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path: root/Workshop.activity
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authorerick <erick@sugar-dev-erick.(none)>2009-12-05 21:03:59 (GMT)
committer erick <erick@sugar-dev-erick.(none)>2009-12-05 21:03:59 (GMT)
commitc14688d67a82b7ec7746beda90da915c98600a3d (patch)
tree1b5fb911f16826290bb4fbebc29e3dd1308626de /Workshop.activity
parent3a1303ab5fa37d2a9881682af29fa4e177ea67ec (diff)
parent0e6a6e03c520b86ee36d79d4cd0daf06f84632a3 (diff)
Merge branch 'frame_integration' into revamped_dragndrop
Conflicts: tutorius/actions.py
Diffstat (limited to 'Workshop.activity')
-rw-r--r--Workshop.activity/arrow_back.pngbin0 -> 310 bytes
-rw-r--r--Workshop.activity/arrow_next.pngbin0 -> 312 bytes
-rw-r--r--Workshop.activity/full_star.pngbin0 -> 1031 bytes
-rw-r--r--Workshop.activity/grayed_star.pngbin0 -> 930 bytes
-rw-r--r--Workshop.activity/half_star.pngbin0 -> 890 bytes
22 files changed, 2326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/MANIFEST b/Workshop.activity/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5c6d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/MANIFEST
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/Rating.py b/Workshop.activity/Rating.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a13e5a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/Rating.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import gtk
+from gtk import gdk
+import logging
+class Rating(gtk.Widget):
+ """
+ Controls that display the rating of a tutorial using colored stars
+ """
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller, rating=0,editable = False):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ @param the controller to link the view with
+ @param tutorial The tutorial for which this rating is
+ @param rating The rating to show
+ @param editable True if the rating may be edited
+ """
+ gtk.Widget.__init__(self)
+ self.tutorial = tutorial
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.editable = editable
+ self.rating = rating
+ #star size is 24 pixels by 24 pixels
+ self.image_length = 24
+ def do_realize(self):
+ self.set_flags(self.flags() | gtk.REALIZED)
+ self.window = gtk.gdk.Window(
+ self.get_parent_window(),
+ width=self.allocation.width,
+ height=self.allocation.height,
+ window_type=gdk.WINDOW_CHILD,
+ wclass=gdk.INPUT_OUTPUT,
+ event_mask=self.get_events() | gtk.gdk.EXPOSURE_MASK
+ | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK)
+ self.window.set_user_data(self)
+ self.style.attach(self.window)
+ self.style.set_background(self.window, gtk.STATE_NORMAL)
+ self.window.move_resize(*self.allocation)
+ #load the stars
+ pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file('full_star.png')
+ self.full_star,mask = pixbuf.render_pixmap_and_mask()
+ pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file('half_star.png')
+ self.half_star,mask = pixbuf.render_pixmap_and_mask()
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file('grayed_star.png')
+ self.empty_star,mask =pixbuf.render_pixmap_and_mask()
+ self.gc = self.style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
+ def do_unrealize(self):
+ self.window.destroy()
+ def do_size_request(self, requisition):
+ requisition.height = self.image_length
+ requisition.width = (self.image_length * 5)
+ def do_size_allocate(self, allocation):
+ self.allocation = allocation
+ if self.flags() & gtk.REALIZED:
+ self.window.move_resize(*allocation)
+ def do_expose_event(self, event):
+ """
+ The widget is drawn here
+ """
+ value = self.rating
+ stars = [0,0,0,0,0]
+ if value > 0:
+ for x in range(5):
+ if value -1 > 0:
+ stars[x]=1
+ elif value -1 == -0.5:
+ stars[x] = 0.5
+ break
+ else:
+ stars[x]=1
+ break
+ value -= 1
+ for x in range(0,5):
+ if stars[x] == 0:
+ self.window.draw_drawable(self.gc, self.empty_star, 0, 0
+ , x*self.image_length
+ , 0,-1, -1)
+ elif stars[x] == 0.5:
+ self.window.draw_drawable(self.gc, self.half_star, 0, 0
+ , x*self.image_length
+ , 0,-1, -1)
+ elif stars[x] == 1:
+ self.window.draw_drawable(self.gc, self.full_star, 0, 0
+ , x*self.image_length
+ , 0,-1, -1)
+ def do_button_press_event(self, event):
+ """When the button is pressed"""
+ # make sure it was the first button
+ if self.editable:
+ if event.button == 1:
+ #check for new stars
+ self.check_for_new_stars(event.x)
+ return True
+ def check_for_new_stars(self, xPos):
+ """
+ Computes the star number based on where the click was
+ """
+ new_stars = int(xPos / self.image_length)
+ half_star = xPos % self.image_length
+ logging.info("xpos: %d, new_stars: %d, half_star: %d",xPos,new_stars,half_star)
+ if half_star > self.image_length/2:
+ new_stars +=1
+ else:
+ new_stars = new_stars+0.5
+ logging.info("rating: %f",new_stars)
+ self.controller.rate_tutorial(self.tutorial,new_stars)
+ self.set_value(new_stars)
+ def set_value(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the value and force a redraw
+ """
+ if (value >= 0):
+ self.rating = value
+ #check for the maximum
+ if (self.rating > 5):
+ self.rating = 5
+ # redraw the widget
+ self.queue_draw() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreCategories.py b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreCategories.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c321d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreCategories.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import sys, os
+import gtk
+class TutorialStoreCategories(gtk.Frame):
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ gtk.Frame.__init__(self,'Categories')
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0,0,0))
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.categorie_box = gtk.VBox(False, 5)
+ self.add(self.categorie_box)
+ self.categorie_box.show()
+ def set_categories(self,categories):
+ for child in self.categorie_box.get_children():
+ self.categorie_box.remove(child)
+ for category in categories:
+ link = gtk.LinkButton("",category)
+ self.categorie_box.pack_start(link,False,False,10)
+ link.connect('clicked',self.controller.get_tutorials_by_category,category)
+ link.show()
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreDetails.py b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreDetails.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83c5366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreDetails.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import sys, os
+import gtk
+from Workshop import WorkshopDetail
+class TutorialStoreDetails(WorkshopDetail):
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller):
+ WorkshopDetail.__init__(self,tutorial,controller)
+ download_button = gtk.Button('Download')
+ infos_button = gtk.Button('Informations')
+ #comp_button = gtk.Button('Compatibility')
+ last_row = gtk.HBox(False, 15)
+ last_row.pack_start(download_button,False,False)
+ last_row.pack_start(infos_button,False)
+ #last_row.pack_start(comp_button,False)
+ self.pack_end(last_row,False,False)
+ last_row.show_all()
+ download_button.connect('clicked',self.controller.download_tutorial,tutorial)
+ infos_button.connect('clicked',self.controller.display_infos,tutorial)
+ self.back_button.connect('clicked',self.controller.back_pressed,None)
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreHome.py b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreHome.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9051e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreHome.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import logging
+import TutorialStoreCategories
+import TutorialStoreSearch
+import TutorialStoreSuggestion
+from TutorialStoreDetails import TutorialStoreDetails
+from TutorialStoreResults import TutorialStoreResults
+from WorkshopController import StoreController
+from dialogs import StoreInformationDialog
+import sys, os
+import gtk
+class TutorialStore(gtk.Alignment):
+ """
+ Main container for the Tutorial Store part of the workshop
+ """
+ def __init__(self,model):
+ gtk.Alignment.__init__(self,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)
+ self.controller = StoreController(self,model)
+ model.set_store_view(self)
+ self.store_home = TutorialStoreHome(self.controller)
+ self.add(self.store_home)
+ self.store_home.show()
+ self.controller.get_categories()
+ self.controller.get_popular()
+ self.controller.get_also_like()
+ def set_categories(self,categories):
+ self.store_home.set_categories(categories)
+ def set_tutorial_list(self,tutorial_list):
+ self.store_home.set_tutorial_list(tutorial_list)
+ def show_details(self,tutorial):
+ self.store_home.show_details(tutorial)
+ def set_popular(self,tutorials):
+ self.store_home.set_popular(tutorials)
+ def set_also_like(self,tutorials):
+ self.store_home.set_also_like(tutorials)
+ def display_infos(self,tutorial):
+ self.store_home.display_infos(tutorial)
