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authorPablo Moleri <pmoleri@gmail.com>2010-09-27 23:34:35 (GMT)
committer Pablo Moleri <pmoleri@gmail.com>2010-09-27 23:34:35 (GMT)
commit38dd9292bc2d441e34bb1e2b58a0c259b9d7ba01 (patch)
parent166dd9f52f389741d0a2d6adf448700ec8da927b (diff)
parent2c5d9e219521dcd6d0eb75f0531a35dadfb4a290 (diff)
-rwxr-xr-xSaludame.activity/menu_creator.py (renamed from Saludame.activity/menucreator.py)0
10 files changed, 321 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/challenges.py b/Saludame.activity/challenges.py
index 3e60b9c..8d460a5 100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/challenges.py
+++ b/Saludame.activity/challenges.py
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class MultipleChoice:
global FIN_MC
if (self.btn_close.contains_point(x, y)):
- self.btn_close.on_mouse_clik(windows_controller)
+ self.btn_close.on_mouse_click(windows_controller)
for choice in self.choices:
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/credits.py b/Saludame.activity/credits.py
index 5e5a7bb..5e5a7bb 100644..100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/credits.py
+++ b/Saludame.activity/credits.py
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/credits/saludame.svg b/Saludame.activity/credits/saludame.svg
index ad98f04..ad98f04 100644..100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/credits/saludame.svg
+++ b/Saludame.activity/credits/saludame.svg
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/menu.py b/Saludame.activity/menu.py
index 5b518f0..c0157b9 100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/menu.py
+++ b/Saludame.activity/menu.py
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Menu:
def on_mouse_click(self, coord):
for item in self.actual_selection:
- item.on_mouse_clik()
+ item.on_mouse_click()
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/menucreator.py b/Saludame.activity/menu_creator.py
index 428a9db..428a9db 100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/menucreator.py
+++ b/Saludame.activity/menu_creator.py
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/status_bars.py b/Saludame.activity/status_bars.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b160b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Saludame.activity/status_bars.py
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import pygame
+ ****************** VISUALES ******************
+class BarsWindow():
+ def __init__(self, position, frame_rate, background_color):
+ self.frame_rate = frame_rate
+ #rect and surface:
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(position, (400, 501))
+ self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size)
+ self.background_color = background_color
+ self.surface.fill(self.background_color)
+ #bars
+ loader = BarsLoader()
+ self.bars = loader.create_bars(Bar("main_bar", "overall", None, [], 100, 50))
+ #sections:
+ self.physica_section = BarSection("physica", self.bars[0], self.bars[0].children_list, (398, 68), (1, 90))
+ self.fun_section = BarSection("fun", self.bars[3], self.bars[3].children_list, (398, 73), (1, 159))
+ self.hygiene_section = BarSection("hygiene", self.bars[1], self.bars[1].children_list, (398, 94), (1, 233))
+ self.nutrition_section = BarSection("nutrition", self.bars[2], self.bars[2].children_list, (398, 172), (1, 328))
+ self.overall_section = BarSection("Estado general", self.bars[4], [] , (398, 37), (1, 52))
+ self.score_section = ScoreSection(Bar("score_bar", "score", None, self.bars[4], 100, 15), (398, 50), (1, 1), 1)
+ self.sections_list = [self.score_section, self.physica_section, self.fun_section, self.hygiene_section, self.nutrition_section, self.overall_section]
