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Class jQuery.fn.karma-KGraphic

Extends KObject.
General methods for any Graphic object
Defined in: jquery.karma-0.5.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Graphics basic Object
Class Detail
<inner> jQuery.fn.karma-KGraphic(options)
Graphics basic Object
{Object} options Optional
{Number} options.x Optional, Default: 0
The 'x' position of the object
{Number} options.y Optional, Default: 0
The 'y' position of the object
{Number} options.z Optional, Default: 0
The 'z' index of the object
{Number} options.width Optional, Default: 0
The 'width' of the object
{Number} options.height Optional, Default: 0
The 'height' of the object
{Boolean} options.visible Optional, Default: true
Defines if the object will be visible when drawing

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.0 on Thu Sep 03 2009 07:49:05 GMT+0545 (NPT)