#!/bin/env python import sys import os import dbus import random import time import speechd import commands import simplejson #import csnd from dict import Dict from dict import Word # My class for key detection class _Getch: """Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to the screen.""" def __init__(self): try: self.impl = _GetchWindows() except ImportError: self.impl = _GetchUnix() def __call__(self): return self.impl() class _GetchUnix: def __init__(self): import tty, sys def __call__(self): import sys, tty, termios fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch class _GetchWindows: def __init__(self): import msvcrt def __call__(self): import msvcrt return msvcrt.getch() class Listenspell(): def __init__(self): self.skill_level = 0 self.points = 0 self.words_played = 0 self.words_correct = 0 self.config_file = 'ls-speechd-config' self.path = "." self.speechd_init = False self.__speechd_default_config = {'pitch':0, 'rate':0, 'language':'en', 'volume':100, 'voice':'MALE1', 'spelling':False, 'punctuation':speechd.PunctuationMode.SOME } self.__speechd_config = self.__speechd_default_config def load_db(self, SQLiteDB): if self.path == ".": return False #print self.path + SQLiteDB self.dict_obj = Dict(self.path + SQLiteDB) #Always intitiate first Dict object then Word object self.word_obj = Word() def set_path(self, path): if path != "": self.path = path + "/" else: self.path = path def play_sound(self,event): os.popen("aplay --quiet " + self.path + event + ".wav") def set_skill_level(self,level): self.skill_level = level self.reset_counters() def reset_counters(self): self.points = 0 self.words_played = 0 self.words_correct = 0 def get_skill_level(self): return self.skill_level def get_words_played(self): return self.words_played def get_words_correct(self): return self.words_correct def get_points(self): return self.points def ans_correct(self, wordid): self.play_sound("correct") self.points = self.points + self.skill_level self.words_correct = self.words_correct + 1 self.word_obj.update_score(wordid) def ans_incorrect(self, wordid): self.play_sound("incorrect") self.word_obj.update_score(wordid, "incorrect") def clear_screen(self,numlines=100): """Clear the console. numlines is an optional argument used only as a fall-back. """ import os if os.name == "posix": # Unix/Linux/MacOS/BSD/etc os.system('clear') elif os.name in ("nt", "dos", "ce"): # DOS/Windows os.system('CLS') else: # Fallback for other operating systems. print '\n' * numlines def load_wordid(self, num_words): temp_list = [] self.wordid_list = [] temp_list = self.dict_obj.get_random_wordid(length = self.skill_level,numwords = num_words) for(wordid, ) in temp_list: self.wordid_list.append(wordid) return self.wordid_list def get_word_info(self,wordid, attribute): if self.word_obj.get_wordid() != wordid: self.word_obj.__init__(identifier = "wordid", value= wordid) self.words_played = self.words_played + 1 if attribute == "def": return self.word_obj.get_def() elif attribute == "usage": return self.word_obj.get_usage() elif attribute == "word": return self.word_obj.get_word() elif attribute == "phnm": phnm = self.word_obj.get_phoneme() if phnm == None: phnm = self.__get_phoneme(self.word_obj.get_word()) return phnm else: (phoneme, is_correct) = phnm return phoneme else: return False def __get_phoneme(self, word = None): if word == None: return False phnm = commands.getoutput("/usr/bin/espeak -q -x " + word) self.word_obj.update_phoneme(phnm) return phnm def get_speechd_config(self, default =0): if default == 1: return self.__speechd_default_config else: return self.__speechd_config def load_speechd_config(self): try: fp = open(self.path + self.config_file) except IOError: #File doesn't exist, create it and write default config fp = open(self.path + self.config_file, 'w', 0) speech_config = self.get_speechd_config(1) simplejson.dump(speech_config, fp) else: speech_config = simplejson.load(fp) for attr in speech_config: self.speechd_config(attr, speech_config[attr]) fp.close() return speech_config def __start_speechd(self): try: self.client = speechd.SSIPClient('spd-test') self.client.set_output_module('espeak') self.client.set_language('en') self.client.set_punctuation(speechd.PunctuationMode.SOME) self.speech_state = None except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: print "Speech Dispatcher is not turned on." return False self.speechd_init = True def __set_speechd_config(self, attribute = None, value = None, mode = 'one', config_obj = None): if mode == 'one': if attribute == None or value == None: return False print attribute + ":" + str(value) self.__speechd_config[attribute] = value fp = open(self.path + self.config_file, 'w', 0) simplejson.dump(self.__speechd_config, fp) fp.close() elif mode == 'all': if config_obj == None: return False fp = open(self.path + self.config_file, 'w', 0) self.__speechd_config = config_obj simplejson.dump(self.__speechd_config, fp) fp.close() def speechd_config(self, attribute = None, data = None): if attribute == None or data == None: return False if self.speechd_init == False: if self.__start_speechd() == False: return False attribute_list = ['pitch', 'rate', 'volume', 'voice', 'output_module', 'language', 'punctuation', 'spelling', 'synthesis_voice'] if attribute in attribute_list: try: self.__set_speechd_config(attribute, data) if attribute == "pitch": self.client.set_pitch(int(data)) #-100 to 100 elif attribute == "rate": self.client.set_rate(int(data)) # -100 to 100 elif attribute == "volume": self.client.set_volume(int(data))#-100 to 100 elif attribute == "voice": self.client.set_voice(str(data))#(FE)MALE(1,2,3), CHILD_(FE)MALE elif attribute == "output_module": self.client.set_output_module(str(data)) elif attribute == "language": self.client.set_language(str(data)) elif attribute == "punctuation": self.client.set_punctuation(data) elif attribute == "spelling": self.client.set_spelling(bool(data)) # True or False elif attribute == "synthesis_voice": self.client.set_synthesis_voice(str(data))#self.client.list_synthesis_voices() except AssertionError, e: print "Assertion Error: " + str(e) + ":" + str(attribute) + ":" + str(data) return False else: return False def __speechd_callback(self,callback_type): self.speech_state = callback_type def say_text(self, text, wait= True): #wait: to wait for the text to be spoken or not #os.popen("espeak " + text) if self.speechd_init == False: if self.__start_speechd() == False: return False text = str(text) self.speech_state = None self.client.speak(text, callback=self.__speechd_callback,event_types=(speechd.CallbackType.BEGIN, speechd.CallbackType.CANCEL, speechd.CallbackType.END)) if wait == True: while(self.speech_state != "end"): time.sleep(1) def get_key(self): for longestinput in range(15): inkey = _Getch() for i in xrange(sys.maxint): k=inkey() if k<>'':break elif k == '\r': break return k def exit_game(self): self.word_obj.exit_game() self.dict_obj.exit_game() self.say_text("goodbye") self.client.close() sys.exit()