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path: root/tutorials/Writus.activity/toolbar.py
diff options
authorSimon Poirier <simpoir@gmail.com>2009-07-12 21:34:20 (GMT)
committer Simon Poirier <simpoir@gmail.com>2009-07-12 22:06:54 (GMT)
commita188dac0527803edb46eabce04100f1c741a96f3 (patch)
tree02dbf117301b5ef8e8fae7da59bce8c56496cf45 /tutorials/Writus.activity/toolbar.py
parent625f9bb52eda3215d82d1b76ec6a806459f321ce (diff)
parent539c3f2c7d5316ea64a00dd89fc94b97f2a69fdc (diff)
repackage of tutorius using distutils
Diffstat (limited to 'tutorials/Writus.activity/toolbar.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 780 deletions
diff --git a/tutorials/Writus.activity/toolbar.py b/tutorials/Writus.activity/toolbar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ad56e16..0000000
--- a/tutorials/Writus.activity/toolbar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006, Martin Sevior
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Marc Maurer <uwog@uwog.net>
-# Copyright (C) 2007, One Laptop Per Child
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-from gettext import gettext as _
-import logging
-import os
-import time
-import abiword
-import gtk
-from sugar.graphics.icon import Icon
-from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
-from sugar.graphics.toggletoolbutton import ToggleToolButton
-from sugar.graphics.combobox import ComboBox
-from sugar.graphics.toolcombobox import ToolComboBox
-from sugar.graphics.objectchooser import ObjectChooser
-from sugar.graphics import iconentry
-from sugar.activity.activity import ActivityToolbar
-from sugar.activity.activity import EditToolbar
-from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem
-from sugar.datastore import datastore
-import sugar.profile
-import dbus
-logger = logging.getLogger('write-activity')
-class WriteActivityToolbarExtension:
- # file mime type, abiword exporter properties, drop down name, journal entry postfix
- _EXPORT_FORMATS = [['application/rtf', _('Rich Text (RTF)'), _('RTF'), ""],
- ['text/html', _('Hypertext (HTML)'), _('HTML'), "html4:yes; declare-xml:no; embed-css:yes; embed-images:yes;"],
- ['text/plain', _('Plain Text (TXT)'), _('TXT'), ""]]
- def __init__(self, activity, toolbox, abiword_canvas):
- self._activity = activity
- self._abiword_canvas = abiword_canvas
- self._activity_toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
- self._keep_palette = self._activity_toolbar.keep.get_palette()
- # hook up the export formats to the Keep button
- for i, f in enumerate(self._EXPORT_FORMATS):
- menu_item = MenuItem(f[1])
- menu_item.connect('activate', self._export_as_cb, f[0], f[2], f[3])
- self._keep_palette.menu.append(menu_item)
- menu_item.show()
- def _export_as_cb(self, menu_item, mimetype, jpostfix, exp_props):
- logger.debug('exporting file, mimetype: %s, exp_props: %s', mimetype, exp_props);
- # special case HTML export to set the activity name as the HTML title
- if mimetype == "text/html":
- exp_props += " title:" + self._activity.metadata['title'] + ';';
- # create a new journal item
- fileObject = datastore.create()
- act_meta = self._activity.metadata
- fileObject.metadata['title'] = act_meta['title'] + ' (' + jpostfix + ')';
- fileObject.metadata['title_set_by_user'] = act_meta['title_set_by_user']
- fileObject.metadata['mime_type'] = mimetype
- fileObject.metadata['fulltext'] = \
- self._abiword_canvas.get_content(extension_or_mimetype=".txt")[:3000]
- fileObject.metadata['icon-color'] = act_meta['icon-color']
- fileObject.metadata['activity'] = act_meta['activity']
- fileObject.metadata['keep'] = act_meta['keep']
-# TODO: Activity class should provide support for preview, see #5119
-# self._activity.take_screenshot()
-# if self._activity._preview:
-# preview = self._activity._get_preview()
-# fileObject.metadata['preview'] = dbus.ByteArray(preview)
- fileObject.metadata['share-scope'] = act_meta['share-scope']
- # write out the document contents in the requested format
- fileObject.file_path = os.path.join(self._activity.get_activity_root(), 'instance', '%i' % time.time())