+ def set_button_sensitive(self,back,next):
+ self.store_home.set_button_sensitive(back,next)
+ def show_search_result(self):
+ self.store_home.show_search_result()
+class TutorialStoreHome(gtk.HBox):
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self,False,5)
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.categories = TutorialStoreCategories.TutorialStoreCategories(self.controller)
+ self.search = TutorialStoreSearch.TutorialStoreSearch(self.controller)
+ self.suggestion = TutorialStoreSuggestion.TutorialStoreSuggestion(controller)
+ self.center_container = gtk.Alignment(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)
+ self.search_result = TutorialStoreResults(self.controller)
+ self.center_container.add(self.suggestion)
+ tut_store_home_base = gtk.VBox(False, 5)
+ tut_store_home_base.pack_start(self.search, False, False,10)
+ sep = gtk.HSeparator()
+ tut_store_home_base.pack_start(sep, False, False)
+ tut_store_home_base.pack_start(self.center_container,True,True)
+ self.pack_start(self.categories, True, True, 5)
+ self.pack_start(tut_store_home_base, True, True, 5)
+ #self.pack_start(tut_store_home_base, True, True, 5)
+ #tut_store_suggestion.show()
+ self.categories.show()
+ tut_store_home_base.show()
+ self.search.show()
+ sep.show()
+ self.center_container.show_all()
+ self.suggestion.show_all()
+ def set_categories(self,categories):
+ self.categories.set_categories(categories)
+ self.search.set_categories(categories)
+ def display_infos(self,tutorial):
+ dialog = StoreInformationDialog(tutorial)
+ dialog.run()
+ dialog.destroy()
+ def set_popular(self,tutorials):
+ self.suggestion.set_popular(tutorials)
+ def set_also_like(self,tutorials):
+ self.suggestion.set_also_like(tutorials)
+ def set_tutorial_list(self,tutorial_list):
+ self.search_result.set_tutorial_list(tutorial_list)
+ for child in self.center_container:
+ self.center_container.remove(child)
+ self.center_container.add(self.search_result)
+ self.search_result.show()
+ def show_details(self,tutorial):
+ self.details = TutorialStoreDetails(tutorial,self.controller)
+ for child in self.center_container:
+ self.center_container.remove(child)
+ self.center_container.add(self.details)
+ self.details.show()
+ def show_search_result(self):
+ for child in self.center_container:
+ self.center_container.remove(child)
+ self.center_container.add(self.search_result)
+ self.search_result.show()
+ def get_results_widget(self):
+ self.search = TutorialStoreSearch.TutorialStoreSearch()
+ tutorial_store_search = self.search.tutorial_store_search
+ self.results = TutorialStoreResults.TutorialStoreResults()
+ tutorial_store_results = self.results.tutorial_store_results
+ self.categories = TutorialStoreCategories.TutorialStoreCategories()
+ categories_frame = self.categories.categorie_box_frame
+ tut_store_home_base = gtk.VBox(False, 5)
+ tut_store_home_base.pack_start(tutorial_store_search, False, False, 25)
+ tut_store_home_base.pack_start(tutorial_store_results, False, False, 0)
+ self.tutorial_store_home = gtk.HBox(False, 5)
+ self.tutorial_store_home.pack_start(categories_frame, True, True, 5)
+ self.tutorial_store_home.pack_start(tut_store_home_base, True, True, 5)
+ tut_store_home_base.show()
+ tutorial_store_search.show()
+ tutorial_store_results.show()
+ categories_frame.show()
+ self.tutorial_store_home.show()
+ return self.tutorial_store_home
+ def get_details_widget(self):
+ self.search = TutorialStoreSearch.TutorialStoreSearch()
+ tutorial_store_search = self.search.tutorial_store_search
+ self.details = TutorialStoreDetails.TutorialStoreDetails()
+ tutorial_store_details = self.details.tutorial_store_details
+ self.categories = TutorialStoreCategories.TutorialStoreCategories()
+ categories_frame = self.categories.categorie_box_frame
+ tut_store_home_base = gtk.VBox(False, 5)
+ tut_store_home_base.pack_start(tutorial_store_search, False, False, 25)
+ tut_store_home_base.pack_start(tutorial_store_details, False, False, 0)
+ self.tutorial_store_home = gtk.HBox(False, 5)
+ self.tutorial_store_home.pack_start(categories_frame, True, True, 5)
+ self.tutorial_store_home.pack_start(tut_store_home_base, True, True, 5)
+ tut_store_home_base.show()
+ tutorial_store_search.show()
+ tutorial_store_details.show()
+ categories_frame.show()
+ self.tutorial_store_home.show()
+ return self.tutorial_store_home
+ def set_button_sensitive(self,back,next):
+ self.search_result.set_button_sensitive(back,next)
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreResults.py b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreResults.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a7f78d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreResults.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import sys, os
+import gtk
+from Workshop import WorkshopListItem
+from Rating import Rating
+import operator
+import logging
+class TutorialStoreResults(gtk.VBox):
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ """Constructor
+ @param controller The controller to attach the view to
+ """
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self,False,10)
+ back_image = gtk.Image()
+ back_image.set_from_file('arrow_back.png')
+ self.back_button = gtk.Button("Prev")
+ self.back_button.set_image(back_image)
+ next_image = gtk.Image()
+ next_image.set_from_file('arrow_next.png')
+ self.next_button = gtk.Button("Next")
+ self.next_button.set_image(next_image)
+ self.arrow_box = gtk.HBox()
+ self.arrow_box.pack_start(self.back_button,False,False)
+ self.arrow_box.pack_end(self.next_button,False,False)
+ self.back_button.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.tutorial_list = []
+ #by default tutorials are sorted by name
+ self.sorting_key = 'Name'
+ self.set_border_width(10)
+ #create the list item container with a scroll bar if necessary
+ self.main_container = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ self.main_container.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ self.list_container= gtk.VBox()
+ self.main_container.add_with_viewport(self.list_container)
+ self.pack_start(self.main_container)
+ self.pack_end(self.arrow_box,False,False)
+ self.back_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.prev_page,None)
+ self.next_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.next_page,None)
+ #Show the components
+ self.list_container.show()
+ self.main_container.show()
+ self.arrow_box.show_all()
+ def set_button_sensitive(self,back,next):
+ self.back_button.set_sensitive(back)
+ self.next_button.set_sensitive(next)
+ def change_sorting(self,sorting):
+ """
+ Changes the property by which tutorial are sorted
+ @param sorting The property by which tutorials will be sorted
+ """
+ logging.info("Change_sorting was called")
+ self.sorting_key = sorting
+ self.sort_tutorial()
+ def sort_tutorial(self):
+ """
+ Sorts the tutorials
+ """
+ #if tutorials are sorted by rating they are in the reverse order
+ self.tutorial_list.sort(key=operator.attrgetter(self.sorting_key.lower()))
+ self.refresh_tutorial_display()
+ def set_tutorial_list(self,tutorial_list):
+ """
+ Set the list of tutorial to display
+ @param tutorial_list the tutorial list
+ """
+ self.tutorial_list = tutorial_list
+ self.sort_tutorial()
+ def refresh_tutorial_display(self):
+ """
+ Refresh the tutorial content by deleting every item and recreating them
+ """
+ #delete every tutorial list item
+ for child in self.list_container.get_children():
+ self.list_container.remove(child)
+ #Creates and add a new item for every tutorial
+ for tuto in self.tutorial_list:
+ item = TutorialStoreListItem(tuto,self.controller)
+ self.list_container.pack_start(item)
+ item.show()
+ if self.tutorial_list[-1] != tuto:
+ sep = gtk.HSeparator()
+ self.list_container.pack_start(sep)
+ sep.show()
+class TutorialStoreListItem(WorkshopListItem):
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller):
+ WorkshopListItem.__init__(self,tutorial,controller)
+ self.last_row = gtk.HBox(False,15)
+ self.btn_detail = gtk.Button('Details')
+ self.last_row.pack_end(self.btn_detail,False,False)
+ self.table.attach(self.last_row,1,3,2,3,yoptions = 0)
+ self.last_row.show_all()
+ #connect the buttons
+ self.btn_detail.connect("clicked",self.controller.show_details,self.tutorial) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreSearch.py b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreSearch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4303a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreSearch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import sys, os
+import gtk
+class TutorialStoreSearch(gtk.HBox):
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self,False, 5)
+ self.controller = controller
+ search_label = gtk.Label('Search :')
+ self.search_box = gtk.Entry(400)
+ in_label = gtk.Label('in')
+ self.search_combobox = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
