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path: root/Workshop.activity/Workshop.py
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authorCharlie <charlie@tutorius-dev.(none)>2009-11-05 15:55:20 (GMT)
committer Charlie <charlie@tutorius-dev.(none)>2009-11-05 15:55:20 (GMT)
commit1c0b5d7c47dc0ebfe8d445cfe81ff35dfbaf560f (patch)
tree5bf59cd30575eb6d87858c31a4d001a79dc43631 /Workshop.activity/Workshop.py
parentd50c3cd98d6e99c7311286559136dc1a775a326d (diff)
Workshop activity My tutorials
Diffstat (limited to 'Workshop.activity/Workshop.py')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/Workshop.py b/Workshop.activity/Workshop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6958d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/Workshop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+import gtk
+import gobject
+from WorkshopListItem import WorkshopListItem
+from Rating import Rating
+from WorkshopModel import WorkshopModel
+from WorkshopController import WorkshopController
+from dialogs import InfoDialog
+import operator
+class WorkshopView(gtk.Alignment):
+ """
+ Main container for the Workshop Mytutorial Part
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ """
+ gtk.Alignment.__init__(self,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)
+ #Register Rating as a gobject
+ gobject.type_register(Rating)
+ #create the model and the controller
+ self.model = WorkshopModel(self)
+ self.controller = WorkshopController(self,self.model)
+ #Create the main view
+ self.mainView = WorkshopMain(self.controller)
+ self.detailView = None
+ #display the main view
+ self.add(self.mainView)
+ self.mainView.show()
+ #display all tutorials
+ self.controller.tutorial_query(None,None)
+ def set_tutorial_list(self,tutorial_list):
+ """
+ Set the list of tutorial to display in the main View
+ Refresh the View
+ @param tutorial_list the list of tutorial
+ """
+ self.mainView.set_tutorial_list(tutorial_list)
+ def change_sorting(self,sorting_key):
+ """
+ Sort the list of tutorial base on the sorting_key
+ @param sorting_key the tutorial metadata to use to sort the tutorials
+ """
+ self.mainView.change_sorting(sorting_key)
+ def display_detail(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Displays the detail view of a tutorial
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to display
+ """
+ #hide the main view
+ self.mainView.hide()
+ self.remove(self.mainView)
+ #create the detail view and show it
+ self.detailView = WorkshopDetail(tutorial,self.controller)
+ self.add(self.detailView)
+ self.detailView.show()
+ def display_main_view(self):
+ """
+ Displays the main view of the Workshop
+ """
+ #hide the detail view
+ self.detailView.hide()
+ self.remove(self.detailView)
+ #display the main view
+ self.add(self.mainView)
+ self.mainView.show()
+ def display_info_dialog(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Displays the infos dialog on a tutorial
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to edit
+ """
+ infoDialog = InfoDialog(tutorial,self.controller)
+ infoDialog.run()
+ infoDialog.destroy()
+ @staticmethod
+ def display_login():
+ loginDialog = LoginDialog()
+ loginDialog.run()
+ loginDialog.destroy()
+ def refresh_content(self):
+ """
+ Refresh the data displayed
+ """
+ #refresh the tutorial list
+ self.mainView.refresh_tutorial_display()
+ #refresh the detail view
+ self.detailView.refresh_content()
+class WorkshopMain(gtk.VBox):
+ """
+ Contains the main view for the Workshop My tutorial
+ """
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ """Constructor
+ @param controller The controller to attach the view to
+ """
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self,False,10)
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.tutorial_list = []
+ #by default tutorials are sorted by name
+ self.sorting_key = 'Name'
+ self.set_border_width(10)
+ #The searchbar is displayed at the top
+ self.search_bar = SearchBar(self.controller)
+ self.pack_start(self.search_bar,False,False)
+ #Add a separator after the search bar
+ sep = gtk.HSeparator()
+ self.pack_start(sep,False,False)
+ #create the list item container with a scroll bar if necessary
+ self.main_container = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ self.main_container.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ self.list_container= gtk.VBox()
+ self.main_container.add_with_viewport(self.list_container)
+ self.pack_start(self.main_container)
+ #Show the components
+ self.search_bar.show()
+ self.list_container.show()
+ self.main_container.show()
+ sep.show()
+ def change_sorting(self,sorting):
+ """
+ Changes the property by which tutorial are sorted
+ @param sorting The property by which tutorials will be sorted
+ """
+ self.sorting_key = sorting
+ self.sort_tutorial()
+ def sort_tutorial(self):
+ """
+ Sorts the tutorials
+ """
+ #if tutorials are sorted by rating they are in the reverse order
+ self.tutorial_list.sort(key=operator.attrgetter(self.sorting_key.lower()))