- self._abiword_canvas.save('file://' + fileObject.file_path, mimetype, exp_props)
- # store the journal item
- datastore.write(fileObject, transfer_ownership=True)
- fileObject.destroy()
- del fileObject
-class WriteEditToolbar(EditToolbar):
- def __init__(self, toolbox, abiword_canvas, text_toolbar):
- EditToolbar.__init__(self)
- self._toolbox = toolbox
- self._abiword_canvas = abiword_canvas
- self._text_toolbar = text_toolbar
- # connect existing buttons
- self.undo.set_sensitive(False)
- self.redo.set_sensitive(False)
- self.undo.connect('clicked', self._undo_cb)
- self.redo.connect('clicked', self._redo_cb)
- self.copy.connect('clicked', self._copy_cb)
- self.paste.connect('clicked', self._paste_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect("can-undo", self._can_undo_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect("can-redo", self._can_redo_cb)
- # make expanded non-drawn visible separator to make the search stuff right-align
- separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
- separator.props.draw = False
- separator.set_expand(True)
- self.insert(separator, -1)
- separator.show()
- # setup the search options
- self._search_entry = iconentry.IconEntry()
- self._search_entry.set_icon_from_name(iconentry.ICON_ENTRY_PRIMARY,
- 'system-search')
- self._search_entry.connect('activate', self._search_entry_activated_cb)
- self._search_entry.connect('changed', self._search_entry_changed_cb)
- self._search_entry.add_clear_button();
- self._add_widget(self._search_entry, expand=True)
- self._findprev = ToolButton('go-previous')
- self._findprev.set_tooltip(_('Find previous'))
- self.insert(self._findprev, -1)
- self._findprev.show()
- self._findprev.connect('clicked', self._findprev_cb);
- self._findnext = ToolButton('go-next')
- self._findnext.set_tooltip(_('Find next'))
- self.insert(self._findnext, -1)
- self._findnext.show()
- self._findnext.connect('clicked', self._findnext_cb);
- # set the initial state of the search controls
- # note: we won't simple call self._search_entry_changed_cb
- # here, as that will call into the abiword_canvas, which
- # is not mapped on screen here, causing the set_find_string
- # call to fail
- self._findprev.set_sensitive(False)
- self._findnext.set_sensitive(False)
- def _undo_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.undo()
- def _redo_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.redo()
- def _copy_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.copy()
- def _paste_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.paste()
- def _can_undo_cb(self, canvas, can_undo):
- self.undo.set_sensitive(can_undo)
- def _can_redo_cb(self, canvas, can_redo):
- self.redo.set_sensitive(can_redo)
- def _search_entry_activated_cb(self, entry):
- logger.debug('_search_entry_activated_cb')
- if not self._search_entry.props.text:
- return
- # find the next entry
- id = self._text_toolbar.get_text_selected_handler();
- self._abiword_canvas.handler_block(id)
- self._abiword_canvas.find_next(False)
- self._abiword_canvas.handler_unblock(id)
- def _search_entry_changed_cb(self, entry):
- logger.debug('_search_entry_changed_cb search for \'%s\'', self._search_entry.props.text)
- if not self._search_entry.props.text:
- self._search_entry.activate()
- # set the button contexts
- self._findprev.set_sensitive(False)
- self._findnext.set_sensitive(False)
- return
- self._abiword_canvas.set_find_string(self._search_entry.props.text)
- # set the button contexts
- self._findprev.set_sensitive(True)
- self._findnext.set_sensitive(True)
- # immediately start seaching
- id = self._text_toolbar.get_text_selected_handler();
- self._abiword_canvas.handler_block(id)
- self._abiword_canvas.find_next(True)
- self._abiword_canvas.handler_unblock(id)
- def _findprev_cb(self, button):
- logger.debug('_findprev_cb')
- if self._search_entry.props.text:
- id = self._text_toolbar.get_text_selected_handler();
- self._abiword_canvas.handler_block(id)
- self._abiword_canvas.find_prev()
- self._abiword_canvas.handler_unblock(id)
- else:
- logger.debug('nothing to search for!')
