import os from os import R_OK, W_OK, X_OK, fork, symlink, unlink, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, chown, chmod from os import setgroups, setgid, setuid, chdir, umask, execvpe, waitpid, WEXITSTATUS from os import getpid, getuid, _exit, rename, readlink from os.path import join, basename, realpath, lexists, exists, dirname from subprocess import check_call, Popen, PIPE from stat import S_IFDIR from tempfile import mkdtemp, mkstemp from grp import getgrnam, getgrgid from pwd import getpwuid from glob import glob import resource from rainbow.util import Checker, mount, make_dirs, get_fds, read_envdir from rainbow.util import unshare, CLONE_NEWNET def reserve_elt(pool_dir, elt, max_elt, incr, elt_name): fd = None while elt < max_elt: try: fd =, str(elt)), O_EXCL | O_CREAT, 0600) os.close(fd) break except OSError: elt += incr if fd is None: raise RuntimeError("No " + elt_name + " available.") return elt def reserve_tag(log, spool, tag, tag_map, tag_type, tag_type_plural, min, max, step): # Pick an element for yourself. pool_dir = join(spool, tag_type+'_pool') elt = reserve_elt(pool_dir, min, max, step, tag_type_plural) log(1, 'reserved %s (%d) for tag %s', tag_type, elt, tag) # Then try to atomically symlink the elt you picked to 'tag' in 'tag_map' dir. # If you succeed, then you have the right elt. # If you fail, someone else has the right elt so release yours and use theirs. tag_path = join(spool, tag_map, tag) elt_path = join(pool_dir, str(elt)) try: symlink(str(elt), tag_path) except OSError: unlink(elt_path) elt = int(basename(realpath(tag_path))) return elt def add_uid_to_group(log, spool, owner_uid, uid, gid): map_dir = join(spool, 'gid_to_members', str(gid)) make_dirs(map_dir, 0, 0, 0755) owner_path = join(spool, 'gid_to_owner', str(gid)) if not lexists(owner_path): symlink(str(owner_uid), join(spool, 'gid_to_owner', str(gid))) # Only join groups that we own. assert readlink(owner_path) == str(owner_uid) open(join(map_dir, str(uid)), 'w').close() open(join(map_dir, str(getpwuid(owner_uid).pw_name)), 'w').close() log(1, "added owner (%d) and uid (%d) to gid (%d)", owner_uid, uid, gid) def reserve_uid(log, spool, owner_uid): gid = reserve_elt(join(spool, 'gid_pool'), 10000, 65534, 1, 'gids') uid = reserve_elt(join(spool, 'uid_pool'), 10000, 65534, 1, 'uids') symlink(str(gid), join(spool, 'uid_to_gid', str(uid))) add_uid_to_group(log, spool, owner_uid, uid, gid) return (uid, gid) def reserve_group(log, spool, owner_uid, uid, group): gid = reserve_tag(log, spool, group, 'bundle_id_to_gid', 'gid', 'gids', 10000, 65534, 1) add_uid_to_group(log, spool, owner_uid, uid, gid) return gid def grab_home(_, spool, uid, __, owner_gid): home = join(spool, 'uid_to_home_dir', str(uid)) make_dirs(home, uid, owner_gid, 0770) chown(home, uid, owner_gid) # Per discussion with Bert Freudenberg, set the setgid bit on $HOME # (i.e. $HOME) so that Sugar can better write inside it. chmod(home, 02770) return home def configure_home(_, spool, home, owner_uid, __, ___, gid, data_group_to_gid): for group, gid in data_group_to_gid: path = join(spool, 'gid_to_data_dir', str(gid)) make_dirs(path, owner_uid, gid, 0770) chown(path, owner_uid, gid) chmod(path, 02770) if not lexists(join(home, group)): symlink(path, join(home, group)) def mount_fsen(log, _): log(1, 'Mounting tmpfsen on /var/tmp and... drat; /tmp kills the X socket. :( ') #mount('tmpfs', '/tmp', 'tmpfs', 0, '') mount('tmpfs', '/var/tmp', 'tmpfs', 0, '') def run_assistant(log, assistant, env, owner_uid, owner_gid, uid, groups, safe_fds): envdir = None try: envdir = mkdtemp() chown(envdir, owner_uid, owner_gid) pid = fork() except: if envdir: check_call(['/bin/rm', '-rf', envdir]) raise else: if not pid: log(1, 'Dropping privilege to run assistant.') setgroups(groups) setgid(owner_gid) setuid(owner_uid) log(1, 'Closing fds.') for fd in get_fds(): if fd not in safe_fds: try: os.close(fd) # propagate failure from EIO or EBADF. except: pass log(1, 'Running assistant.') assistant_argv = [assistant, '-v', '-v', '-v', '-u', str(uid), '-e', envdir] log(1, '%r %r', assistant_argv, env) execvpe(assistant_argv[0], assistant_argv, env) _exit(55) else: try: pid, status = waitpid(pid, 0) log(1, 'Assistant returned %d.', status) assert not WEXITSTATUS(status) return read_envdir(envdir) finally: log(1, 'pid %d uid %d', getpid(), getuid()) if envdir: check_call(['/bin/rm', '-rf', envdir]) def launch(log, _, uid, gid, groups, argv, env, cwd, pset, safe_fds): # Set appropriate group membership(s), depending on requested permissions log(1, 'dropping privilege to (%d, %d, %r)', uid, gid, groups) setgroups(groups) setgid(gid) setuid(uid) # Limit various resources # Must be done *after* setting uid/gid # This should come from the file, but this is OK # for now. try: def set_limit(lim_name, unix_name): p = pset.permission_params('lim_' + lim_name) if p != None: x = int(float(p[0])) y = int(float(x*1.10)) log(1, 'Setting RLIMIT_%s to %d,%d', unix_name, x, y) resource.setrlimit(getattr(resource, 'RLIMIT_'+unix_name), (x,y)) set_limit('nofile', 'NOFILE') set_limit('fsize', 'FSIZE') set_limit('mem', 'AS') set_limit('nproc', 'NPROC') except: pass # Why would we be throwing exceptions when setting rlimits? log(1, 'chdir to %s' % cwd) chdir(cwd) log(1, 'umask(0)') umask(0) log(1, 'about to execve\nargv: %s\nenv: %s', argv, env) log(1, 'closing all fds but %s', safe_fds) for fd in get_fds(): if fd not in safe_fds: try: os.close(fd) # propagate failure from EIO or EBADF. except: pass execvpe(argv[0], argv, env) def check_data_groups(data_groups): # XXX: How do I figure out what MAX_PATH_LEN is in python? # XXX: How long are GECOS fields permitted to be? for data_id in data_groups: assert data_id and '\0' not in data_id and len(data_id) < 128 def check_argv(argv): assert argv def check_cwd(uid, gid, cwd): ck = Checker(cwd, uid, gid) assert ck.positive(R_OK | X_OK, S_IFDIR) def check_spool(spool, owner_uid, owner_gid): make_dirs(spool, 0, 0, 0755) spool_dirs = ('uid_pool', 'gid_pool', 'uid_to_gid', 'bundle_id_to_gid', 'gid_to_data_dir', 'uid_to_home_dir', 'xephyr_display_pool', 'uid_to_xephyr_cookie', 'uid_to_xephyr_display', 'uid_to_xephyr_auth', 'gid_to_members', 'gid_to_owner') for frag in spool_dirs: make_dirs(join(spool, frag), 0, 0, 0755) ck = Checker(join(spool, frag), owner_uid, owner_gid) assert ck.positive(R_OK | X_OK, S_IFDIR) def check_owner(_, __): return True def check_home_dirs(uid, gid, home, data_group_to_gid): for frag, _ in data_group_to_gid: ck = Checker(join(home, frag), uid, gid, [x for _, x in data_group_to_gid]) assert ck.positive(R_OK | W_OK | X_OK, S_IFDIR) def check_home(uid, gid, home): ck = Checker(home, uid, gid) assert ck.positive(R_OK | W_OK | X_OK, S_IFDIR) def maybe_add_gid(log, owner_uid, gid): # rainbow should only let you drop privilege. owner = getpwuid(owner_uid).pw_name members = getgrgid(gid).gr_mem log(1, "maybe_add_gid owner: %s members: %s result: %s", owner, members, owner in members) return owner in members def configure_groups(log, owner_uid, groups, gid, data_group_to_gid, recorded_groups, pset): groups.insert(0, gid) groups += recorded_groups for _, data_gid in data_group_to_gid: if maybe_add_gid(log, owner_uid, data_gid): groups.insert(0, data_gid) for