#!/usr/bin/env python #Copyright (c) 2011,12 Walter Bender #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. help_palettes = {} help_windows = {} palette_names = [] palette_init_on_start = [] palette_blocks = [] block_colors = [] expandable_blocks = [] block_names = {} block_primitives = {} default_values = {} logo_commands = {} logo_functions = {} special_names = {} # Names for blocks without names for popup help content_blocks = ['number', 'string', 'description', 'audio', 'video', 'journal'] hidden_proto_blocks = [] # proto blocks that are (at least initially) hidden value_blocks = [] # blocks whose labels are updated get added here special_block_colors = {} string_or_number_args = [] block_styles = {'basic-style': [], 'blank-style': [], 'basic-style-head': [], 'basic-style-head-1arg': [], 'basic-style-tail': [], 'basic-style-extended': [], 'basic-style-extended-vertical': [], 'basic-style-1arg': [], 'basic-style-2arg': [], 'basic-style-3arg': [], 'basic-style-var-arg': [], 'bullet-style': [], 'box-style': [], 'box-style-media': [], 'number-style': [], 'number-style-var-arg': [], 'number-style-block': [], 'number-style-porch': [], 'number-style-1arg': [], 'number-style-1strarg': [], 'compare-style': [], 'compare-porch-style': [], 'boolean-style': [], 'not-style': [], 'boolean-block-style': [], 'flow-style-tail': [], 'clamp-style': [], 'clamp-style-collapsible': [], 'clamp-style-collapsed': [], 'clamp-style-1arg': [], 'clamp-style-boolean': [], 'clamp-style-else': [], 'portfolio-style-2x2': [], 'portfolio-style-1x1': [], 'portfolio-style-2x1': [], 'portfolio-style-1x2': []} from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk try: from sugar3.graphics import style from util.helpbutton import add_section, add_paragraph GRID_CELL_SIZE = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE HELP_PALETTE = True except ImportError: GRID_CELL_SIZE = 55 HELP_PALETTE = False from taconstants import EXPANDABLE_STYLE, EXPANDABLE_FLOW from tautils import debug_output from gettext import gettext as _ help_strings = { 'next': _('displays next palette'), 'orientation': _("changes the orientation of the palette of blocks") } class Palette(): """ a class for defining new palettes """ def __init__(self, name, colors=["#00FF00", "#00A000"], position=None): self._name = name self._special_name = _(name) self._colors = colors self._max_text_width = int(Gdk.Screen.width() / 2.8) - 20 # Prepare a vbox for the help palette if not self._name in help_palettes: self._help_box = Gtk.VBox() self._help_box.set_homogeneous(False) help_palettes[self._name] = self._help_box help_windows[self._name] = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() # FIXME: Need to resize correctly the palette help_windows[self._name].set_size_request( int(Gdk.Screen.width() / 2.8), Gdk.Screen.height() - GRID_CELL_SIZE * 3) help_windows[self._name].set_policy( Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) help_windows[self._name].add_with_viewport( help_palettes[self._name]) help_palettes[self._name].show() self._help = None else: self._help_box = help_palettes[self._name] self._help = 'deja vu' def add_palette(self, position=None, init_on_start=False): if self._name is None: debug_output('You must specify a name for your palette') return # Insert new palette just before the trash if 'trash' in palette_names: i = palette_names.index('trash') else: i = len(palette_names) if position is not None and type(position) is int and position < i: i = position if self._name not in palette_names: palette_names.insert(i, self._name) palette_blocks.insert(i, []) block_colors.insert(i, self._colors) if init_on_start: if not self._name in palette_init_on_start: palette_init_on_start.append(self._name) else: return # Special name entry is needed for help hover mechanism special_names[self._name] = self._special_name if self._help is not None: help_strings[self._name] = self._help else: help_strings[self._name] = '' def set_help(self, help): if self._help is None: self._help = help if hasattr(self, '_help_box') and HELP_PALETTE: add_section(self._help_box, self._help, icon=self._name + 'off') def set_special_name(self, name): self._special_name = name def add_block(self, block_name, style='basic-block', label=None, special_name=None, default=None, prim_name=None, help_string=None, value_block=False, content_block=False, logo_command=None, hidden=False, colors=None, string_or_number=False): """ Add a new block to the palette """ block = Block(block_name) block.set_style(style) if label is not None: block.set_label(label) if special_name is not None: block.set_special_name(special_name) if default is not None: if default == 'None': block.set_default(None) else: block.set_default(default) if prim_name is not None: block.set_prim_name(prim_name) if logo_command is not None: block.set_logo_command(logo_command) if