+ self.search_button = gtk.Button('Search')
+ self.pack_start(search_label, True, True, 5)
+ self.pack_start(self.search_box, True, True, 5)
+ self.pack_start(in_label, True, True, 5)
+ self.pack_start(self.search_combobox, True, True, 5)
+ self.pack_start(self.search_button, True, True, 5)
+ search_label.show()
+ self.search_box.show()
+ in_label.show()
+ self.search_combobox.show()
+ self.search_button.show()
+ self.search_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.search_store,{'keyword':self.search_box,
+ 'category':self.search_combobox})
+ def set_categories(self,categories):
+ self.search_combobox.set_active(0)
+ while self.search_combobox.get_active_text() is not None:
+ self.search_combobox.remove_text(0)
+ self.search_combobox.set_active(0)
+ for category in categories:
+ self.search_combobox.append_text(category)
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreSuggestion.py b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreSuggestion.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45fc1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/TutorialStoreSuggestion.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import sys, os
+import gtk
+class TutorialStoreSuggestion(gtk.HBox):
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self,homogeneous=True, spacing=5)
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.popular = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=True, spacing=0)
+ self.popular_frame = gtk.Frame('Most Popular')
+ #top_five.pack_start(tutorial1_frame, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
+ #top_five.pack_start(tutorial2_frame, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
+ #top_five.pack_start(tutorial3_frame, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
+ self.also_like = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=True, spacing=0)
+ self.also_like_frame = gtk.Frame('You might also like :')
+ #also_like.pack_start(tutorial4_frame, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
+ #also_like.pack_start(tutorial5_frame, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
+ #also_like.pack_start(tutorial6_frame, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
+ self.popular_frame.add(self.popular)
+ self.also_like_frame.add(self.also_like)
+ self.popular.show()
+ self.popular_frame.show()
+ self.also_like.show()
+ self.also_like_frame.show()
+ self.pack_start(self.popular_frame)
+ self.pack_start(self.also_like_frame)
+ def set_popular(self,tutorials):
+ for child in self.popular.get_children():
+ self.popular.remove(child)
+ if len(tutorials)> 3:
+ for x in range(0,3):
+ item = SuggestionListItem(self.controller,tutorials[x])
+ self.popular.pack_start(item)
+ item.show()
+ else:
+ for x in tutorials:
+ item = SuggestionListItem(self.controller,x)
+ self.popular.pack_start(item)
+ item.show()
+ def set_also_like(self,tutorials):
+ for child in self.also_like.get_children():
+ self.also_like.remove(child)
+ if len(tutorials)> 3:
+ for x in range(0,3):
+ item = SuggestionListItem(self.controller,tutorials[x])
+ self.also_like.pack_start(item)
+ item.show()
+ else:
+ for x in tutorials:
+ item = SuggestionListItem(self.controller,x)
+ self.also_like.pack_start(item)
+ item.show()
+class SuggestionListItem(gtk.Frame):
+ def __init__(self,controller,tutorial):
+ gtk.Frame.__init__(self)
+ self.container = gtk.HBox()
+ self.label = gtk.Label(tutorial.name)
+ self.icon = gtk.Image()
+ self.icon.set_from_file('icon.svg')
+ self.button = gtk.Button("More")
+ self.container.pack_start(icon5, expand=True, fill=True, padding=4)
+ self.container.pack_start(label5, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
+ self.container.pack_start(more_button5, expand=False, fill=False, padding=5)
+ self.add(self.container)
+ #tutorial5_frame.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0,0,0))
+ self.container.show_all() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/TutoriusActivity.py b/Workshop.activity/TutoriusActivity.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f2f3adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/TutoriusActivity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+from sugar.activity import activity
+from TutorialStoreHome import TutorialStore
+from Workshop import WorkshopView
+from WorkshopModel import WorkshopModel
+import logging
+import sys, os
+import gtk
+from dialogs import LoginDialog
+class TutoriusActivity(activity.Activity):
+ def callback(self, widget, button_string):
+ if button_string == 'search_button':
+ self.right_container.remove(self.tutorial_store_home.tutorial_store_home)
+ results_widget = self.tutorial_store_home.get_results_widget()
+ self.right_container.pack_start(results_widget)
+ results_widget.show()
+ self.right_container.show()
+ elif button_string == 'more_button':
+ self.right_container.remove(self.tutorial_store_home.tutorial_store_home)
+ details_widget = self.tutorial_store_home.get_details_widget()
+ self.right_container.pack_start(details_widget)
+ details_widget.show()
+ self.right_container.show()
+ def __init__(self,handle):
+ activity.Activity.__init__(self,handle)
+ gtk.gdk.threads_init()
+ toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ self.set_toolbox(toolbox)
+ toolbox.show()
+ self.table = gtk.VPaned()
+ self.table.set_position(500)
+ self.left_container = gtk.HBox()
+ btn1 = gtk.Button("My tutorials")
+ btn2 = gtk.Button("Tutorial Store")
+ self.left_container.pack_start(btn1,expand=False)
+ self.left_container.pack_start(btn2,expand=False)
+ #tutorial_store_search_button = self.tutorial_store_home.get_search_button()
+ #tutorial_store_search_button.connect("clicked", self.callback, 'search_button')
+ #tutorial_store_more_button = self.tutorial_store_home.get_more_button()
+ #tutorial_store_more_button.connect("clicked", self.callback, 'more_button')
+ self.right_container = gtk.VBox()
+ #self.right_container.pack_start(self.tutorial_store_home.tutorial_store_home)
+ self.model = WorkshopModel()
+ self.workshop_my_tutorial = WorkshopView(self.model)
+ self.workshop_store = TutorialStore(self.model)
+ self.model.set_workshop_view(self.workshop_my_tutorial)
+ self.model.set_store_view(self.workshop_store)
+ self.model.query(None)
+ self.table.add2(self.left_container)
+ self.table.add1(self.workshop_my_tutorial)
+ self.set_canvas(self.table)
+ self.workshop_store.show()
+ self.workshop_my_tutorial.show()
+ self.table.show_all()
+ btn1.connect("clicked",self.display_my_tutorial,None)
+ btn2.connect("clicked",self.display_store,None)
+ def display_store(self,widget,data):
+ """
+ Display the Tutorial store view
+ @param widget The widget that made the call
+ @param data parameter not used
+ """
+ if self.table.get_child1() == self.workshop_my_tutorial:
+ self.table.remove(self.workshop_my_tutorial)
+ if self.table.get_child1() is None:
+ logging.info("here store")
+ self.table.add1(self.workshop_store)
+ def display_my_tutorial(self,widget,data):
+ """
+ Display the My Tutorial view
+ @param widget The widget that made the call
+ @param data parameter not used
+ """
+ if self.table.get_child1() == self.workshop_store:
+ self.table.remove(self.workshop_store)
+ if self.table.get_child1() is None:
+ logging.info("here my")
+ self.table.add1(self.workshop_my_tutorial)
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/Workshop.py b/Workshop.activity/Workshop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857bf8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/Workshop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import gtk
+import gobject
+from Rating import Rating
+from WorkshopModel import WorkshopModel
+from WorkshopController import WorkshopController
+from dialogs import InfoDialog
+import operator
+import logging
+class WorkshopView(gtk.Alignment):
+ """
+ Main container for the Workshop Mytutorial Part
+ """
+ def __init__(self,model):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ """
+ gtk.Alignment.__init__(self,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)
+ #Register Rating as a gobject
+ gobject.type_register(Rating)
+ #create the model and the controller
+ self.controller = WorkshopController(self,model)
+ #Create the main view
+ self.mainView = WorkshopMain(self.controller)
+ self.detailView = None
+ #display the main view
+ self.add(self.mainView)
+ self.mainView.show()
+ def set_categories(self,categories):
+ self.categories = categories
+ def set_tutorial_list(self,tutorial_list):
+ """
+ Set the list of tutorial to display in the main View
+ Refresh the View
+ @param tutorial_list the list of tutorial
+ """
+ self.mainView.set_tutorial_list(tutorial_list)
+ def change_sorting(self,sorting_key):
+ """
+ Sort the list of tutorial base on the sorting_key
+ @param sorting_key the tutorial metadata to use to sort the tutorials
+ """
+ self.mainView.change_sorting(sorting_key)
