# Copyright (C) 2007, One Laptop Per Child # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import logging import tempfile from gettext import gettext as _ import time from xpcom.nsError import * from xpcom import components from xpcom.components import interfaces from xpcom.server.factory import Factory from sugar.datastore import datastore from sugar import profile from sugar import objects from sugar.graphics.alert import Alert, ContinueAlert from sugar.graphics import style # #3903 - this constant can be removed and assumed to be 1 when dbus-python # 0.82.3 is the only version used import dbus if dbus.version >= (0, 82, 3): DBUS_PYTHON_TIMEOUT_UNITS_PER_SECOND = 1 else: DBUS_PYTHON_TIMEOUT_UNITS_PER_SECOND = 1000 _browser = None _temp_path = '/tmp' def init(browser, activity, temp_path): global _browser _browser = browser global _activity _activity = activity global _temp_path _temp_path = temp_path _active_ds_writes = 0 _quit_callback = None def can_quit(): return _active_ds_writes == 0 def set_quit_callback(callback): _quit_callback = callback class DownloadManager: _com_interfaces_ = interfaces.nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog def promptForSaveToFile(self, launcher, window_context, default_file, suggested_file_extension): file_class = components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] dest_file = file_class.createInstance(interfaces.nsILocalFile) if not default_file: default_file = time.time() if suggested_file_extension: default_file = '%s.%s' % (default_file, suggested_file_extension) global _temp_path if not os.path.exists(_temp_path): os.makedirs(_temp_path) file_path = os.path.join(_temp_path, default_file) print file_path dest_file.initWithPath(file_path) return dest_file def show(self, launcher, context, reason): launcher.saveToDisk(None, False) return NS_OK components.registrar.registerFactory('{64355793-988d-40a5-ba8e-fcde78cac631}"', 'Sugar Download Manager', '@mozilla.org/helperapplauncherdialog;1', Factory(DownloadManager)) class Download: _com_interfaces_ = interfaces.nsITransfer def init(self, source, target, display_name, mime_info, start_time, temp_file, cancelable): self._source = source self._mime_type = mime_info.MIMEType self._temp_file = temp_file self._target_file = target.queryInterface(interfaces.nsIFileURL).file self._dl_jobject = None self._cb_object_id = None self._last_update_time = 0 self._last_update_percent = 0 self._cancelable = cancelable def onStateChange(self, web_progress, request, state_flags, status): if state_flags == interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START: self._create_journal_object() alert = ContinueAlert(9, 'Continue') alert.props.title = _('Download started') path, file_name = os.path.split(self._target_file.path) alert.props.msg = _('%s'%(file_name)) _activity.add_alert(alert) alert.connect('response', self.__start_response_cb) alert.show() elif state_flags == interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP: if NS_FAILED(status): # download cancelled return alert = Alert() alert.props.title = _('Download completed') path, file_name = os.path.split(self._target_file.path) alert.props.msg = _('%s'%(file_name)) alert.add_button(0, _('Open')) alert.add_button(1, _('Show')) alert.add_button(2, _('Ok')) _activity.add_alert(alert) alert.connect('response', self.__stop_response_cb) alert.show() path, file_name = os.path.split(self._target_file.path) self._dl_jobject.metadata['title'] = _('File %s downloaded from\n%s.') % \ (file_name, self._source.spec) self._dl_jobject.metadata['progress'] = '100' self._dl_jobject.file_path = self._target_file.path if self._mime_type == 'application/octet-stream': sniffed_mime_type = objects.mime.get_for_file(self._target_file.path) self._dl_jobject.metadata['mime_type'] = sniffed_mime_type global _active_ds_writes _active_ds_writes = _active_ds_writes + 1 datastore.write(self._dl_jobject, reply_handler=self._internal_save_cb, error_handler=self._internal_save_error_cb, timeout=360 * DBUS_PYTHON_TIMEOUT_UNITS_PER_SECOND) def __start_response_cb(self, alert, response_id): if response_id == 0: logging.debug('Download Canceled') self._cancelable.cancel(NS_ERROR_FAILURE) # if self._dl_jobject is not None: # datastore.delete(self._dl_jobject) _activity.remove_alert(alert) def __stop_response_cb(self, alert, response_id): logging.debug('Download Completed %d'%response_id) #if response_id == 0: # logging.debug(_('Download Canceled')) # self._cancelable.cancel(NS_ERROR_FAILURE) _activity.remove_alert(alert) def _cleanup_datastore_write(self): global _active_ds_writes _active_ds_writes = _active_ds_writes - 1 os.remove(self._dl_jobject.file_path) self._dl_jobject.destroy() self._dl_jobject = None global _quit_callback if _active_ds_writes == 0 and not _quit_callback is None: _quit_callback() def _internal_save_cb(self): self._cleanup_datastore_write() def _internal_save_error_cb(self, err): logging.debug("Error saving activity object to datastore: %s" % err) self._cleanup_datastore_write() def onProgressChange64(self, web_progress, request, cur_self_progress, max_self_progress, cur_total_progress, max_total_progress): path, file_name = os.path.split(self._target_file.path) percent = (cur_self_progress * 100) / max_self_progress if (time.time() - self._last_update_time) < 5 and \ (percent - self._last_update_percent) < 5: return self._last_update_time = time.time() self._last_update_percent = percent if percent < 100: self._dl_jobject.metadata['title'] = _('Downloading %s from\n%s.') % \ (file_name, self._source.spec) self._dl_jobject.metadata['progress'] = str(percent) datastore.write(self._dl_jobject) def _create_journal_object(self): path, file_name = os.path.split(self._target_file.path) self._dl_jobject = datastore.create() self._dl_jobject.metadata['title'] = _('Downloading %s from \n%s.') % \ (file_name, self._source.spec) self._dl_jobject.metadata['progress'] = '0' self._dl_jobject.metadata['keep'] = '0' self._dl_jobject.metadata['buddies'] = '' self._dl_jobject.metadata['preview'] = '' self._dl_jobject.metadata['icon-color'] = profile.get_color().to_string() self._dl_jobject.metadata['mime_type'] = self._mime_type self._dl_jobject.file_path = '' datastore.write(self._dl_jobject) components.registrar.registerFactory('{23c51569-e9a1-4a92-adeb-3723db82ef7c}"', 'Sugar Download', '@mozilla.org/transfer;1', Factory(Download))