help_string is not None: block.set_help(help_string) if not hidden: first_arg = None if special_name is None: if type(label) == list: first_arg = label[0] else: first_arg = label else: first_arg = special_name if HELP_PALETTE: if first_arg is None or first_arg == '' or first_arg == ' ': add_paragraph(self._help_box, '%s' % (help_string)) else: add_paragraph(self._help_box, '%s: %s' % (first_arg, help_string)) if colors is not None: block.set_colors(colors) if string_or_number: block.set_string_or_number() block.set_value_block(value_block) block.set_content_block(content_block) block.set_palette(self._name) if hidden: block.set_hidden() block.add_block() def make_palette(palette_name, colors=None, help_string=None, position=None, init_on_start=False): """ Palette helper function """ if colors is None: palette = Palette(palette_name) else: palette = Palette(palette_name, colors) if help_string is not None: palette.set_help(help_string) palette.add_palette(position, init_on_start=init_on_start) return palette def palette_name_to_index(palette_name): ''' Find the index associated with palette_name. ''' if palette_name in palette_names: return palette_names.index(palette_name) else: return None def define_logo_function(key, value): ''' Add a logo function to the table (not necessarily associated with a block, e.g., color lookup tables) ''' logo_functions[key] = value class Block(): """ a class for defining new block primitives """ def __init__(self, name): self._name = name self._special_name = None self._palette = None self._style = None self._label = None self._default = None self._help = None self._prim_name = None self._logo_command = None self._value_block = False self._content_block = False self._colors = None self._hidden = False self._string_or_number = False def add_block(self, position=None): if self._name is None: debug_output('You must specify a name for your block') return # FIXME: Does the block already exist? A block can live on # multiple palettes, but it can only have one set of # atttributes. So if this is a redefinition, remove it from # all lists except palettes before regeneration. if self._style is None: debug_output('You must specify a style for your block') return else: block_styles[self._style].append(self._name) if self._style in ['clamp-style', 'clamp-style-collapsible', 'clamp-style-1arg', 'clamp-style-boolean', 'clamp-style-else']: EXPANDABLE_FLOW.append(self._name) if self._label is not None: block_names[self._name] = self._label if self._palette is not None: i = palette_names.index(self._palette) if self._name in palette_blocks[i]: debug_output('%s already in palette %s, skipping...' % ( self._name, self._palette)) else: if position is not None and type(position) is int and \ position < len(palette_blocks[i]): palette_blocks[i].insert(position, self._name) else: palette_blocks[i].append(self._name) if position is not None: debug_output('Ignoring position (%s)' % (str(position))) if self._help is not None: help_strings[self._name] = self._help else: help_strings[self._name] = '' if self._value_block: value_blocks.append(self._name) if self._content_block: content_blocks.append(self._name) if self._prim_name is not None: block_primitives[self._name] = self._prim_name if self._logo_command is not None and self._prim_name is not None: logo_commands[self._prim_name] = self._logo_command if self._default is not None: default_values[self._name] = self._default if self._special_name is not None: special_names[self._name] = self._special_name if self._style in EXPANDABLE_STYLE: expandable_blocks.append(self._name) if self._colors is not None: special_block_colors[self._name] = self._colors if self._string_or_number: string_or_number_args.append(self._name) if self._hidden: hidden_proto_blocks.append(self._name) def set_hidden(self): self._hidden = True def set_colors(self, colors=None): self._colors = colors def set_string_or_number(self, flag=True): self._string_or_number = flag def set_value_block(self, value=True): self._value_block = value def set_content_block(self, value=True): self._content_block = value def set_palette(self, palette): if not palette in palette_names: debug_output('Could not find palette %s' % (palette)) else: self._palette = palette def set_help(self, help): self._help = help def set_special_name(self, name): self._special_name = name def set_label(self, label): if type(label) == type([]): self._label = label[:] else: self._label = [label] def set_default(self, default): if type(default) == type([]): self._default = default[:] else: self._default = [default] def set_style(self, style): if style not in block_styles: debug_output('Unknown style: %s' % (style)) else: self._style = style def set_prim_name(self, prim_name): self._prim_name = prim_name def set_logo_command(self, logo_command): self._logo_command = logo_command