+ def display_detail(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Displays the detail view of a tutorial
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to display
+ """
+ #hide the main view
+ self.mainView.hide()
+ self.remove(self.mainView)
+ #create the detail view and show it
+ self.detailView = MyTutorialDetail(tutorial,self.controller)
+ self.add(self.detailView)
+ self.detailView.show()
+ def display_main_view(self):
+ """
+ Displays the main view of the Workshop
+ """
+ #hide the detail view
+ self.detailView.hide()
+ self.remove(self.detailView)
+ #display the main view
+ self.add(self.mainView)
+ self.mainView.show()
+ def display_info_dialog(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Displays the infos dialog on a tutorial
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to edit
+ """
+ infoDialog = InfoDialog(tutorial,self.controller,self.categories)
+ infoDialog.run()
+ infoDialog.destroy()
+ def refresh_content(self):
+ """
+ Refresh the data displayed
+ """
+ #refresh the tutorial list
+ self.mainView.refresh_tutorial_display()
+ #refresh the detail view
+ if self.detailView is not None:
+ self.detailView.refresh_content()
+class WorkshopMain(gtk.VBox):
+ """
+ Contains the main view for the Workshop My tutorial
+ """
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ """Constructor
+ @param controller The controller to attach the view to
+ """
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self,False,10)
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.tutorial_list = []
+ #by default tutorials are sorted by name
+ self.sorting_key = 'Name'
+ self.set_border_width(10)
+ #The searchbar is displayed at the top
+ self.search_bar = SearchBar(self.controller)
+ self.pack_start(self.search_bar,False,False)
+ #Add a separator after the search bar
+ sep = gtk.HSeparator()
+ self.pack_start(sep,False,False)
+ #create the list item container with a scroll bar if necessary
+ self.main_container = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ self.main_container.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ self.list_container= gtk.VBox()
+ self.main_container.add_with_viewport(self.list_container)
+ self.pack_start(self.main_container)
+ #Show the components
+ self.search_bar.show()
+ self.list_container.show()
+ self.main_container.show()
+ sep.show()
+ def change_sorting(self,sorting):
+ """
+ Changes the property by which tutorial are sorted
+ @param sorting The property by which tutorials will be sorted
+ """
+ self.sorting_key = sorting
+ self.sort_tutorial()
+ def sort_tutorial(self):
+ """
+ Sorts the tutorials
+ """
+ #if tutorials are sorted by rating they are in the reverse order
+ self.tutorial_list.sort(key=operator.attrgetter(self.sorting_key.lower()))
+ self.refresh_tutorial_display()
+ def set_tutorial_list(self,tutorial_list):
+ """
+ Set the list of tutorial to display
+ @param tutorial_list the tutorial list
+ """
+ self.tutorial_list = tutorial_list
+ self.sort_tutorial()
+ def refresh_tutorial_display(self):
+ """
+ Refresh the tutorial content by deleting every item and recreating them
+ """
+ #delete every tutorial list item
+ for child in self.list_container.get_children():
+ self.list_container.remove(child)
+ #Creates and add a new item for every tutorial
+ for tuto in self.tutorial_list:
+ item = MyTutorialListItem(tuto,self.controller)
+ self.list_container.pack_start(item)
+ item.show()
+ if self.tutorial_list[-1] != tuto:
+ sep = gtk.HSeparator()
+ self.list_container.pack_start(sep)
+ sep.show()
+class SearchBar(gtk.HBox):
+ """
+ The search bar control for the Workshop My tutorial
+ """
+ def __init__(self,controller):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ @param controller The controller to link the view to
+ """
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self,False,10)
+ self.set_border_width(5)
+ self.controller = controller
+ #creating and configuring the controls
+ self.search_entry = gtk.Entry(400)
+ self.search_button = gtk.Button("Go")
+ self.separator = gtk.VSeparator()
+ self.sort_label = gtk.Label("Sort by")
+ self.sort_combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
+ self.sort_combo.insert_text(0,"Name")
+ self.sort_combo.insert_text(1,"Rating")
+ self.sort_combo.set_active(0)
+ self.selected_sorting = self.sort_combo.get_active_text()
+ #Adding the controls to the view
+ self.pack_start(self.search_entry,padding=5)
+ self.pack_start(self.search_button,False,False,padding=10)
+ self.pack_start(self.separator,False,False,padding=10)
+ self.pack_start(self.sort_label,False,False,padding=5)
+ self.pack_start(self.sort_combo,)
+ #showing the controls
+ self.search_entry.show()
+ self.search_button.show()
+ self.separator.show()
+ self.sort_label.show()
+ self.sort_combo.show()
+ #connecting the events
+ self.search_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.tutorial_query,self.search_entry)
+ self.sort_combo.connect("changed",self.controller.sort_selection_changed,None)
+class WorkshopDetail(gtk.VBox):
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to display
+ @param controller The controller to link the view with
+ """
+ #Used for string formatting
+ self.title_text = '<span size="xx-large">%(title)s</span>'
+ self.author_text = '<span size="large">by %(author)s</span>'
+ self.desc_text = 'Description: %(description)s'
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.tutorial = tutorial
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self,False,10)
+ self.set_border_width(10)
+ #The first row contains the back button
+ first_row = gtk.HBox(False)
+ back_image = gtk.Image()
+ back_image.set_from_file('arrow_back.png')
+ self.back_button = gtk.Button("Back")
+ self.back_button.set_image(back_image)
+ first_row.pack_start(self.back_button,False,False)
+ #The second row contains the activity icon, the title label,
+ #the author label and the star rating
+ icon = gtk.Image()
+ icon.set_from_file('icon.svg')
+ label_holder = gtk.VBox(False,10)
+ self.title_label = gtk.Label("")
+ self.author_label = gtk.Label("")
+ #Add a small offsert for author's label alignement because it's cute
+ self.author_label.set_alignment(0.05,0.5)
+ self.title_label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
+ label_holder.pack_start(self.title_label)
+ label_holder.pack_start(self.author_label)
+ self.rating = Rating(tutorial,controller,rating = tutorial.rating)
+ second_row = gtk.HBox(False)
+ second_row.pack_start(icon,False,False)
+ second_row.pack_start(label_holder)
+ second_row.pack_end(self.rating,False,False)
+ #The middle of the screen contains an area for the description
+ self.desc_view = gtk.TextView()
+ self.desc_buff = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ self.desc_buff.set_text(tutorial.description)
+ self.desc_view.set_buffer(self.desc_buff)
+ self.desc_view.set_editable(False)
+ self.desc_view.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+ self.desc_view.set_cursor_visible(False)
+ self.desc_view.connect("realize",self.realize_cb,None)
+ self.desc_view.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("gray") )
+ #The description view contains all the extra space
+ self.pack_start(first_row,False,False)
+ self.pack_start(second_row,False,False)
+ self.pack_start(self.desc_view)
+ #show everything
+ self.back_button.show()
+ first_row.show()
+ self.title_label.show()
+ self.author_label.show()
+ self.rating.show()
+ label_holder.show()
+ second_row.show()
+ icon.show()
+ self.desc_view.show()
+ #set some text with markup
+ self.title_label.set_markup(self.title_text % {"title":tutorial.name})
+ self.author_label.set_markup(self.author_text % {"author":tutorial.author})
+ def realize_cb(self,widget,data=None):
+ """
+ This fucntion changes the cursor over the description view
+ So we see an arrow and not the insert text cursor
+ """
+ widget.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT).set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR))
+ def refresh_content(self):
+ """
+ Refresh the labels' text based on the tutorial object
+ """
+ self.title_label.set_markup(self.title_text % {"title":self.tutorial.name})
+ self.author_label.set_markup(self.author_text % {"author":self.tutorial.author})
+ self.desc_buff.set_text(self.tutorial.description)
+class WorkshopListItem(gtk.Alignment):
+ """
+ A list item containing the details of a tutorial
+ """
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ @param controller The controller to link the view to
+ """
+ #logging.info(tutorial.updated_metadata)
+ gtk.Alignment.__init__(self,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)
+ self.tutorial = tutorial
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.set_border_width(10)
+ #The table will contain everything else
+ self.table = gtk.Table(3,3,False)
+ self.table.set_row_spacing(1,10)
+ #Create the controls
