Package fortuneengine :: Package pyconsole :: Module pyconsole :: Class Console
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[frames] | no frames]

Class Console

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Known Subclasses:

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, screen, rect, functions={}, key_calls={}, vars={}, syntax={}) source code
Loads the config file path/pygame-console.cfg All variables are initialized to their defaults, then new values will be loaded from the config file if it exists.
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init_default_cfg(self) source code
safe_set_attr(self, name, value)
Safely set the console variables
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add_func_calls(self, functions)
Add functions to the func_calls dictionary.
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add_key_calls(self, functions)
Add functions to the key_calls dictionary.
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output(self, text)
Prepare text to be displayed...
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set_active(self, b=None)
Activate or Deactivate the console...
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Format input line to be displayed
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Draw the console to the parent screen
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set_interpreter(self) source code
catch_output(self) source code
release_output(self) source code
submit_input(self, text)
Submit input 1) Move input to output 2) Evaluate input 3) Clear input line
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send_python(self, text)
Sends input the the python interpreter in effect giving the user the ability to do anything python can.
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send_pyconsole(self, text)
Sends input to pyconsole to be interpreted
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setvar(self, name, value)
Sets the value of a variable
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getvar(self, name)
Gets the value of a variable, this is useful for people that want to access console variables from within their game
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setvars(self, vars) source code
getvars(self, opt_dict=None) source code
add_to_history(self, text)
Add specified text to the history
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Clear input line and reset cursor position
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set_pos(self, newpos)
Moves cursor safely
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str_insert(self, text, strn)
Insert characters at the current cursor position
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process_input(self, event)
Loop through pygame events and evaluate them
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convert_token(self, tok)
Convert a token to its proper type
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tokenize(self, s)
Tokenize input line, convert tokens to proper types
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Clear the Screen
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help(self, *args)
Output information about functions...
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Method Details [hide private]

add_func_calls(self, functions)

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Add functions to the func_calls dictionary.
   functions -- dictionary of functions to add.

add_key_calls(self, functions)

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Add functions to the key_calls dictionary.
   functions -- dictionary of key_calls to add.

output(self, text)

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Prepare text to be displayed
   text -- Text to be displayed

set_active(self, b=None)

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Activate or Deactivate the console
   b -- Optional boolean argument, True=Activate False=Deactivate

help(self, *args)

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Output information about functions
   args -- arbitrary argument list of function names
     |- No Args - A list of available functions will be displayed
     |- One or more Args - Docstring of each function will be displayed