- def _findnext_cb(self, button):
- logger.debug('_findnext_cb')
- if self._search_entry.props.text:
- id = self._text_toolbar.get_text_selected_handler();
- self._abiword_canvas.handler_block(id)
- self._abiword_canvas.find_next(False)
- self._abiword_canvas.handler_unblock(id)
- else:
- logger.debug('nothing to search for!')
- # bad foddex! this function was copied from sugar's activity.py
- def _add_widget(self, widget, expand=False):
- tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item.set_expand(expand)
- tool_item.add(widget)
- widget.show()
- self.insert(tool_item, -1)
- tool_item.show()
-class TextToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
- def __init__(self, toolbox, abiword_canvas):
- self._colorseldlg = None
- gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
- self._toolbox = toolbox
- self._abiword_canvas = abiword_canvas
- self._bold = ToggleToolButton('format-text-bold')
- self._bold.set_tooltip(_('Bold'))
- self._bold_id = self._bold.connect('clicked', self._bold_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('bold', self._isBold_cb)
- self.insert(self._bold, -1)
- self._bold.show()
- self._italic = ToggleToolButton('format-text-italic')
- self._italic.set_tooltip(_('Italic'))
- self._italic_id = self._italic.connect('clicked', self._italic_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('italic', self._isItalic_cb)
- self.insert(self._italic, -1)
- self._italic.show()
- self._underline = ToggleToolButton('format-text-underline')
- self._underline.set_tooltip(_('Underline'))
- self._underline_id = self._underline.connect('clicked', self._underline_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('underline', self._isUnderline_cb)
- self.insert(self._underline, -1)
- self._underline.show()
- self._text_color = gtk.ColorButton()
- self._text_color_id = self._text_color.connect('color-set', self._text_color_cb)
- tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item.add(self._text_color)
- self.insert(tool_item, -1)
- tool_item.show_all()
- separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
- separator.set_draw(True)
- separator.show()
- self.insert(separator, -1)
- self._font_size_icon = Icon(icon_name="format-text-size", icon_size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR)
- tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item.add(self._font_size_icon)
- self.insert(tool_item, -1)
- tool_item.show_all()
- self._font_size_combo = ComboBox()
- self._font_sizes = ['8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '14', '16', '20', '22', '24', '26', '28', '36', '48', '72']
- self._font_size_changed_id = self._font_size_combo.connect('changed', self._font_size_changed_cb)
- for i, s in enumerate(self._font_sizes):
- self._font_size_combo.append_item(i, s, None)
- if s == '12':
- self._font_size_combo.set_active(i)
- tool_item = ToolComboBox(self._font_size_combo)
- self.insert(tool_item, -1);
- tool_item.show()
- self._has_custom_fonts = False
- self._font_combo = ComboBox()
- self._fonts = sorted(self._abiword_canvas.get_font_names())
- self._fonts_changed_id = self._font_combo.connect('changed', self._font_changed_cb)
- for i, f in enumerate(self._fonts):
- self._font_combo.append_item(i, f, None)
- if f == 'Times New Roman':
- self._font_combo.set_active(i)
- tool_item = ToolComboBox(self._font_combo)
- self.insert(tool_item, -1);
- tool_item.show()
- separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
- separator.set_draw(True)
- self.insert(separator, -1)
- separator.show()
- self._alignment = ComboBox()
- self._alignment.append_item(self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, None,
- 'format-justify-left')
- self._alignment.append_item(self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, None,
- 'format-justify-center')
- self._alignment.append_item(self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT, None,
- 'format-justify-right')
- self._alignment.append_item(self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFY, None,
- 'format-justify-fill')
- self._alignment_changed_id = \
- self._alignment.connect('changed', self._alignment_changed_cb)
- tool_item = ToolComboBox(self._alignment)
- self.insert(tool_item, -1);
- tool_item.show()
