# # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from gettext import gettext as _ import gtk from sugar.graphics.icon import get_icon_state from sugar.graphics.icon import CanvasIcon from sugar.graphics import style from sugar.graphics.palette import Palette from model.devices.network import wireless from model.devices import device from hardware import hardwaremanager from hardware import nmclient _ICON_NAME = 'network-wireless' class DeviceView(CanvasIcon): def __init__(self, model): CanvasIcon.__init__(self, size=style.MEDIUM_ICON_SIZE) self._model = model meshdev = None network_manager = hardwaremanager.get_network_manager() for device in network_manager.get_devices(): if device.get_type() == nmclient.DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_MESH_OLPC: meshdev = device break self._palette = WirelessPalette(self._get_palette_primary_text(), meshdev) self.set_palette(self._palette) self._counter = 0 self._palette.set_frequency(self._model.props.frequency) model.connect('notify::name', self._name_changed_cb) model.connect('notify::strength', self._strength_changed_cb) model.connect('notify::state', self._state_changed_cb) self._update_icon() self._update_state() def _get_palette_primary_text(self): if self._model.props.state == device.STATE_INACTIVE: return _("Disconnected") return self._model.props.name def _strength_changed_cb(self, model, pspec): self._update_icon() # Only update frequency periodically if self._counter % 4 == 0: self._palette.set_frequency(self._model.props.frequency) self._counter += 1 def _name_changed_cb(self, model, pspec): self.palette.set_primary_text(self._get_palette_primary_text()) def _state_changed_cb(self, model, pspec): self._update_state() self.palette.set_primary_text(self._get_palette_primary_text()) def _update_icon(self): strength = self._model.props.strength if self._model.props.state == device.STATE_INACTIVE: strength = 0 icon_name = get_icon_state(_ICON_NAME, strength) if icon_name: self.props.icon_name = icon_name def _update_state(self): # FIXME Change icon colors once we have real icons state = self._model.props.state if state == device.STATE_ACTIVATING: self.props.fill_color = style.COLOR_INACTIVE_FILL.get_svg() self.props.stroke_color = style.COLOR_INACTIVE_STROKE.get_svg() elif state == device.STATE_ACTIVATED: (stroke, fill) = self._model.get_active_network_colors() self.props.stroke_color = stroke self.props.fill_color = fill elif state == device.STATE_INACTIVE: self.props.fill_color = style.COLOR_INACTIVE_FILL.get_svg() self.props.stroke_color = style.COLOR_INACTIVE_STROKE.get_svg() class WirelessPalette(Palette): def __init__(self, primary_text, meshdev): Palette.__init__(self, primary_text, menu_after_content=True) self._meshdev = meshdev self._chan_label = gtk.Label() self._chan_label.show() vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.pack_start(self._chan_label) vbox.show() if meshdev: disconnect_item = gtk.MenuItem(_('Disconnect...')) disconnect_item.connect('activate', self._disconnect_activate_cb) self.menu.append(disconnect_item) disconnect_item.show() self.set_content(vbox) def _disconnect_activate_cb(self, menuitem): # Disconnection for an AP means activating the default mesh device network_manager = hardwaremanager.get_network_manager() if network_manager and self._meshdev: network_manager.set_active_device(self._meshdev) def set_frequency(self, freq): try: chan = wireless.freq_to_channel(freq) except KeyError: chan = 0 self._chan_label.set_text("%s: %d" % (_("Channel"), chan))