# FortuneEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FortuneEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with the FortuneEngine. If not, see . # # Author: Justin Lewis import inspect class GameInspect(object): """ GameInspect is a class that can inspect and modify object trees. The top most object must be a dictionary """ def __init__(self, object_root): """ Init function of the GameInspect class. @param object_root: The root dictionary of the tree """ self.root = object_root def drilldown_object(self, objectname): """ Takes the objectname string and tries to find the object that it is representing and returns that object. Example: battle.enemy_list[1].sprite._images[1] @param objectname: The string that represents the object's path. @return: Returns the object requested @raise Exception: Throws an Exception with the string being the path error. """ last = "empt" obj = "empt" last_token = "" # Objects are separated by the period (".") symbol object_tokens = objectname.split(".") # Check if the first part of the name is registered with the # game engine as that is our starting point try: obj = self.root[object_tokens[0]] last = obj last_token = object_tokens[0] except KeyError: raise Exception("%s is not registered with the game engine" % object_tokens[0]) # Handles dot notation for sub modules by looping through the tokens for token in object_tokens[1:]: # Splits the dictionary/list token ("[") dict_token = token.split('[') try: last = obj obj = getattr(obj, dict_token[0]) last_token = dict_token[0] except: raise Exception("Error finding member element: %s" % token) # Handles dictionaries for d_token in dict_token[1:]: if d_token[-1] == "]": d_token = d_token[:-1] # Try list notation first then try dictionary notation try: key = int(d_token) except: key = d_token try: last = obj obj = obj[key] last_token = key except: raise Exception("Unable to find %s" % key) else: raise Exception("Invalid Syntax, expected ] at end of %s" % d_token) return obj, last, last_token def set_eval(self, objectname, statement): """ Sets the object referenced by objectname to a value returned by passing the string stored in the val parameter to an eval statement. @param objectname: A string representation of the location of the object being inspected in relation to the game engine registered object. @param val: A string to be evaluated and set to the object. """ try: obj, last, last_token = self.drilldown_object(objectname) except Exception, detail: return str(detail) try: setattr(last, last_token, eval(str(statement))) except Exception, detail: return str(detail) def set_str(self, objectname, val): """ Sets the object referenced by objectname to a string passed into the val parameter. @param objectname: A string representation of the location of the object being inspected in relation to the game engine registered object. @param val: A string to be set as the value of the object. """ try: obj, last, last_token = self.drilldown_object(objectname) except Exception, detail: return str(detail) setattr(last, last_token, val) def set_int(self, objectname, val): """ Sets the object referenced by objectname to an integer passed into the val parameter. It may be a string that holds the int as it will be type casted. @param objectname: A string representation of the location of the object being inspected in relation to the game engine registered object. @param val: An int/string containing an int to be set as the value of the object. """ try: obj, last, last_token = self.drilldown_object(objectname) except Exception, detail: return str(detail) try: setattr(last, last_token, int(val)) except: return str(detail) def inspect_object(self, objectname): """ Displays information about the object path it is passed @param objectname: A string representation of the location of the object being inspected in relation to the game engine registered object. """ try: obj, last, last_token = self.drilldown_object(objectname) except Exception, detail: return str(detail) classname = obj.__class__.__name__ # If it has the __dict__ attribute, it is an object we can inspect if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"): attribute_list = "Attributes:" attributes = obj.__dict__ for attribute_key in attributes.keys(): attribute_list = "%s\n\t%s:%s" % (attribute_list, attribute_key, str(attributes[attribute_key])) # Inspect the object for all its methods method_list = inspect.getmembers(obj, inspect.ismethod) if method_list != []: # Loop through the methods in the object and print them # to the console attribute_list = "%s\n\nMethods:" % attribute_list for method in method_list: attribute_list = "%s\n\t%s" % (attribute_list, method[0]) # Inspect the arguments to the current method args, vargs, kwargs, local = inspect.getargspec(method[1]) # Display function arguments attribute_list = "%s\n\t\tArgs: %s" % \ (attribute_list, ",".join(args)) # Display * and ** arguments if they were found if vargs: attribute_list = "%s\n\t\tVArgs: %s" % \ (attribute_list, ",".join(vargs)) # Display KW Arguments if they were found if kwargs: attribute_list = "%s\n\t\tKWArgs: %s" % \ (attribute_list, ",".join(kwargs)) # If dictionary, show keys elif hasattr(obj, "keys"): attribute_list = "Dictionary Items:" for d_obj in obj.keys(): attribute_list = "%s\n\t%s:%s" % (attribute_list, d_obj, str(obj[d_obj])) # If list, iterate over the list and show its values elif type(obj).__name__ == 'list': i = 0 attribute_list = "List Items:" for item in obj: attribute_list = "%s\n\t%d:%s" % (attribute_list, i, str(item)) i = i + 1 # We don't know what it is, so just display string representation # of the object in question else: attribute_list = str(obj) return "Class: %s\n%s" % (classname, attribute_list)