+ self.refresh_tutorial_display()
+ def set_tutorial_list(self,tutorial_list):
+ """
+ Set the list of tutorial to display
+ @param tutorial_list the tutorial list
+ """
+ self.tutorial_list = tutorial_list
+ self.sort_tutorial()
+ def refresh_tutorial_display(self):
+ """
+ Refresh the tutorial content by deleting every item and recreating them
+ """
+ #delete every tutorial list item
+ for child in self.list_container.get_children():
+ self.list_container.remove(child)
+ #Creates and add a new item for every tutorial
+ for tuto in self.tutorial_list:
+ item = WorkshopListItem(tuto,self.controller)
+ self.list_container.pack_start(item)
+ item.show()
+class SearchBar(gtk.HBox):
+ """
+ The search bar control for the Workshop My tutorial
+ """
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ @param controller The controller to link the view to
+ """
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self,False,10)
+ self.set_border_width(5)
+ self.controller = controller
+ #creating and configuring the controls
+ self.search_entry = gtk.Entry(400)
+ self.search_button = gtk.Button("Go")
+ self.separator = gtk.VSeparator()
+ self.sort_label = gtk.Label("Sort by")
+ self.sort_combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
+ self.sort_combo.insert_text(0,"Name")
+ self.sort_combo.insert_text(1,"Rating")
+ self.sort_combo.set_active(0)
+ self.selected_sorting = self.sort_combo.get_active_text()
+ #Adding the controls to the view
+ self.pack_start(self.search_entry,padding=5)
+ self.pack_start(self.search_button,False,False,padding=10)
+ self.pack_start(self.separator,False,False,padding=10)
+ self.pack_start(self.sort_label,False,False,padding=5)
+ self.pack_start(self.sort_combo,)
+ #showing the controls
+ self.search_entry.show()
+ self.search_button.show()
+ self.separator.show()
+ self.sort_label.show()
+ self.sort_combo.show()
+ #connecting the events
+ self.search_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.tutorial_query,self.search_entry.get_text())
+ self.sort_combo.connect("changed",self.controller.sort_selection_changed,None)
+class WorkshopDetail(gtk.VBox):
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to display
+ @param controller The controller to link the view with
+ """
+ #Used for string formatting
+ self.title_text = '<span size="xx-large">%(title)s</span>'
+ self.author_text = '<span size="large">by %(author)s</span>'
+ self.desc_text = 'Description: %(description)s'
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.tutorial = tutorial
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self,False,10)
+ self.set_border_width(10)
+ #The first row contains the back button
+ first_row = gtk.HBox(False)
+ back_image = gtk.Image()
+ back_image.set_from_file('arrow_back.png')
+ self.back_button = gtk.Button("Back")
+ self.back_button.set_image(back_image)
+ first_row.pack_start(self.back_button,False,False)
+ #The second row contains the activity icon, the title label,
+ #the author label and the star rating
+ icon = gtk.Image()
+ icon.set_from_file('icon.svg')
+ label_holder = gtk.VBox(False,10)
+ self.title_label = gtk.Label("")
+ self.author_label = gtk.Label("")
+ #Add a small offsert for author's label alignement because it's cute
+ self.author_label.set_alignment(0.05,0.5)
+ self.title_label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
+ label_holder.pack_start(self.title_label)
+ label_holder.pack_start(self.author_label)
+ self.rating = Rating(tutorial,controller,rating = tutorial.rating)
+ second_row = gtk.HBox(False)
+ second_row.pack_start(icon,False,False)
+ second_row.pack_start(label_holder)
+ second_row.pack_end(self.rating,False,False)
+ #The middle of the screen contains an area for the description
+ self.desc_view = gtk.TextView()
+ self.desc_buff = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ self.desc_buff.set_text(tutorial.description)
+ self.desc_view.set_buffer(self.desc_buff)
+ self.desc_view.set_editable(False)
+ self.desc_view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+ self.desc_view.set_cursor_visible(False)
+ self.desc_view.connect("realize",self.realize_cb,None)
+ self.desc_view.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("gray") )
+ #The bottom of the screen contains the button(fourth and fifth row
+ self.launch_button = gtk.Button('Launch')
+ self.launch_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Launch"})
+ self.edit_button = gtk.Button('Edit')
+ self.edit_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Edit"})
+ self.update_button = gtk.Button('Update')
+ self.update_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Update"})
+ self.info_button = gtk.Button('Infos')
+ self.info_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Infos"})
+ self.delete_button = gtk.Button('Delete')
+ self.delete_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Delete"})
+ fourth_row = gtk.HBox(False,15)
+ fourth_row.pack_start(self.launch_button,False,False)
+ fourth_row.pack_start(self.edit_button,False,False)
