# Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org # Copyright (C) 2009, Jean-Christophe Savard # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ This module contains all the data handling class of Tutorius """ import logging import os import uuid import xml.dom.minidom #import xml.dom.ext from sugar.tutorius import gtkutils, overlayer from sugar.tutorius.core import Tutorial, State, FiniteStateMachine from sugar.tutorius.actions import * import sugar.tutorius.filters from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser def _get_store_root(): return os.path.join(os.getenv("SUGAR_PREFIX"),"share","tutorius","data") def _get_bundle_root(): return os.path.join(os.getenv("SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH"),"data","tutorius","data") INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION = "RELATED_ACTIVITIES" INI_METADATA_SECTION = "GENERAL_METADATA" INI_GUID_PROPERTY = "GUID" INI_NAME_PROPERTY = "NAME" INI_XML_FSM_PROPERTY = "FSM_FILENAME" class TutorialStore: def list_avaible_tutorials(self, activity_name, activity_vers): """ Recuperate the list of all tutorials present on disk for a given activity. """ store_root = _get_store_root() bundle_root = _get_bundle_root() logging.debug("*********** Path of store_root : " + store_root) # Create /data/tutorius if no exists if not os.path.exists(store_root): os.mkdir(store_root) logging.debug("************* Creating %s folder" % store_root) tutoGuidName = {} # iterate in each GUID subfolder for dir in os.listdir(store_root): # iterate for each ".ini" file in the activity store_root folder for file_name in os.listdir(store_root + "/" + dir): if file_name.endswith(".ini"): logging.debug("************** .ini file found : " + file_name) # Filter for just .ini files who metadata ACTIVITY_NAME # match 'activity_name' given in argument. config = SafeConfigParser() config.read(file_name) # Get all activity tuples (Activity_Name: Activity_Version) file_activity_tuples = config.items(INI_ACTIVITY_SECTION) for i in range(0, len(file_activity_tuples) - 1): if file_activity_tuples[i][0] == activity_name and \ int(file_activity_tuples[i][1]) == activity_vers: # Add this tutorial guid and name in the dictionary file_activity_guid = config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_GUID_PROPERTY) file_activity_name = config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_NAME_PROPERTY) tutoGuidName[file_activity_name] = file_activity_guid return tutoGuidName class Serializer: """ Interface that provide serializing and deserializing of the FSM used in the tutorials to/from disk. Must be inherited. """ def save_fsm(self,fsm, guid = None): """ Save fsm to disk. If a GUID parameter is provided, the existing GUID is located in the .ini files in the store root and bundle root and the corresponding FSM is/are overwritten. If the GUId is not found, an exception occur. If no GUID is provided, FSM is written in a new file in the store root. """ NotImplementedError def load_fsm(self, guid): """ Load fsm from disk. """ NotImplementedError class XMLSerializer(Serializer): """ Class that provide serializing and deserializing of the FSM used in the tutorials to/from a .xml file. Inherit from Serializer """ def _create_state_dict_node(self, state_dict, doc): """ Create and return a xml Node from a State dictionnary. """ statesList = doc.createElement("States") for state_name, state in state_dict.items(): stateNode = doc.createElement("State") statesList.appendChild(stateNode) stateNode.setAttribute("Name", state_name) actionsList = stateNode.appendChild(self._create_action_list_node(state.get_action_list(), doc)) eventfiltersList = stateNode.appendChild(self._create_event_filters_node(state.get_event_filter_list(), doc)) return statesList def _create_action_list_node(self, action_list, doc): """ Create and return a xml Node from a Action list. """ actionsList = doc.createElement("Actions") for action in action_list: actionNode = doc.createElement("Action") actionsList.appendChild(actionNode) if type(action) is DialogMessage: actionNode.setAttribute("Class", type(action)) actionNode.setAttribute("Message", action.message) actionNode.setAttribute("Position", action.position) elif type(action) is BubbleMessage: actionNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(action))) actionNode.setAttribute("Message", action.message) actionNode.setAttribute("Position", str(action.position)) actionNode.setAttribute("Tail_pos", str(action.tail_pos)) # TODO : elif for each type of action elif type(action) is WidgetIdentifyAction: actionNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(action))) # TODO elif type(action) is ChainAction: # TODO actionNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(action))) elif type(action) is DisableWidgetAction: # TODO actionNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(action))) elif