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authorAssim <assim@localhost.localdomain>2008-08-11 12:37:36 (GMT)
committer Assim <assim@localhost.localdomain>2008-08-11 12:37:36 (GMT)
commit1d271d881502f5f600239253394809df053db4e2 (patch)
parent09bf218f51a3586a34ec6a3a25b23ec1d00f18da (diff)
configuration panel added
-rwxr-xr-xListenSpell.py (renamed from las-gui.py)265
-rwxr-xr-x[-rw-r--r--]begin.wavbin30288 -> 30288 bytes
-rwxr-xr-x[-rw-r--r--]correct.wavbin32186 -> 32186 bytes
-rwxr-xr-x[-rw-r--r--]dict.dbbin13599744 -> 13942784 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xdist/listen-spell-1.xobin0 -> 6326808 bytes
-rwxr-xr-x[-rw-r--r--]incorrect.wavbin32992 -> 32992 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xsugar-speechdbin22166 -> 0 bytes
14 files changed, 726 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/las-gui.py b/ListenSpell.py
index 4d833fa..68c8c80 100755
--- a/las-gui.py
+++ b/ListenSpell.py
@@ -1,44 +1,87 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygtk
import gtk
+import os
+import string
from las import Listenspell
+from sugar.activity import activity
+from sugar.datastore import datastore
+import logging
+from gettext import gettext as _
-class LS_gui:
- # This is a callback function. The data arguments are ignored
- # in this example. More on callbacks below.
- def __init__(self, handle):
- self.__init__()
- def __init__(self):
+class ListenSpell(activity.Activity):
+ def __init__(self, handle = None, is_stand_alone = False):
+ self.is_stand_alone = is_stand_alone
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ self._name = handle
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger('listen-spell')
+ path = __file__
+ path = path.rpartition("/")
+ self.las = Listenspell()
+ self.las.set_path(path[0])
DBname = "dict.db"
+ self.las.load_db(DBname)
self.use_phoneme = False
- self.las = Listenspell(DBname)
+ self.las.play_sound("begin")
+ self.las.say_text("Welcome", wait = False)
+ self.ask_skill_level()
- def destroy(self, widget, data=None):
- #print "destroy signal occurred"
- self.game_exit()
def load_activity_interface(self):
- self.main_window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
- self.main_window.connect("destroy", self.destroy)
- self.main_window.set_border_width(10)
- self.main_window.set_title("Listen and Spell")
+ #query = {'title':'listen-spell'}
+ #(result, count) = datastore.find(query)
+ #md = datastore.DSMetadata()
+ #if count > 0:
+ #dso = result[0]
+ #md = dso.get_metadata()
+ #md.get()
+ if self.is_stand_alone:
+ self.main_window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ self.main_window.connect("destroy", self.destroy)
+ self.main_window.set_border_width(10)
+ self.main_window.set_title("Listen and Spell")
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ #conf_toolbar = ConfigToolBar()
+ #mytoolbar = gtk.Toolbar()
+ #helpbut = gtk.ToolButton(label = 'help') #Stock help icon
+ #helpbut.set_tooltip(_("Get help"))
+ #helpbut.connect('clicked', self.help_button_pressed)
+ #mytoolbar.insert(helpbut, -1)
+ #helpbut.show()
+ #mytoolbar.show()
+ #toolbox.add_toolbar("my toolbar",mytoolbar)
+ self.set_toolbox(toolbox)
+ toolbox.show_all()
+ # Set title for our Activity
+ self.set_title('Listen and Spell')
self.Hcontainer = gtk.HBox()
- self.main_window.add(self.Hcontainer)
+ if self.is_stand_alone:
+ self.main_window.add(self.Hcontainer)
self.vcontainer_left = gtk.VBox()
@@ -53,36 +96,14 @@ class LS_gui:
#####################Left Pane widgets##########################
- #self.label_v_left_a = gtk.Label("Hello this is label 1")
- #self.label_v_left_b = gtk.Label("label 2")
- #self.label_v_left_a.show()
- #self.label_v_left_b.show()
- #self.main_output_view = gtk.TextView()
- #self.main_output_buffer = gtk.TextBuffer()
- #self.main_output_buffer.set_text("This is main output")
- #self.main_output_view.set_editable(False)
- #self.main_output_view.set_buffer(self.main_output_buffer)
- #self.display_main_output("This is main output")
- #self.main_output_view.show_all()
self.text_input = gtk.Entry()
- #self.text_input.set_text("Preset input text")
- #self.text_input.