+ def draw(self, screen):
+ self.surface.fill(self.background_color)
+ screen.blit(self.surface, self.rect)
+ changes = []
+ changes += self.physica_section.draw(self.surface)
+ changes += self.hygiene_section.draw(self.surface)
+ changes += self.fun_section.draw(self.surface)
+ changes += self.nutrition_section.draw(self.surface)
+ changes += self.overall_section.draw(self.surface)
+ changes += self.score_section.draw(self.surface)
+ changes += [self.rect]
+ screen.blit(self.surface, self.rect)
+ return changes
+ def on_mouse_over(self):
+ return
+ def on_mouse_out(self):
+ return
+ def on_mouse_click(self, (x, y)):
+ for section in self.sections_list:
+ if(section.rect.collidepoint((x, y))):
+ section.on_mouse_click((x, y))
+class ScoreSection:
+ def __init__(self, bar, size, position, level):
+ self.name = "score section"
+ self.score_bar = bar
+ self.score_bar_display = BarDisplay(26, (size[0] - 2), (1, (size[1] / 2) - 3), self.score_bar)
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(position, size)
+ self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size)
+ self.surface.fill((2, 45, 126))
+ #level:
+ self.level = level
+ self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
+ def draw(self, screen):
+ #draw bar:
+ self.score_bar_display.draw(self.surface)
+ #write actual level:
+ level_text = "Nivel: " + str(self.level)
+ self.surface.blit(self.font.render(level_text, 1, (255, 0, 0)), (2, 5))
+ screen.blit(self.surface, self.rect)
+ return [self.rect]
+class BarSection:
+ def __init__(self, name, root_bar, children_bar, size, position):
+ self.name = name
+ self.root_bar = root_bar
+ self.root_bar_display = BarDisplay(26, (size[0] - 2), (1, (size[1] / 2) - 13), self.root_bar)
+ self.children_bar = children_bar
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(position, size)
+ self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size)
+ self.surface.fill((2, 45, 126))
+ self.displays_list = self.__calculate(children_bar)
+ self.selected = False #Este flag se activa cuando se están mostrando las sub-barras
+ def draw(self, screen):
+ changes = []
+ if (self.selected and len(self.children_bar) > 0):
+ for bar_display in self.displays_list:
+ changes += bar_display.draw(self.surface)
+ else:
+ changes += self.root_bar_display.draw(self.surface)
+ screen.blit(self.surface, self.rect)
+ return changes
+ def __calculate(self, children_bar):
+ qty = len(children_bar)
+ if(qty == 0):
+ qty = 1
+ bar_height = int((self.rect.height / qty) - 2)
+ bar_width = int(self.rect.width - 2)
+ display_list = []
+ y = int(self.rect.height / bar_height) # margen vertical
+ for status_bar in children_bar:
+ display = BarDisplay(bar_height, bar_width, (1, y), status_bar)
+ display_list.append(display)
+ y += (bar_height + 1)
+ return display_list
+ def on_mouse_click(self, (x, y)):
+ self.selected = not self.selected
+class BarDisplay:
+ def __init__(self, height, width, position, status_bar):
+ self.label = status_bar.label
+ self.status_bar = status_bar
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(position, (width, height))
+ self.position = position
+ self.color = pygame.Color(0, 255, 0, 1)
+ self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size)
+ self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
+ def draw(self, screen):
+ charge = pygame.Rect((1, 2), (self.rect.width - 2, self.rect.height - 4))
+ charge.width = self.status_bar.value * self.rect.width / self.status_bar.max
+ charge_surface = pygame.Surface(charge.size)
+ charge_surface.fill(pygame.Color("blue"))
+ self.surface.fill(pygame.Color("black"))
+ self.surface.blit(charge_surface, charge)
+ self.surface.blit(self.font.render(self.label, 1, (255, 0, 0)), (2, 5))
+ screen.blit(self.surface, self.rect)