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('color', self._color_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('font-size', self._font_size_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('font-family', self._font_family_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('left-align', self._isLeftAlign_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('center-align', self._isCenterAlign_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('right-align', self._isRightAlign_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('justify-align', self._isJustifyAlign_cb)
- self._text_selected_handler = self._abiword_canvas.connect('text-selected', self._text_selected_cb)
- def get_text_selected_handler(self):
- return self._text_selected_handler
- def _add_widget(self, widget, expand=False):
- tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item.set_expand(expand)
- tool_item.add(widget)
- widget.show()
- self.insert(tool_item, -1)
- tool_item.show()
- def setToggleButtonState(self,button,b,id):
- button.handler_block(id)
- button.set_active(b)
- button.handler_unblock(id)
- def _bold_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.toggle_bold()
- def _isBold_cb(self, abi, b):
- self.setToggleButtonState(self._bold,b,self._bold_id)
- def _italic_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.toggle_italic()
- def _isItalic_cb(self, abi, b):
- self.setToggleButtonState(self._italic, b, self._italic_id)
- def _underline_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.toggle_underline()
- def _isUnderline_cb(self, abi, b):
- self.setToggleButtonState(self._underline, b, self._underline_id)
- def _color_cb(self, abi, r, g, b):
- self._text_color.set_color(gtk.gdk.Color(r * 256, g * 256, b * 256))
- def _text_color_cb(self, button):
- newcolor = self._text_color.get_color()
- self._abiword_canvas.set_text_color(newcolor.red // 256.0, newcolor.green // 256.0, newcolor.blue // 256.0)
- def _font_size_cb(self, abi, size):
- for i, s in enumerate(self._font_sizes):
- if int(s) == int(size):
- self._font_size_combo.handler_block(self._font_size_changed_id)
- self._font_size_combo.set_active(i)
- self._font_size_combo.handler_unblock(self._font_size_changed_id)
- break;
- def _font_size_changed_cb(self, combobox):
- if self._font_size_combo.get_active() != -1:
- logger.debug('Setting font size: %d', int(self._font_sizes[self._font_size_combo.get_active()]))
- self._abiword_canvas.set_font_size(self._font_sizes[self._font_size_combo.get_active()])
- def _font_family_cb(self, abi, font_family):
- font_index = -1
- # search for the font name in our font list
- for i, f in enumerate(self._fonts):
- if f == font_family:
- font_index = i
- break;
- # if we don't know this font yet, then add it (temporary) to the list
- if font_index == -1:
- logger.debug('Font not found in font list: %s', font_family)
- if not self._has_custom_fonts:
- # add a separator to seperate the non-available fonts from
- # the available ones
- self._fonts.append('') # ugly
- self._font_combo.append_separator()
- self._has_custom_fonts = True
- # add the new font
- self._fonts.append(font_family)
- self._font_combo.append_item(0, font_family, None)
- # see how many fonts we have now, so we can select the last one
- model = self._font_combo.get_model()
- num_children = model.iter_n_children(None)
- logger.debug('Number of fonts in the list: %d', num_children)
- font_index = num_children-1
- # activate the found font
- if (font_index > -1):
- self._font_combo.handler_block(self._fonts_changed_id)
- self._font_combo.set_active(font_index)
- self._font_combo.handler_unblock(self._fonts_changed_id)
- def _font_changed_cb(self, combobox):
- if self._font_combo.get_active() != -1:
- logger.debug('Setting font name: %s', self._fonts[self._font_combo.get_active()])
- self._abiword_canvas.set_font_name(self._fonts[self._font_combo.get_active()])
- def _alignment_changed_cb(self, combobox):
- if self._alignment.get_active() == self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_LEFT:
- self._abiword_canvas.align_left()
- elif self._alignment.get_active() == self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_CENTER:
- self._abiword_canvas.align_center()
- elif self._alignment.get_active() == self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT:
- self._abiword_canvas.align_right()
- elif self._alignment.get_active() == self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFY:
- self._abiword_canvas.align_justify()
- else:
- raise ValueError, 'Unknown option in alignment combobox.'