+ self.lbl_title = gtk.Label('')
+ self.lbl_title.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
+ self.title_text = '<span size="xx-large">%(title)s</span>'
+ self.lbl_title.set_markup(self.title_text % {'title':tutorial.name})
+ self.lbl_desc = gtk.Label(tutorial.description)
+ self.lbl_desc.set_line_wrap(True)
+ self.lbl_desc.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
+ self.icon = gtk.Image()
+ self.icon.set_from_file('icon.svg')
+ self.rating = Rating(tutorial,controller,tutorial.rating, True)
+ #Add the controls to the table
+ self.table.attach(self.icon,0,1,0,1,0,0)
+ self.table.attach(self.lbl_title,1,2,0,1,yoptions=0)
+ self.table.attach(self.lbl_desc,1,2,1,2,xoptions=gtk.FILL,yoptions=gtk.EXPAND)
+ self.table.attach(self.rating,2,3,0,2,0,0)
+ #show everything
+ self.table.show()
+ self.icon.show()
+ self.lbl_title.show()
+ self.lbl_desc.show()
+ self.rating.show()
+ self.add(self.table)
+class MyTutorialListItem(WorkshopListItem):
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller):
+ WorkshopListItem.__init__(self,tutorial,controller)
+ self.last_row = gtk.HBox(False,15)
+ self.btn_launch = gtk.Button('Launch')
+ self.btn_detail = gtk.Button('Details')
+ self.last_row.pack_start(self.btn_launch,False,False)
+ self.last_row.pack_end(self.btn_detail,False,False)
+ self.table.attach(self.last_row,1,3,2,3,yoptions = 0)
+ self.last_row.show_all()
+ #connect the buttons
+ self.btn_detail.connect("clicked",self.controller.show_details,self.tutorial)
+ self.btn_launch.connect("clicked",self.controller.launch_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+class MyTutorialDetail(WorkshopDetail):
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller):
+ WorkshopDetail.__init__(self,tutorial,controller)
+ #The bottom of the screen contains the button(fourth and fifth row
+ self.launch_button = gtk.Button('Launch')
+ self.launch_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Launch"})
+ self.edit_button = gtk.Button('Edit')
+ self.edit_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Edit"})
+ self.update_button = gtk.Button('Update')
+ self.update_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Update"})
+ self.info_button = gtk.Button('Infos')
+ self.info_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Infos"})
+ self.delete_button = gtk.Button('Delete')
+ self.delete_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Delete"})
+ fourth_row = gtk.HBox(False,15)
+ fourth_row.pack_start(self.launch_button,False,False)
+ fourth_row.pack_start(self.edit_button,False,False)
+ fourth_row.pack_start(self.update_button,False,False)
+ fourth_row.pack_start(self.info_button,False,False)
+ fourth_row.pack_end(self.delete_button,False,False)
+ self.publish_button = gtk.Button('')
+ self.publish_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Publish"})
+ self.unpublish_button = gtk.Button('')
+ self.unpublish_button.get_child().set_markup(self.title_text %{"title":"Unpublish"})
+ fifth_row = gtk.HBox(False,15)
+ fifth_row.pack_start(self.publish_button,False,False)
+ fifth_row.pack_start(self.unpublish_button,False,False)
+ self.pack_end(fifth_row,False,False)
+ self.pack_end(fourth_row,False,False)
+ fifth_row.show_all()
+ fourth_row.show_all()
+ #connect the clicked events of the buttons
+ self.back_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.back_pressed,None)
+ self.publish_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.publish_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.unpublish_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.unpublish_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.launch_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.launch_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.edit_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.edit_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.update_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.update_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.info_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.info_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.delete_button.connect("clicked",self.controller.delete_tutorial,self.tutorial)
+ self.controller.get_categories()
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/WorkshopController.py b/Workshop.activity/WorkshopController.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84b5999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/WorkshopController.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+This module handles user action from the workshop view
+import logging
+from WorkshopModel import Tutorial
+class WorkshopController():
+ def __init__(self,view,model):
+ self.view = view
+ self.model = model
+ def tutorial_query(self,widget,keyword):
+ """
+ Handles query from the view
+ @param widget the widget that sent the query
+ @param keyword the keyword for the query, empty to get all tutorials
+ """
+ self.model.query([keyword.get_text()])
+ def sort_selection_changed(self,widget,data):
+ """
+ Handles selection changes in the sorting selection
+ @param widget the widget that sent the query
+ @param sort the property to use to sort tutorial
+ """
+ sorting = widget.get_active_text()
+ self.view.change_sorting(sorting)
+ def launch_tutorial(self,widget,tutorial):
+ """
+ Handles start tutorial action
+ @param widget the widget that triggered the action
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to launch
+ """
+ self.model.launch_tutorial(tutorial)
+ def show_details(self,widget,tutorial):
+ """
+ show the details for a tutorial
+ @param widget the widget that made the call
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to
+ """
+ self.view.display_detail(tutorial)
+ def back_pressed(self,widget,data):
+ """
+ When in detail view, go back to general view
+ @param widget the widget that made the call
+ @param data not used
+ """
+ self.view.display_main_view()
+ def rate_tutorial(self,tutorial,rating):
+ """
+ Change the rating for a tutorial
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to rate
+ @param rating The new rating
+ """
+ self.model.rate_tutorial(tutorial,rating)
+ def edit_tutorial(self,widget,tutorial):
+ """
+ Edit the tutorial in the detail view
+ @param widget the widget that made the call
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to edit
+ """
+ self.model.edit_tutorial(tutorial)
+ def update_tutorial(self,widget,tutorial):
+ """
+ Need to know what this do
+ """
+ pass
+ def info_tutorial(self,widget,tutorial):
+ """
+ Edit the infos about the tutorial
+ @param widget the widget that made the call
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to edit
+ """
+ self.view.display_info_dialog(tutorial)
+ def save_tutorial_info(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Save the metadata of a tutorial
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to update containing the new metadata
+ """
+ self.model.save_metadata(tutorial)
+ def delete_tutorial(self,widget,tutorial):
+ """
+ Delete a tutorial
+ @param widget the widget that made the call
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to delete
+ """
+ self.model.delete_tutorial(tutorial)
+ def publish_tutorial(self,widget,tutorial):
+ """
+ Publish a tutorial
+ @param widget the widget that made the call
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to publish
+ """
+ self.model.publish_tutorial(tutorial)
+ def unpublish_tutorial(self,widget,tutorial):
+ """
+ Unpublish a tutorial
+ @param widget the widget that made the call
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to unpublish
+ """
+ self.model.unpublish_tutorial(tutorial)
+ def get_categories(self):
+ self.model.get_categories_for_workshop()
+class StoreController():
+ def __init__(self,view,model):
+ self.view = view
+ self.model = model
+ self.last_call_search = None
+ self.last_call_keyword = None
+ self.last_call_cat = None
+ def show_details(self,widget,tutorial):
+ self.view.show_details(tutorial)
+ def get_categories(self):
+ self.last_call_search = False
+ self.model.get_categories()
+ def search_store(self,widget,data):
+ cat = data["category"].get_active_text()
+ keyword = data["keyword"].get_text()
+ if cat is None or cat == "":
+ cat = 'all'
+ self.model.search_store(keyword,cat)
+ self.last_call_search = True
+ self.last_call_keyword = keyword
+ self.last_call_cat = cat
+ self.last_call_page = 1
+ def get_tutorials_by_category(self,widget,category):
+ self.model.get_tutorials_by_category(category)
+ self.last_call_search = False
+ self.last_call_cat = category
+ self.last_call_page = 1
+ def download_tutorial(self,widget,tutorial):
+ self.model.download_tutorial(tutorial)
+ def get_also_like(self):
+ self.model.get_also_like()
+ def get_popular(self):
+ self.model.get_popular()
+ def display_infos(self,widget,tutorial):
+ self.view.display_infos(tutorial)