+ return [self.rect]
+****************** MODELOS ******************
+class BarsController:
+ """
+ Controlador general de las barras, encargado de enviar la señal de decremento o incremento
+ a una barra especifica
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ #self.main_bar = StatusBar("main_bar", None, [], 100, 50)
+ self.second_level_bar = BarsLoader.create_bars()
+ self.main_bar.children_list = self.second_level_bar
+ third_level_bar = []
+ for bar in self.second_level_bar:
+ third_level_bar += [child_bar for child_bar in bar.children_list]
+ def increase_bar(self, id, value):
+ return
+ def decrease_bar(self, id, value):
+ return
+class Bar:
+ """
+ Entity that represent the bar
+ """
+ def __init__(self, id, label, parent_bar, children_list, max_value, init_value):
+ self.id = id
+ self.label = label
+ self.max = max_value
+ self.value = init_value
+ self.parent = parent_bar # Barra padre
+ self.children_list = children_list # conjunto de barras hijas
+ def increase(self, value):
+ """
+ Incrementa el valor de la barra y repercute en los hijos y la barra padre
+ """
+ if(len(self.children_list) > 0):
+ value = value / len(self.children_list) #para que el incremento de esta barra mantenga relacion con la de sus hijos
+ if(self.value + value <= self.max):
+ self.value += value
+ else:
+ self.value += self.max - self.value
+ for child in self.children_list:
+ child.increase(value)
+ if(self.parent != None):
+ self.parent.child_increase(value)
+ def decrease(self, value):
+ """
+ Decrementa el valor de la barra y repercute en los hijos y la barra padre
+ """
+ assert(value > 0)
+ if(len(self.children_list) > 0):
+ value = value / len(self.children_list) #para que el decremento mantenga relación con el valor de las barras hijas
+ if(self.value - value > 0):
+ self.value -= value
+ else:
+ self.value -= value - self.value
+ for child in self.children_list:
+ child.decrease(value)
+ if(self.parent != None):
+ self.parent.decrease(value)
+ def child_decrease(self, value):
+ """
+ Decremento recibido de un hijo, no repercute en los hijos del nodo que lo recibe. Solo en el
+ actual y el padre.
+ """
+ assert(value > 0)
+ if(len(self.children_list) > 0):
+ value = value / len(self.children_list) #para que el decremento mantenga relación con el valor de las barras hijas
+ if(self.value - value > 0):
+ self.value -= value
+ else:
+ self.value -= value - self.value
+ if(self.parent != None):
+ self.parent.child_decrease(value)
+ def child_increase(self, value):
+ """
+ Incremento recibido de un hijo. No repercute en los hijos, del nodo que recibió el incremento.
+ Solo en el actual y en el padre.
+ """
+ if(len(self.children_list) > 0):
+ value = value / len(self.children_list) #para que el incremento de esta barra mantenga relacion con la de sus hijos
+ if(self.value + value <= self.max):
+ self.value += value
+ else:
+ self.value += self.max - self.value
+ if(self.parent != None):
+ self.parent.child_increase(value)
+****************** CREADORES ******************
+class BarsLoader:
+ """
+ This is just for create the bars, and not full
+ of this static code the others class.
+ """
+ def create_bars(self, main_bar):
+ hard_level = (100, 50)
+ """'hard_level' para plasmar que la idea es que los valores por defecto de las barras
+ se carguen según un nivel de dificultad"""
+ """ physica """
+ physica_children_id = ["energy", "resistencia", "fat"]
+ physica = Bar("physica", "Physica", main_bar, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1])
+ physica_children_bar = [Bar(id, id, physica, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1]) for id in physica_children_id]
+ physica.children_list = physica_children_bar
+ """ hygiene """