- def _update_alignment_icon(self, index):
- self._alignment.handler_block(self._alignment_changed_id)
- try:
- self._alignment.set_active(index)
- finally:
- self._alignment.handler_unblock(self._alignment_changed_id)
- def _isLeftAlign_cb(self, abi, b):
- if b:
- self._update_alignment_icon(self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_LEFT)
- def _isCenterAlign_cb(self, abi, b):
- if b:
- self._update_alignment_icon(self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_CENTER)
- def _isRightAlign_cb(self, abi, b):
- if b:
- self._update_alignment_icon(self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT)
- def _isJustifyAlign_cb(self, abi, b):
- if b:
- self._update_alignment_icon(self._ACTION_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFY)
- def _text_selected_cb(self, abi, b):
- if b:
- self._toolbox.set_current_toolbar(TOOLBAR_TEXT)
- self._abiword_canvas.grab_focus() # hack: bad toolbox, bad!
-class ImageToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
- def __init__(self, toolbox, abiword_canvas, parent):
- gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
- self._toolbox = toolbox
- self._abiword_canvas = abiword_canvas
- self._parent = parent
- self._image = ToolButton('insert-image')
- self._image.set_tooltip(_('Insert Image'))
- self._image_id = self._image.connect('clicked', self._image_cb)
- self.insert(self._image, -1)
- self._image.show()
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('image-selected', self._image_selected_cb)
- def _image_cb(self, button):
- chooser = ObjectChooser(_('Choose image'), self._parent,
- try:
- result = chooser.run()
- if result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
- logging.debug('ObjectChooser: %r' % chooser.get_selected_object())
- jobject = chooser.get_selected_object()
- if jobject and jobject.file_path:
- self._abiword_canvas.insert_image(jobject.file_path, True)
- finally:
- chooser.destroy()
- del chooser
- def _image_selected_cb(self, abi, b):
- if b:
- self._toolbox.set_current_toolbar(TOOLBAR_IMAGE)
- self._abiword_canvas.grab_focus() # hack: bad toolbox, bad!
-class TableToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
- def __init__(self, toolbox, abiword_canvas):
- gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
- self._toolbox = toolbox
- self._abiword_canvas = abiword_canvas
- self._table = abiword.TableCreator()
- self._table.set_labels(_('Table'), _('Cancel'))
- self._table_id = self._table.connect('selected', self._table_cb)
- self._table.show()
- tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item.add(self._table)
- self.insert(tool_item, -1)
- tool_item.show_all()
- self._table_rows_after = ToolButton('row-insert')
- self._table_rows_after.set_tooltip(_('Insert Row'))
- self._table_rows_after_id = self._table_rows_after.connect('clicked', self._table_rows_after_cb)
- self.insert(self._table_rows_after, -1)
- self._table_rows_after.show()
- self._table_delete_rows = ToolButton('row-remove')
- self._table_delete_rows.set_tooltip(_('Delete Row'))
- self._table_delete_rows_id = self._table_delete_rows.connect('clicked', self._table_delete_rows_cb)
- self.insert(self._table_delete_rows, -1)
- self._table_delete_rows.show()
- self._table_cols_after = ToolButton('column-insert')
- self._table_cols_after.set_tooltip(_('Insert Column'))
- self._table_cols_after_id = self._table_cols_after.connect('clicked', self._table_cols_after_cb)
- self.insert(self._table_cols_after, -1)
- self._table_cols_after.show()
- self._table_delete_cols = ToolButton('column-remove')
- self._table_delete_cols.set_tooltip(_('Delete Column'))
- self._table_delete_cols_id = self._table_delete_cols.connect('clicked', self._table_delete_cols_cb)
- self.insert(self._table_delete_cols, -1)
- self._table_delete_cols.show()
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('table-state', self._isTable_cb)
- def _table_cb(self, abi, rows, cols):
- self._abiword_canvas.insert_table(rows,cols)
- def _table_rows_after_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.invoke_cmd('insertRowsAfter', '', 0, 0)
- def _table_delete_rows_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.invoke_cmd('deleteRows', '', 0, 0)
- def _table_cols_after_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.invoke_cmd('insertColsAfter', '', 0, 0)
- def _table_delete_cols_cb(self, button):
- self._abiword_canvas.invoke_cmd('deleteColumns', '', 0, 0)
- def _isTable_cb(self, abi, b):
- self._table_rows_after.set_sensitive(b)
- self._table_delete_rows.set_sensitive(b)
- self._table_cols_after.set_sensitive(b)
- self._table_delete_cols.set_sensitive(b)
- if b:
- self._toolbox.set_current_toolbar(TOOLBAR_TABLE)
- self._abiword_canvas.grab_focus() # hack: bad toolbox, bad!