self.text_input.connect("focus-in-event", self.text_input_focus, None)
self.text_input.connect("activate", self.text_input_activate, None)
self.console_text_view = gtk.TextView()
- #self.console_text_view.show()
- #self.h_adj = gtk.Adjustment(value=0, lower=0, upper=4, step_incr=1, page_incr=0, page_size=0)
- #self.console_text_sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow(vadjustment=self.h_adj)
self.console_text_sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
self.console_text_sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
@@ -103,9 +124,6 @@ class LS_gui:
- #self.vcontainer_left.pack_start(self.main_output_view, True, True )
- #self.vcontainer_left.pack_start(self.label_v_left_b, True, False )
self.vcontainer_left.pack_start(self.console_text_frame, True, True )
self.vcontainer_left.pack_start(self.text_input, False, True )
self.vcontainer_left.pack_start(self.text_submit_button, False, False )
@@ -128,10 +146,17 @@ class LS_gui:
self.get_word_length_button = gtk.Button("Get Word Length")
self.get_word_length_button.connect("clicked", self.get_word_length_button_clicked, None)
+ self.change_skill_level_button = gtk.Button("Change Skill Level")
+ self.change_skill_level_button.connect("clicked", self.change_skill_level_button_clicked, None)
+ self.change_skill_level_button = gtk.Button("Speech Configuration")
+ self.change_skill_level_button.connect("clicked", self.speech_configuration_button_clicked, None)
+ self.v_buttonbox.add(self.change_skill_level_button)
@@ -174,13 +199,125 @@ class LS_gui:
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ self._logger.debug('activity loaded')
- self.main_window.show()
+ if self.is_stand_alone:
+ self.main_window.show()
+ else:
+ self.set_canvas(self.Hcontainer)
+ self.show_all()
##################Call Backs####################################
+ def _update_configuration(self, widget, attribute ):
+ if attribute == "voice":
+ self.las.speechd_config(attribute, widget.get_active_text())
+ else:
+ self.las.speechd_config(attribute, widget.get_value())
+ def _speech_test(self, widget, speech_text):
+ self.las.say_text(str(speech_text))
+ def speech_configuration_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
+ self.config_dialog = gtk.Dialog("Change Speech Configuration", self,0,(gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK, gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL))
+ #self.las.say_text("Skill Level")
+ #vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 8)
+ #Vbox.set_border_width(8)
+ config_table = gtk.Table(4,2)
+ config_table.set_row_spacings(4)
+ config_table.set_col_spacings(4)
+ speech_frame= gtk.Frame("Speech Configuration")
+ speech_frame.add(config_table)
+ self.config_dialog.vbox.pack_start(speech_frame, False, False, 0)
+ volume_adj = gtk.Adjustment(0, -100, 101, 1, 1, 1)
+ rate_adj = gtk.Adjustment(0, -100, 101, 1, 1, 1)
+ pitch_adj = gtk.Adjustment(0, -100, 101, 1, 1, 1)
+ volume_hscale = gtk.HScale(volume_adj)
+ rate_hscale = gtk.HScale(rate_adj)
+ pitch_hscale = gtk.HScale(pitch_adj)
+ volume_hscale.set_digits(0)
+ rate_hscale.set_digits(0)
+ pitch_hscale.set_digits(0)
+ volume_hscale.set_update_policy(gtk.UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS)
+ rate_hscale.set_update_policy(gtk.UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS)
+ pitch_hscale.set_update_policy(gtk.UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS)
+ voice_box = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
+ voice_list = ["MALE1", "MALE2", "MALE3", "FEMALE1", "FEMALE2", "FEMALE3", "CHILD_MALE", "CHILD_FEMALE"]
+ #hscale4 = gtk.HScale(adj4)
+ for voice in voice_list:
+ voice_box.append_text(voice)
+ voice_box.set_active(0)