+ def next_page(self,widget,data):
+ self.last_call_page = self.last_call_page + 1
+ if self.last_call_search:
+ self.model.search_store(self.last_call_keyword,self.last_call_cat,page = self.last_call_page )
+ else:
+ self.model.get_tutorials_by_category(self.last_call_cat,page = self.last_call_page )
+ def prev_page(self,widget,data):
+ self.last_call_page = self.last_call_page - 1
+ if self.last_call_search:
+ self.model.search_store(self.last_call_keyword,self.last_call_cat,page = self.last_call_page )
+ else:
+ self.model.get_tutorials_by_category(self.last_call_cat,page = self.last_call_page )
+ def back_pressed(self,widget,data):
+ self.view.show_search_result()
+ def rate_tutorial(self,tutorial,rating):
+ """
+ Change the rating for a tutorial
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to rate
+ @param rating The new rating
+ """
+ self.model.rate_tutorial(tutorial,rating)
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/WorkshopModel.py b/Workshop.activity/WorkshopModel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52ab5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/WorkshopModel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+This module is the model of the Workshop Activity
+from sugar.tutorius.vault import *
+from sugar.tutorius.store import *
+from dialogs import LoginDialog,WaitingDialog,ErrorDialog
+import gtk
+import threading
+from copy import deepcopy
+import gobject
+import sys,traceback
+import logging
+class Login(object):
+ def __init__(self,proxy,login_view):
+ self.proxy = proxy
+ self.login_view = login_view
+ def __call__(self,f):
+ def wrapper(*args):
+ self.model = self.login_view.get_model()
+ self.login_view = LoginDialog()
+ self.login_view.set_model(self.model)
+ if self.proxy.get_session_id() == None:
+ result = self.login_view.run()
+ self.login_view.destroy()
+ if result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
+ f(*args)
+ else:
+ f(*args)
+ return wrapper
+class WorkshopModel():
+ store_proxy = StoreProxy("http://bobthebuilder.mine.nu/tutorius/en-US/tutorius")
+ login_view = LoginDialog()
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.login_view.set_model(self)
+ self.store_page_number = 1
+ def set_workshop_view(self,view):
+ self.workshop_view = view
+ def set_store_view(self,view):
+ self.store_view = view
+ def login(self,username,password):
+ """
+ Log a user in the store
+ @param username The username of the user
+ @param password The password of the user
+ @return True if login succeeded False otherwise
+ """
+ return self.store_proxy.login(username,password)
+ def register(self,username,password,email):
+ """
+ Register a new user to the store
+ @param username The username of the new user
+ @param password The password of the user
+ @param email The email of the user
+ @return True if user is registered, False otherwise
+ """
+ return self.store_proxy.register_new_user({'nickname':username,'password':password,'email':email})
+ def query(self,keyword):
+ """
+ Query the vault for tutorial that are linked with the keyword
+ Update the currently managed tutorials and notifies the view that the managed tutorials have changed
+ @param keyword the keyword for the query
+ """
+ if keyword is None or keyword == []:
+ vault_return = Vault.query()
+ else:
+ vault_return = Vault.query(keyword=keyword)
+ tutorial_list = []
+ for tuto in vault_return:
+ tutorial_list.append(Tutorial(tuto))
+ self.workshop_view.set_tutorial_list(tutorial_list)
+ def delete_tutorial(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Delete a tutorial and updated the currently managed tutorials
+ Notifies the view that the manages tutorials have changed
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to delete
+ """
+ Vault.deleteTutorial(tutorial.id)
+ self.query(None)
+ self.workshop_view.display_main_view()
+ def update_tutorial_infos(self,tutorial, new_infos):
+ """
+ Updates the metadata on a tutorial and updates the currently managed tutorials
+ Notifies the view that the managed tutorials have changed
+ @param tutorial the tutorial to update
+ @param new_infos a dictionnary of the new informations i.e. {"title":"tut1","author":"Max Power"}
+ """
+ Vault.update_metadata(tutorial.id, tutorial.updated_metadata)
+ @Login(store_proxy,login_view)
+ def publish_tutorial(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Publishes a tutorial
+ Details to come
+ """
+ archive = Vault.get_tutorial_archive(tutorial.id)
+ metadata = self.tutorial_to_store_metadata(tutorial)
+ if not tutorial.published_state:
+ remote_id = self.store_proxy.publish(archive,metadata)
+ else:
+ remote_id = self.store_proxy.update_published_tutorial(archive,metadata,tutorial.remote_id)
+ if remote_id == -1:
+ dialog = ErrorDialog("An error occured while publishing the tutorial")
+ dialog.run()
+ dialog.destroy()
+ return
+ tutorial.remote_id = remote_id
+ tutorial.published_state = True
+ metadata = self.tutorial_to_vault_metadata(tutorial)
+ Vault.update_metadata(tutorial.id,metadata)
+ @Login(store_proxy,login_view)
+ def unpublish_tutorial(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Unpublishes a tutorial
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to unpublish
+ """
+ logging.info(tutorial.remote_id)
+ self.store_proxy.unpublish(tutorial.remote_id)
+ def launch_tutorial(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Lauches a tutorial
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to launch
+ """
+ pass
+ @Login(store_proxy,login_view)
+ def rate_tutorial(self,tutorial,rating):
+ """
+ Rate the tutorial
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to rate
+ @param rating The new rating for the tutorial
+ """
+ tutorial.rating = rating
+ logging.info(tutorial.updated_metadata)
+ logging.info(tutorial.remote_id)
+ if tutorial.remote_id is not None and int(tutorial.remote_id) > 0:
+ logging.info("this is here")
+ self.store_proxy.rate(rating,tutorial.remote_id)
+ self.workshop_view.refresh_content()
+ def edit_tutorial(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Edit a tutorial
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to edit
+ """
+ pass
+ def save_metadata(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Save the metadata of a tutorial
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to udpate containing the new metadata
+ """
+ metadata = self.tutorial_to_vault_metadata(tutorial)
+ Vault.update_metadata(tutorial.id,metadata)
+ self.workshop_view.refresh_content()
+ def get_categories_for_workshop(self):
+ """
+ Get all categories for selecting one in the workshop
+ """
+ self.categories = self.store_proxy.get_categories()
+ result = []
+ for category in self.categories:
+ result.append(category["name"])
+ self.workshop_view.set_categories(result)
+#Function related to the store
+ def get_categories(self):
+ """
+ Get all categories of tutorial from the store
+ """
+ self.categories = self.store_proxy.get_categories()
+ result = ['all']
+ for category in self.categories:
+ result.append(category["name"])
+ self.store_view.set_categories(result)
+ def search_store(self,keyword,category,page=1):
+ """
+ Search the store for specific tutorial
+ @param keyword The keyword to search for
+ @param category The category to search tutorial for
+ @param page The page result to return
+ """
+ tut_list = self.store_proxy.search(keyword,category,page)
+ show_next = False
+ show_prev = True
+ if page == 1:
+ show_prev = False
+ if len(tut_list) == 10:
+ next_list = self.store_proxy.search(keyword,category,page+1)
+ if len(next_list) > 0:
+ show_next = True
+ tutorials = []
+ for tut in tut_list:
+ tutorials.append(Tutorial(tut))
+ self.store_view.set_tutorial_list(tutorials)
+ self.store_view.set_button_sensitive(show_prev,show_next)
+ def get_tutorials_by_category(self,category,page=1):
+ """
+ Get all the tutorial in a specified category
+ @param category The category to search
+ @param The page result to return
+ """
+ for cat in self.categories:
+ if cat["name"] == category:
+ category = cat["id"]
+ break
+ tut_list = self.store_proxy.get_tutorials(category,page)
+ show_next = False
+ show_prev = True
+ if page == 1:
+ show_prev = False
+ if len(tut_list) == 10:
+ next_list = self.store_proxy.get_tutorials(category,page+1)
+ if len(next_list) > 0:
+ show_next = True
+ tutorials = []
+ for tut in tut_list:
+ tutorials.append(Tutorial(tut))
+ self.store_view.set_tutorial_list(tutorials)
+ self.store_view.set_button_sensitive(show_prev,show_next)
+ def download_tutorial(self,tutorial):
+ """
+ Download a tutorial from the store
+ @param tutorial The tutorial to download
+ """
+ thread = threading.Thread(target = self.background_download,kwargs={"tutorial":tutorial})
+ self.dialog = WaitingDialog(thread.start,{})
+ thread.start()
+ self.dialog.run()
+ self.dialog.destroy()
+ def background_download(self,tutorial):
