# coding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2009, 2010 Thomas Jourdan # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from gettext import gettext as _ import gtk import gtk.gdk import gobject import ka_debug import ka_status import ka_preference class StatusController(object): """ inv: self._widget_list is not None inv: self._status is not None """ def __init__(self, controller, widget_list, activity_root, started_anew): """ pre: controller is not None pre: widget_list is not None """ self._widget_list = widget_list self._visible = False self._status = ka_status.Status.instance() self.position = 900 def close(self): """Clean up""" pass def create_gui(self): """ """ page = gtk.VBox() param_panel = gtk.HBox() param_panel.set_border_width(10) label1 = gtk.Label(_('Size of the exported image in pixels: ')) param_panel.pack_start(label1, expand=False, fill=False) cb = gtk.combo_box_new_text() cb.connect("changed", self.on_changed) cb.append_text('200 * 200') cb.append_text('400 * 400') cb.append_text('600 * 600') cb.append_text('1000 * 1000') preference = ka_preference.Preference.instance() export_size = preference.get(ka_preference.EXPORT_SIZE) if export_size[0] == 400: cb.set_active(1) elif export_size[0] == 600: cb.set_active(2) elif export_size[0] == 1000: cb.set_active(3) else: cb.set_active(0) param_panel.pack_start(cb, expand=False, fill=False) page.pack_start(param_panel, expand=False, fill=True) self._widget_list.remember('statusPage', page) scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow(hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None) textview = gtk.TextView() self._widget_list.remember('statusTextview', textview) textview.set_editable(False) scrolled_window.add(textview) page.pack_start(scrolled_window, expand=True, fill=True) return page, gtk.Label(_('Status')) def autoconnect_events(self): """Auto connect status view.""" self._widget_list.get_widget('kandidNotebook') \ .connect('switch-page', self.on_notebook_switch_page) statusview = self._widget_list.get_widget('statusTextview') statusview.connect('visibility-notify-event', self.on_statuspage_visibility_notify_event) gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.on_timer) def localize(self): """A dummy""" pass def activate_gui(self): """A dummy""" pass def refresh(self): """Replace status text completely.""" self._status.scan_os_status() statusview = self._widget_list.get_widget('statusTextview') buf = statusview.get_buffer() buf.delete(buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter()) buf.insert(buf.get_end_iter(), self._status.recall()) def on_timer(self, *args): """Process next update cycle.""" if self._visible: self.refresh() gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.on_timer) def on_statuspage_visibility_notify_event(self, *args): """ pre: len(args) >= 2 pre: isinstance(args[1], gtk.gdk.Event) """ self._visible = not args[1].state == gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_FULLY_OBSCURED # ka_debug.info('on_statuspage_visibility_notify_event %s %s' % (self._visible, args[1].state)) return False def on_notebook_switch_page(self, *args): """Test if status page will be displayed. pre: len(args) >= 3 """ self._visible = False # ka_debug.info('on_notebook_switch_page %s %s' % (self._visible, args[2])) def on_changed(self, widget): index = widget.get_active() ka_debug.info('on_changed %d' % (index)) preference = ka_preference.Preference.instance() if index == 0: preference.set(ka_preference.EXPORT_SIZE, (200, 200)) elif index == 1: preference.set(ka_preference.EXPORT_SIZE, (400, 400)) elif index == 2: preference.set(ka_preference.EXPORT_SIZE, (600, 600)) elif index == 3: preference.set(ka_preference.EXPORT_SIZE, (1000, 1000)) preference.store()