+ volume_label = gtk.Label("Volume")
+ rate_label = gtk.Label("Rate")
+ pitch_label = gtk.Label("pitch")
+ voice_label = gtk.Label("Voice")
+ volume_adj.connect('value_changed',self._update_configuration, "volume")
+ rate_adj.connect('value_changed',self._update_configuration, "rate")
+ pitch_adj.connect('value_changed',self._update_configuration, "pitch")
+ voice_box.connect('changed', self._update_configuration, "voice")
+ config_table.attach(volume_label, 0,1,0,1)
+ config_table.attach(rate_label, 0,1,1,2)
+ config_table.attach(pitch_label, 0,1,2,3)
+ config_table.attach(voice_label, 0,1,3,4)
+ config_table.attach(volume_hscale, 1,2,0,1)
+ config_table.attach(rate_hscale, 1,2,1,2)
+ config_table.attach(pitch_hscale, 1,2,2,3)
+ config_table.attach(voice_box, 1,2,3,4)
+ speech_test_frame = gtk.Frame("Test Speech Setting")
+ self.config_dialog.vbox.pack_start(speech_test_frame, False, False, 0)
+ speech_test_table = gtk.Table(2,1)
+ speech_test_table.set_row_spacings(4)
+ speech_test_table.set_col_spacings(4)
+ speech_test_frame.add(speech_test_table)
+ speech_test_text_entry = gtk.Entry()
+ speech_test_text_entry.set_text("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
+ speech_test_button = gtk.Button("Test")
+ speech_test_button.connect("clicked", self._speech_test, speech_test_text_entry.get_text())
+ speech_test_table.attach(speech_test_text_entry, 0,1,0,1)
+ speech_test_table.attach(speech_test_button, 0,1,1,2)
+ self.config_dialog.show_all()
+ response = self.config_dialog.run()
+ def get_speechd_config(self):
+ pass
def submit_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
answer = self.text_input.get_text()
self.las.say_text("You typed")
@@ -197,6 +334,8 @@ class LS_gui:
self.play_game("next word")
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ self._logger.debug('submit button clicked : ' + self.elem + '')
return False
def text_input_focus(self, widget, event, data= None):
@@ -213,12 +352,16 @@ class LS_gui:
self.las.say_text(self.pronounelem, is_phoneme = True)
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ self._logger.debug('repeat button clicked : ' + self.elem + '')
def get_def_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
def_list = self.las.get_word_info(self.wordid, "def")
self.display_console("Definition: ")
for (pos, definition, name) in def_list:
self.display_console(pos + "(" + name + ") : " + definition)
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ self._logger.debug('get defination button clicked : ' + self.elem + '')
def get_usage_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
if self.usage_used == 0:
@@ -232,12 +375,16 @@ class LS_gui:
(sample) = usage[self.usage_used]
self.usage_used = self.usage_used + 1
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ self._logger.debug('get usage button clicked : ' + self.elem + '')
def get_word_length_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
self.display_console("Word Length: " + str(len(self.elem)))
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ self._logger.debug('get word length button clicked : ' + self.elem + '')
def ask_skill_level(self):
- self.skill_level_dialog = gtk.Dialog("Enter Skill Level", self.main_window, 0,(gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK, "Quit Game", gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL))
+ self.skill_level_dialog = gtk.Dialog("Enter Skill Level", self, 0,(gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK, "Quit Game", gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL))
self.las.say_text("Skill Level")
hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 8)
@@ -262,10 +409,11 @@ class LS_gui:
