity.is_journal(): return active_activity.get_window().close() def handle_zoom_mesh(self): shell.get_model().zoom_level = ShellModel.ZOOM_MESH def handle_zoom_group(self): shell.get_model().zoom_level = ShellModel.ZOOM_GROUP def handle_zoom_home(self): shell.get_model().zoom_level = ShellModel.ZOOM_HOME def handle_zoom_activity(self): shell.get_model().zoom_level = ShellModel.ZOOM_ACTIVITY def handle_brightness_max(self): self._change_brightness(value=_BRIGHTNESS_MAX) def handle_brightness_min(self): self._change_brightness(value=0) def handle_volume_max(self): self._change_volume(value=_VOLUME_MAX) def handle_volume_min(self): self._change_volume(value=0) def handle_brightness_up(self): self._change_brightness(step=_BRIGHTNESS_STEP) def handle_brightness_down(self): self._change_brightness(step=-_BRIGHTNESS_STEP) def handle_volume_mute(self): if sound.get_muted() is True: sound.set_muted(False) else: sound.set_muted(True) def handle_volume_up(self): self._change_volume(step=_VOLUME_STEP) def handle_volume_down(self): self._change_volume(step=-_VOLUME_STEP) def handle_frame(self): self._frame.notify_key_press() def handle_rotate(self): """ Handles rotation of the display (using xrandr) and of the d-pad. Notes: default mappings for keypad on MP KP_Up 80 KP_Right 85 KP_Down 88 KP_Left 83 """ states = [ 'normal', 'left', 'inverted', 'right'] keycodes = (80, 85, 88, 83, 80, 85, 88, 83) keysyms = ("KP_Up", "KP_Right", "KP_Down", "KP_Left") self._screen_rotation -= 1 self._screen_rotation %= 4 actual_keycodes = keycodes[self._screen_rotation:self._screen_rotation + 4] # code_pairs now contains a mapping of keycode -> keysym in the current # orientation code_pairs = zip(actual_keycodes, keysyms) # Using the mappings in code_pairs, we dynamically build up an xmodmap # command to rotate the dpad keys. argv = ['xmodmap'] for arg in [('-e', 'keycode %i = %s' % p) for p in code_pairs]: argv.extend(arg) # If either the xmodmap or xrandr command fails, check_call will fail # with CalledProcessError, which we raise. try: subprocess.check_call(argv) subprocess.check_call(['xrandr', '-o', states[self._screen_rotation]]) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EINTR: raise def handle_quit_emulator(self): session.get_session_manager().shutdown() def handle_open_search(self): journalactivity.get_journal().focus_search() def _key_pressed_cb(self, grabber, keycode, state): key = grabber.get_key(keycode, state) logging.debug('_key_pressed_cb: %i %i %s' % (keycode, state, key)) if key: self._key_pressed = key self._keycode_pressed = keycode self._keystate_pressed = state action = _actions_table[key] if self._tabbing_handler.is_tabbing(): # Only accept window tabbing events, everything else # cancels the tabbing operation. if not action in ["next_window", "previous_window"]: self._tabbing_handler.stop() return True if hasattr(action, 'handle_key_press'): action.handle_key_press(key) elif isinstance(action, basestring): method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + action) method() else: raise TypeError('Invalid action %r' % action) return True else: # If this is not a registered key, then cancel tabbing. if self._tabbing_handler.is_tabbing(): if not grabber.is_modifier(keycode): self._tabbing_handler.stop() return True return False def _key_released_cb(self, grabber, keycode, state): if self._tabbing_handler.is_tabbing(): # We stop tabbing and switch to the new window as soon as the # modifier key is raised again. if grabber.is_modifier(keycode, mask=_TABBING_MODIFIER): self._tabbing_handler.stop() return True return False _instance = None def setup(frame): global _instance if _instance: del _instance _instance = KeyHandler(frame)