+ try:
+ downloaded = self.store_proxy.download_tutorial(int(tutorial.remote_id))
+ temp_file = open('temp.zip','w')
+ temp_file.write(downloaded.read())
+ temp_file.close()
+ Vault.installTutorials(os.getcwd(),'temp.zip')
+ temp_list = Vault.query(str(tutorial.name))
+ logging.info(temp_list)
+ for tut in temp_list:
+ tuto = Tutorial(tut)
+ if tutorial.name == tuto.name:
+ tuto.remote_id = tutorial.remote_id
+ Vault.update_metadata(tuto.id,tuto.updated_metadata)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ finally:
+ gobject.idle_add(self.dialog.response,0)
+ def get_popular(self):
+ tutorials = self.store_proxy.list('Popular')
+ result = []
+ for tutorial in tutorials:
+ result.append(Tutorial(tutorial))
+ self.store_view.set_popular(result)
+ def get_also_like(self):
+ tutorials = self.store_proxy.list('Recommended')
+ result = []
+ for tutorial in tutorials:
+ result.append(Tutorial(tutorial))
+ self.store_view.set_also_like(result)
+ def tutorial_to_store_metadata(self,tutorial):
+ metadata = {}
+ metadata['guid'] = tutorial.id
+ metadata['name'] = tutorial.name
+ metadata['version'] = str(tutorial.version)
+ metadata['summary'] = tutorial.description
+ metadata['homepage'] = "http://www.tutorius.org"
+ metadata['description'] = tutorial.description
+ metadata['filename'] = tutorial.name +".zip"
+ for category in self.categories:
+ if category["name"] == tutorial.category:
+ metadata['cat1'] = category["id"]
+ logging.info(metadata)
+ return metadata
+ def tutorial_to_vault_metadata(self,tutorial):
+ metadata = {}
+ for key in tutorial.updated_metadata.keys():
+ if key == 'activities':
+ metadata[key] = tutorial.updated_metadata[key]
+ else:
+ metadata[key] = str(tutorial.updated_metadata[key])
+ return metadata
+class Tutorial(object):
+ """
+ Wrapper for tutorial metadata
+ """
+ def __init__(self,metadata_dict):
+ object.__init__(self)
+ self.__original_dict = metadata_dict
+ self.__update_dict = {}
+ for key in self.__original_dict.keys():
+ self.__update_dict[key] = self.__original_dict[key]
+ if 'name' in self.__original_dict:
+ self.__name = self.__original_dict['name']
+ else:
+ self.__name = ""
+ if 'version' in self.__original_dict:
+ if self.__original_dict['version'] == '':
+ self.__version = 0
+ else:
+ self.__version = int(self.__original_dict['version'])
+ else:
+ self.__version = 0
+ if 'description' in self.__original_dict:
+ self.__description = self.__original_dict['description']
+ else:
+ self.__description = ""
+ if 'author' in self.__original_dict:
+ self.__author = self.__original_dict['author']
+ else:
+ self.__author = ""
+ if 'rating' in self.__original_dict:
+ if self.__original_dict['rating'] == '':
+ self.__rating = 0
+ else:
+ self.__rating = float(self.__original_dict['rating'])
+ else:
+ self.__rating = 0
+ if 'category' in self.__original_dict:
+ self.__category = self.__original_dict['category']
+ else:
+ self.__category = ""
+ if 'publish_state' in self.__original_dict:
+ #I'm sorry for this
+ temp = self.__original_dict['publish_state']
+ temp = temp.lower()
+ if temp == 'false':
+ self.__published_state = False
+ elif temp == 'true':
+ self.__published_state = True
+ else:
+ self.__published_state = None
+ else:
+ self.__published_state = None
+ if 'guid' in self.__original_dict:
+ self.__id = self.__original_dict['guid']
+ else:
+ self.__id = ""
+ if 'id' in self.__original_dict:
+ self.__remote_id = self.__original_dict['id']
+ else:
+ self.__remote_id = ""
+ def get_name(self):
+ return self.__name
+ def set_name(self,name):
+ self.__name = name
+ self.__update_dict['name'] = name
+ def get_version(self):
+ return self.__version
+ def set_version(self,version):
+ self.__version = version
+ self.__update_dict['version'] = version
+ def get_description(self):
+ return self.__description
+ def set_description(self,description):
+ self.__description = description
+ self.__update_dict['description'] = description
+ def get_author(self):
+ return self.__author
+ def set_author(self,author):
+ self.__author = author
+ self.__update_dict['author'] = author
+ def get_rating(self):
+ return self.__rating
+ def set_rating(self,rating):
+ self.__rating = rating
+ self.__update_dict['rating'] = rating
+ def get_category(self):
+ return self.__category
+ def set_category(self,category):
+ self.__category = category
+ self.__update_dict['category'] = category
+ def get_published_state(self):
+ return self.__published_state
+ def set_published_state(self,published_state):
+ self.__published_state = published_state
+ self.__update_dict['published_state'] = published_state
+ def get_id(self):
+ return self.__id
+ def set_id(self,id):
+ self.__id = id
+ self.__update_dict['guid'] = id
+ def get_remote_id(self):
+ return self.__remote_id
+ def set_remote_id(self,id):
+ self.__remote_id = id
+ self.__update_dict['id'] = id
+ def get_updated_metadata(self):
+ return self.__update_dict
+ name = property(get_name,set_name)
+ version = property(get_version, set_version)
+ description = property(get_description,set_description)
+ author = property(get_author,set_author)
+ rating = property(get_rating,set_rating)
+ category = property(get_category,set_category)
+ published_state = property(get_published_state,set_published_state)
+ id = property(get_id,set_id)
+ remote_id = property(get_remote_id, set_remote_id)
+ updated_metadata = property(get_updated_metadata)
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/activity/activity.info b/Workshop.activity/activity/activity.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02dbee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/activity/activity.info
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name = Tutorius
+bundle_id = org.laptop.TutoriusActivity
+class = TutoriusActivity.TutoriusActivity
+icon = someicon
+activity_version = 1
+host_version = 1
+show_launcher = yes
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/activity/someicon.svg b/Workshop.activity/activity/someicon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb28f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/activity/someicon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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+</svg> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/arrow_back.png b/Workshop.activity/arrow_back.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8263674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/arrow_back.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/arrow_next.png b/Workshop.activity/arrow_next.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..888e431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/arrow_next.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/dialogs.py b/Workshop.activity/dialogs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d5f04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/dialogs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import gtk
+import logging
+import threading
+class ErrorDialog(gtk.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self,text):
+ gtk.Dialog.__init__(self,"Error",None,gtk.DIALOG_MODAL,(gtk.STOCK_OK,gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT))
+ self.label = gtk.Label(text)
+ self.vbox.pack_start(self.label,padding = 10)
+ self.vbox.show_all()
+class WaitingDialog(gtk.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self,callback,kwargs):
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ gtk.Dialog.__init__(self,"Please wait...",None,gtk.DIALOG_MODAL)
+ self.label = gtk.Label("Please wait while getting information from the store")
+ self.vbox.pack_start(self.label, padding = 10)
+ self.vbox.show_all()
+ def operation_complete(self):
+ self.label.set_text("Operation complete")
+ self.ok_button = gtk.Button("Ok")
+ self.add_button(gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
+class LoginDialog(gtk.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.Dialog.__init__(self,"Login",None,gtk.DIALOG_MODAL)
+ ok_button = gtk.Button("Login")
+ ok_button.connect("clicked",self.ok_clicked,None)
+ ok_button.show()
+ self.action_area.pack_start(ok_button)
+ self.add_button("Cancel",gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT)
+ self.set_resizable(False)
+ self.prepare_dialog()
+ def set_model(self,model):
+ self.model = model
+ def get_model(self):
+ return self.model
+ def prepare_dialog(self):
+ self.user_line = gtk.HBox(False,10)
+ self.pass_line = gtk.HBox(False,10)
+ self.register_line = gtk.HBox(False)
+ self.remember_line = gtk.HBox(False)
+ self.username_lbl = gtk.Label("Email:")
+ self.username_entry = gtk.Entry()
+ self.username_entry.set_width_chars(40)
+ self.password_lbl = gtk.Label("Password:")
+ self.password_entry = gtk.Entry()
+ self.password_entry.set_visibility(False)
+ self.password_entry.set_width_chars(40)
+ self.register_me = gtk.LinkButton("","Register Now!")
