"""Implements bridge connection between Sugar/GTK and PyGame""" import os import sys import logging log = logging.getLogger( 'olpcgames.canvas' ) #log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG ) import threading from pprint import pprint import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gobject import pygame from olpcgames import gtkEvent, util __all__ = ['PyGameCanvas'] class PyGameCanvas(gtk.Layout): """Canvas providing bridge methods to run PyGame in GTK The PyGameCanvas creates a secondary thread in which the Pygame instance will live, providing synthetic PyGame events to that thread via a Queue. The GUI connection is done by having the PyGame canvas use a GTK Port object as it's window pointer, it draws to that X-level window in order to produce output. """ def __init__(self, width, height): """Initializes the Canvas Object width,height -- passed to the inner EventBox in order to request a given size, the Socket is the only child of this EventBox, and the PyGame commands will be writing to the Window ID of the socket. The internal EventBox is centered via an Alignment instance within the PyGameCanvas instance. XXX Should refactor so that the internal setup can be controlled by the sub-class, e.g. to get size from the host window, or something similar. """ # Build the main widget super(PyGameCanvas,self).__init__() self.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) # Build the sub-widgets self._align = gtk.Alignment(0.5, 0.5) self._inner_evb = gtk.EventBox() self._socket = gtk.Socket() # Add internal widgets self._inner_evb.set_size_request(width, height) self._inner_evb.add(self._socket) self._socket.show() self._align.add(self._inner_evb) self._inner_evb.show() self._align.show() self.put(self._align, 0, 0) # Construct a gtkEvent.Translator self._translator = gtkEvent.Translator(self, self._inner_evb) # self.show() def connect_game(self, app): """Imports the given main-loop and starts processing in secondary thread app -- fully-qualified Python path-name for the game's main-loop, with name within module as :functionname, if no : character is present then :main will be assumed. Side effects: Sets the SDL_WINDOWID variable to our socket's window ID Calls PyGame init Causes the gtkEvent.Translator to "hook" PyGame Creates and starts secondary thread for Game/PyGame event processing. """ # Setup the embedding os.environ['SDL_WINDOWID'] = str(self._socket.get_id()) #print 'Socket ID=%s'%os.environ['SDL_WINDOWID'] pygame.init() self._translator.hook_pygame() # Load the modules # NOTE: This is delayed because pygame.init() must come after the embedding is up if ':' not in app: app += ':main' mod_name, fn_name = app.split(':') mod = __import__(mod_name, globals(), locals(), []) fn = getattr(mod, fn_name) # Start Pygame self.__thread = threading.Thread(target=self._start, args=[fn]) self.__thread.start() def _start(self, fn): """The method that actually runs in the background thread""" import olpcgames olpcgames.widget = olpcgames.WIDGET = self try: import sugar.activity.activity import os except ImportError, err: log.info( """Running outside Sugar""" ) else: try: os.chdir(sugar.activity.activity.get_bundle_path()) except KeyError, err: pass try: try: log.info( '''Running mainloop: %s''', fn ) fn() except Exception, err: log.error( """Uncaught top-level exception: %s""", util.get_traceback( err ), ) raise finally: gtk.main_quit()