# Copyright (C) 2009, Tomeu Vizoso # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import logging import simplejson import gobject import gtk import time from gettext import gettext as _ from sugar.graphics.xocolor import XoColor from sugar.graphics import style from sugar import util from jarabe.journal import model from jarabe.journal import misc DS_DBUS_SERVICE = 'org.laptop.sugar.DataStore' DS_DBUS_INTERFACE = 'org.laptop.sugar.DataStore' DS_DBUS_PATH = '/org/laptop/sugar/DataStore' class ListModel(gtk.GenericTreeModel, gtk.TreeDragSource): __gtype_name__ = 'JournalListModel' __gsignals__ = { 'ready': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([])), 'progress': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([])), } COLUMN_UID = 0 COLUMN_FAVORITE = 1 COLUMN_ICON = 2 COLUMN_ICON_COLOR = 3 COLUMN_TITLE = 4 COLUMN_TIMESTAMP = 5 COLUMN_CREATION_TIME = 6 COLUMN_FILESIZE = 7 COLUMN_PROGRESS = 8 COLUMN_BUDDY_1 = 9 COLUMN_BUDDY_2 = 10 COLUMN_BUDDY_3 = 11 _COLUMN_TYPES = {COLUMN_UID: str, COLUMN_FAVORITE: bool, COLUMN_ICON: str, COLUMN_ICON_COLOR: object, COLUMN_TITLE: str, COLUMN_TIMESTAMP: str, COLUMN_CREATION_TIME: str, COLUMN_FILESIZE: str, COLUMN_PROGRESS: int, COLUMN_BUDDY_1: object, COLUMN_BUDDY_3: object, COLUMN_BUDDY_2: object} _PAGE_SIZE = 10 def __init__(self, query): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self._last_requested_index = None self._cached_row = None self._result_set = model.find(query, ListModel._PAGE_SIZE) self._temp_drag_file_path = None # HACK: The view will tell us that it is resizing so the model can # avoid hitting D-Bus and disk. self.view_is_resizing = False self._result_set.ready.connect(self.__result_set_ready_cb) self._result_set.progress.connect(self.__result_set_progress_cb) def __result_set_ready_cb(self, **kwargs): self.emit('ready') def __result_set_progress_cb(self, **kwargs): self.emit('progress') def setup(self): self._result_set.setup() def stop(self): self._result_set.stop() def get_metadata(self, path): return model.get(self[path][ListModel.COLUMN_UID]) def on_get_n_columns(self): return len(ListModel._COLUMN_TYPES) def on_get_column_type(self, index): return ListModel._COLUMN_TYPES[index] def on_iter_n_children(self, iterator): if iterator == None: return self._result_set.length else: return 0 def on_get_value(self, index, column): if self.view_is_resizing: return None if index == self._last_requested_index: return self._cached_row[column] if index >= self._result_set.length: return None self._result_set.seek(index) metadata = self._result_set.read() self._last_requested_index = index self._cached_row = [] self._cached_row.append(metadata['uid']) self._cached_row.append(metadata.get('keep', '0') == '1') self._cached_row.append(misc.get_icon_name(metadata)) if misc.is_activity_bundle(metadata): xo_color = XoColor('%s,%s' % (style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_svg(), style.COLOR_TRANSPARENT.get_svg())) else: xo_color = misc.get_icon_color(metadata) self._cached_row.append(xo_color) title = gobject.markup_escape_text(metadata.get('title', None)) self._cached_row.append('%s' % title) timestamp = int(metadata.get('timestamp', 0)) self._cached_row.append(util.timestamp_to_elapsed_string(timestamp)) try: creation_time = float(metadata.get('creation_time')) except (TypeError, ValueError): self._cached_row.append(_('Unknown')) else: self._cached_row.append( util.timestamp_to_elapsed_string(float(creation_time))) try: size = int(metadata.get('filesize')) except (TypeError, ValueError): self._cached_row.append(_('Unknown')) else: self._cached_row.append(util.format_size(size)) self._cached_row.append(int(metadata.get('progress', 100))) if metadata.get('buddies', ''): buddies = simplejson.loads(metadata['buddies']).values() else: buddies = [] for n_ in xrange(0, 3): if buddies: nick, color = buddies.pop(0) self._cached_row.append((nick, XoColor(color))) else: self._cached_row.append(None) return self._cached_row[column] def on_iter_nth_child(self, iterator, n): return n def on_get_path(self, iterator): return (iterator) def on_get_iter(self, path): return path[0] def on_iter_next(self, iterator): if iterator != None: if iterator >= self._result_set.length - 1: return None return iterator + 1 return None def on_get_flags(self): return gtk.TREE_MODEL_ITERS_PERSIST | gtk.TREE_MODEL_LIST_ONLY def on_iter_children(self, iterator): return None def on_iter_has_child(self, iterator): return False def on_iter_parent(self, iterator): return None def do_drag_data_get(self, path, selection): uid = self[path][ListModel.COLUMN_UID] if selection.target == 'text/uri-list': # Get hold of a reference so the temp file doesn't get deleted self._temp_drag_file_path = model.get_file(uid) logging.debug('putting %r in selection', self._temp_drag_file_path) selection.set(selection.target, 8, self._temp_drag_file_path) return True elif selection.target == 'journal-object-id': selection.set(selection.target, 8, uid) return True return False