From 5b7f4281a347e9dc9b6a0dd82f06a28fd5d7d51b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Erik Garrison Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 21:26:57 +0000 Subject: Updates Made the map bigger (full screen basically). Should work on any UA, not resizing automatically with the window. Minor tweaks. More colors. Colors are only used once on the map (we choose from ~150). --- diff --git a/examples/Know-USA/css/lesson.css b/examples/Know-USA/css/lesson.css index 09fac34..1e53053 100644 --- a/examples/Know-USA/css/lesson.css +++ b/examples/Know-USA/css/lesson.css @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ #map{ - width: 60%; + width: 50%; height: 100%; display: inline; float: left; } #questionArea{ - width: 40%; + width: 50%; height: 100%; display: inline; - float: left; + float: right; } diff --git a/examples/Know-USA/index.html b/examples/Know-USA/index.html index f4d44c6..aa73e5b 100755 --- a/examples/Know-USA/index.html +++ b/examples/Know-USA/index.html @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ -
- +
diff --git a/examples/Know-USA/js/lesson.js b/examples/Know-USA/js/lesson.js index d289e53..029b5aa 100755 --- a/examples/Know-USA/js/lesson.js +++ b/examples/Know-USA/js/lesson.js @@ -2,17 +2,172 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ //Program constants var SVG_MAP = document.getElementById('mysvg'); - var MAX_SCREEN_X = 1200, MAX_SCREEN_Y = 900; + // disable scrolling + = 'hidden'; //Game Control var isActive = true; var question = []; var answeredCorrect = false; + + var colors = [ + "aliceblue", + "antiquewhite", + "aqua", + "aquamarine", + "azure", + "beige", + "bisque", + "black", + "blanchedalmond", + "blue", + "blueviolet", + "brown", + "burlywood", + "cadetblue", + "chartreuse", + "chocolate", + "coral", + "cornflowerblue", + "cornsilk", + "crimson", + "cyan", + "darkblue", + "darkcyan", + "darkgoldenrod", + "darkgray", + "darkgreen", + "darkgrey", + "darkkhaki", + "darkmagenta", + "darkolivegreen", + "darkorange", + "darkorchid", + "darkred", + "darksalmon", + "darkseagreen", + "darkslateblue", + "darkslategray", + "darkslategrey", + "darkturquoise", + "darkviolet", + "deeppink", + "deepskyblue", + "dimgray", + "dimgrey", + "dodgerblue", + "firebrick", + "floralwhite", + "forestgreen", + "fuchsia", + "gainsboro", + "ghostwhite", + "gold", + "goldenrod", + "gray", + "grey", + "green", + "greenyellow", + "honeydew", + "hotpink", + "indianred", + "indigo", + "ivory", + "khaki", + "lavender", + "lavenderblush", + "lawngreen", + "lemonchiffon", + "lightblue", + "lightcoral", + "lightcyan", + "lightgoldenrodyellow", + "lightgray", + "lightgreen", + "lightgrey", + "lightpink", + "lightsalmon", + "lightseagreen", + "lightskyblue", + "lightslategray", + "lightslategrey", + "lightsteelblue", + "lightyellow", + "lime", + "limegreen", + "linen", + "magenta", + "maroon", + "mediumaquamarine", + "mediumblue", + "mediumorchid", + "mediumpurple", + "mediumseagreen", + "mediumslateblue", + "mediumspringgreen", + "mediumturquoise", + "mediumvioletred", + "midnightblue", + "mintcream", + "mistyrose", + "moccasin", + "navajowhite", + "navy", + "oldlace", + "olive", + "olivedrab", + "orange", + "orangered", + "orchid", + "palegoldenrod", + "palegreen", + "paleturquoise", + "palevioletred", + "papayawhip", + "peachpuff", + "peru", + "pink", + "plum", + "powderblue", + "purple", + "red", + "rosybrown", + "royalblue", + "saddlebrown", + "salmon", + "sandybrown", + "seagreen", + "seashell", + "sienna", + "silver", + "skyblue", + "slateblue", + "slategray", + "slategrey", + "snow", + "springgreen", + "steelblue", + "tan", + "teal", + "thistle", + "tomato", + "turquoise", + "violet", + "wheat", + "white", + "whitesmoke", + "yellow", + "yellowgreen", + ]; + +/* + * this is just a simpler color list than the one above var colors = [ "pink", "red", "orange", "brown", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "violet", ]; + */ var randomColor = function() { return colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)]; @@ -31,30 +186,11 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ var names = $.map(STATES, function(i) { return $(i).attr('id'); }); var questions = names; - //utility functions - var scaleView = function (svgElem, width, height) { - var newRatio = 1; - var xRatio = width/MAX_SCREEN_X; - var yRatio = height/MAX_SCREEN_Y; - - //get the smallest ratio - newRatio = xRatio > yRatio ? yRatio : xRatio; - - if (newRatio < 1) { - svgElem.currentScale = newRatio - 0.05; - return newRatio; - } else { - //do nothing - return newRatio; - } - }; - var hideAnswers = function (svgRoot) { - $('.text', svgRoot).attr('display', 'none'); + $('.text', svgRoot).attr('display', 'none'); }; - scaleView(svgMapDoc.documentElement, window.innerWidth, - window.innerHeight); + svgMapDoc.documentElement.currentScale = 0.9; hideAnswers(svgMapDoc); @@ -90,7 +226,9 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ $this = $(this); if(isActive){ if ( question.toLowerCase() === $this.attr('id').toLowerCase()){ - $this.animate({svgFill: randomColor()}, 100); + var color = randomColor(); + colors.splice(colors.indexOf(color), 1); // remove the color + $this.animate({svgFill: color}, 1000); $('#answer').text("Correct! You found " + question + "."); $('.text.' + question.dept, svgMapDoc).attr('display', ''); var timerID = setTimeout(function() { -- cgit v0.9.1