+ fourth_row.pack_start(self.update_button,False,False)
+ fourth_row.pack_start(self.info_button,False,False)
+ fourth_row.pack_end(self.delete_button,False,False)
+ self.publish_button = gtk.Button('')
+ self.publish_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Publish"})
+ self.unpublish_button = gtk.Button('')
+ self.unpublish_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Unpublish"})
+ fifth_row = gtk.HBox(False,15)
+ fifth_row.pack_start(self.publish_button,False,False)
+ fifth_row.pack_start(self.unpublish_button,False,False)
+ #The description view contains all the extra space
+ self.pack_start(first_row,False,False)
+ self.pack_start(second_row,False,False)
+ self.pack_start(self.desc_view)
+ self.pack_end(fifth_row,False,False)
+ self.pack_end(fourth_row,False,False)
+ #show everything
+ self.back_button.show()
+ first_row.show()
+ self.title_label.show()
+ self.author_label.show()
+ self.rating.show()
+ label_holder.show()
+ second_row.show()
+ icon.show()
+ self.desc_view.show()
+ self.launch_button.show()
+ self.edit_button.show()
+ self.update_button.show()
+ self.info_button.show()
+ self.delete_button.show()
+ fourth_row.show()
+ self.publish_button.show()
+ self.unpublish_button.show()
+ fifth_row.show()
+ #set some text with markup
+ self.title_label.set_markup(self.title_text % {"title":tutorial.name})
+ self.author_label.set_markup(self.author_text % {"author":tutorial.author})
+ #connect the clicked events of the buttons
+ self.back_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.back_pressed,None)
+ self.publish_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.publish_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.unpublish_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.unpublish_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.launch_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.launch_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.edit_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.edit_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.update_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.update_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.info_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.info_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.delete_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.delete_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ def realize_cb(self,widget,data=None):
+ """
+ This fucntion changes the cursor over the description view
+ So we see an arrow and not the insert text cursor
+ """
+ widget.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT).set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR))
+ def refresh_content(self):
+ """
+ Refresh the labels' text based on the tutorial object
+ """
+ self.title_label.set_markup(self.title_text % {"title":self.tutorial.name})
+ self.author_label.set_markup(self.author_text % {"author":self.tutorial.author})
+ self.desc_buff.set_text(self.tutorial.description)
+class WorkshopListItem(gtk.Alignment):
+ """
+ A list item containing the details of a tutorial
+ """
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ @param controller The controller to link the view to
+ """
+ gtk.Alignment.__init__(self,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)
+ self.tutorial = tutorial
+ self.controller = controller
+ #The table will contain everything else
+ self.table = gtk.Table(3,3,False)
+ self.table.set_row_spacing(1,10)
+ #Create the controls
+ self.lbl_title = gtk.Label('')
+ self.lbl_title.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
+ self.title_text = '<span size="xx-large">%(title)s</span>'
+ self.lbl_title.set_markup(self.title_text % {'title':tutorial.name})
+ self.lbl_desc = gtk.Label(tutorial.description)
+ self.lbl_desc.set_line_wrap(True)
+ self.lbl_desc.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
+ self.btn_launch = gtk.Button('Launch')
+ launch_align= gtk.Alignment(0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0)
+ launch_align.add(self.btn_launch)
+ self.btn_details = gtk.Button('Details')
+ self.icon = gtk.Image()
+ self.icon.set_from_file('icon.svg')
+ self.rating = Rating(tutorial,controller,tutorial.rating, True)
+ #Add the controls to the table
+ self.table.attach(self.icon,0,1,0,1,0,0)
+ self.table.attach(self.lbl_title,1,2,0,1,yoptions=0)
+ self.table.attach(self.lbl_desc,1,2,1,2,xoptions=gtk.FILL,yoptions=gtk.EXPAND)
+ self.table.attach(launch_align,1,2,2,3,gtk.FILL)
+ self.table.attach(self.btn_details,2,3,2,3,0,0)
+ self.table.attach(self.rating,2,3,0,2,0,0)
+ #show everything
+ self.table.show()
+ self.icon.show()
+ self.lbl_title.show()
+ launch_align.show()
+ self.lbl_desc.show()
+ self.btn_launch.show()
+ self.btn_details.show()
+ self.rating.show()
+ self.add(self.table)
+ #connect the buttons
+ self.btn_details.connect("clicked",self.controller.show_details,self.tutorial)
+ self.btn_launch.connect("clicked",self.controller.launch_tutorial,self.tutorial)