+ self.not_registered = gtk.Label("Not Registered? ")
+ self.remember_user = gtk.CheckButton("Remember my username",False)
+ self.register_me.connect("clicked",self.click_link,None)
+ self.user_line.pack_start(self.username_lbl,False)
+ self.user_line.pack_end(self.username_entry,False)
+ self.pass_line.pack_start(self.password_lbl,False)
+ self.pass_line.pack_end(self.password_entry,False)
+ self.register_line.pack_end(self.register_me,False)
+ self.register_line.pack_end(self.not_registered,False)
+ self.remember_line.pack_start(self.remember_user,False,padding=80)
+ self.vbox.pack_start(self.register_line,False)
+ self.vbox.pack_start(self.user_line,False,padding=10)
+ self.vbox.pack_start(self.pass_line,False,padding=10)
+ self.vbox.pack_start(self.remember_line,False)
+ self.vbox.show()
+ self.user_line.show()
+ self.pass_line.show()
+ self.register_line.show()
+ self.remember_line.show()
+ self.username_lbl.show()
+ self.username_entry.show()
+ self.password_lbl.show()
+ self.password_entry.show()
+ self.register_me.show()
+ self.not_registered.show()
+ self.remember_user.show()
+ def ok_clicked(self,widget,data=None):
+ success = self.model.login(self.username_entry.get_text(), self.password_entry.get_text())
+ if success:
+ self.response(gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
+ else:
+ errorDialog = ErrorDialog("The password or the email address is wrong")
+ errorDialog.run()
+ errorDialog.destroy()
+ def click_link(self,widget,data=None):
+ self.register_dialog = RegisterDialog(self.model)
+ self.register_dialog.run()
+ self.register_dialog.destroy()
+class RegisterDialog(gtk.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self,model):
+ gtk.Dialog.__init__(self,"Register",None,gtk.DIALOG_MODAL)
+ self.model = model
+ ok_button = gtk.Button("Register")
+ ok_button.connect("clicked",self.ok_clicked,None)
+ ok_button.show()
+ self.action_area.pack_start(ok_button)
+ self.add_button("Cancel",gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT)
+ self.set_resizable(False)
+ self.create_content()
+ def ok_clicked(self,widget,data=None):
+ if not self.data_validation():
+ return
+ success = self.model.register(self.entries[2].get_text(),self.entries[3].get_text(),self.entries[0].get_text())
+ if success :
+ self.response(gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
+ else:
+ self.show_error_dialog("An error occured while registering the user")
+ def data_validation(self):
+ username = self.entries[2].get_text()
+ password = self.entries[3].get_text()
+ confirmation = self.entries[4].get_text()
+ email = self.entries[0].get_text()
+ if username.trim() == "":
+ self.show_error_dialog('You must choose a username')
+ return False
+ if password.trim() == '':
+ self.show_error_dialog('You must provide a password')
+ return False
+ if email.trim() == '':
+ self.show_error_dialog('You must provide a valid email address')
+ return False
+ if password != confirmation:
+ self.show_error_dialog('The password and confirmation must be the same')
+ return False
+ return True
+ def show_error_dialog(self,error_message):
+ errorDialog = ErrorDialog("An error occured while registering a user")
+ errorDialog.run()
+ errorDialog.destroy()
+ def create_content(self):
+ entry_length = 40
+ table = gtk.Table(10,4,False)
+ self.entries = []
+ labels = ["Email address","Name","Username","Password","Confirmation","Location","Web Site"]
+ required=[True,True,True,True,True,False,False]
+ hidden=[False,False,False,True,True,False,False]
+ for x in range(6):
+ lbl = gtk.Label(labels[x]+":")
+ entry = gtk.Entry()
+ self.entries.append(entry)
+ entry.set_width_chars(entry_length)
+ table.attach(lbl,0,1,x,x+1,xpadding=10)
+ table.attach(entry,1,2,x,x+1,ypadding=10)
+ if hidden[x]:
+ entry.set_visibility(False)
+ if required[x]:
+ required_lbl = gtk.Label("*")
+ table.attach(required_lbl,2,3,x,x+1)
+ required_lbl.show()
+ lbl.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
+ lbl.show()
+ entry.show()
+ if_required = gtk.Label(" * Required Field")
+ table.attach(if_required,3,4,0,1)
+ under_13 = gtk.CheckButton("I am 13 years old or younger",False)
+ legal = gtk.CheckButton("I have read the",False)
+ legal_notices=gtk.LinkButton('',"legal notices")
+ and_lbl = gtk.Label("and")
+ privacy = gtk.LinkButton('',"privacy statement")
+ hbox = gtk.HBox(False,0)
+ hbox.pack_start(legal)
+ hbox.pack_start(legal_notices)
+ hbox.pack_start(and_lbl)
+ hbox.pack_start(privacy)
+ table.attach(under_13,1,2,7,8)
+ table.attach(hbox,1,2,8,9)
+ under_13.show()
+ legal.show()
+ legal_notices.show()
+ and_lbl.show()
+ privacy.show()
+ hbox.show()
+ if_required.show()
+ table.show()
+ self.vbox.pack_start(table)
+class InfoDialog(gtk.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self,tutorial,controller,categories):
+ gtk.Dialog.__init__(self,"Tutorial Info",None,gtk.DIALOG_MODAL)
+ self.tutorial = tutorial
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.categories = categories
+ ok_button = gtk.Button("Save")
+ ok_button.connect("clicked",self.ok_clicked,None)
+ ok_button.show()
+ self.action_area.pack_start(ok_button)
+ self.add_button("Cancel",gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT)
+ self.set_resizable(False)
+ self.prepare_content()
+ def prepare_content(self):
+ table = gtk.Table(4,2,False)
+ labels = ["Tutorial Name","Version","Description","Category"]
+ entry_length = [40,40,40]
+ self.entries = []
+ self.name_entry = gtk.Entry()
+ self.name_entry.set_width_chars(40)
+ self.name_entry.set_text(self.tutorial.name)
+ table.attach(self.name_entry,1,2,0,1,ypadding=10)
+ self.version_entry = gtk.Entry()
+ self.version_entry.set_width_chars(40)
+ self.version_entry.set_text(str(self.tutorial.version))
+ table.attach(self.version_entry,1,2,1,2,ypadding=10)
+ self.desc_entry = gtk.Entry()
+ self.desc_entry.set_width_chars(40)
+ self.desc_entry.set_text(self.tutorial.description)
+ table.attach(self.desc_entry,1,2,2,3,ypadding=10)
+ self.category_entry = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
+ logging.info(len(self.categories))
+ logging.info(self.categories)
+ for cat in range(0,len(self.categories)):
+ self.category_entry.append_text(self.categories[cat])
+ logging.info(self.tutorial.category)
+ logging.info(self.categories[cat])
+ if self.tutorial.category != '' and self.tutorial.category == str(self.categories[cat]):
+ self.category_entry.set_active(cat)
+ table.attach(self.category_entry,1,2,3,4,ypadding=10)
+ for x in range(0,4):
+ label = gtk.Label(labels[x])
+ table.attach(label,0,1,x,x+1,xpadding=10)
+ label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
+ table.show_all()
+ self.vbox.pack_start(table)
+ def ok_clicked(self,widget,data):
+ self.tutorial.version = int(self.version_entry.get_text())
+ self.tutorial.name = self.name_entry.get_text()
+ self.tutorial.description = self.desc_entry.get_text()
+ self.tutorial.category = self.category_entry.get_active_text()
+ self.controller.save_tutorial_info(self.tutorial)
+ self.response(gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
+class StoreInformationDialog(gtk.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self,tutorial):
+ self.text = '<span size="large"> %(text)s: </span>'
+ self.value = '<span size="large"> %(text)s </span>'
+ gtk.Dialog.__init__(self,"Tutorial Information",None,gtk.DIALOG_MODAL,(gtk.STOCK_OK,gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT))
+ self.table = gtk.Table(6,2,False)
+ self.tut_name = gtk.Label("")
+ self.tut_name.set_markup(self.text % {"text":"Name"})
+ self.tut_name_value = gtk.Label()
+ self.tut_name_value.set_markup(self.value % {"text":tutorial.name})
+ self.author = gtk.Label()
+ self.author.set_markup(self.text % {"text":"Author"})
+ self.author_value = gtk.Label()
+ self.author_value.set_markup(self.value % {"text":tutorial.author})
+ self.desc = gtk.Label()
+ self.desc.set_markup(self.text % {"text":"Description"})
+ self.desc_value = gtk.Label()
+ self.desc_value.set_markup(self.value % {"text":tutorial.description})
+ self.version = gtk.Label()
+ self.version_value = gtk.Label()
+ self.version.set_markup(self.text % {"text":"Version"})
+ self.version_value.set_markup(self.value % {"text":str(tutorial.version)})
+ self.rating = gtk.Label()
+ self.rating_value = gtk.Label()
+ self.rating.set_markup(self.text % {"text":"Rating"})
+ self.rating_value.set_markup(self.value % {"text":str(tutorial.rating)})
+ self.category = gtk.Label()
+ self.category_value = gtk.Label()
+ self.category.set_markup(self.text % {"text":"Category"})
+ self.category_value.set_markup(self.value % {"text":tutorial.category})
+ self.table.attach(self.tut_name,0,1,0,1,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.tut_name_value,1,2,0,1,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.author,0,1,1,2,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.author_value,1,2,1,2,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.desc,0,1,2,3,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.desc_value,1,2,2,3,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.version,0,1,3,4,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.version_value,1,2,3,4,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.rating,0,1,4,5,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.rating_value,1,2,4,5,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.category,0,1,5,6,ypadding=5)
+ self.table.attach(self.category_value,1,2,5,6,ypadding=5)
+ self.vbox.pack_start(self.table)
+ self.table.show_all()
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/full_star.png b/Workshop.activity/full_star.png
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/grayed_star.png b/Workshop.activity/grayed_star.png
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Workshop.activity/half_star.png b/Workshop.activity/half_star.png
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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diff --git a/Workshop.activity/setup.py b/Workshop.activity/setup.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f95b630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Workshop.activity/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+from sugar.activity import bundlebuilder