cap in ("audio", "video", "serial"): try: if pset.has_permission(cap): cap_gid = getgrnam(cap).gr_gid if maybe_add_gid(log, owner_uid, cap_gid): groups.insert(0, cap_gid) except Exception, e: log(1, "Skipping permission (%s) because of (%s).", cap, e) return list(set(groups)) def configure_xephyr(_, spool, owner_gid, uid, env, safe_fds): # XXX: MUST CHECK RETURN VALUES on subprocesses!!!!! # XXX: I shouldn't be running these subprocesses as uid 0. # XXX: Must get env, fds right!!!! cookie_path = join(spool, 'uid_to_xephyr_cookie', str(uid)) if lexists(cookie_path): cookie = readlink(cookie_path) else: cookie = Popen(["mcookie"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] symlink(cookie, join(spool, 'uid_to_xephyr_cookie', str(uid))) display_path = join(spool, 'uid_to_xephyr_display', str(uid)) if lexists(display_path): display = int(readlink(display_path)) else: display = reserve_elt(join(spool, 'xephyr_display_pool'), 100, 10000, 2, 'displays') symlink(str(display), display_path) auth_path = join(spool, 'uid_to_xephyr_auth', str(uid)) if not exists(auth_path): fd, name = mkstemp(prefix='tmp', dir=join(spool, 'uid_to_xephyr_auth')) os.close(fd) Popen(["xauth", "-f", name], stdin=PIPE).communicate("add :%d . %s\n" % (display, cookie)) rename(name, auth_path) chmod(auth_path, 0640) chown(auth_path, 0, owner_gid) # NB: Current versions of Xephyr will exit if the display we specified is # already in use. This permits us to run Xephyr unconditionally even when # we're resuming an old uid. Popen(["Xephyr", "-screen", "800x600x24", "-auth", auth_path, "-reset", "-terminate", ":%d" % display]) newenv = {'DISPLAY' : ':%d' % display, 'XAUTHORITY' : auth_path} return newenv def configure_network(log, pset): log(1, "networking shared with parent: %s", pset.has_permission("network")) if not pset.has_permission("network"): unshare(CLONE_NEWNET) def check_uid(_, spool, owner_uid, uid): assert 10000 <= uid and uid <= 65534 assert getpwuid(owner_uid).pw_name in getgrgid(uid).gr_mem def inject(log, spool, env, argv, cwd, pset, safe_fds, owner_uid, owner_gid, uid, groups, data_groups, assistant, xephyr): # Note: exceptions are intended to bubble up to the caller and should # terminate execution. check_data_groups(data_groups) check_argv(argv) check_owner(owner_uid, owner_gid) check_spool(spool, owner_uid, owner_gid) if not uid: uid, gid = reserve_uid(log, spool, owner_uid) home = grab_home(log, spool, uid, gid, owner_gid) else: check_uid(log, spool, owner_uid, uid) pw = getpwuid(uid) gid, home = pw.pw_gid, pw.pw_dir log(1, "resuming uid (%d) for owner (%d) with gid (%d) and home (%s)", uid, owner_uid, gid, home) # XXX: Need to verify ownership and membership before joining data groups. recorded_groups = [int(basename(dirname(p))) for p in glob(join(spool, 'gid_to_members', '*', str(uid)))] data_group_to_gid = [(group, reserve_group(log, spool, owner_uid, uid, group)) for group in data_groups] configure_home(log, spool, home, owner_uid, owner_gid, uid, gid, data_group_to_gid) if cwd is None: cwd = home check_cwd(uid, gid, cwd) check_home_dirs(uid, gid, home, data_group_to_gid) check_home_dirs(owner_uid, owner_gid, home, data_group_to_gid) check_home(uid, gid, home) groups = configure_groups(log, owner_uid, groups, gid, data_group_to_gid, recorded_groups, pset) if xephyr: env.update(configure_xephyr(log, spool, owner_gid, uid, env, safe_fds)) if assistant: env.update(run_assistant(log, assistant, env, owner_uid, owner_gid, uid, groups, safe_fds)) mount_fsen(log, home) configure_network(log, pset) launch(log, home, uid, gid, groups, argv, env, cwd, pset, safe_fds)