# Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import signal import logging import dbus import gobject import gtk from hardware import hardwaremanager from model.shellmodel import ShellModel from sugar._sugaruiext import KeyGrabber import console _BRIGHTNESS_STEP = 2 _VOLUME_STEP = 10 _BRIGHTNESS_MAX = 15 _VOLUME_MAX = 100 _actions_table = { 'F1' : 'zoom_mesh', 'F2' : 'zoom_friends', 'F3' : 'zoom_home', 'F4' : 'zoom_activity', 'F9' : 'brightness_down', 'F10' : 'brightness_up', 'F9' : 'brightness_min', 'F10' : 'brightness_max', 'F11' : 'volume_down', 'F12' : 'volume_up', 'F11' : 'volume_min', 'F12' : 'volume_max', '1' : 'screenshot', 'equal' : 'console', '0' : 'console', '9' : 'new_console', 'f' : 'frame', '0x93' : 'frame', 'o' : 'overlay', '0xE0' : 'overlay', '0xEB' : 'rotate', 'r' : 'rotate', 'Tab' : 'home', 'q' : 'quit_emulator', } class KeyHandler(object): def __init__(self, shell): self._shell = shell self._screen_rotation = 0 self._key_pressed = None self._keycode_pressed = 0 self._keystate_pressed = 0 self._key_grabber = KeyGrabber() self._key_grabber.connect('key-pressed', self._key_pressed_cb) self._key_grabber.connect('key-released', self._key_released_cb) for key in _actions_table.keys(): self._key_grabber.grab(key) def _change_volume(self, step=None, value=None): hw_manager = hardwaremanager.get_manager() if step is not None: volume = hw_manager.get_volume() + step elif value is not None: volume = value volume = min(max(0, volume), _VOLUME_MAX) hw_manager.set_volume(volume) hw_manager.set_mute(volume == 0) def _change_brightness(self, step=None, value=None): hw_manager = hardwaremanager.get_manager() if step is not None: level = hw_manager.get_display_brightness() + step elif value is not None: level = value level = min(max(0, level), _BRIGHTNESS_MAX) hw_manager.set_display_brightness(level) if level == 0: hw_manager.set_display_mode(hardwaremanager.B_AND_W_MODE) else: hw_manager.set_display_mode(hardwaremanager.COLOR_MODE) def handle_zoom_mesh(self): self._shell.set_zoom_level(ShellModel.ZOOM_MESH) def handle_zoom_friends(self): self._shell.set_zoom_level(ShellModel.ZOOM_FRIENDS) def handle_zoom_home(self): self._shell.set_zoom_level(ShellModel.ZOOM_HOME) def handle_zoom_activity(self): self._shell.set_zoom_level(ShellModel.ZOOM_ACTIVITY) def handle_brightness_max(self): self._change_brightness(value=_BRIGHTNESS_MAX) def handle_brightness_min(self): self._change_brightness(value=0) def handle_volume_max(self): self._change_volume(value=_VOLUME_MAX) def handle_volume_min(self): self._change_volume(value=0) def handle_brightness_up(self): self._change_brightness(step=_BRIGHTNESS_STEP) def handle_brightness_down(self): self._change_brightness(step=-_BRIGHTNESS_STEP) def handle_volume_up(self): self._change_volume(step=_VOLUME_STEP) def handle_volume_down(self): self._change_volume(step=-_VOLUME_STEP) def handle_screenshot(self): self._shell.take_screenshot() def handle_console(self): gobject.idle_add(self._toggle_console_visibility_cb) def handle_new_console(self): self._shell.toggle_console_visibility() def handle_frame(self): self._shell.get_frame().notify_key_press() def handle_overlay(self): self._shell.toggle_chat_visibility() def handle_rotate(self): states = [ 'normal', 'left', 'inverted', 'right'] self._screen_rotation += 1 if self._screen_rotation == len(states): self._screen_rotation = 0 gobject.spawn_async(['xrandr', '-o', states[self._screen_rotation]], flags=gobject.SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH) def handle_quit_emulator(self): if os.environ.has_key('SUGAR_EMULATOR_PID'): pid = int(os.environ['SUGAR_EMULATOR_PID']) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) def handle_home(self): # FIXME: finish alt+tab support pass def _key_pressed_cb(self, grabber, keycode, state): key = grabber.get_key(keycode, state) logging.debug('_key_pressed_cb: %i %i %s' % (keycode, state, key)) if key: self._key_pressed = key self._keycode_pressed = keycode self._keystate_pressed = state """ status = gtk.gdk.keyboard_grab(gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window(), owner_events=False, time=0L) if status != gtk.gdk.GRAB_SUCCESS: logging.error("KeyHandler._key_pressed_cb(): keyboard grab failed: " + status) """ action = _actions_table[key] method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + action) method() return True return False def _key_released_cb(self, grabber, keycode, state): if self._keycode_pressed == keycode: self._keycode_pressed = 0 if self._keystate_pressed == state: self._keystate_pressed = 0 if not self._keycode_pressed and not self._keystate_pressed and \ self._key_pressed: gtk.gdk.keyboard_ungrab(time=0L) if self._key_pressed == 'f': self._shell.get_frame().notify_key_release() elif self._key_pressed == '0x93': self._shell.get_frame().notify_key_release() return True return False def _toggle_console_visibility_cb(self): bus = dbus.SessionBus() proxy = bus.get_object('org.laptop.sugar.Console', '/org/laptop/sugar/Console') console_service = dbus.Interface(proxy, 'org.laptop.sugar.Console') console_service.ToggleVisibility()