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
skill_level = int (local_skill_level.get_text())
+ if not self.is_stand_alone:
+ self._logger.debug('level set : ' + str(skill_level) + '')
elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NONE:
@@ -278,6 +426,11 @@ class LS_gui:
def local_skill_level_activate(self, widget, data=None):
+ def change_skill_level_button_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
+ self.ask_skill_level()
+ self.play_game("start")
def shout(self,string):
for char in string:
@@ -335,12 +488,8 @@ class LS_gui:
def play_game(self,mode = "start"):
if mode == "start":
- self.las.play_sound("begin")
self.this_level_size = 7
self.this_level_max_error = 3
- #self.display_main_output("Welcome")
- self.las.say_text("Welcome", wait = False)
- self.ask_skill_level()
self.wordid_list = self.las.load_wordid(self.this_level_size + self.this_level_max_error)
self.this_level_num_words = len(self.wordid_list)
self.this_level_words_left = self.this_level_num_words
@@ -400,7 +549,7 @@ class LS_gui:
# If the program is run directly or passed as an argument to the python
# interpreter then create a HelloWorld instance and show it
if __name__ == "__main__":
- gui = LS_gui()
+ gui = ListenSpell(is_stand_alone = True)
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+ d="M 16.564976,26.591147 C 17.261272,26.248838 22.843650,30.469750 24.434305,31.330872 C 24.744531,31.498817 20.024946,37.608617 17.719348,39.873138 C 15.413749,42.137658 15.522137,40.556899 14.238307,41.593725 C 13.451471,42.229178 1.5596352,35.033490 2.2185602,32.857763 C 2.3251962,32.505657 13.461035,28.117088 16.564976,26.591147 z "
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+ d="M 38.034911,5.7839351 C 37.481031,5.7200721 36.466721,6.6424541 36.378661,6.7526851 C 30.962931,13.532171 27.497119,19.846900 21.847409,21.033935 C 18.629059,21.710129 20.329469,24.124669 16.816159,26.096435 C 12.063069,28.763995 5.6215872,31.335723 1.5974092,32.658935 C 0.86149320,32.900913 7.4605592,39.160423 11.784909,41.127685 C 15.221029,42.690866 14.723839,39.347712 17.034909,40.346435 C 18.825089,42.350765 22.325779,45.898838 24.722409,53.627685 C 25.582979,55.519293 28.541661,53.567028 30.191161,51.377685 C 33.214131,47.839717 39.829871,40.177372 43.878661,39.127685 C 47.927441,38.078001 57.386321,48.333539 55.128661,43.721435 C 49.365901,31.948860 43.258291,8.7055281 39.722411,6.4714351 C 39.214411,6.1504641 38.588791,5.8477981 38.034911,5.7839351 z "
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+ transform="matrix(1.021200,0.000000,0.000000,1.021200,-0.615171,-1.094169)" />
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+ d="M 38.006989,7.8508748 C 36.602792,8.6846170 35.322408,12.309863 35.355339,16.689710 C 35.396065,22.106239 37.609749,24.611214 38.669902,23.981748 C 39.966771,23.211732 40.267548,21.242959 40.216699,14.480000 C 40.193891,11.446584 38.959815,7.2851346 38.006989,7.8508748 z "
+ id="path1796"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cssss"
+ transform="matrix(1.021200,0.000000,0.000000,1.021200,-0.615171,-1.094169)" />
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+ d="M 22.393883,45.438131 C 22.412622,46.378282 25.296261,53.294529 25.802275,53.317257 C 26.413351,53.344704 31.632701,49.846719 31.884526,47.453677 C 32.084027,45.557856 30.015653,43.325913 28.748422,43.092476 C 27.216689,42.810315 22.338775,42.673294 22.393883,45.438131 z "
+ id="path1802"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cssss"
+ transform="matrix(1.021200,0.000000,0.000000,1.021200,-0.615171,-1.094169)" />
diff --git a/activity/activity.info b/activity/activity.info
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b108201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activity/activity.info
