#!/usr/bin/python -u import os import string import random from devbot import environ from devbot import config def run(args): environ.setup() os.execlp(args[0], *args) def run_sugar(): profile_env = os.environ.get("SUGAR_PROFILE", None) profile_pref = config.get_pref("PROFILE") if profile_env is not None: if profile_pref is None: config.set_pref("PROFILE", _get_random_id()) elif profile_pref == profile_env: print "Cannot run two instances with the same profile." return resolution = config.get_pref("RESOLUTION") if resolution: os.environ["SUGAR_RUNNER_RESOLUTION"] = resolution output = config.get_pref("OUTPUT") if output: os.environ["SUGAR_RUNNER_OUTPUT"] = output run(["sugar-runner"]) def _get_random_id(): return ''.join(random.choice(string.letters) for i in xrange(8))