+ hygiene_children_id = [("shower", "shower"), ("w_hands", "washing hands"), ("b_teeth", "brushing teeth"), ("toilet", "toilet")]
+ hygiene = Bar("hygiene", "Hygiene", main_bar, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1])
+ hygiene_children_bar = [Bar(id[0], id[1], hygiene, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1]) for id in hygiene_children_id]
+ hygiene.children_list = hygiene_children_bar
+ """ nutrition """
+ nutrition_children_id = [("c_leguminosas", "cereales y leguminosas"), ("v_frutas", "verduras y frutas"), ("C_huevos", "carnes y huevos"), ("dulces", "dulces"), ("g_aceites", "grasas y aceites"), ("l_quesos", "leches y quesos"), ("agua", "agua")]
+ nutrition = Bar("nutrition", "Nutrition", main_bar, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1])
+ nutrition_children_bar = [Bar(id[0], id[1], nutrition, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1]) for id in nutrition_children_id]
+ nutrition.children_list = nutrition_children_bar
+ """ fun """
+ fun_children_id = ["sports", "playing", "relaxing"]
+ fun = Bar("fun", "Fun", main_bar, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1])
+ fun_children_bar = [Bar(id, id, fun, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1]) for id in fun_children_id]
+ fun.children_list = fun_children_bar
+ bars_list = [physica, hygiene, nutrition, fun, main_bar]
+ #displays_list = [BarDisplay(pygame.Rect((0 , 0), (200, 26)), pygame.Color(255, 0, 0, 1), bar) for bar in bars_list]
+ return bars_list
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/statusbars.py b/Saludame.activity/statusbars.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0d94b46..0000000
--- a/Saludame.activity/statusbars.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-class BarsController:
- """
- Controlador general de las barras, encargado de enviar la señal de decremento o incremento
- a una barra especifica
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.main_bar = Bar("main_bar", None, [], 100, 50)
- self.second_level_bar = BarsLoader.create_bars()
- self.main_bar.children_list = self.second_level_bar
- third_level_bar = []
- for bar in self.second_level_bar:
- third_level_bar += [child_bar for child_bar in bar.children_list]
- def increase_bar(self, id, value):
- return
- def decrease_bar(self, id, value):
- return
-class Bar:
- """
- Entity that represent the bar
- """
- def __init__(self, id, parent_bar, children_list, max_value, init_value):
- self.id = id
- self.max = max_value
- self.value = init_value
- self.parent = parent_bar # Barra padre
- self.children_list = children_list # conjunto de barras hijas
- def increase(self, value):
- """
- Incrementa el valor de la barra y repercute en los hijos y la barra padre
- """
- if(len(self.children_list) > 0):
- value = value / len(self.children_list) #para que el incremento de esta barra mantenga relacion con la de sus hijos
- if(self.value + value <= self.max):
- self.value += value
- else:
- self.value += self.max - self.value
- for child in self.children_list:
- child.increase(value)
- if(self.parent != None):
- self.parent.increase(value)
- def decrease(self, value):
- """
- Decrementa el valor de la barra y repercute en los hijos y la barra padre
- """
- assert(value > 0)
- if(len(self.children_list) > 0):
- value = value / len(self.children_list) #para que el decremento mantenga relación con el valor de las barras hijas
- if(self.value - value > 0):
- self.value -= value
- else:
- self.value -= value - self.value
- for child in self.children_list:
- child.decrease(value)
- if(self.parent != None):
- self.parent.decrease(value)
-class BarsLoader:
- """
- This is just for create the bars, and not full
- of this static code the others class.