-class FormatToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
- def __init__(self, toolbox, abiword_canvas):
- gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
- self._toolbox = toolbox
- self._abiword_canvas = abiword_canvas
- style_label = gtk.Label(_("Style: "))
- style_label.show()
- tool_item_style_label = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item_style_label.add(style_label)
- self.insert(tool_item_style_label, -1)
- tool_item_style_label.show()
- self._has_custom_styles = False
- self._style_combo = ComboBox()
- self._styles = [['Heading 1',_('Heading 1')],
- ['Heading 2',_('Heading 2')],
- ['Heading 3',_('Heading 3')],
- ['Heading 4',_('Heading 4')],
- ['Bullet List',_('Bullet List')],
- ['Dashed List',_('Dashed List')],
- ['Numbered List',_('Numbered List')],
- ['Lower Case List',_('Lower Case List')],
- ['Upper Case List',_('Upper Case List')],
- ['Block Text',_('Block Text')],
- ['Normal',_('Normal')],
- ['Plain Text',_('Plain Text')]]
- self._style_changed_id = self._style_combo.connect('changed', self._style_changed_cb)
- for i, s in enumerate(self._styles):
- self._style_combo.append_item(i, s[1], None)
- if s[0] == 'Normal':
- self._style_combo.set_active(i)
- tool_item = ToolComboBox(self._style_combo)
- self.insert(tool_item, -1);
- tool_item.show()
- self._abiword_canvas.connect('style-name', self._style_cb)
- def _style_cb(self, abi, style_name):
- style_index = -1
- for i, s in enumerate(self._styles):
- if s[0] == style_name:
- style_index = i
- break;
- # if we don't know this style yet, then add it (temporary) to the list
- if style_index == -1:
- logger.debug('Style not found in style list: %s', style_name)
- if not self._has_custom_styles:
- # add a separator to seperate the non-available styles from
- # the available ones
- self._styles.append(['','']) # ugly
- self._style_combo.append_separator()
- self._has_custom_styles = True
- # add the new style
- self._styles.append([style_name, style_name])
- self._style_combo.append_item(0, style_name, None)
- # see how many styles we have now, so we can select the last one
- model = self._style_combo.get_model()
- num_children = model.iter_n_children(None)
- logger.debug('Number of styles in the list: %d', num_children)
- style_index = num_children-1
- if style_index > -1:
- self._style_combo.handler_block(self._style_changed_id)
- self._style_combo.set_active(style_index)
- self._style_combo.handler_unblock(self._style_changed_id)
- def _style_changed_cb(self, combobox):
- if self._style_combo.get_active() != -1:
- logger.debug('Setting style name: %s', self._styles[self._style_combo.get_active()][0])
- self._abiword_canvas.set_style(self._styles[self._style_combo.get_active()][0])
-class ViewToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
- def __init__(self, abiword_canvas):
- gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
- self._abiword_canvas = abiword_canvas
- self._zoom_percentage = 0;
- self._zoom_out = ToolButton('zoom-out')
- self._zoom_out.set_tooltip(_('Zoom Out'))
- self._zoom_out_id = self._zoom_out.connect('clicked', self._zoom_out_cb)
- self.insert(self._zoom_out, -1)
- self._zoom_out.show()
- self._zoom_in = ToolButton('zoom-in')
- self._zoom_in.set_tooltip(_('Zoom In'))
- self._zoom_in_id = self._zoom_in.connect('clicked', self._zoom_in_cb)
- self.insert(self._zoom_in, -1)
- self._zoom_in.show()
- # TODO: fix the initial value
