#!/usr/bin/python import sys from subprocess import call, check_call, CalledProcessError from os import listdir, unlink from os.path import join, isdir, islink, exists from optparse import OptionParser from glob import glob from rainbow.util import trace, make_reporter def active_uid(uid): cmd = ['/usr/bin/pgrep', '-U', uid] ret = call(cmd, stdout=open('/dev/null')) if ret in (0, 1): return ret == 0 raise CalledProcessError(ret, cmd) def sticky_uid(spool, uid): return exists(join(spool, "sticky_uids", uid)) def gc_uid(log, spool, uid): """This function conservatively attempts to garbage-collect stale uid reservations. """ # XXX: D-Bus caches passwd-db data! # XXX: D-Bus uses a fixed 1k passwd buffer - be careful with long paths & # comments reservation = join(spool, 'uid_pool', uid) assert not isdir(reservation) and not islink(reservation) # XXX: We perform several execv()'s as root based on strings derived from # this 'uid' parameter, which originates as a file-name in a user-writable # directory. Better ideas for input validation would be welcome. uid_num = int(uid) assert uid_num >= 1000 and uid_num <= 65534 # XXX: magic numbers from util/spool.py if active_uid(uid) or sticky_uid(spool, uid): log(1, "skipped uid %s", uid) return for table in ('uid_to_instance_dir', 'uid_to_home_dir', 'uid_to_gid', 'uid_to_xephyr_auth', 'uid_to_xephyr_cookie', 'uid_to_xephyr_display'): row = join(spool, table, uid) # NB: it is important that rm -rf doesn't follow links. cmd = ['/bin/rm', '-r', '-f', row] log(2, "%s", ' '.join(cmd)) check_call(cmd) for row in glob(join(spool, 'gid_to_members', '*', uid)): # NB: it is important that rm -rf doesn't follow links. cmd = ['/bin/rm', '-r', '-f', row] log(2, "%s", ' '.join(cmd)) check_call(cmd) # So long as we unlink the reservation last, we run no risk of seeing inconsistency unlink(reservation) log(1, "cleaned uid %s", uid) def gc_spool(log, spool): ret = 0 uspool = join(spool, 'uid_pool') if exists(uspool) and isdir(uspool): for maybe_uid in listdir(uspool): try: gc_uid(log, spool, maybe_uid) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: trace() ret = 1 else: log(1, "Skipping spool %s", spool) ret = 1 return ret def main(): sys.excepthook = trace parser = OptionParser(version='0.1') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count', help='Verbosity. Repeat for more verbose output.') parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', default=False, action='store_true', help='Quiet. Disable all output.') parser.add_option('-s', '--spool', default="/var/spool/rainbow/2", help='Location of the rainbow spool.') opts, _ = parser.parse_args() report = make_reporter(opts.verbose, opts.quiet, sys.stdout) def check_spool(opts): assert exists(opts.spool) and isdir(opts.spool) return opts.spool spool = check_spool(opts) return gc_spool(report, spool) if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())