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+name = listen-spell
+service_name = org.laptop.listen-spell
+class = ListenSpell.ListenSpell
+icon = activity-listen-spell
+activity_version = 1
+show_launcher = yes
diff --git a/begin.wav b/begin.wav
index be6ba53..be6ba53 100644..100755
--- a/begin.wav
+++ b/begin.wav
Binary files differ
diff --git a/correct.wav b/correct.wav
index cb5d6bb..cb5d6bb 100644..100755
--- a/correct.wav
+++ b/correct.wav
Binary files differ
diff --git a/dict.db b/dict.db
index 913ad33..99dc47f 100644..100755
--- a/dict.db
+++ b/dict.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/dict.py b/dict.py
index d202439..7a956a5 100755
--- a/dict.py
+++ b/dict.py
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ __debug = True
class Dict:
+ level_1 = ()
def __init__(self, sqliteDB = None):
@@ -52,6 +54,10 @@ class Dict:
def get_DB_name(self):
+ def level_map(self, level):
+ level_1 = { 3:{s:30000000000, e:1460000000 }, 4:{s:23, e:312} }
+ pass
class Word:
def __init__(self, identifier=None, value= None):
@@ -75,16 +81,18 @@ class Word:
self.wordid = None
self.word = None
self.length = None
+ self.freq = None
self.synsetid_list = []
return None
return "Invalid Usage"
- (laswid, wordid, lemma, length) = self.cur.fetchone()
+ (laswid, wordid, lemma, length, freq) = self.cur.fetchone()
self.las_word_id = laswid
self.wordid = wordid
self.word = lemma
self.length = length
+ self.freq = freq
self.synsetid_list = []
def get_word(self):
@@ -107,6 +115,8 @@ class Word:
return self.synsetid_list
+ def get_freq(self):
+ return self.freq
def get_def(self):
self.def_list = []
if self.synsetid_list == []:
@@ -160,17 +170,23 @@ class Word:
else:return None
def update_phoneme(self, phoneme, is_correct = True):
- #print phoneme
+ #try:
+ #if is_correct == True:
+ #self.cur.execute("UPDATE las_phoneme SET phoneme = ?, is_correct = ? where wordid = ?", (phoneme, 1, self.wordid,))
+ #else:
+ #self.cur.execute("UPDATE las_phoneme SET phoneme = ?, is_correct = ? where wordid = ?", (phoneme, 0, self.wordid,))
+ #except:
if is_correct == True:
- self.cur.execute("UPDATE las_phoneme SET phoneme = ?, is_correct = ? where wordid = ?", (phoneme, 1, self.wordid,))
- else:
- self.cur.execute("UPDATE las_phoneme SET phoneme = ?, is_correct = ? where wordid = ?", (phoneme, 0, self.wordid,))
- except:
- if is_correct == True:
self.cur.execute("INSERT into las_phoneme (wordid, phoneme, is_correct ) VALUES (?,?,?) ", (self.wordid, phoneme, 1, ))
self.cur.execute("INSERT into las_phoneme (wordid, phoneme, is_correct ) VALUES (?,?,?) ", (self.wordid, phoneme, 0, ))
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ if is_correct == True:
+ self.cur.execute("UPDATE las_phoneme SET phoneme = " + phoneme + ", is_correct = 1 where wordid = ?", (self.wordid,))
+ else:
+ self.cur.execute("UPDATE las_phoneme SET phoneme = " + phoneme +", is_correct = 0 where wordid = ?", (self.wordid,))
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/dist/listen-spell-1.xo b/dist/listen-spell-1.xo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a2cbd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/listen-spell-1.xo
Binary files differ
diff --git a/incorrect.wav b/incorrect.wav
index 359f147..359f147 100644..100755
--- a/incorrect.wav
+++ b/incorrect.wav
Binary files differ
diff --git a/las.py b/las.py
index 96fd52e..39afbb1 100755
--- a/las.py
+++ b/las.py
@@ -46,50 +46,44 @@ class _GetchWindows:
class Listenspell():
- def __init__(self, SQLiteDB):
+ def __init__(self):
self.skill_level = 0
- self.level_threshold = 5
self.points = 0
self.words_played = 0
self.words_correct = 0
+ self.path = "."