- self._zoom_spin_adj = gtk.Adjustment(0, 25, 400, 25, 50, 0)
- self._zoom_spin = gtk.SpinButton(self._zoom_spin_adj, 0, 0)
- self._zoom_spin_id = self._zoom_spin.connect('value-changed', self._zoom_spin_cb)
- self._zoom_spin.set_numeric(True)
- self._zoom_spin.show()
- tool_item_zoom = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item_zoom.add(self._zoom_spin)
- self.insert(tool_item_zoom, -1)
- tool_item_zoom.show()
- zoom_perc_label = gtk.Label(_("%"))
- zoom_perc_label.show()
- tool_item_zoom_perc_label = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item_zoom_perc_label.add(zoom_perc_label)
- self.insert(tool_item_zoom_perc_label, -1)
- tool_item_zoom_perc_label.show()
- separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
- separator.set_draw(True)
- separator.show()
- self.insert(separator, -1)
- page_label = gtk.Label(_("Page: "))
- page_label.show()
- tool_item_page_label = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item_page_label.add(page_label)
- self.insert(tool_item_page_label, -1)
- tool_item_page_label.show()
- self._page_spin_adj = gtk.Adjustment(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0)
- self._page_spin = gtk.SpinButton(self._page_spin_adj, 0, 0)
- self._page_spin_id = self._page_spin.connect('value-changed', self._page_spin_cb)
- self._page_spin.set_numeric(True)
- self._page_spin.show()
- tool_item_page = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item_page.add(self._page_spin)
- self.insert(tool_item_page, -1)
- tool_item_page.show()
- self._total_page_label = gtk.Label(" / 0")
- self._total_page_label.show()
- tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item.add(self._total_page_label)
- self.insert(tool_item, -1)
- tool_item.show()
- self._abiword_canvas.connect("page-count", self._page_count_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect("current-page", self._current_page_cb)
- self._abiword_canvas.connect("zoom", self._zoom_cb)
- def set_zoom_percentage(self, zoom):
- self._zoom_percentage = zoom
- self._abiword_canvas.set_zoom_percentage(self._zoom_percentage)
- def _zoom_cb(self, canvas, zoom):
- self._zoom_spin.handler_block(self._zoom_spin_id)
- try:
- self._zoom_spin.set_value(zoom)
- finally:
- self._zoom_spin.handler_unblock(self._zoom_spin_id)
- def _zoom_out_cb(self, button):
- if self._zoom_percentage == 0:
- self._zoom_percentage = self._abiword_canvas.get_zoom_percentage()
- if self._zoom_percentage >= 50:
- self.set_zoom_percentage(self._zoom_percentage - 25)
- def _zoom_in_cb(self, button):
- if self._zoom_percentage == 0:
- self._zoom_percentage = self._abiword_canvas.get_zoom_percentage()
- if self._zoom_percentage <= 375:
- self.set_zoom_percentage(self._zoom_percentage + 25)
- def _zoom_spin_cb(self, button):
- self._zoom_percentage = self._zoom_spin.get_value_as_int()
- self._abiword_canvas.set_zoom_percentage(self._zoom_percentage)
- def _page_spin_cb(self, button):
- self._page_num = self._page_spin.get_value_as_int()
- self._abiword_canvas.set_current_page(self._page_num)
- def _page_count_cb(self, canvas, count):
- current_page = canvas.get_current_page_num()
- self._page_spin_adj.set_all(current_page, 1, count, 1, 1, 0)
- self._total_page_label.props.label = \
- ' / ' + str(count)
- def _current_page_cb(self, canvas, num):
- self._page_spin.handler_block(self._page_spin_id)
- try:
- self._page_spin.set_value(num)
- finally:
- self._page_spin.handler_unblock(self._page_spin_id)