type(action) is TypeTextAction: # TODO actionNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(action))) elif type(action) is ClickAction: # TODO actionNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(action))) return actionsList def _create_event_filters_node(self, event_filters, doc): """ Create and return a xml Node from a event filters. """ eventFiltersList = doc.createElement("EventFiltersList") for event_f in event_filters: eventFilterNode = eventFiltersList.appendChild("EventFilter") # TODO : elif for each type of event filters if type(event_f) is TimerEvent: # TODO eventFilterNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(event_f))) elif type(event_f) is GtkWidgetEventFilter: # TODO eventFilterNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(event_f))) elif type(event_f) is GtkWidgetTypeFilter: # TODO eventFilterNode.setAttribute("Class", str(type(event_f))) return eventFiltersList def save_fsm(self, fsm, xml_filename, path): """ Save fsm to disk, in the xml file specified by "xml_filename", in the "path" folder. If the specified file doesn't exist, it will be created. """ doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() fsm_element = doc.createElement("FSM") doc.appendChild(fsm_element) fsm_element.setAttribute("Name", fsm.name) fsm_element.setAttribute("StartStateName", fsm.start_state_name) statesDict = fsm_element.appendChild(self._create_state_dict_node(fsm._states, doc)) actionsList = fsm_element.appendChild(self._create_action_list_node(fsm.actions, doc)) file_object = open(os.path.join(path, xml_filename), "w") # Commented for DEBUG purposes #xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(doc, file_object) file_object.write(doc.toprettyxml()) file_object.close() def _find_tutorial_dir_with_guid(self, guid): """ Finds the tutorial with the associated GUID. If it is found, return the path to the tutorial's directory. If it doesn't exist, raise an IOError. A note : if there are two tutorials with this GUID in the folders, they will both be inspected and the one with the highest version number will be returned. If they have the same version number, the one from the global store will be returned. @param guid The GUID of the tutorial that is to be loaded. """ # Attempt to find the tutorial's directory in the global directory global_dir = os.path.join(_get_store_root(), guid) # Then in the activty's bundle path activity_dir = os.path.join(_get_bundle_root(), guid) # If they both exist if os.path.isdir(global_dir) and os.path.isdir(activity_dir): # Inspect both metadata files global_meta = os.path.join(global_dir, "meta.ini") activity_meta = os.path.join(activity_dir, "meta.ini") # Open both config files global_parser = SafeConfigParser() global_parser.read(global_meta) activity_parser = SafeConfigParser() activity_parser.read(activity_meta) # Get the version number for each tutorial global_version = global_parser.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, "version") activity_version = activity_parser.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, "version") # If the global version is higher or equal, we'll take it if global_version >= activity_version: return global_dir else: return activity_dir # Do we just have the global directory? if os.path.isdir(global_dir): return global_dir # Or just the activity's bundle directory? if os.path.isdir(activity_dir): return activity_dir # Error : none of these directories contain the tutorial raise IOError(2, "Neither the global nor the bundle directory contained the tutorial with GUID %s"%guid) def _load_xml_properties(self, properties_elem): """ Changes a list of properties into fully instanciated properties. @param properties_elem An XML element reprensenting a list of properties """ return [] def _load_xml_event_filters(self, filters_elem): """ Loads up a list of Event Filters. @param filters_elem An XML Element representing a list of event filters """ return [] def _load_xml_actions(self, actions_elem): """ Transforms an Actions element into a list of instanciated Action. @param actions_elem An XML Element representing a list of Actions """ return [] def _load_xml_states(self, states_elem): """ Takes in a States element and fleshes out a complete list of State objects. @param states_elem An XML Element that represents a list of States """ return [] def _load_xml_fsm(self, fsm_elem): """ Takes in an XML element representing an FSM and returns the fully crafted FSM. @param fsm_elem The XML element that describes a FSM """ # Load the FSM's name and start state's name fsm_name = fsm_elem.getAttribute("Name") fsm_start_state_name = None try: fsm_start_state_name = fsm_elem.getAttribute("StartStateName") except: pass fsm = FiniteStateMachine(fsm_name, start_state_name=fsm_start_state_name) # Load the states states = self._load_xml_states(fsm_elem.getElementsByTagName("States")) for