- """
- def create_bars(self, main_bar):
- hard_level = (100, 50)
- """'hard_level' para plasmar que la idea es que los valores por defecto de las barras
- se carguen según un nivel de dificultad"""
- """ physica """
- physica_children_id = ["energy", "resistencia", "fat"]
- physica = Bar("physica", main_bar, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1])
- physica_children_bar = [Bar(id, physica, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1]) for id in physica_children_id]
- physica.children_list = physica_children_bar
- """ hygiene """
- hygiene_children_id = ["shower", "w_hands", "b_teeth", "toilet"]
- hygiene = Bar("hygiene", main_bar, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1])
- hygiene_children_bar = [Bar(id, hygiene, hard_level[0], hard_level[1]) for id in hygiene_children_id]
- hygiene.children_list = hygiene_children_bar
- """ nutrition """
- nutrition_children_id = ["c_leguminosas", "v_frutas", "C_huevos", "dulces", "g_aceites", "l_quesos", "agua"]
- nutrition = Bar("nutrition", main_bar, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1])
- nutrition_children_bar = [Bar(id, nutrition, hard_level[0], hard_level[1]) for id in nutrition_children_id]
- nutrition.children_list = nutrition_children_bar
- """ fun """
- fun_children_id = ["sports", "playing", "relaxing"]
- fun = Bar("fun", main_bar, [], hard_level[0], hard_level[1])
- fun_children_bar = [Bar(id, fun, hard_level[0], hard_level[1]) for id in fun_children_id]
- fun.children_list = fun_children_bar
- return [physica, hygiene, nutrition, fun]
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/utilities.py b/Saludame.activity/utilities.py
index 73da45a..3d57765 100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/utilities.py
+++ b/Saludame.activity/utilities.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Button:
# Eventos sobre el boton... seran sobreescritos por los hijos
- def on_mouse_clik(self):
+ def on_mouse_click(self):
def on_mouse_over(self):
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class CloseButton(Button):
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 30) # Modificamos atributo heredado
self.background_color = (150, 150, 255) # Modificamos atributo heredado
- def on_mouse_clik(self, windows_controller):
+ def on_mouse_click(self, windows_controller):
def change_color(surface, old_color, new_color):
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/window.py b/Saludame.activity/window.py
index fbe7a8f..5ac77f2 100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/window.py
+++ b/Saludame.activity/window.py
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
import pygame
import os
-import menucreator
+import menu_creator
import animation
import utilities
+import status_bars
BLACK = pygame.Color("black")
BACKGROUND_PATH = os.path.normpath("assets/background/background.png")
@@ -159,14 +160,17 @@ class MainWindow():
self.clock = clock
self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 1200, 780)
self.windows = [] # Lista de ventanas que 'componen' la ventana principal
- self.windows.append(BlinkWindow(pygame.Rect((700, 0), (500, 140)), 5, pygame.Color("red")))
- self.windows.append(BlinkWindow(pygame.Rect((700, 150), (500, 140)), 5, pygame.Color("blue")))
- self.windows.append(StatusWindow(pygame.Rect((700, 300), (500, 140)), 2, pygame.Color("gray")))
+ #self.windows.append(BlinkWindow(pygame.Rect((700, 0), (500, 140)), 5, pygame.Color("red")))
+ #self.windows.append(BlinkWindow(pygame.Rect((700, 150), (500, 140)), 5, pygame.Color("blue")))
+ #self.windows.append(StatusWindow(pygame.Rect((700, 300), (500, 140)), 2, pygame.Color("gray")))
self.windows.append(KidWindow(pygame.Rect((0, 0), (600, 500)), 1))
self.windows.append(animation.Apple(pygame.Rect((150, 600), (150, 172)), 10))
- self.windows.append(menucreator.load_menu())
+ self.windows.append(menu_creator.load_menu())
self.windows.append(animation.FPS(pygame.Rect((650, 80), (50, 20)), 15, self.clock))
+ self.status_bars = status_bars.BarsWindow((700, 90), 1, pygame.Color("gray"))
+ self.windows.append(self.status_bars)
self.buttons = []
self.buttons.append(MainWindow.CustomizationButton(self.rect, 10, 650))
self.buttons.append(MainWindow.ChallengesButton(self.rect, 70, 650))
@@ -176,12 +180,17 @@ class MainWindow():
def handle_mouse_down(self, (x, y), windows_controller):
# Temporal para probar el manejo de ventanas entre 'challenges' y 'main'
for button in self.buttons:
if button.contains_point(x, y):
+ # Temporal para probar BarsWindow
+ self.status_bars.on_mouse_click((x,y))
def handle_mouse_over(self, (x, y)):
def get_windows(self):
return self.windows
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/windowsController.py b/Saludame.activity/windowsController.py
index 3657022..3657022 100644..100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/windowsController.py
+++ b/Saludame.activity/windowsController.py