self.speechd_init = False
- self.dict_obj = Dict(SQLiteDB) #Always intitiate first Dict object then Word object
+ self.__speechd_default_config = {'pitch':0, 'rate':0, 'language':'en', 'volume':100, 'voice':'',
+ 'spelling':False, 'punctuation':speechd.PunctuationMode.SOME }
+ self.__speechd_config = {'pitch':0, 'rate':0, 'language':'en', 'volume':100, 'voice':'',
+ 'spelling':False, 'punctuation':speechd.PunctuationMode.SOME }
+ def load_db(self, SQLiteDB):
+ if self.path == ".":
+ return False
+ #print self.path + SQLiteDB
+ self.dict_obj = Dict(self.path + SQLiteDB) #Always intitiate first Dict object then Word object
self.word_obj = Word()
+ def set_path(self, path):
+ if path != "":
+ self.path = path + "/"
+ else:
+ self.path = path
def play_sound(self,event):
- #file= event + '.wav'
- #from wave import open as waveOpen
- #from ossaudiodev import open as ossOpen
- #s = waveOpen(file,'rb')
- #(nc,sw,fr,nf,comptype, compname) = s.getparams( )
- #dsp = ossOpen('/dev/dsp','w')
- #try:
- #from ossaudiodev import AFMT_S16_NE
- #except ImportError:
- #if byteorder == "little":
- #AFMT_S16_NE = ossaudiodev.AFMT_S16_LE
- #else:
- #AFMT_S16_NE = ossaudiodev.AFMT_S16_BE
- #dsp.setparameters(AFMT_S16_NE, nc, fr)
- #data = s.readframes(nf)
- #s.close()
- #dsp.write(data)
- #dsp.close()
- os.popen("aplay --quiet " + event + ".wav")
- #if event == "begin":
- #os.popen("aplay --quiet begin.wav")
- #elif event == "correct":
- #os.popen("aplay --quiet correct.wav")
- #elif event == "incorrect":
- #os.popen("aplay --quiet incorrect.wav")
+ os.popen("aplay --quiet " + self.path + event + ".wav")
def set_skill_level(self,level):
self.skill_level = level
+ self.reset_counters()
+ def reset_counters(self):
+ self.points = 0
+ self.words_played = 0
+ self.words_correct = 0
def get_skill_level(self):
return self.skill_level
@@ -149,21 +143,28 @@ class Listenspell():
elif attribute == "phnm":
phnm = self.word_obj.get_phoneme()
if phnm == None:
- phnm = self.get_phoneme(self.word_obj.get_word())
+ phnm = self.__get_phoneme(self.word_obj.get_word())
return phnm
(phoneme, is_correct) = phnm
return phoneme
else: return False
- def get_phoneme(self, word = None):
+ def __get_phoneme(self, word = None):
if word == None:
return False
phnm = commands.getoutput("/usr/bin/espeak -q -x " + word)
return phnm
- def start_speechd(self):
+ def get_speechd_config(self, default =0):
+ if default == 1:
+ return self.__speechd_default_config
+ else:
+ return self.__speechd_config
+ def __start_speechd(self):
self.client = speechd.SSIPClient('spd-test')
@@ -173,23 +174,51 @@ class Listenspell():
except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
print "Speech Dispatcher is not turned on."
return False
+ self.speechd_init = True
+ def speechd_config(self, attribute = None, data = None):
+ if attribute == None or data == None:
+ return False
- def callback(self,callback_type):
+ if self.speechd_init == False:
+ if self.__start_speechd() == False:
+ return False
+ if attribute == "pitch":
+ self.client.set_pitch(data) #-100 to 100
+ elif attribute == "rate":
+ self.client.set_rate(data) # -100 to 100
+ elif attribute == "volume":
+ self.client.set_volume(data)#-100 to 100
+ elif attribute == "voice":
+ self.client.set_voice(data)#(FE)MALE(1,2,3), CHILD_(FE)MALE
+ elif attribute == "output_module":
+ self.client.set_output_module(data)
+ elif attribute == "language":
+ self.client.set_language(data)
+ elif attribute == "punctuation":
+ self.client.set_punctuation(data)
+ elif attribute == "spelling":
+ self.client.set_spelling(data) # True or False
+ elif attribute == "synthesis_voice":
+ self.client.set_synthesis_voice(data)#self.client.list_synthesis_voices()
+ else: return False
+ def __speechd_callback(self,callback_type):
self.speech_state = callback_type
- def say_text(self, text, wait= True, is_phoneme = False):
+ def say_text(self, text, wait= True):
#wait: to wait for the text to be spoken or not
#os.popen("espeak " + text)
if self.speechd_init == False:
- if self.start_speechd() == False:
+ if self.__start_speechd() == False:
return False
- self.speechd_init = True
text = str(text)
- if is_phoneme:
- text = "[" + text + "]"
- self.client.speak(text, callback=self.callback,event_types=(speechd.CallbackType.BEGIN,
+ self.speech_state = None
+ self.client.speak(text, callback=self.__speechd_callback,event_types=(speechd.CallbackType.BEGIN,
if wait == True:
diff --git a/po/listen-spell.pot b/po/listen-spell.pot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2aaba6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/listen-spell.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-29 14:59+0530\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: activity/activity.info:2
+msgid "listen-spell"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c8bbb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from sugar.activity import bundlebuilder
diff --git a/sugar-speechd b/sugar-speechd
deleted file mode 100755
index c5f271a..0000000
--- a/sugar-speechd
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