state in states: fsm.add_state(state) # Load the actions on this FSM actions = self._load_xml_actions(fsm_elem.getElementsByTagName("Actions")) for action in actions: fsm.add_action(action) # Load the event filters events = self._load_xml_event_filters(fsm_elem.getElementsByTagName("EventFiltersList")) for event in events: fsm.add_event_filter(event) return fsm def load_fsm(self, guid): """ Load fsm from xml file whose .ini file guid match argument guid. """ # Fetch the directory (if any) tutorial_dir = self._find_tutorial_dir_with_guid(guid) # Open the XML file tutorial_file = os.path.join(tutorial_dir, "fsm.xml") xml_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(tutorial_file) fsm_elem = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName("FSM")[0] return self._load_xml_fsm(fsm_elem) class TutorialBundler: """ This class provide the various data handling methods useable by the tutorial editor. """ def __init__(self,generated_guid = None): """ TODO. Tutorial_bundler constructor. If a GUID is given in the parameter, the Tutorial_bundler object will be associated with it. If no GUID is given, a new GUID will be generated, """ self.Guid = generated_guid or uuid.uuid1() #Look for the file in the path if a uid is supplied if generated_guid: #General store store_path = os.path.join(_get_store_root(), generated_guid, INI_FILENAME) if os.path.isfile(store_path): self.Path = os.path.dirname(store_path) else: #Bundle store bundle_path = os.path.join(_get_bundle_root(), generated_guid, INI_FILENAME) if os.path.isfile(bundle_path): self.Path = os.path.dirname(bundle_path) else: raise IOError(2,"Unable to locate metadata file for guid '%s'" % generated_guid) else: #Create the folder, any failure will go through to the caller for now store_path = os.path.join(_get_store_root(), generated_guid) os.mkdir(store_path) self.Path = store_path def __SetGuid(self, value): self.__guid = value def __GetGuid(self): return self.__guid def __DelGuid(self): del self.__guid def __SetPath(self, value): self.__path = value def __GetPath(self): return self.__path def __DelPath(self): del self.__path Guid = property(fget=__SetGuid, fset=__GetGuid, fdel=__DelGuid, doc="The guid associated with the Tutoria_Bundler") Path = property(fget=__SetPath, fset=__GetPath, fdel=__DelPath, doc="The path associated with the Tutoria_Bundler") def write_metadata_file(self, data): """ Write metadata to a property file. If a GUID is provided, TutorialBundler will try to find and overwrite the existing property file who contain the given GUID, and will raise an exception if it cannot find it. """ NotImplementedError def get_tutorial_path(self): """ Return the path of the .ini file associated with the guiven guid set in the Guid property of the Tutorial_Bundler. If the guid is present in more than one path, the store_root is given priority. """ store_root = _get_store_root() bundle_root = _get_bundle_root() config = SafeConfigParser() path = None logging.debug("************ Path of store_root folder of activity : " \ + store_root) # iterate in each GUID subfolder for dir in os.listdir(store_root): # iterate for each .ini file in the store_root folder for file_name in os.listdir(store_root + "/" + dir): if file_name.endswith(".ini"): logging.debug("******************* Found .ini file : " \ + file_name) config.read(file_name) if config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_GUID_PROPERTY) == self.Guid: xml_filename = config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_XML_FSM_PROPERTY) path = os.path.join(store_root, self.Guid) return path logging.debug("************ Path of bundle_root folder of activity : " \ + bundle_root) # iterate in each GUID subfolder for dir in os.listdir(bundle_root): # iterate for each .ini file in the bundle_root folder for file_name in os.listdir(bundle_root + "/" + dir): if file_name.endswith(".ini"): logging.debug("******************* Found .ini file : " \ + file_name) config.read(file_name) if config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_GUID_PROPERTY) == guid: path = os.path.join(bundle_root, self.Guid) return path if path is None: logging.debug("**************** Error : GUID not found") raise KeyError def write_fsm(self, fsm, guid=None): """ Save fsm to disk. If a GUID parameter is provided, the existing GUID is located in the .ini files in the store root and bundle root and the corresponding FSM is/are created or overwritten. If the GUID is not found, an exception occur. """ config = SafeConfigParser() if guid is not None: serializer = XMLSerializer() path = get_tutorial_path() + "/meta.ini" config.read(path) xml_filename = config.get(INI_METADATA_SECTION, INI_XML_FSM_PROPERTY) serializer.save_fsm(fsm, xml_filename, store_root) def add_resources(self, typename, file): """ Add ressources to metadata. """ raise NotImplementedError("add_resources not implemented")