''' Created on 24 Sep 2011 @author: cgueret ''' from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, RDF, URIRef, Namespace, Literal OLPC = Namespace("http://example.org/") class TripleStoreObject(object): pass class TripleStore(object): ''' The TripleStore is a generic object interface with a triple store ''' def __init__(self, params): ''' Constructor of the TripleStore if an hostname is indicated, query the triple store of that machine instead of the one at localhost ''' hostname = 'localhost' if 'hostname' in params.keys(): hostname = params['hostname'] self.store_url = 'http://%s:8080/' % hostname self.device_uid = 'ABC1234567890' #TODO find how to get the serial number def _get_resource(self, uid): ''' Return the URI associated to a particular UID ''' return URIRef(OLPC['resource/%s' % uid]) def get_object(self, uid): ''' Get a specific object associated to this UID '''